ANS HFICD Executive Committee
Meeting Minutes
Human Factors, Instrumentation and Control
Division Executive Committee Meeting
June 26, 2011
ANS Annual Meeting
Hollywood, FL USA
Richard Wood
Richard Wood/Sacit Cetiner
HFICD Executive Committee Members and ANS Staff
Minutes By:
Richard Wood
Robert Austin
(by phone)
Andrew Lang
(by phone)
Wes Hines
Ted Quinn
Sean Smith
(by phone)
Incoming HFICD
Officers & ExCom
Hash Hashemian
Sacit Cetiner
W. Dean
David Holcomb
John Mahoney
Atoosa P-J Thunem
Chris Wiegand
Steven Arndt
Poong Seong
Belle Upadhyaya
Email Address
University of
Tech. Res.
Lockheed Martin
Sargent & Lundy
University of
ANS HFICD Executive Committee
June 26, 2011
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Call to Order
The Summer 2011 meeting of the HFICD Executive Committee (ExCom)
was called to order by Richard Wood, Division Chairman. It was
confirmed that a quorum of officers and ExCom members was
All in attendance then introduced themselves. Attendees are noted in the
header above.
Agenda and Approval of Meeting Minutes
The agenda for the meeting was reviewed and adopted as proposed
based on the understanding that flexibility would be maintained to
accommodate the schedule of the student representatives for the past and
upcoming ANS Student Conference. The meeting minutes from the
Winter 2010 HFICD ExCom meeting, which was held last November
during the ANS Winter Meeting in Las Vegas, were discussed and
approved as written. Disposition of action items from the prior meeting
was handled according to agenda topic.
It was moved and seconded to approve the meeting minutes from
Winter 2010. Motion carried. Winter 2010 HFICD meeting minutes
Division Administrative Items
The performance of the HFICD for 2010, as indicated through division
metrics, was summarized by the Chairman. In addition, the scheduled
biennial division status presentation to the ANS Board of Directors was
discussed. The HFICD is performing exceptionally well. Significant
growth in division membership has occurred over the last two years.
However, it was noted that more extensive communications with HFICD
membership should be achieved and more active engagement with the
Young Members Group should be promoted. During the discussion of the
division status, it was suggested that the HFICD Strategic Plan be
reviewed and revised as warranted and that the division give
consideration to establishing ANS Position Statements on relevant topics
(e.g., shutdown instrumentation, post-accident monitoring)
In reporting the status of the HFICD Rules, the Chairman noted that
HFICD had submitted the final version over a year and a half ago. The
submission addressed all comments from the Rules and Bylaws
Committee except for the suggestion that the division bylaws also be
included in the document, effectively merging the separate HFICD Rules
and HFICD Bylaws into a single document using a multicolumn format.
Prior HFICD chairmen had declined to do so since there was no
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requirement in the Society rules that this format be adopted. Finalization
of the HFICD Rules is awaiting further action by the Rules and Bylaws
ACTION – Richard Wood will follow-up with the Professional Divisions
Committee to seek resolution of the impasse with the Rules and Bylaws
ANS Student Conference
Tim Cahill of Georgia Tech provided a report on the 2011 ANS Student
Conference in Atlanta. The meeting was extremely successful, with 672
people in attendance and 48 organizations involved in the Exhibit Fair.
The division was a sponsor of the meeting and staffed an HFICD booth.
Sherry Faye of University of Nevada, Las Vegas spoke about the
upcoming 2012 ANS Student Conference to be held in Las Vegas. The
student organizers requested HFICD support through sponsorship and
provision of judges, session chairs, and/or mentors. In order to enable
facilities and services to be engaged in a timely fashion, Ms Faye
indicated that the early distribution of any financial support would be much
Professional Division Committee Workshop
The HFICD Chairman discussed topics from the division committee
workshop. In particular, the petition by members of the Special
Committee on Nuclear Nonproliferation for the establishment of the
Nuclear Nonproliferation, Safeguards, and Security (NNSS) Technical
Group (TG) was given consideration. The HFICD ExCom had no
objections to the application and was in agreement with the formation of
the new TG.
It was moved and seconded to support the petition to establish a
new Nuclear Nonproliferation TG. Motion carried. An affirmative
vote for the NNSS TG was authorized.
