Chemistry II Names: Drug Project Score Guide 100 Points Total

Chemistry II
Drug Project Score Guide
100 Points Total
PSSA Science Assessment Anchors:
S11.A.3.1.1 Apply systems analysis, showing relationships (e.g., flowcharts, decision
trees, dichotomous keys, mind map), input and output, and measurements to
explain a system and its parts.
S11.B.1.1.1 Explain how structure determines function at multiple levels of organization
(e.g., chemical, cellular, anatomical, ecological).
S11.C.1.1.2 Explain the relationship between the physical properties of a substance
and its molecular or atomic structure.
Mechanics (10 Points)
 Focus: The single controlling point is made with an awareness of task (mode)
about a specific topic
 Content: The presence of ideas developed through facts, examples, anecdotes,
details, opinions, statistics, reasons, and/or explanations
 Organization: The order developed and sustained within and across paragraphs
using transitional devices and including introduction and conclusion
 Style: The choice, use, and arrangement of words and sentence structure that
create tone and voice
 Conventions: Grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation are
used properly
 Links and files flow without technical difficulty
Use of Media (20 Points)
 Media is used in a stylistic way to create a tone that matches the message
 Appearance is attractive and inviting, not distracting
 Colors, fonts, headings, and other design elements are used artfully and
Relating Concepts (30 Points)
 Students explain why the concept is important
 Content is connected to chemistry concepts discussed in class
 Project is connected to real-world
 Apply systems analysis, showing relationships, input and output, and
measurements to explain a system and its parts
Structure & Function (40 Points)
 Explain how structure determines function at multiple levels of organization.
 Explain the relationship between the physical properties of a substance and its
molecular or atomic structure.
Drug Project Guide
Objective: Students will be able to represent the reactions of molecules in the body
using models that accurately portray both the structure and function of drugs and their
interaction with the various bodily systems.
Part I: Drug
1. Choose a drug and determine its molecular formula, structural formula, line angle
formula, molecular geometry, and major functions in the body
2. Determine the body processes that the drug affects in the body
3. Research how the drug accomplishes its function in the body
4. Summarize the relationship between the structure of the drug, its function, and its
interaction with cells/molecules in the human body
Part II: Neurotransmitter
1. Find the neurotransmitter that is involved in the function of your drug and
determine its molecular formula, structural formula, line angle formula, and
molecular geometry
2. Determine the major function of the neurotransmitter
3. Describe what processes are the neurotransmitter are involved with
4. Describe the details of the neurotransmitter that allow it to complete its function
Part III: Receptor
1. Find the receptor in the brain that is most affected by your drug
2. Research how the receptor works and the types of molecular interactions that it
is involved with
3. Describe the active site of the receptor
4. Summarize where the drug/neurotransmitter is absorbed in the body, how it is
broken down and then used
Summarize your findings in your choice of product. The goal of the product is for
you to explain the chemistry concepts with language that is understandable to most
students who have taken Chemistry I. Your Possible options are:
 Illustrated Storybook
 Website
 Movie
 Animation
 Other…