12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 8 1 SECTION 04435 CAST STONE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Work of this Section includes all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to: Provide cast stone copings, bandings, window sills, windows surrounds and all other cast stone features and accessories as indicated on Drawings, specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. 4 1 1.02 SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall implement practices and procedures to meet the Project’s sustainable requirements. The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements related to these goals, as defined in Specification Section S01352, Sustainability Requirements, and as specified in this Section, are implemented to the fullest extent. Substitutions or other changes to the work shall not be proposed by the Contractor or their sub-contractors if such changes compromise the stated Sustainable Design Performance Criteria. B. Sustainability requirements included in the Section are as follows: 1. Documentation of Regional materials. 1.03 REFERENCES A. References and industry standards listed in this Section are applicable to the Work. Unless more restrictive criteria or differing requirements are explicitly stated in the Specifications, or mandated by governing codes or regulations, the recommendations, suggestions, and requirements described in the referenced standards shall be deemed mandatory and applicable to the Work. B. American Concrete Institute (ACI). C. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI). D. Precast Concrete Institute (PCI). E. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 1 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. B. Product Data 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section. 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements. Shop Drawings 1. Shop Drawings showing complete information for fabrication and erection of the Work of this Section, including, but not limited to: a. Show fabrication and installation details for cast stone. Include dimensions and cross sections; details, locations, size, and type of reinforcement and anchorages, including special reinforcement and lifting devices necessary for handling and erection. Indicate finished faces. Include plans and building elevations showing layout of units and locations of joints and anchors. C. Erection procedures, sequence of erection, and required handling equipment. c. Layout, dimensions, and identification of each precast unit corresponding to the sequence and procedure of installation. d. Details of inserts, connections, and joints, including accessories. e. Location and details of anchorage devices that are to be embedded in other construction. Samples: Review of samples by the Authority will be for color, texture, and general condition only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. 1. NYCSCA b. Cast Stone: Submit 3 cast stone samples approximately 12" x 12" x 4", showing quality, texture, and color of the proposed finish. CAST STONE 04435 - 2 12/05/14 D. DESIGN NO. ________ 2. Samples for Initial Selection of Mortar Color: Submit the full range of colors available. Where mortar color is to match existing, provide proposed colors. 3. Samples for Verification of Mortar Color: For each mortar color required, submit the full range expected in the finished construction. Make samples using the same ingredients to be used on Project. Label samples to indicate type and amount of colorant used. 4. Submit 3 samples each of anchorages attachments and accessories. 5. Full Size Cast Stone Samples: Prior to start of installation, and after the review of finish Samples, submit one full size Sample of each shape of required cast stone unit, delivered to the job site. Acceptable full size samples may be incorporated in the construction. other Quality Control Submittals 1. Laboratory tests reports, by a qualified independent testing laboratory, as specified in Article titled “Source Quality Control”; or Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) or Cast Stone Institute (CSI) certification. a. 2. Source Quality Control testing will be waived if the casting plant is PCI or CSI certified. Submit documentation of PCI or CSI Plant Certification Program in order to obtain a written waiver from the Authority, and include copies of material test reports for completed projects indicating compliance of cast stone with ASTM C1364 performed within the past year. Certificates: a. NYCSCA and Statements that manufacturer, installer, adhesive anchor installer and test laboratory have the specified qualifications. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. CAST STONE 04435 - 3 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 3. E. b. Statements that cast stone and mortar materials meet the single source requirements indicated under “Quality Control”. c. Certification that air-entraining admixture is compatible with other admixtures used by the admixture manufacturer. Field quality control test samples, if required. Mock-up In accordance with Article titled Quality Assurance. 4 1 F. Sustainable Submittals 1. Submit Contractor’s Sustainable Materials Form with complete information on regional content for cast stone provided under the work of this section in accordance with Section G01352, Sustainability Requirements. Include cost of all cast stone materials and distance in miles to point of materials extraction and manufacture. 2. Submit documentation of regional materials – product data, mix design information, or manufacturer’s statement. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. NYCSCA Qualifications 1. Installer: A firm with at least 3 years experience in installing cast stone units of a type and quantity similar to those indicated for this Project. Use adequate numbers of skilled workman who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the Work of this Section. 2. Manufacturer: A supplier experienced in manufacturing cast stone units similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, as well as sufficient production capacity to manufacture required units. CAST STONE 04435 - 4 12/05/14 B. C. DESIGN NO. ________ 3. Testing Laboratory: An independent testing laboratory qualified according to ASTM E329 to conduct the testing specified, as documented according to ASTM E548. 4. Adhesive Anchor Installer: Installer for adhesive anchors installed in concrete in a horizontal or upwardly inclined position supporting sustained tension loads shall be certified per ACI Appendix D9.2.2 as per Section BC 1912 of the 2014 NYC Building Code. Regulatory Requirements 1. Building Code: Work of this Section shall conform to all requirements of the NYC Building Code and all applicable regulations of governmental authorities having jurisdiction, including safety, health, noise, and anti-pollution regulations. Where more severe requirements than those contained in the Building Code are given in this Section, the requirements of this Section shall govern. 2. NYC Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) approvals, NYC Materials and Equipment Acceptance (MEA) approvals or Office of Technical Certification and Research (OTCR). Certifications Masonry construction shall conform to the material acceptance, certification and inspection requirements of Section BC 1701 of the 2014 NYC Building Code. D. NYCSCA Source Quality Control 1. Source Limitations for Cast Stone: Obtain cast stone units through one source from a single manufacturer. 2. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of a uniform quality, including color, from one manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source or producer for each aggregate. CAST STONE 04435 - 5 12/05/14 E. DESIGN NO. ________ Mockups 1. Construct sample panels to conform to appearance and workmanship as indicated in the Drawings and Specifications. 2. Use approved sample panels for a standard of comparison for the Project. All Work shall conform in workmanship and appearance to that of the approved samples. 3. If not approved, remove panel and install new panel (or panels), repeating the process until panel is approved. 4. Do not proceed with Work until panels are approved in writing by the Project Architect/Engineer. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver the Work of this Section to the job site in such quantities and at such times as to assure the continuity of construction; carefully pack or crate to prevent damage. B. Store units at the job site in a manner to prevent cracking, distortion, warping, staining, and other physical damage, and in a manner to keep markings visible. C. Lift and support the units only at designated lifting points or supporting points as shown on the approved Shop Drawings. D. Any units replaced. E. Patching of units will not be acceptable. F. Pack, handle, and ship cast stone units in suitable packs or pallets. NYCSCA damaged before final acceptance shall be 1. Lift with wide-belt slings; do not use wire rope or ropes that might cause staining. Move cast stone units, if required, using dollies with wood supports. 2. Store cast stone units on wood skids or pallets with non-staining, waterproof covers. Arrange to distribute weight evenly and to prevent damage to CAST STONE 04435 - 6 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ units. Ventilate condensation. under covers to prevent G. Store installation materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. H. Store mortar aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. 