Beagle Buddies Rescue
Indianapolis, IN
Please take the time to read this application carefully so that we may make the best possible foster
placement. We want your experience at fostering to be one of the most rewarding experiences that you
and your foster pet can have.
Animal Care Costs are paid by Beagle Buddies Rescue. When the animal is initially placed with you all
supplies (bed, collar, leash, tag, food bowls and food for about a month) are delivered with the animal.
From that point the foster is required to keep receipts for food and supplies for the animal and submit to
Beagle Buddies Rescue for reimbursement in full on a periodic basis as needed by the foster.
Vet expenses are paid by Beagle Buddies Rescue and are arranged in advance when the animal is placed
with the foster. The foster can choose to use their own vet or one can be arranged by Beagle Buddies
Rescue. Beagle Buddies Rescue arranges to be billed for vet expenses. The foster does not pay out of
pocket for vet expenses but is expected to take the animal for appointments as needed and follow
through with any medical care the vet prescribes for the animal.
This is a volunteer position and no compensation is provided. The foster applicant agrees, by signing
this form and accepting a foster assignment, to comply with all policies of beagle buddies regarding
fostering as shown at the end of this document.
Name __________________________________________________ Date ________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________ State ___________ Zip______________
Home Phone __________________________ Cell Phone______________________________
Work Phone ______________________________ May we call you at work?
 Yes
 No
E-mail address_________________________________________________________________
If you have an e-mail address, please provide it, as foster correspondence will be sent via e-mail.
Your information will not be shared with any other organizations or companies.
1. Why do you want to foster? ____________________________________________________
2. How many pets do you have at the present time? __________________________
# Dogs _____  Male
# Cats _____  Male
 Female
 Female
 Yes
 Yes
 No
 No
Other companion animals ___________ Describe ____________________________________
3. What is your veterinarian’s name? _______________________________________________
What is your veterinarian’s address?_____________________________________________
What is your veterinarian’s phone number?________________________________________
4. Have you ever cared for:  Senior Dogs  Untrained dogs  Injured dogs
5. Where will the foster animal(s) spend most of their time? _____________________________
6. Would you be able to separate the foster animal(s) from your own pet(s) if the need arose?
 Yes  No
7. Do you:  Rent an apartment
 Rent a house
 Own a house
 Live with parents
8. If you rent, what is your landlord's name?_________________________ Phone?__________
9. Who will be the primary caretaker of the foster animal? ______________________________
10. What hours will the caretaker be home? _________________________________________
11. Are all members of your household aware that you are interested in fostering and are they
supportive of your interest to foster?  Yes  No
12. Do you have children?
 Yes
 No
If yes, what are their ages? _____________________________________________________
13. Do you have a fenced in yard?
 Yes
 No type & height ______________________
If no, please describe how foster animal(s) will be restricted when outdoors.
14. Are there any other factors that may limit your foster work? __________________________
15. Do you object to a Beagle Buddies Rescue representative visiting your home?  Yes
 No
16. Please indicate below what you would be willing to foster:
 Sick/injured dog - indeterminate amount of foster care (from one week - three months)
 Adult dog
17. Please feel free to share any additional comments.
18. Have you ever fostered or are you currently fostering for other animal welfare organizations or rescue
groups?  Yes
 No
If yes, when did you foster and who did you foster for? ________________________________
I have answered the above questions truthfully and understand that intentional false statements will void this
application. I have never been charged with or convicted of animal cruelty. Beagle Buddies Rescue reserves the
right to inspect all foster homes at any time and, if necessary, remove animals from homes deemed to be
unsatisfactory. Beagle Buddies Rescue also reserves control and guardianship of foster animal(s) at all times.
Print name:___________________________
I agree to the following procedures (but am not limited to):
What is expected of a foster family for Beagle Buddies Rescue?
It is critical that a foster family understand what is expected of them and adhere to these expectations. Often
times, having a foster family that does not follow guidelines is more problematic than having no foster family at all.
As we are run entirely by volunteer time and donations, we do not have the luxury of time or money and need our
foster families to stick within our foster guidelines and practices to help us help more dogs.
Our expectations of our foster families :
 Read and adhere to the foster home agreement-It is important for everyone in the foster family to read
the foster agreement and foster guidelines.
 Plan to keep the dog indefinitely-We cannot guarantee how long you will be asked to foster a dog.
Sometimes dogs are adopted in weeks, sometimes it takes many months. Foster families should not
enter into fostering with an expectation that a dog will be gone in a certain period of time. The length of
time it takes a foster dog to be adopted is often directly related to the amount of energy the foster family
puts into training the dog, socializing the dog and attending events to promote adoption of the dog.
 Provide a good temporary home for the dog- Provide adequate food, water, shelter, and kind
treatment for the animal(s) at all times.Foster families are expected to provide a safe, comfortable and
healthy environment for their foster dog. Our foster dogs should be indoor dogs, they should be fed
healthy food, given appropriate access to water and be exercised and socialized in such a way as to
create a positive, well tempered dog.
