1,Lexical Structure 1.1,Character Set (1)ECMAScriptv1 and v2 standard allows Unicode characters only in commons and quoted string literals; all elements are restricted to the ASCII character set. (2)ECMAScriptv3 standard allows Unicode character anywhere in a JavaScript program. (3)Versions of JavaScript that ECMAScript standardization typically do not support Unicode at all. 1.2,Case Sensitivity (1)HTML is not case-sensitive. (2)JavaScript is case-sensitive. (3)XHTML is case-sensitive. 1.3,Literals 12 1.2 "hello world" 'Hi' true false /javascript/gi matching) null // // // // // // // The number twelve The number one point two A string of text Another string A Boolean value The other Boolean value A "regular expression" literal (for pattern // Absence of an object In ECMAScript v3, expressions that serve as array and object literals are also supported. For example: { x:1, y:2 } [1,2,3,4,5] // An object initializer // An array initialize 2,Datatypes(JavaScript supports) 2.1,Three primitive datatypes numbers string of text(known as strings) Boolean truth values(known as booleans) 2.1.1, numbers All numbers in JavaScript are represented as floating-point values.(the same implementation of Java’s double type.) Note that any numeric literal can be preceded by a minus sign (-) to make the number negative. Technically, however, - is the unary negation operator and is not part of the numeric literal syntax., Integer, Hexadecimal and Octal Literals A hexadecimal literal begins with "0x" or "0X", followed by a string of hexadecimal digits. A hexadecimal digit is one of the digits 0 through 9 or the letters a (or A) through f (or F), which represent values 10 through 15. Although the ECMAScript standard does not support them, some implementations of JavaScript allow you to specify integer literals in octal (base-8) format. An octal literal begins with the digit 0 and is followed by a sequence of digits, each between 0 and 7. For example: 0377 // 3*64 + 7*8 + 7 = 255 (base 10) Since some implementations support octal literals and some do not, you should never write an integer literal with a leading zero; you cannot know in this case whether an implementation will interpret it as an octal or decimal value., Floating-Point Literals look lilke : [digits][.digits][(E|e)[(+|-)]digits] These are all valid float number: 3.14 2345.789 .333333333333333333 6.02e23 // 6.02 x 1023 1.4738223E-32 // 1.4738223 x 10-32 2.2,two trivial datatypes null undefined each of which only defines only a single value. 2.3,Composite datatypes 2.3.1, Object An object represents a collection of values (either primitive values, such as numbers and strings, or composite values, such as other objects). Objects in JavaScript have a dual nature: an object can represent an unordered collection of named values or an ordered collection of numbered values. In the latter case, the object is called an array. Although objects and arrays are fundamentally the same datatype in JavaScript, they behave quite differently and will usually be considered distinct types. object[‘property’]. See example below: if we have an object var Person = { id:1, name:’John’ } then Person[‘name’] is equivalent to ‘john’ 2.3.2, array an ordered collection of numbered values. object[index] this is the typical usage of an array. We could get any element within the array. 2.3.3, function JavaScript defines another special kind of object, known as a function. A function is an object that has executable code associated with it. A function may be invoked to perform some kind of operation. Like arrays, functions behave differently from other kinds of objects, and JavaScript defines a special language syntax for working with them. Thus, we'll treat the function datatype independently of the object and array types. 2.3.4, Date Represents dates 2.3.5, RegExp Represents regular expression 2.3.6, Error Represents syntax the runtime errors that can occur in a JavaScript program. DOM Document Method: getElementsByName (1)how to get an element by name, using the following script: var nodes = null; var ele = null; // Now it is time to look by name nodes = document.getElementsByName(inputName); if (nodes.length >= 1) ele = nodes.item(0); Element Method: setAttribute(“attribute”,”value of this attribute”); property: childNodes nodeType -- type of Array. Array Method: item(i) -- to get the item at index i. sort(options) -- options is optional. (1)If options is messing, the JavaScript compare every two object in this array. (2)If options is available. It should be a function which has two parameters, and this function should return value should be -1 or 0 or 1. See example below. people.sort(function(p1,p2) { return p1.name.localeCompare(p2.name); }); property: length -- size of array.