1.07 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. Cold Weather Construction Requirements 1. Per Section BC 2104.3, cold weather construction provisions of TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 Article 1.8C shall be implemented when either the ambient temperature falls below 40°F or the temperature of masonry units is below 40°F. 2. Salt or other chemicals for lowering the freezing temperature of the mortar shall not be used. Hot Weather Construction Requirements Per the requirements of Section BC 2104.4, hot weather construction provisions of TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6 Article 1.8D shall be implemented when temperatures exceed 100°F, or 90°F with a wind velocity greater than 8 mph. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.01 MATERIALS A. NYCSCA Cast Stone 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, white, containing not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C114. 2. Coarse Aggregates: Granite, quartz, or limestone complying with ASTM C33; gradation as needed to produce required textures. Used for wet mix process. 3. Fine Aggregates: Manufactured or natural sands complying with ASTM C33, gradation as needed to produce required textures. CAST STONE 04435 - 7 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 4. Coloring Admixture for Cast Stone: ASTM C979, synthetic mineral-oxide pigments or colored waterreducing admixtures, temperature stable, nonfading, and alkali resistant. 5. Water: Shall be clean potable water injurious foreign matter conforming requirements of Section BC 1903.4. 6. Air-Entraining Admixture: the manufacturer to be admixtures used. a. NYCSCA Add to wet-cast process mixes for units exposed to the exterior at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in an air content of 5 to 7 percent. For dry-cast process mixes, it is required if needed to meet the freezethaw resistance criteria. Other Admixtures: ASTM C494. 8. Reinforcement: Deformed steel bars complying with ASTM A615/A615M. 9. B. ASTM C260, certified by compatible with other 7. a. 6 free of to the Epoxy Coating: ASTM A775/A775M. Inserts: Fabricated from stainless steel complying with ASTM A276 or ASTM A666, Type 304. Anchors: 1. Eye rods: Type 304 stainless steel complying with ASTM A276. 2. Pins/Dowels: Round stainless-steel bars complying with ASTM A276, Type 304, 1/2-inch diameter. 3. Strap Anchors for building with back-up wall or welding to existing steel: 1/8" thick minimum stainless steel, Type 304 conforming to ASTM A240. See Drawings for sizes and shapes. 4. Rod Anchors for attaching into masonry are to be Type 304 stainless steel adhesive type with screen: a. Hilti HY 70 b. ITW Red Head C6+ c. Powers Fasteners AC100+Gold CAST STONE 04435 - 8 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 5. 6. C. 2 Rod Anchors for attaching into concrete are to be Type 304 stainless steel adhesive type. Adhesive anchors in concrete shall have an ICC-ES Evaluation Service report (ESR) issued in accordance with ACI 355.4 or ICC-ES AC 308 for use in cracked concrete, including seismic applicability loading, and pursuant to the Office of Technical Certification and Research (OTCR) Building Bulletin 2014-018. Anchors installed in grouted masonry shall have a report issued in accordance with AC 58: a. Hilti HY 200 b. ITW Red Head C6+ c. Powers Fasteners AC100+Gold Electrode for Welding to Stainless Steel to carbon steel: E309-16. Keep electrode dry. Oven dry electrode after exposing it for more than 6 hours. Mortar 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction. Provide natural color, white, or a blend to produce mortar color indicated. 2. Hydrated Lime: 3. Mortar Aggregate: a. ASTM C144. White-Mortar Aggregates: or ground, white stone. Natural, white sand 4. Mortar Coloring: Provide pure mineral pigments, natural and synthetic iron oxides, and chromium oxides compounded for use in mortar mixes. Material shall conform to ASTM C979. Coloring shall not contain alkalyde salts. No liquid colorants shall be permitted. Use only pigments with record of satisfactory performance in masonry mortars. 5. Water: Shall be clean potable water injurious foreign matter conforming requirements of Section BC 1903.4. 3 NYCSCA ASTM C207, Type S. free of to the CAST STONE 04435 - 9 12/05/14 D. DESIGN NO. ________ Accessories 1. Job-Mixed Detergent Solution: Solution of 1/2 cup (125 mL) of dry-measure tetrasodium polyphosphate and 1/2 cup (125 mL) of dry-measure laundry detergent dissolved in 1 gal. (4 L) of water. 2. Sealant a. Sealant as specified in Section 07900 - Joint Sealers, as applicable for vertical joints and for horizontal joints. b. Bond breaker tape as specified in Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. 2.02 CAST STONE UNIT FABRICATION A. Provide cast stone units complying with ASTM C1364. 1. Compressive Strength: At 28 days after manufacture, not less than 6500 psi, when tested in accordance with Test Method ASTM C1194. 2. Absorption, Cold Water: At 28 days after manufacture, not greater than 6%, when tested in accordance with Method A, Cold Water of Test Method ASTM C1195. 