 Work with us for medical treatment of the foster dog-Beagle Buddies will pay for the medical care of
the dog during the time it is being fostered, to include routine check-ups, spaying/neutering, vaccinations,
microchip insertion, treatment of routine illnesses and treatment of emergencies should they arise. In
order to control our expenses, however, the foster family must utilize a veterinarian provided by Beagle
Buddies and will notify appropriate rescue personnel prior to any medical treatment for the dog to ensure
finances and treatment options are appropriately aligned.
 Dog food and Supplies-Beagle Buddies will supply the foster family with dog food and supplies, or
reimburse you the cost of, during the period of fostering.
 Treat the dog as if they were your own-The foster family is expected to be able to handle routine care
and situations with the dog without having to involve other Beagle Buddies personnel. Meaning, we do
not have the resources to take dogs for walks, stop by and check on them or other mundane tasks that
should rightfully be expected of a foster family. As a foster family, you should operate within the fostering
guidelines set forth by Beagle Buddies, but essentially, while you do not own the dog you should treat the
dog as if it were your dog during the fostering period and you should care for it as such.
 Participate in adoption events-From time to time, Beagle Buddies will have events and other activities
which promote the adoption of your foster dog. These may include adoption days where dogs are brought
out for public viewing, displays on websites, fund raisers, etc. Foster families are expected to be available
and work with Beagle Buddies to have the dog at such events, provide the appropriate information for
websites, including pictures and descriptions/bios or any other activities designed to promote the adoption
of the dog.
 Participate in the adoption process-Beagle Buddies regularly receives applications on dogs in our
foster homes and we have a centralized process whereby these are screened. If an applicant is
interested in a foster dog and has passed the initial screening, the foster family will be notified and our
adoption coordinator will conduct the appropriate meet and greets along with home visits with the
potential applicant to allow them to meet and interact with the dog. Adoptions are handled by Beagle
Buddies and the foster family will be informed about the adoptive family. Under no circumstances are
foster families to directly handle the adoption process.
 Keep us updated about the foster dog-Foster families are expected to provide updates on the status
and progress of the foster dog, inform us immediately of any health issues or behavior problems the
foster family needs assistance with. Notify Beagle Buddies Rescue at (317) 418-1615 as to any
behavioral or health problems of the animal(s). Beagle Buddies Rescue reserves the exclusive right to
determine the proper course of action to take upon such notification.
 Never hand over the dog without consent-Foster families should NEVER turn over their foster dog to a
anyone not connected with Beagle Buddies without the prior consent of Beagle Buddies adoption
coordinator or Beagle Buddies Director.
 Do not let your foster dog run loose-Foster families should not allow their dog off-leash outside of an
enclosed area at any time.
 ID Tags-Foster families should ensure that the dog is wearing their collar with their Beagle Buddies tag,
rabies tag, and microchip tag AT ALL TIMES. Foster families should never replace the Beagle Buddies
tag with one that only has the foster family information on it.
Work on basic obedience commands and house manners-Foster dogs will get adopted more quickly
and will stay in their new home once adopted if they know some basic commands such as sit, heel, come,
down, leave it and stay and while we don't expect fosters to be trainers some dogs do learn quickly. It is
also important that they are crate/kennel trained and have basic house manners such as teaching them to
not jumping on visitors, not counter surf, stay off furniture and sleep on a dog bed or the floor and not
your bed. We expect all our foster families to work with their foster dogs on these basic skills if possible.
Notify us immediately if you would like to adopt your foster dog-Many times a foster family decides
they would like to adopt their foster dog and should that be the case we ask that you let us know as soon
as you arrive at this decision so we can go through the adoption process with you. Beagle Buddies
reserves the right to determine the best home for the dog.
Liability Release and Waiver: I, the undersigned, understand that my participation with Beagle Buddies Rescue
is strictly on a foster basis. I understand that there are inherent risks associated with my fostering activities,
including the risk of personal injury resulting from animal bites and other animal behavior.
In exchange for Beagle Buddies Rescue agreement allowing me to participate in its fostering program, I hereby
release Beagle Buddies Rescue including its officers, agents and employees, from any and all claims of liability of
any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to claims of negligence and/or injury to me arising out of my
participation in the Beagle Buddies Rescue fostering program. I understand that by signing below, I am waiving
any and all claims against Beagle Buddies Rescue its officers, agents and employees of any kind whatsoever
arising from the taking of custody of the animal by Beagle Buddies Rescue including but not limited to claims of
negligence, veterinary malpractice, conversion, breach of contract and/or personal injury.
I also expressly warrant and represent that no other person, including my spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or domestic
partner, has any ownership rights or interests of any kind in the animal; and that I have sole right and exclusive
authority to place the animal in the custody of Beagle Buddies Rescue under the terms of this Agreement. As
further consideration for Beagle Buddies Rescue agreement to take custody of the animal, I agree to defend
indemnify, and hold harmless Beagle Buddies Rescue including its officers, agents, and employees, including
veterinary staff, from any claims or demands by anyone who may assert ownership rights or an interest in the
Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________________________
Witness ____________________________________ Date ____________________________
Thank you for assisting us in protecting animals.
Please return these forms to:
Beagle Buddies Rescue
8310 Brambleberry Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Or email to: