October Sky Reading and Assignment Schedule Day and Date Assignment Chapter(s) Tuesday, August 28 Wednesday, August 29 Thursday, August 30 Friday, August 31 Wednesday, September 5 Thursday, September 6 Friday, September 7 Monday, September 10 Tuesday, September 11 Wednesday, September12 Thursday, September13 RRJ Take-home quiz ch 6-10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Friday, September 14 Monday, September 17 Tuesday, September 18 Wednesday, September19 RRJ Vocabulary check 1st half RRJ Take-home quiz ch 11-15 12 13 14 15 Thursday, September 20 Friday, September 21 Monday, September 24 Tuesday, September 25 Wednesday,September26 Thursday, September 27 RRJ 16 17 18 19 20 21 Friday, September 28 Monday, October 1 Tuesday, October 2 Wednesday, October 3 Thursday, October 4 RRJ RRJ Take-home quiz ch 1-5 RRJ RRJ RRJ Take-home quiz ch16-20 RRJ RRJ Vocabulary check 2nd half RAFT (due 10/9) 22 23 24 25 epilogue See next page for specifics on Vocabulary, RRJ entries, and Quizzes. Assessment 10 points 10 points Quiz 1 50 pts 10 points 10 points Quiz 2 50 points 10 points 50 points 10 points Quiz 3 50 points 10 points 10 points 10 points Quiz 4 50 points 10 points 10 points 50 points 100 points Vocabulary from the novel: 1. In the miscellaneous section of your notebook, begin a page entitled “Words I Want to Use” with the following headings: Word Book Page number How to use it Ex: confounded October Sky 10 same as “blown away” You are to note any words you encounter in the novel that sound good to you. These are words you would like to work into your vocabulary. This log will be ongoing and will be checked twice throughout our reading of October Sky. I will also ask you at times to use some of these new words in writing assignments. 2. In order to understand this book, you must look up words you do not know. This includes words you do not know at all or words you have heard before but you are not sure of the meaning. I know some of you have extensive vocabularies, but there are some challenge words in there even for you! For these words, simply write a brief definition that makes sense to you in the margin beside the text where the word is found. Highlight or underline the word in the sentence. I will check the books along with the list above. There the doctors gave him little chance for survival. While Mom waited in the Stevens Clinic waiting room, the Captain was allowed to watch the operation. After a long piece of his intestine was removed, Dad confounded everybody by going back to work in a month. Another month later, drenched in rock dust and sweat, his section punched through the header into the softest, blackest, purist coal anyone had ever seen. (10) Each vocabulary check is worth 50 points and counts as a vocabulary grade. Reader Responses: You will be asked to respond in writing to what you have read. You MAY NOT simply write plot summary. I am asking you to do use a variety of responses. You may respond in the way you most prefer, but out of the 10 entries, you must use at least three ways to respond. That means if you like to draw, you may draw for 8 of the entries, but you must use at least two other ways to respond. Below is a list of acceptable responses: Drawings – visualizations that show how you visualize the characters or scenes Quotes – this would be statements from the book you find interesting and comment on their meaning, importance to the story, connections to your life, etc. Charts – you may wish to chart the types of rockets or types of fuels and the result of the launches or create a timeline of events Related historical facts – this novel references several important historical events and eras. You might want to read more on the internet or in books about a particular topic and relate it to the book. Relate the experience of the rocket boys to your own experience building and launching your own rockets for science class. Questions you may have Connections you have made to events or people in the novel or in your life Reactions to events, people, or conflicts in the novel Comparisons/contrasts among characters Assigned topics – I will assign at least two topics for Reader Response. Each Reader Response counts as 10 points, must be at least ½ a page, be one entry per page, and totals 100 points for the unit. Take-home Quizzes: There will be four take-home quizzes throughout the novel. These will be worth 50 points each. You may use your book, notes, rrjs and anything else you need to answer the questions for the quiz, but cheating will result in a zero. Don’t copy your friend’s answers. I read them ALL and recognize exact same language. Besides, if you copy, you haven’t learned anything. Each quiz will be worth 50 points for a total of 200 points RAFT – this is the end of the unit assessment, and I will discuss this with you in depth as we reach the end of the novel. This will be worth 100 points. Our total unit will be worth 400 points.