Lab 5

TECH-1811 Electronic Circuit Technology
Laboratory Assignment #5 – Parallel Circuit with KCL & Current Divider Rule
To verify the total resistance of a parallel circuit.
To verify Ohm’s Law in a parallel circuit.
To verify Kirchhoff’s Current Law in a parallel Circuit.
To verify the Current Divider Rule (Formula).
To verify power dissipation in a parallel circuit.
Figure #1: Parallel Circuit
Pre-Lab Preparation:
Calculate the nominal total parallel resistance and record it.
Using Ohm’s Law, the result in Step #1, and VS = 5 VDC, calculate the total
nominal current flowing in the circuit and record it.
Using Ohm's Law and the parallel voltage characteristic, calculate the nominal
current in each branch and record it. Does IT = IB1 + IB2 + IB3? Comment
on this in your report.
Measure each resistor and record the actual value. Ensure that the resistors
are within tolerance.
Connect resistors in parallel, isolate them from power and then measure total
parallel resistance and record it. Compare the calculated and measured values.
Measure the actual value of the +5 VDC source and record it. Connect the source
to the parallel circuit and apply power. Measure the individual resistor voltages
(VR1, VR2, and VR3) and record the values.
From your readings of the measured voltages, do the values satisfy the voltage
characteristic for a parallel circuit?
Does VS = VR1 = VR2 = VR3?
TECH-1811 Electronic Circuit Technology
Laboratory Assignment #5 – Parallel Circuit with KCL & Current Divider Rule
Using Ohm’s Law, the measured branch voltage and the measured branch
resistance, calculate the individual branch currents in the circuit and record
them. Applying Kirchhoff’s Current Law, calculate total current and record it.
Break the circuit at the power supply, insert the ammeter and measure total
circuit current and record it. Compare calculated and measured values.
Using the Current Divider Rule, calculate the current flow through each of the
individual resistors in the circuit and record it. How do these values compare to
your calculations from Step #4?
Break the circuit in each branch, insert the ammeter and measure each branch
current. Compare the measured and calculated values.
Using the measured branch current from Step #7 and the measured resistor
voltages, calculate the power dissipated by each resistor and record it.
Calculate the total power in the circuit and compare it with the individual
resistive power dissipations.
When finished, turn off all equipment and return components to their proper
storage container.
TYPED Lab Report Required: Although not a formal report, the lab should include a title page,
all calculations (typed using equation editor) and all required data and tables. It should include a
schematic of the circuit (done in CADENCE) and pasted into the document. Also include the
answer to all questions. This should be turned in as ONE DOCX file to the file submission system
and a paper copy submitted at the start of next week’s lab.
Study collections