3. Absorption, Hot Water: At 28 days after manufacture, not greater than 10%, when tested in accordance with Method B, Boiling Water Test of Test Method ASTM C1195. 4. Provide units that are resistant to freezing and thawing as determined by laboratory testing according to ASTM C666, Procedure A, as modified by ASTM C1364. B. Colors and Textures 1 1. ________________. 2. Color shall be uniform for each unit and consistent for all units. NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 10 12/05/14 C. DESIGN NO. ________ Fabrication 1. 7 2. NYCSCA General a. Fabricate the Work of this Section to the sizes and shapes indicated, and of texture matching the approved Samples. b. Provide finished units that are straight, true to size and shape, and within the specified casting tolerances. c. Make exposed edges sharp, straight, and square, unless indicated otherwise. Make flat surfaces into a true plane. d. Warped, cracked, broken, spalled, stained, surface crazed, and otherwise defective units will not be acceptable. e. Place and secure in the forms all anchors, clips, stud bolts, inserts, lifting devices, shear ties, and other devices required for handling and installing the precast units and for attachment of subsequent items as indicated or specified. f. Field measure existing units and produce molds from existing units to replicate work. Based on these, create shop drawings and molds. Joint widths are to be 1/4" minimum if existing is less than 1/4" and 3/8” maximum if joints are equal to or greater than 3/8”. g. Reinforce units as indicated and as required by ASTM C1364. Use epoxy-coated reinforcement. Fabricate units with sharp arris and details accurately reproduced with indicated texture on all exposed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. Match existing units in texture, color and shape where units are being replaced. Take all molds as necessary. a. Slope exposed horizontal surfaces at least 1:12, unless otherwise indicated. b. Provide raised fillets at backs of sills and at ends indicated to be built into jambs. c. Provide drips on projecting elements, unless otherwise indicated. CAST STONE 04435 - 11 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 3. Casting tolerances Maintain casting, bowing, warping, and dimension tolerance below the following maximums: 4. a. Overall dimension for height and width of units: Plus zero, and minus 1/16" of unit length. b. Make thickness of units plus or minus 1/8" maximum. c. Bowing or warping: length. d. Insert locations: Place within plus or minus 1/4" in each direction. Do not exceed 1/360 of the Cure and finish units as follows: a. Cure units in totally enclosed curing room under dense fog and water spray at 95 percent relative humidity for a minimum of 24 hours. Follow PCI recommendations. b. Yard cure units until the sum of the mean daily temperatures for each day equals or exceeds 350˚F. c. Acid etch units to remove cement film from surfaces indicated to be finished. 2.03 MORTAR MIXES A. Setting Mortar 1. Shall conform to ASTM C270 and BIA M1-88. Provide Type I Portland cement. Masonry cement shall not be used as a substitute. Preconstruction testing with the proportions carefully monitored is to be used to establish the upper end of the strength range, which should generally be near the minimum strength of the next higher strength mortar. a. NYCSCA Mortar shall be Type S: 1 part white cement, 1/2 part lime, 41/2 parts dry sand. Minimum compressive strength shall be 1800 psi at 28 days. CAST STONE 04435 - 12 12/05/14 3 DESIGN NO. ________ 2. Mortar Color: Proportion mortar coloring with other mortar mix ingredients to obtain desired color, as approved by the Project Architect. Do not exceed 1 part pigment to 10 parts cement, by weight. If consistent color cannot be obtained, provide as a minimum premixed Portland cement and coloring from major cement manufacturer. 2.04 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 5 A. The Authority will assign a Special Inspector who will inspect the masonry construction under the requirements of Section BC 1704.5. B. Employ an independent testing agency to sample and test cast stone according to ASTM C1364 and the specific test methods specified in Article titled “Cast Stone Units”. Include testing for: 1. Compressive Strength in accordance with Test Method ASTM C1194. Test units from each 500 ft3 of cast stone. 2. Absorption, Cold Water and Hot Water, in accordance with Test Method ASTM C1195. Test units from each 500 ft3 of cast stone. 