HFICD Open Positions
Current Vice-Chairman Rob Austin advised the ExCom that he was
resigning his position due to the time constraints arising from new work
responsibilities. Therefore, he would be unable to fulfill his remaining term
and could not ascend to the role of HFICD Chairman for the 2011-2012
period. The HFICD ExCom determined that the current Chairman should
be appointed to the dual role of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the
remainder of this term (through June 30, 2011) and, thereby, retain the
role as Chairman in the next term (July 1, 2011 – June 28, 2012) in
accordance with the prescribed succession of offices. On the
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recommendation of the HFICD ExCom, Richard Wood was appointed to
the position of HFICD Vice Chairman for the remainder of the 2010-2011
term and his appointment was unanimously confirmed by the ExCom.
The current student member of the HFICD ExCom, Santiago Alvarado,
was unable to attend the meeting because of academic responsibilities.
His impending graduation will necessitate the identification of a new
student member. The membership of the ExCom was asked to provide
recommendations for candidates.
Membership in the standing committees of the HFICD was discussed.
Volunteers were solicited for the following committees: Finance,
membership, Program, Honors and Awards, Communication, Nominating.
Wes Hines volunteered to join the Treasurer and Chairman on the
Finance Committee. Ted Quinn and Richard Wood volunteered to join the
Secretary and Treasurer on the Membership Committee. Sacit Cetiner
had previously been appointed as the Chairman of the Program
Committee. Dean Crumpacker, Rob Austin, and Atoosa P-J Thunem will
also serve on the Program Committee. The membership of the
Communications (i.e., Newsletter, Publications and Website) Committee is
composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Program
Committee Chairman. Additional volunteers are needed to join the
Chairman and Program Committee Chairman on the Honors and Awards
Committee and the Chairman on the Nominating Committee. A
Scholarship Committee must be established to manage the execution of
the HFICD Scholarship solicitation and award process.
In accordance with the division rules, Richard Wood was appointed
to fulfill the remaining term of Vice Chairman for the 2010-2011
period. The ExCom members present at the meeting unanimously
approved the appointment. The vote satisfied the 2/3 approval
requirement specified in the HFICD Rules. As the installed Vice Chair
for the remainder of 2010-2011 term, Dr. Wood will subsequently
serve as the HFICD Chairman for the 2011-2012 term.
ACTION – ExCom members will identify candidates to serve as the
student member of the HFICD ExCom and provide recommendations to
the Chairman
Review of Budget
The financial status of the division was discussed and the 2011 budget
reviewed. As of March 2011, HFICD had a balance of $48,279 in funds.
This balance included $25,000 of previously allocated scholarship funds
that remain to be transferred to a dedicated endowment account. An
additional $2,000 had been allocated to directly fund the award of the
HFICD scholarship for the 2011-2012 academic year. Even with these
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and other scheduled disbursements, the division remains in a solid
financial condition.
Based on the request by UNLV that financial support be provided this year
for the 2012 ANS Student Conference (see item 4 above), it was clear that
the HFICD needed to “get ahead of the curve” and modify the current
budget to allocate additional funding for student support. The budget
already included sponsorship of the 2011 ANS Student Conference and
travel support for the HFICD Student Member of the ExCom. To achieve
the same level of visibility for the division during the 2012 Student
Conference at UNLV as that arranged for the 2011 Student Conference at
Georgia Tech, it was decided that HFICD become a Neutrino level
sponsor ($2,500). By doing so, HFICD can host a booth at the Career
Fair and include a ¼ page ad in the conference program.
It was moved and seconded that $2,500 be allocated in the 2011
budget to sponsor the 2012 ANS Student Conference in Las Vegas.
Motion carried. Neutrino level sponsorship of 2012 ANS Student
Conference was approved.
Division Communications
It was noted that the website had been substantially revised in 2010 and
had undergone some recent minor updates (e.g., updated officer listing,
link to scholarship application forms). The officers and ExCom roster
needs to be updated and information/links for the NPIC&HMIT 2012
conference need to be added. It was recommended that the ExCom
membership review the website to identify further updates.
It was suggested that the website could include a job postings page
through which job opportunities specifically for human factors or I&C
specialists could be listed. There was some discussion about whether
resumes should be included as well but there seemed to be consensus
that protection of personal information might make that impractical. It was
agreed that adding this service should be investigated further but no
specific action items were assigned.
A division newsletter was distributed in spring 2011. Input and/or articles
were requested for a Fall edition.
