Method of message transmission - channel
Preferred communication strategy in high context cultures -
Converting a message into words and/or nonverbal symbols - Encoding
An informal communication channel within organizations - Grapevine
Verbal or nonverbal response flowing back to sender - Feedback
Transmission of information and meaning - communication
a) Focuses on the writer or the company – tâ ̣p trung vào người viết hoă ̣c công ty b) Refers to the feeelings of the writer or the company – thiên về ca ̉m xúc của người viết hoă ̣c công ty c) Uses “I” more often than “you” in a positive situation – sử du ̣ng I nhiều hơn you d) Emphasizes the reader in a negative situation – nhấn ma
̣nh rằng người đo ̣c đang ở tình huống bất lợi e) Contains hidden negatives – ấn chư ́ a thông tin bất lơ ̣i f)
Emphasizes what the reader can’t do – nhấn ma ̣nh rằng người đo ̣c không thể làm gì đó g) Fails to justify negative information – thất ba ̣i trong viê ̣c nhấn ma ̣nh thông tin bất lơ ̣i h) Includes negative information that could be omitted – bao gồm thông tin bất lơ ̣i i) Lacks friendly tone – gio ̣ng điê ̣u không thân thiê ̣n j) Contains biased language – sư ̉ du ̣ng ngôn ngữ không thiê ̣n cảm
We can’t send the VCR you ordered until Jan 1
_f_ Revision: we can send the VCR you ordered on Jan 1
1) b
We are happy to enroll you in our stock market plan
You’re welcome to our stock market plan / Thanks you for enrolling our purchasing plan
2) d
You failed to sign your cheque - h
Your cheque arrived without a signature
3) i
Return the draft with any changes by next Tuesday
The draft need to be changed before next Tuesday
4) h
You were worried about the resume you emailed us; however, we did not have an problems scanning it into our system
Your resume has been scanned into your system successfully
5) c
I have ordered a new computer for you. I expect it to arrive by the 15 th , and I’ll get it ready for you to use as soon as my schedule permits
Your new computer will arrive by the 15 th . Please arrange time to help get it ready for you
6) f
We cannot sell DVDs in lots of fewer than ten
You can buy a bulk of ten DVDs or more.
7) j
When the nurse fills out the accident report form, she should send one copy to the Central
Division Office
When she fills out the accident report form, she should send one copy to the Central
Division Office
8) a
Starting next month, the company will offer you a choice of three different health plans.
You will have a choice of three different health plans in next month
9) e
This publication is designed to explain how your company can start a recycling program
This publication is to help company start a recylcing program / This publication give a guideline about starting a recycling program
10) g
We will not allow you to charge more than $1500 on your Visa account
You can charge $1500 on your Visa card / For your safety, your visa card can give you $1500 in credit
Question 1
Three criteria that might be taken into consideration when analyzing the charaacteristics of an audience are demographic factors, personality traits, and
values and beliefs. Explain each criteria and make specific suggestions how the information may be helpful when writing business messages. Include examples if the will help your explanation a) Demographics:
Demographic characteristics can be objectively quantified, or measured, and include age, gender, religion, education level, income, location and so on.
Business nad governments use a variety of demographic data to forecast people’s behaviours, and to design their strategies accordingly. Sometimes demographic information is irrelevant; sometimes it’s important.
Demographic data has certainly determined the sharp increase in small business startups devoted to personal services b) Personality Traits:
Personality traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person.
Traits are readiness or act in a similar fashion in response to a variety of different stimuli or situations. Understanding and adapting to your primary audience’s personality can help make your message more effective.
Personality and learning style own and others behaviours. There is popular assessment tool to identify preferences: introvert-extrovert, sensing-intuitive, thinking-feeling, judgeing-perceiving. c) Values and beliefs
Psychographic characteristics are qualitatius rather than quantiative and include values, beliefs, goals, and lifestyles. Knowing what your audience finds important allow you to organize information in away that seems natural to your audience, and to choose appeals that audience members will find persuasive
Marketers also use geodemographic data to analyze and appeal to audiences according to where they live and what they buy
Question 2 a) What is active listening ?