3. Resistance to Freezing and Thawing in accordance with Test Method ASTM C666, Procedure A. Test one unit from each cast stone mixture design. C. If test specimens fail, the specimens and the entire 500 ft3 lot they came from shall be rejected and shall not be used in the project. D. The requirements for Source Quality Control testing will be waived by the Authority if the casting plant is PCI or CSI Certified. See Article titled “Submittals” for certification and other submittals required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. NYCSCA Examine substrates and conditions, with installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of cast stone. CAST STONE 04435 - 13 12/05/14 B. DESIGN NO. ________ Proceed with installation only conditions have been corrected. after unsatisfactory 3.02 PROTECTION A. Cover top of masonry wall with waterproof plastic membrane at the end of the work period, when work is not in progress, and at other times when Work needs to be protected from rain and other precipitation. Extend cover down sides as needed to thoroughly protect the Work. B. During cold weather, do not use wet masonry units and frozen masonry units. C. Do not use frozen materials or lay masonry on frozen materials; remove frozen materials from wall. Refer to Part 1 of this Section, "Environmental Requirements" for temperature restrictions. D. Remove excess mortar from walls as soon after laying units as practicable to prevent staining and to facilitate cleaning of wall. E. Brace walls as needed until sufficiently set, or until intersecting walls provide lateral support. F. Prevent masonry cleaners from coming in contact with adjacent glass, metal, and other masonry surfaces such as cast stone. Protect adjoining glass and metal surfaces and all other adjacent materials and property from masonry operations. 3.03 MIXING PROCEDURES FOR MORTAR A. Measure material by volume or equivalent weight. In measuring by volume, measure ingredients by container. Do not measure by shovel. B. Mix ingredients in a clean mechanical mixer for a minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 5, with the minimum amount of water to produce a workable consistency. C. Mortar that has stiffened because of evaporation of water from the mortar may be retempered only once, and only during the first hour of placement to restore the required consistency. Mortar shall be used within 21/2 hours after initial mixing. Limit amount of mortar batched at one time to stay within these requirements. NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 14 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ 3.04 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate accommodation with the Work of this Section. B. Set cast stone as indicated on Drawings. Install anchors, supports, fasteners, and other attachments indicated or necessary to secure units in place. Set units accurately in locations indicated with edges and faces aligned according to established relationships and indicated tolerances. C. Drench units with clear water just before setting. D. Set units in full bed of mortar with full head joints, unless otherwise indicated. Build anchors and ties into mortar joints as units are set. Anchors to be set in substrate with non-shrink grout. 1. Coping Stone: Set 3/8" of mortar prior to installation of flashing providing full bed. Rake joint 3/8” to allow for bondbreaker tape and sealant installation. Seal flashing penetrations with sealant. Install another 3/8" mortar on top of flashing and place stone. Provide full bed of mortar and tool joint. After stones are set and mortar cured, install bond breaker tape and sealant under the flashing. 2. Fill dowel holes and anchor slots with mortar. 3. Fill collar joint solid as units are set. 4. Build concealed flashing into mortar joints as units are set. E. After units are set in or on the wall they shall have all top surfaces covered and protected from the elements at the close of each day's work and shall be kept covered and protected until all the Work is completed. F. Lead, Plastic or hard rubber buttons shall be used in setting large units to sustain the weight until mortar has set. G. All joints between units shall be raked out 3/8" deep and shall be filled with joint sealer, (after bond breaker tape) as specified in Article titled “Accessories”. NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 15 12/05/14 H. DESIGN NO. ________ Expansion Joints Provide expansion, control, and pressure-relieving joints of widths and at locations indicated. Provide expansion joints at a maximum spacing of approximately 40 feet on center. Match joint spacing with parapet expansion joints. Provide filler seal, bond breaker tape, and joint sealers at expansion joints where indicated on the Drawings and where required for proper installation. (See Section 07900 Joint Sealers). Keep joints free of mortar and other rigid materials. I. Discrepancies 1. Immediately notify Authority's Representative. 2. Do not proceed until fully corrected. 