Teaching opportunities at Sligo Regional Hospital


Medical Department

Teaching Opportunities at Sligo

Regional Hospital

Grand Rounds

Departmental grand rounds occur twice weekly and include case reports, external speakers, topical issues, debates, workshops and mortality sessions.

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Level 6

Time: Tuesday and Friday at 1300 (lunch provided)

Timetable 2015 ( http://ref-sligo.ie/education/grand-roundss…-hospital-2015 )

Journal club

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Level 6

Time: Thursday at 0830 (breakfast provided)

Postgraduate Examination teaching

MRCPI/UK part 1 and 2

written tutorial by Clinical Tutor: Dr Adebayo.

MRCP part 2 clinical examination/PACES bedside tutorials ;

There are ongoing interactive bedside tutorials suitable for short and long case examinations given by Consultant Specialists and experienced MRCPI examiners in each field. Sessions are also available for communication and history taking OSCES. Sessions are organised between 5 and 6 every weekday evening for 6 weeks prior to each sitting of the MRCPI/UK.

Venue: Medical wards

NCHD Training/workshops (3 monthly)


Central line insertion

This is a comprehensive workshop with tuition in the basic science of line insertion with a demonstration by consultant Anaesthetists. Hands on opportunity for every candidate to insert a central line under supervision on purpose built models (insertion of central venous catheter, Internal

Jugular, SVC, Femoral lines). Duration: 3 hours, numbers limited to 9 candidates per session.


Temporary Cardiac Pacing.

This is a comprehensive workshop with tuition in basic science of temporary pacing wire insertion, and demonstration by experienced operators. A hands on opportunity for every candidate to insert a central line under supervision using purpose built models (insertion of central venous catheter (Int

Jug, SVC, Femoral lines). Duration: 1 hour, numbers limited to 9 candidates per session.


Care of the Sick adult/unstable arrhythmias

This entails simulated scenarios with an ACLS instructor, Resuscitation models and simulators.


Emergency Ultrasound

This is a comprehensive workshop with tuition in basic science of temporary pacing wire insertion, and hands on demonstration by Consultant in Emergency Medicine and hands on opportunity for every candidate to perform US. Duration: 3 hours, numbers limited to 9 candidates per session.

Resuscitation training

Basic life support (BLS)

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

EWS (Early Warning Score) Training

This is facilitated by the resuscitation officer: Deidre Staunton.