Active listening involves feeding back the literal meaning, or the emotional content, or both. b) Explain 4 of the 5 strategies that create active responses
Paragraph the content. Feed back the meaning, as you understand it, in your own words
Mirror the speaker’s feeling. Identify the feelings you think you hear
State your own feelings. This stretegy works especially well when you are angry
Ask for information or clarification
Ask how you can help
Question 3 a) Design NON VERBAL communication
Non verbal communication is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Nonverbal-communication includes
facial expressions, gestures, eye contacts, body language, touch, spatial arrangements and our use of time and space b) Indentify and explain 5 nonverbal symbols that differ among cultures
Eye contact: these differences can lead to miscommunication in the multicultural workplace. Super visors may infer from their eye contact that employees are being disrespectful, when, in fact, the employee is behaving appropriately according to the norms of his or her culture
Gestures: that means approval in Canada may have very different meanings in other countries. The “thumbs up” sign that means “good work” or
“go ahead” in Canada, the US, and most of Western Europe is a vulgar insult in Greece
Space: In many cultures, people who are of the same age and sex take less personal space than do mixed-age or mixed-sex groups. Latin Americans stand closed to people of the same sex than North American do, but North
Americans stand closer to people of the opposite sex.
Touch: Most part of North Americans allow opposite-sex couple to hold hands or walk arm in arm in public, but frown on the same behaviour in samesex couples. People in Asia, the Middle East, and South America have the opposite expectation
Spatial arrangements: in most Candian interviews, a desk, which both pople perceive as part of the interviewer’s placem separates the interviewer and the applicant. It’s considered inappropriate for the applicant to place his or her property on a desk or to lean on the desk.
Question 4
Discusss the following obstacles to interpersonal communication by explanining the terms and suggesting the impact each has on the communication process a) Poor business writing
Explanation: The writing that is unclear and incorrect has miscommunication, poor performance, lost revenue, damaged reputation, lost credibility
Impact: poor writing is costly
Poor writing takes more time to read and interpret
It requires more time for revisions
It confuses and irritates the reader
It delays action while the reader requests more information, or tries to figure out the meaning b) Differing frames of reference
They are the context, viewpoint, set of prosuppositions or of evaluative criteria within which a person’s perception and thinking seem always to occur, and which constrains selectively the course and outcome of these activities.
Miscommunication also frequently occurs became every individual makes meaning using different frames of reference. We always interpret messages in the light of our perceptions, based on personal experiences, our cultures and subcultures, and the time in which we live c) Biased language
Biased language is wards and phrases that are considered prejudiced, offensive, and hurtful. Biased language includes expressions that demean or exclude people became of age, sex, race, ethnicity, social class, or pathonize others, they risk losing the respect of their readers as well as their credibility.
When they eliminate bias, they avoid offending others, and they demonstrate your ability to think and express themselves in thoughtful and importial ways d) Noise
Noise influences every part of the communication process. Noise can be physical and psychological. Psychological noise includes emotional, intellectual, or psychological inteference: it could include disliking a speaker, being concerned about something other than the message, having preconceived notions about an issue, or harbouring prejudices about the message or messenger
Question 5 a) What is active listening? b) Explain FOUR of the FIVE strategies that create active responses.
Question 6
Explain the eight activities involved in the writing process
Planing: using PAIBOC method analyzing the situation
Searching the information from the client, internet, initial message
Getting words down, make lists, free write, mind-map, make drafts
Read and readed
Getting feedback
Using a reader and ask for comment
Writing is rewriting and reworking the document to reflect your own assessment and helpful feedback from others
Focus on the surface of the writing, ensuring appropriate word choice and correct format, spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation
Check the final copy to ensure it’s free from typographical errors
Question 7
Describe THREE ways in which you can improve written communication with a visitor who speaks english as a foreign language and whose culture is different from yours. Include specific examples to support your answer.
Example: request action or get reader’s attention or offer thanks & apologize
Example: short sentences or modesty minimize own standing
Example: Efficiency, directness, action or status, comtinuation
Question 8
An effctive, reader-centred message must meet five criteria, the 5C’s. One criteria is that the message is clear, the writer chooses the facts, the organization, and the language ti enable the reader to get the meaning that the writer intended. List and explain the other FOUR criteria for an effective, reader-centered message
The message is clear: the writer chooses the facts-and the organization and language to convey those facts-that enable the reader to get the meaning that the writer intended
The message is concise: the writer conveys maximum meaning using as few words as possible
The message is comprehensive the style, organization, and visual impact of the message help the reader to read, understand, and act
The message is complete: the reader has enough information to evaluate the message and act on it
The message is correct the information in the message is accurate and is free of errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, word order and sentence structure.
Question 9 a) Suggest TWO reasons why reader benefits work
Provide benefits that focus on readers’ needs and want, people feel more positive about you and your request
Provide reader benefits makes it easier for you accomplish your goals b) Explain TWO characteristics of effective reader benefits
Think of the feeling, value,, fears , and needs that may motivate your reader
Identify the objective features of your product or policy
1) Which of the following is a purpose of a business document? a) Inform b) Request c) Persuade
2) Which of the following is an example of a company’s internal audience? a) Union leader b) Shareholder
c) Supplier
3) Informal conversation around the water cooler is
b) More important than writing formal documents c) A sign of a sloppy organization d) A bad habit
4) Which of the following would be an external audience for a corporate accountant working at Head Office a) Vice-president sales
c) Manager, brance office d) Clerk accounts receivable
5) Which of the following is a workplace myth a) Secretaries will do all of my writing b) I’ll use form letters or templates when I write c)
I’ll just pick up the phone
6) Canadian professionals need which of the following basics to remain competitive a) Team building b) Report writing c) Presentation prepareation
7) Effective message are a) Clear b) Concise c) Complete
8) When a document goes from one person to another several times, the process called
b) Shifting c) Bypassing d) Transferring
9) Which of the following is not a benefit of becoming a better writer? a) Good writing saves time b) Good writing saves money
d) Good writing projects a positive image of the organization
10) Which audience makes a decision to act on the basis of your message
b) Secondary audience c) Initial audience d) Gatekeeper
11) Which of the following is most important in the communication process? a) The sender b) The receiver
d) Other audience are more important
12) Which of the following is NOT a red flag word? a) Unfortunately
c) Incompetent d) No
13) If your audience have different needs focus on the gatekeeper audience or a) Initial audience
c) Initiating audience d) Primary audience
14) You are applying for a job as a network administrator with a company of 80 employees. The newspaper advestisement instructs you to address your cover letter to
Will barnes IT manager. Identify the most likely gatekeeper audience 4 your letter a) Scott smith mailroom clerk
c) Will barnes IT manager d) Tara beauchemin, VP operation
15) An audience’s dislike for a speaker is an example of a) Feed back b) Resonance c) Stimulus
16) Determining whether a message will be delivered by email or delivered in person part of a) Selecting an appropriate audience b) Setting the right tone for the message
c) Adapting a message to the audience
17) Geodemographic data analyze audience according to a) Age b) Income c) Ethnicity
18) Which of the following is NOT an example of psychographic date? a) Beliefs b) Goals
d) Life style
19) The BEST reader benefits to use are those that derive from a) Logical reasoning b) Secondary sources c) Audience analysis d) Personal experince
20) Which of the following does not reveal organization culture a) Myth b) Clientele c) Budget d) Mailing address
21) You want to convince your manager to purchase a new piece of software to improve office pro ductivity. Since ur manager is an introvet , your best appouach is to a) Mention ur idea to ur manager at the water coller b) Pur ur ideas in an email message c) Leave ur manager a voice mail message d) Make an appointment to speak to your manager in her office
22) Which of the folowing is not a gatekeeper audience? a)
An accont exective who approves a marketing plan be4 it’s submitted to the client b) A receptionist who routinely opens the mail for a small business & pss each piece on to its owner c) A program director at the nation science foundation who screens all grant applications to ensure confrmity to the app criteria be4 d) The personal director of a large university who scrrenns all internal applicant for eligibility before sending applications to the interviews
23) Which of the following is NOT a demographic characteristic
a) Education b) Income c) Values d) Age
24) You’r working as a consultant for a new corporate client. What is likely the most effective way 4 you to orient urselfe to the company’s culture a) Analysze the company website b) Check the valure of company shared on the stock exchange c) Ask the office admin 4 a company orga chart d) Conduct a search for newspaper articles that mention the com
25) You’r writing a memo recommending that marguerite chavez be promoted ,marguetie has been passed over 4 several promotions even though her qualifications weere stronger than those of the men (in each case) who received the promotion. You believe the failiure to promote her is unfair and perhaps even evidence of discrimination . should u use the word discrimination in ur memo a) Yes , because only a tough stance can be persuasive in business b)
Yes, because ur superior must face up to what the’re doing wrong br 5 they can change their behavior c) No , because discrimination is likely to alienate ur readers nad make them less likely to accept ur recommnetion d) No, because no business message should use short word
26) By 2016 what percentage of canada’s population will consist of vivible minorities a) One tenth b) One fifth c) One third d) One quarter
27) Why do we need to be aware of different cultures values ,beliefs and pratices when we communicate? a) Canadians wishing to expand their trading terntory might look outside of canada & the US b) Many canadian companies are part of larger multi national consortiums c) Canadian workplaces are becoming more ethnically diverse d) All the the above
28) Which reward would likely be the most motivational in an arab country? a) Profit sharing b) Gifts for self or maily c) Fringe benfits d) Social services
29) Which culture most strongly values risk taking a) Japanese
b) Arab c) North american d) Scandinavian
30) Closed body positions show that you are being a) Open to new ideas
c) Noncommittat d) Disrespectful
31) Personal spaces can vary according to a) Culture b) Gender c) Both d) Neither
32) You are in a meeting with an international executive at his office. A colleague comes in to talk to him during ur appointment, and he accepts 2 phone calls. This probably means that a) He thinks you are less important thatn the other callers b) He is unorganized c) His culture is monochronic d) His culture is polychronic
33) What primary purpose do business introductions serve in japanses culture? a) Establish personal rapport b) Establish position in group c) Establish status d) Establish job identiry
34) You are an admin assistant sending our invitations to the hospital benefit. Choose the best alternative to the biased expression doctors and their wives a) Doctors and their husbands or wives b) Doctors and their husbands c) Doctors and their guests d) Doctors and their spouses
35) What is the preferred term for people over 65 years old? a) Golden agers b) Senior citizens c) Older prople d) The elderly
36) Which of the following is a strategy to avoid listening errors caused by focusing solely on facts? a) Focus ont the content, not the delivery
b) Paraphrase what the speaker has said c) Plan ur rebuttal as u listen d) Write down key points
37) If you are having trouble listeining because your are upset, which of the following strategies should u try a) Minizing problem b) Starting ur fellings c) Interrogating d)
Mirroring the speaker’s feelings in reverse
38) What percentage of executives rate listening as the most important skill in the workforce a) 20% b) 40% c) 60%
39) Which of the following is a form of blocking
b) Paraphrasing c) Stating ur own feelings d) Nodding
40) If u r speaking with so who nods while u r speaking and then brings points of disagreement when u r finished speaking, it is likely that ur listener a) Nods for noreason at all b) Want to mislead u c) Agreed with u until the last point u made in the argument
41) Which of the following is something a good writer is likely to do? a) Wait to edit until after the draft is complete b) Write regularly c) Break big jobs into smaller chunks d) All of the above
42) Approximately what percentage of the total time spent producing a document should be devoted to planning and organizing? a) 1/3 b) 1/10 c)
½ d) 2/3
43) Which planning method would likely be most effective for an oral presentation with visuals? a) Storyboard b) Formal outline c) Freewrintg d) List of headings
44) Which of the following is an expert wtiter more likely to do than a novice? a) Read daily b) Use rules strictly c) Stick with a single writing strategy d) Create 1 st
drafts that require no revision
45) Which of the following is a benefit of talking to internal and external audiences a) Eliminates the need for secondary research b) Speeds up writing process c) Negates political conflict d) Reduces the number of revisions
46) When you’re proofing a document and find an error, you should a) Circle it and movee on b) Underline it and add it to your list of errors c) Correct it and reread the line d) Highlight it and place a note in the margin
