Outline 7 part 3 – muscle origins, insertions, and actions Additional Terminology Retinaculum – region in which tendon groups from different muscles pass under one connective tissue band. Wrist retinacula include the flexor and extensor retinacula of the hand Ramus- An arm or a branch of a bone, in particular those of the ischium and pubis or of the jawbone Extensor carpi radialis longus – CAR pye RAY dee AL iss Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Insertion: Base of 2nd metacarpal Action: Extends wrist; aids in radial flexion of wrist Extensor carpi radialis brevis – BREV iss Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Base of metacarpal III Action: Extends wrist; aids in radial flexion of wrist Pronator teres – PRO nay tur TERR eez Origin: Humeral shaft near medial epicondyle; coronoid process of ulna Insertion: Lateral surface of radial shaft Action: Assists pronator quadratus in pronation, but only in rapid or forceful action; weakly flexes elbow Flexor carpi radialis – Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Base of metacarpals II-III Action: Flexes wrist anteriorly; aids in radial flexion of wrist Palmaris longus – pal MERR is Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Flexor retinaculum, palmer aponeurosis Action: Anchors skin and fascia of palmar region; resists shearing forces when stress is applied to skin Flexor carpi ulnaris– FLEX ur CAR pye ul NAY ris Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; medial margin of olecranon; posterior surface of ulna Insertion: Pisiform; hamate; metacarpal V Action: Flexes wrist anteriorly; aids in flexion of wrist Flexor digitorum superficialis– DIDJ ih TOE rum SOO per FISH ee AY lis Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; ulnar colaterial ligament; coronoid process; superior half of radius Insertion: Middle phalanges II-V Action: Flexes wrist, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints, depending on action of other muscles Flexor digitorum profundus– Origin: Proximal three-quarters of ulna; coronoid process; interosseous membrane Insertion: Distal phalanges II-V Action: Flexes wrist, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints, depending on action of other muscles Flexor Pollicis Longus– PAHL ih sis Origin: Radius; interosseous membrane Insertion: Distal phalanx I Action: Flexes phalanges of thumb Pronator Quadratus- PRO nay tur quad RAY tus Origin: Anterior surface of distal ulna Insertion: Anterior surface of distal radius Action: Prime mover of forearm pronation; also resists separation of radius and ulna when force is applied to forearm through wrist Extensor Digitorum Communis Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Dorsal surfaces of phalanges II-V Action: Extends wrist, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints, tends to spread fingers apart when extending metacarpophalangeal joints Extensor digiti minimi- DIDJ ih ty MIN ih my Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Proximal phalanx of V Action: Extends wrist and all joints of little finger Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus; posterior surface of ulnar shaft Insertion: Base of metacarpal V Action: Extends and fixes wrist when fist is clenched or hand grips an object; aids in ulnar flexion of wrist Supinator- SOO pih NAY tur Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus, supinator crest and fossa of ulna just distal to radial notch; anular and radial collateral ligaments of elbow o Anular ligament – fibers that encircle the head of the radius o Radial collateral ligament- triangular ligamentous structure on the lateral side of the elbow Insertion: Radial one-third of radius Action: Supinates forearm, as in turning a doorknob Abductor Pollicis Longus- PAHL iss is Origin: Posterior surfaces of radius and ulna; interosseous membrane Insertion: Trapezium; base of metacarpal I Action: Abducts thumb; extends thumb at carpometacarpal joint Extensor Pollicis Longus- PAHL iss is Origin: Posterior surface of ulna; interosseous membrane Insertion: Distal phalanx I Action: Extends distal phalanx I; aids in extending phalanx I and metacarpal I; adducts and laterally rotates thumb Abductor pollicis brevis Origin: Flexor retinaculum; also scaphoid, trapezium Insertion: Radial one-third of radius Action: Abducts Thumb Opponens pollicis- op PO nenz Origin: Trapezium; flexor retinaculum Insertion: Metacarpal I Action: Flexes metacarpal I to oppose thumb to fingertips Flexor pollicis brevis Origin: Trapezium; trapezoid; capitate; anterior ligaments of wrist; flexor retinaculum Insertion: Proximal phalanx I Action: Flexes metacarpal I to oppose thumb to fingertips Abductor digiti minimi Origin: Pisiform; tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris Insertion: Medial surface of proximal phalanx V Action: Abducts little finger, as in spreading fingers apart Adductor Pollicis Origin: Capitate; bases of metacarpals II-III; anterior ligaments of wrist; tendon sheath of flexor carpi radialis Insertion: Medial surface of proximal phalanx I Action: Draws thumb toward palm Dorsal Interossei Origin: Bipennate from inner aspects of shafts of all metacarpals Insertion: Proximal phalanges Action: Abduct from axis of middle finger; flex metacarpophalangeal joint while extending interphalangeal joints Gluteus Maximus Origin: Posterior gluteal line of ilium, on posterolateral suface from iliac crest to posterior superior spine; coccyx; posterior surface of lower sacrum Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity of femur; lateral condyle of tibia via iliotibial tract Action: Extends thigh at hip as in stair climbing or running and walking. Abducts thigh; elevates trunk after stooping; extends waist after bending forward Gluteus Medius Origin: Most of lateral surface of ilium between crest and acetabulum Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Action: Abduct and medially rotate thigh; during walking, shift weight of trunk toward limb with foot on the ground as other foot is lifted Piriformis- PIR ih FOR mis Origin: Anterior surface of sacrum; gluteal surface of ilium; capsule of sacroiliac joint Insertion: Greater trochanter Action: Laterally rotates extended thigh; abducts flexed thigh Gemellus superior- jeh MEL us Origin: Ischial spine Insertion: Greater trochanter Action: Laterally rotates extended thigh; abducts flexed thigh Obturator Internus- OB too RAY tur Origin: Inner surface of obturator membrane and rim of pubis and ischium bordering membrane Insertion: Greater trochanter Action: Thought to laterally rotate extended thigh and abduct flexed thigh Gemellus inferior Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Greater trochanter Action: Lateral rotates extended thigh; abducts flexed thigh Quadratus femoris- quad RAY tus FEM oh ris Origin: Ischial tuberosity of femur Insertion: Intertrochanteric crest Action: Laterally rotates thigh Tensor faciae latae- TEN sur FASH ee ee LAY tee Origin: Iliac crest; anterior superior spine; deep surface of fascia lata Insertion: Lateral condyle of tibia via iliotibial tract Action: Extends knee, laterally rotates tibia, aids in abduction and medial rotation of femur; during standing, steadies pelvis on femoral head and steadies femoral condyles on tibia Sartorius Origin: On and near anterior superior spine of ilium Insertion: Medial surface of proximal end of tibia Action: Aids in knee and hip flexion, as in sitting or climbing; abducts and laterally rotates thigh Vastus medialis Origin: Femur at intertrochanteric line; spiral line; linea aspera, and medial supracondylar line Insertion: Patella; tibial tuberosity; lateral and medial condyles of tibia Action: Extends knee; retains patella in groove on femur during knee movements Vastus lateralis Origin: Femur at greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line, gluteal tuberosity, and line aspera Insertion: Patella; tibial tuberosity; lateral and medial condyles of tibia Action: Extends knee; retains patella in groove on femur during knee movements Rectus Femoris- FEM oh ris Origin: Ilium at anterior inferior spine and superior margin of acetabulum; capsule of hip joint Insertion: Patella; tibial tuberosity; lateral and medial condyles of tibia Action: Extends the knee, as in kicking a ball or rising from a chair Vastus Intermedius Origin: Anterior and lateral surfaces of femoral shaft Insertion: Patella; tibial tuberosity; lateral and medial condyles of tibia Action: Extends the knee Gracilis- GRASS ih lis Origin: Body and inferior ramus of pubis; ramus of ischium Insertion: Medial surface of tibia just below condyle Action: Flexes and medially rotates tibia at knee Adductor Longus Origin: Body and inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Linea aspera of femur Action: Adducts and medially rotates thigh at hip Adductor Magnus Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis; ramus and tuberosity of ischium Insertion: Linea aspera; gluteal tuberosity, and medial supracondylar line of femur Action: Adducts and medially rotates thigh; extends thigh at hip Semitendinosus- SEM ee TEN din OH sus Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial surface of upper tibia Action: Flexes knee; medially rotates tibia on femur when knee is flexed; medially rotates femur when hip is extended Biceps Femoris Origin: Long head: Ischial tuberosity; Short head: linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line of femur Insertion: Head of fibula Action: Flexes knee; extends hip; elevates trunk from stooping posture; laterally