It was announced that Nuclear News is planning a special section on
nuclear plant I&C for the December issue. The Chairman will help to
coordinate identification and submission of articles. Recommendations on
potential article topics/authors are welcome.
ACTION – Tim Hurst to coordinate updates to the HFICD website.
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ACTION – Richard Wood will solicit articles for the Special Section on I&C
to be prepared for the December issue of Nuclear News.
Program Committee
Chris Wiegand, Technical Program Chair of the 2011 Utility Working
Conference gave an update on the program for that conference. A
Cybersecurity and Digital I&C track has been arranged for the meeting.
Sacit Cetiner, HFICD Program Chairman, gave status reports on program
development activities for the division. He reported that HFICD has
developed four sessions for the 2011 ANS Winter Meeting in Washington
DC and is cosponsoring another session with the Operations and Power
Division. Reviewers are needed to complete processing of the summaries
that have been provided.
Session proposals are needed soon for the 2012 Summer Meeting in
Chicago. Volunteers to organize sessions are requested to contact the
HFICD Program Chairman.
The HFICD Program Chairman announced that ANS had granted
preliminary approval for the Eighth International Topical Meeting on
Nuclear Plant, Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface
Technologies (NPIC&HMIT 2012), which will be held in San Diego on July
22-26, 2012. As one of the conference Technical Program Chairs, Dr.
Cetiner gave a status report on conference planning and invited ExCom
members to contribute to the Technical Program.
Poong Seong gave a report on the upcoming ICI 2011, which will be held
in Daejeon, Korea, on August 21-25. The ICI conference is organized on
a rotating basis by Asian nuclear power societies (in this case, the Korean
Nuclear Society). The conference consists of three I&C and human
factors meetings. Dr. Seong reported that 100 paper presentation are
scheduled and noted that members of the ANS HFICD are participating in
the conference. It was agreed that HFICD and the organizing societies of
the ICI would investigate the possibility of a joint NPIC&HMIT and ICI
meeting to be held in Hawaii in early 2014.
Given the number of conferences involving HFICD and need to conduct
more detailed planning discussions, it was agreed that a separate meeting
of the HFICD Program Committee should be scheduled immediately
preceding the ExCom meeting at subsequent ANS national meetings. In
the future, a Program Committee meeting will be arranged from 11-12 on
the Sunday proceeding ANS national meetings.
ACTION – Richard Wood and Sacit Cetiner to arrange HFICD Program
Committee meeting in the one-hour timeslot preceding the ExCom
meeting at the 2011 ANS Winter Meeting.
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ACTION – Richard Wood to investigate opportunities and issues for joint
ICI–NPIC&HMIT conference in 2014.
HFICD Scholarship
The HFICD Scholarship for undergraduate students was approved in
November 2010 by the Scholarship Committee and the ANS Board of
Directors. The endowment of the HFICD Scholarship passed the halfway
point with the disbursement of the allotted $25,000. In the late spring, the
Chairman had worked with ANS HQ to establish an application process so
that the first scholarship could be awarded this year, based on the direct
funding allocated in the 2011 budget. The applications for the HFICD
scholarship were distributed at the 2011 ANS Student Conference and
made available through the division website. The Chairman will work with
ANS HQ to collect and compile the applications. A Scholarship
Committee consisting of at least three judges will be established to review
the applications and select a recipient for the 2011-2012 academic year.
ACTION – Richard Wood to establish a Scholarship Committee to process
applications and select the recipient.
Don Miller Award
The 2011 Don Miller Award recipient was identified as Rafael Perez,
professor Emeritus of the University of Tennessee. Dr. Perez was unable
to travel to Florida to receive the award during the Honors & Award
Luncheon at this conference. In lieu of support for his travel and
participation in the luncheon, a small reception and dinner for him will be
held in Knoxville to present the award.
ACTION – Richard Wood will arrange the Don Miller Award presentation
ceremony for Dr. Perez in Knoxville.
New Items
Steven Arndt discussed the announcement of new initiatives from the ANS
Board of Directors. These include implementation of Strategic Plan items,
including improving the Information Technology services to the ANS
membership and creation of the Nuclear Technology and Information
Center. Richard Wood reported that the Professional Divisions had
requested input in September on needed IT capabilities and deficiencies
in the existing services.
ACTION – Richard Wood and Sacit Cetiner will provide input to ANS HQ
on IT capabilities.
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It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
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