47) Grammar checkers can a) Correct all ur grammar b) Question you about some grammatical constructs c) Eliminate the need for proofreading d) All
48) Feedback is important. Which of the following should you NOT do? a) Tell people what specifically you want feedback on b) Argue or defend your ideas and intentions with reviewers c) Ask for feedback on style, coherence, speeling, or grammar d)
Put aside the reviewrs’s comments until you can deal unemotionally with them
49) Which of the following is NOT a principle for achieving you-attitude? a) Always use the word you b) Focus on what the reader receives or can do c) In positive situations , stress what the reader wants to know d) Don’t’ presume that you know how the reader feels or will react
50) Which sentence BEST illutrates the you-attitude? a) We will ship your order by May 20
b) We are pleased to credit your account with $50 c) Your benefits begin as soon as you use ur new credit card d) We are sure you will enjoy the vacation package we have put together for you
51) In which of the following situations would using the word you typically NOT be a good choice a) When you must inform a subordinate that she has inadvertently made a costly error b) When you must inform a subordinate that you have passed her idea on to your supervisor c) When you want to focus on what the reader will gain from your new policy d) When you want to congratulate your subordinate for her promotion
52) We have decied to extend our service to you by remaining open until midnight on
New Year’s Eve. Indicate the alternative that both correctly evaluates the sentence and correctly the reason for the evaluation a) Good you-attitude because it stresses reader benefits b) Lacks you-attitude because it focuses on what the writer is doing c) Good you-attitude because it contains you d) Laccks you-attitude because the service referred to is not speccified
53) Im pleased to let you know that the new computers have arrived. Does this sentence have good you-attitude? a) Yes, since it is positive b) Yes, since it contains a reader benefit c) No, since the sentence does not begin with you d)
No, since the reader doesn’t care about the writer’s emotion
54) I have negotiated an agreement that gives you a 10% discount for any domestic fight charged on our company credit card. Indicate the alrernative that both correctly evaluates the sentence and correctly explains the reason for the evaluation a) Good you-attitude because it contains a reader benefit b) Good you-attitude because the reader is getting something valuable for traveling c) Lacks you-attitude because it focused on what the writer has done d) Lacks you-attidude because it does not mention whether the reader travels very much
55) Which of the following sentences exhibits the MOST you-attitude? a) You cant entroll in the program until you’re 20 years old b) Before your twentieth birthday, you cannot entroll in the program c) You may entroll in the program anytime after your 20h birthday d) I regret that I can’t enroll you in the program until you turn 20
56) Identify the sentence that uses a passive verb to avoid assigning blame a) You seem to have made an addition error in your last invoice
b) Your last invoice contained an addition error c) An addition error appeared in your last invoice d) An addition error was made on ur last choice
57) Which of the following words is LEAST negative? a) Caustions b) Unsure c) Afraid d) Worried
58) In a progress report announcing a project delay to ur boss, which of the following would be an audience-based benefit of taking more time to complete the work? a) You (the writer) won’t have to work over the weekend b)
There’s roomin the budget for additional workdays c) The quality of the work will improve d) Your boss can take some time off to de-stress
59) which of the following sentences is an indirect request? a) Enclose a cd of ur presentation b) Please enclose a CD of ur presentation c) Would you be able to enclose a CD of ur presentation? d) A CD of ur presentation should be enclosed
60) Which of the following sentences contains a hidden negative? a) You will no longer have to wait for photo developing b) Our application process has been much improved c) The kit contains no less than 200 pieces d) No on under 20 was at the party
61) To de-emphasize a negative, put it in: a) The first sentence of a paragraph b) The middle sentence of a paragraph c) The last sentence of a paragraph d) A bulleted list
62) In which of the following situations is it NOT acceptable to omit negative information a) When the reader already knows the information b) When the reader needs the information to make a decision c) When the information would not affect the reader’s decision d)
When the reader doesn’t know the information, but it is trivial
63) Which of the following sentences would be considered the HIGHEST level of politeness? a) Submit your itemized expenses to me by Friday b) Please submit your itemized expense by Friday
c) All expense must be submitted by Friday to be reimbursed d) Would you be able to submit your expense report by Friday?