rotates tibia on femur when knee is flexed; laterally rotates femur when hip is extended Psoas Major- SO ass Origin: Bodies and intervertebral discs of vertebrae T12-L5; transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae Insertion: Lesser trochanter and nearby shaft of femur Action: Flexes thigh at hip when trunk is flexed, as in stair climbing; flexes trunk at hip when thigh is fixed, as in bending forward in a chair or sitting up in bed; balances trunk during sitting Iliacus- ih LY uh cus Origin: Iliac crest and fossa; superolateral region of sacrum; anterior sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments Insertion: Lesser trochanter and nearby shaft of femur Action: Flexes thigh at hip when trunk is flexed, as in stair climbing; flexes trunk at hip when thigh is fixed, as in bending forward in a chair or sitting up in bed; balances trunk during sitting Tibialis Anterior- TIB ee AY lis Origin: Lateral condyle and lateral margin of proximal half of tibia; interosseous membrane Insertion: Medial cuneiform; metatarsal I Action: Dorsiflexes and inverts foot; resists backward tipping of body Extensor Digitorum Longus- DIDJ ih TOE rum Origin: Lateral condyle of tibia; shaft of fibula; interosseous membrane Insertion: Middle and distal phalanges II-V Action: Extends toes; dorsiflexes foot; tautens plantar aponeurosis Peroneus Longus Origin: Head and lateral surface of proximal two-thirds of fibula Insertion: Medial cuneiform; metatarsal I Action: Maintains concavity of sole during toe-off and tiptoeing; everts and plantar flexes foot Peroneus Brevis Origin: Lateral surface of distal two-thirds of fibula Insertion: Base of metatarsal V Action: Maintains concavity of sole during toe-off and tiptoeing Gastrocnemius- GAS trock NEE me us Origin: Condyles and popliteal surface of femur; lateral supracondylar line; capsule of knee joint Insertion: Calcaneus Action: Plantar flexes foot; flexes knee; active in walking, running, and jumping Soleus- SO lee us Origin: Posterior surface of head and proximal one-fourth of fibula; middle one-third of fibula; middle one-third of tibia; interosseous membrane Insertion: Calcaneuus Action: Plantar flexes foot; steadies leg on ankle during standing Popliteus- pop LIT ee us Origin: Lateral condyle of femur; lateral meniscus and joint capsule Insertion: Posterior surface of upper tibia Action: Rotates tibia medially on femur if femur is fixed, or rotates femur laterally on tibia if tibia is fixed; unlocks to allow flexion Flexor digitorum longus Origin: Posterior surface of tibial shaft Insertion: Distal phalanges II-V Action: Flexes phalanges of digits II-V as foot is raised from ground; stabilizes metatarsal heads and keeps distal pads of toes in contact with ground in toe-off and tiptoe movements Flexor hallucis longus- ha LOO sis Origin: Inferior two-thirds of fibula and interosseous membrane Insertion: Distal phalanx I Action: Flexes phalanges of great toe, stabilizes 1st metatarsal and keeps pad of first toe in contact with ground Tibialis posterior Origin: Posterior surface of proximal half of tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane Insertion: Navicular, medial cuneiform, metatarsals II-IV Action: Inverts foot; may assist in plantar flexion or control pronation of foot during walking Extensor hallucis longus Origin: Anterior surface of middle of fibula, interosseous membrane Insertion: Distal phalanx I Action: Extends great toe; dorsiflexes foot Extensor digitorum brevis Origin: Calcaneus; inferior extensor retinaculum of ankle Insertion: Proximal phalanx I; tendons of extensor digitorum longus to middle and distal phalanges II-IV Action: Extends proximal phalanx I and all phalanges of digits II-IV Abductor digiti minimi Origin: Calcaneus; plantar aponeurosis Insertion: Proximal phalanx V Action: Abducts and flexes little toe; supports arches of foot Flexor digitorum brevis Origin: Calcaneus; plantar aponeurosis Insertion: Middle phalanges II-V Action: Flexes digits II-IV; supports arches of foot Abductor Hallucis Origin: Calcaneus; plantar aponeurosis; flexor retinaculum Insertion: Proximal phalanx I Action: Abducts great toe; supports arches of foot Flexor Hallucis Brevis Origin: Cuboid; lateral cuneiform; tibialis posterior tendon Insertion: Proximal phalanx I Action: Flexes great toe Lumbricals- LUM brih culs Origin: Tendon of flexor digitorum longus Insertion: Proximal phalanges II-V Action: Flexes toes II-V Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Origin: Metatarsal V; sheath of peroneus longus Insertion: Proximal phalanx V Action: Flexes little toe Dorsal Interossei Origin: Each with two heads arising from facing surfaces of two adjacent metatarsals Insertion: Proximal phalanges II-IV Action: Abduct toes II-IV