3.05 INSTALLATION TOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: Do not exceed 1/8 inch in 10 feet (3 mm in 3 m) or 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m) or more. B. Variation from Level: Do not exceed 1/8 inch in 10 feet (3 mm in 3 m), 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m), or 3/8 inch (9 mm) maximum. C. Variation in Joint Width: Do not vary joint thickness more than 1/8 inch in 36 inches (3 mm in 900 mm) or onefourth of nominal joint width, whichever is less. D. Variation in Plane between Adjacent Surfaces (Lipping): Do not exceed 1/16-inch (1.5-mm) difference between planes of adjacent units or adjacent surfaces indicated to be flush with units. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 5 A. NYCSCA The Authority will assign under the requirements of Section BC 1704.5 a Special Inspector who will inspect the masonry construction. Post installed anchors are subject to Special Inspection as per Section BC 1704.32. Adhesive anchors installed in concrete in a horizontal or upwardly inclined position supporting sustained tension loads shall be installed under continuous Special Inspection as required by paragraph D9.2.4 of ACI 318-11. CAST STONE 04435 - 16 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ If the masonry work is not designated for Special Inspection, the masonry work will be subject to Quality Control Inspection, with testing and inspection similar to that listed below for Special Inspection. Inspections performed by the Authority do not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to conform to all requirements specified in this Section. B. The Special Inspector will make inspections and any testing deemed necessary. Mortar suspected or tested to be too strong or too weak will be subject to petrographic analysis or other methods deemed necessary by the Engineer of Record and Special Inspector. The Contractor shall pay for all tests if they verify improper work. Inspections will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Proper installation of reinforcement and placement of stone on angles. 2. Proper installation of mortar, including proportioning and mixing. Those mortar properties listed in the Appendix of ASTM C780 are to be tested at the discretion of the Special Inspector or the Architect/Engineer of Record Mortar strengths, when tested, will be determined in accordance with ASTM C780 using cylinders. 3. Proper installation of weeps, flashing, drip edges, etc. 4. At solid masonry construction, all bed, head, and collar joints are filled completely. For cavity wall construction, all bed and head joints are filled completely. C. The Architect or Engineer of Record will analyze any results not found to be in conformance with the applicable ASTM standard, industry practice, and the Specifications and determine if the work in question is to be removed and redone. D. Cooperate with the Special Inspector and the Testing Laboratory performing Special Inspection testing. E. If there is evidence that the strength of cast stone units may be deficient or may not comply with the specified requirements, the Authority will employ an independent testing laboratory to obtain, prepare, and test cores drilled from hardened cast stone units to determine the compressive strength according to ASTM C 42. Include in the bid, a minimum of 3 units to be NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 17 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ field tested and destroyed. If the units are found to be defective, other units will be tested and replaced at no cost to the Authority. F. NYCSCA 1. Allow the Authority's testing laboratory access to material storage areas. Cooperate with the Authority's testing laboratory and provide samples of materials and concrete mixes as may be requested for testing and evaluation. 2. A minimum of three representative cores will be taken from units of suspect strength, from locations directed by the Authority. 3. Cores will be tested in an air-dry condition. 4. The strength of the cast stone for each series of 3 cores will be considered satisfactory if the average compressive strength is equal to at least 85 percent of the 28-day design compressive strength and no single core is less than 75 percent of the 28-day design compressive strength. a. Test results will be made in writing on the same day that tests are performed, with copies to Authority, Contractor, and cast stone fabricator. Test reports will include the following: b. Project identification name and number. c. Date when tests were performed. d. Name of cast stone fabricator. e. Name of testing laboratory. f. Identification letter, name, and type of cast stone unit or units represented by core tests; design compressive strength; type of break; compressive strength at breaks, corrected for length-diameter ratio; and direction of applied load to core in relation to horizontal plane of cast stone as placed. Defective Work: Cast Stone units that do not comply with the specified requirements, including compressive strength, manufacturing tolerances, and finishes, are unacceptable. The Contractor shall remove and replace defective Work with cast stone units that comply with the specified requirements at no cost to the Authority. CAST STONE 04435 - 18 12/05/14 G. DESIGN NO. ________ Additional testing, at Contractor's expense, will be performed by the Authority's testing laboratory to determine compliance of corrected Work with specified requirements. 