64) When you are at fault, you should a) Immediately issue an apology b) Consider corporate policy regarding apologies c)
Ignore the situation, it’ll blow over d) Do none of the above
65) Identify the sentence that uses the MOST positive emphasis a) Unfortunately, your new credit card can’t be used until you activate it b)
We’re happy to inform you that your new credit card will be ready to use as soon as you activate it c) Your brand new credit card will be ready to use as soon as you are able to activate it d) As soon as you’ve activated your new credit card by phoning 1-800-465-
2104, you’ll be able to make your first purchase
66) Extrinsic benefits are benefits that a) Are “added in” b) Are granted by someone in power c) Involve financial gain d) Are added on as corporate rewards
67) In Maslow’s hierarchy, the need to understand the reasons for a supervisor’s actions falls into which category of need? a) Esteem, recognition b) Self-actualization c) Safety, security d) Love, belonging
68) According to Abraham Maslow, which is the highest category of human need? a) Self-actualization b) Safety, security c) Love, belonging d) Esteem, recognition
69) When you have more than one subgroup in your audience a) Include at least one benefit for each subgroup b) Focus on benefits that appeal to you personally c) Concentrate on extrinsic benefits d) Choose benefits that appeal to the group with the most members
70) Our workout plan make it easy to get the exercise you need is a) A strong reader benefit because it clearly states what the reader will get b) A strong reader benefit because it appeals to the reader’s sense of health
c) A weak reader benefit it says nothing about cost savings d) A weak reader benefit it offers no specifics
71) In which of the following situations would be a passive verb be desirable a) You cant think of another way to express the idea b) You want to improve coherence in the paragraph c) Your reader has a sophisticated vocabulary d) You want to blamce the right person
72) Which of the following represent s the BEST writing? a) John conducted a feasibility study for the company b) We ready to begin the new procedure c) Please give consideration to my plan d) Mr.Jones will take action on the request
73) Which of the following, if any, is the BEST replacement for at present? a) The original wording is acceptable b) At the present moment c) Currently d) Now
74) It is the case that good communicators advance more quickly in the company. Which of the following would be the BEST revision of this sentence? a) It is the case that good communicators advance faster in the company b) It it true that good communicators advance more rapidly in the company c) Evidence has shown that good communicators advance more rapidly in the company d) Good communicators advance more quickly in the company
75) Which of the following would be the BEST revision of these sentences? Our present receivables are in line with last year’s. However, they exceed the budget. The reason the exceed the budget is that our goal for receivable investment was very conservative a) Receivables are in line with last year’s. They exceed the budget. Our goal for receivable investment was very conservative b) The receivable investment was very conservative c)
Our present receivables are in line with last year’s because they exceed the budget d) Our present receivables are in line with last year’s, but they exceed the budget because our goal for receivable investment was very conservative
76) Which of the following, if any, is the BEST replacement for seems to be of importance a) Imports to be b) Seems important c) Seems of inportance d) The original wording is acceptable
77) Which of the following is an example of businesses that should be eliminated from your writing
b) Enclosed please find the document c) You’ll find the document enclosed d)
I’ve enclosed the document
78)This student deviates from the norm in a number of ways. What, if anything, is wrong with the word “deviates” in the sentence?
b) The phrase deviates from the norm is too wordy c) To deviated means to become and therefore the word by definition has no place in this sentence d) The word deviate will not be found in most dictionaries
79) In which of the following situations would it be MOST appropriate to use technical jargon? a) In an email message to a new client b) In a letter to a contact outside the country c) In a memo to all employees
80) Choose the word with the MOST positive connotation a) Obstinate b) Stubborn
d) Pig-headed