Trivial Pursuit

Trivia Pursuit
Pharmacy Edition®
Designed by Sandi Tschritter
For 2 to 6 players or teams/ STUDENTS
This game was designed for pharmacy technician students to learn pharmacology, drug action
and pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drug) according to
body systems.
This game was designed for pharmacy technician students or first year community college
students to help them learn drug names and function.
To move down a chosen spoke for the central pharmacy hub and around the circular track by
correctly answering questions for one of the six categories, and collecting colored markers for
correctly answering questions in each of the six categories. To win, a player (or team) returns to
the central pharmacy hub and answers a game-winning question.
TRIVIA PURSUIT PHARMACY EDITION® gameboard ~ Question and answer cards in a card
storage box ~ 1 Die ~ 6 tokens ~ Colored markers ~ Instructions.
This game takes approximately one hour to complete; depending on the skill and knowledge of
the players or teams.
Select one of six colored tokens.
Roll the die; the high roller goes first.
All players start in the central pharmacy; the hexagonal hub in the center of the board and
moves down one of the spokes onto the center hallway. Play moves counter clockwise
around the track.
First turn
On your first turn, roll the die and decide which of the six spokes you wish to move down. You
must roll a one or two on your first turn in order to leave the central pharmacy hub.
Whichever color of category you land on, the player on the right will ask you a question in that
 The other player draws a card from the cards in the same color category as the colored
square and reads the question. Answers are on the bottom of the card. When done with the
questions, the card is placed on the bottom of stack.
If the question is answered correctly, the player rolls the die again and moves forward the
number of spaces indicated on the die.
If the question is answered incorrectly, the player rolls the die again and moves backward the
number of spaces indicated on the die.
Since the game moves counter clockwise, a player cannot go pass their own spoke. The
player must move back up their spoke. If the number of the die is more than the number of
spaces on the spoke, the player will move at far as the central pharmacy hub.
The categories are color coded…..
Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . Endocrine System
Purple . . . . . . . . . . . . Nervous System
Red. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiovascular System
Green . . . . . . . . . . . . GI System
Yellow . . . . . . . . . . Respiratory System
Orange. . . . . . . . . . . . Muscloskeletal System
The player may decide which spoke they want to move down from the central pharmacy.
You must move in a counterclockwise direction.
You must move the number of spaces shown on the die.
No two tokens can occupy the same space at the same time. If a person lands on an
occupied space, the player must roll the die again to determine how many spaces to move
Roll Again
If a player lands on a “roll again” space, roll and move the number of spaces indicated on the die.
Skip a turn
If a player lands on a “skip a turn” space, the player losses one turn.
Move Backwards
If a player lands on a “move backwards” space, the player must roll the die and move backwards
the number of spaces indicated on the die. The player cannot move pass their own spoke. They
must move up their spoke. If the number on the die is more than the number of spaces on their
spoke, they only go as far as the main pharmacy hub.
Switch Places
If a player lands on a “switch places” space, the player may switch places with any other player.
Player’s Challenge
If a player lands on a “player’s challenge” space, the player can challenge any player with a
question from the Player’s Challenge category. If the challenged player answers the question
correctly, the player will roll the die and move forward the number of spaces on the die. If the
player answers the question incorrectly, the player will roll the die and move backwards the
number of spaces on the die.
Medication Error – Return to the Central Pharmacy
If a player lands on the “medication error space, the player must return to the central pharmacy
and start the game over.
Winning the Game
Each player continues to move around the broad until you have collected one scoring marker in
each color. The player then makes their way back up their spoke and tries to answer the gamewinning question. You must land in the main pharmacy hub by exact count; if you overshoot the
hub, you must try again on your next turn until you hit the exact count.
Once you have returned to the central pharmacy, choose a colored category and the player on
your right draws a card. If you get the answer right, you win. If you answer the question wrong,
you must wait until your next turn, roll the die and leave the central pharmacy the number of
spaces indicated on the die. On your next turn, you may re-enter the central pharmacy by rolling
the exact number on the die, for another winning question. Continue the process until a player
wins the game.
The game was designed according to the requirements of the National Certification Exam for
pharmacy technician graduates. The questions were taken from exam/quizzes the students take
through their courses in the program.