3.07 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace stained and otherwise damaged units and units not matching approved Samples. B. Replace units in a manner that results in cast stone matching approved Samples, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement. C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean cast stone as work progresses. Remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints. D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, and after completion of other work liable to damage or soil cast stone units, clean exposed cast stone as follows: 1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Protect adjacent surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyethylene film, or waterproof masking tape. 3. Clean in conjunction with the cleaning of all other masonry work. Do not clean in temperature below 50 degrees F. Clean by scrubbing with soap powder and water, applied vigorously with stiff fiber brushes, adding clean, sharp, fine, white sand to the soap and water mixture where necessary. After scrubbing, drench all surfaces of the cast stone units thoroughly with clean water. The use of sand blast, wire brushes; or acids of any kind will not be permitted under any circumstances for the cleaning of cast stone Work. Start the cleaning operation at the top of the structure and proceed downward. Perform a mock-up of the cleaning procedure. END OF SECTION HB:AG:GR:MF:mf:as NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 19 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ Notes to Specifier (Delete from Specifications) 1. Specify type of finish. Choose one of the finishes listed below or modify as required and include in Art. 2.02, Par. B. "1. Provide multiple colors and textures as required to match existing units." "1. As selected by Project Architect from manufacturer's full range for colors and textures." "1. Provide units with fine-grained texture and buff color resembling Indiana limestone." 2. If colored cast stone is used, specify colored mortar. 3. Delete if pigmented mortar is not required. 4. Omit for projects where compliance with NYC Green Schools Rating System is not required (Typical of CIP projects). Verify for referenced project. 5. The designer should verify whether Special Inspection is required for the stone work on the Project. If not, specify Quality Control Inspection. 6. Edit anchorage to suit depending on whether for new construction or for existing construction. The designer is to determine beforehand whether Type 316 is required due to corrosive conditions and make revisions. For each project, one of the manufacturers should be asked during the design to determine the appropriate anchor based on pull tests. 7. Delete note if new construction. 8. This section is generally based on the installation of coping stones and small installations of stone bands. If used in panels or long runs in the façade, ensure expansion joint locations and reinforcement meets NCMA requirements and takes into account locations of reentrant corners. Locate anchorage appropriately to reduce restrained shrinkage. Cast stone behaves differently than masonry and must be detailed appropriately taking into account differences in material including coefficients of expansion. Detail coping stone such that joints line up with brick joints in parapets. Typical spacing of expansion joints to be 30 to 40 feet maximum. * * * NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 20 12/05/14 DESIGN NO. ________ LIST OF SUBMITTALS SUBMITTAL DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPROVED Product Data: ______________ _____________ 1. Materials list. 2. Manufacturer's specifications & material data. Shop Drawings: ______________ _____________ Samples: 1. Cast stone samples, size 12"x 12" x 4". 2. Mortar colors for initial selection. 3. Mortar colors for verification 4. Anchors, attachments, accessories. 5. Full size samples. Quality Control Submittals: ______________ _____________ 1. Source Quality Control laboratory test reports; or PCI/CSI Certification. 2. Qualifications of installer, manufacturer, adhesive anchor installer, test lab. 3. Material single source qualification For cast stone and mortar 4. Admixture compatibility certification 5. Field Quality Control Testing (if required) 4 1 Mock Up: _____________ Sustainability: _____________ 1. 2. Contractor’s Sustainable Materials Form (see Section S01352). Mfr’s printed literature or statement on regionally extracted and manufactured material content. * * * NYCSCA CAST STONE 04435 - 21