Data Mining: Key Component for aCRM Success MANJEET KUMAR (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR-IT), NIILM CMS,GREATER NOIDA,UP Abstract The author tried to present role of the data mining (DM) in success of analytic Customer relationship Management (aCRM). The paper attempts to present the benefits the enterprise will get by implementing the CRM analytics using the DM. Analytical CRM is the part of CRM that aims at storing, analyzing and applying the knowledge about customers and about ways to approach customers, typically using databases, statistical tools, data mining (DM), machine learning, Business Intelligence (BI) and reporting methodologies. They provide the hidden patterns, finding predictive information that experts may miss because it lies outside their expectations which was not possible from traditional databases analysis using analytical tools like DM. Analytical CRM helps in better understanding of the customers by evaluating customer-related data. Greenberg (2004) defined analytical CRM as the capture, storage, extraction, processing, interpretation, and reporting of customer data to a user. We had gone through the systems of many organizations and had studied the development of analytic CRM in detail of many organizations that have implemented aCRM using DM techniques. The efficiency increase which has been brought by implementation of the CRM analytic using DM in the organization are analyzed and presented in form of importance of DM for aCRM through this paper. Keywords: - Customer relationship management (CRM); Analytical Customer Relationship Management (aCRM); Data Mining (DM); Information Technology (IT). 1. Introduction. The competition is every service sector of business is increasing which has forced companies to not only to attract customers, but also to retain them. Customers are the key factor for the success of any service sector companies. To manage the relationship with the customers the data related to the customers are kept and managed through the customer relationship management (CRM). CRM is a process or methodology used to learn more about customer’s needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. The database of customer service as repositories of invaluable information and knowledge that can be utilized to improve customer service. The Data Mining helps firms to analyze the customer data and extract the useful information, to gain competitive advantage over others. (Swift, 2001) defined Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as process designed to gather data of customers, to grasp features of customers, and to apply those qualities in specific marketing activities. CRM as suggested by (Choy, et al., 2003) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually internet capabilities which focuses on leveraging and exploiting interactions with the customer to maximize customer satisfaction, ensure return business, and ultimately enhance customer profitability. (Xu and Walton, 2005) argued that CRM should be equipped with some Information Technology (IT) tools for better analysis of the customer data. Bose (2002) indicates that CRM involves acquisition, analysis and use of knowledge about customers in order to sell more goods or services and to do it more effectively. This type of CRM is defined as Analytical CRM (aCRM). The analytical CRM is also referred by Kotorov (2002) as a 360 degrees view of the customers. This type of CRM as suggested by Rowley (2004) helps in online order, knowledge bases that can be used to generate customer profiles etc. Analytical CRM involves understanding of the customer by evaluating the knowledge extracted from the customer data that helps in understanding the behavior of the customers. The analytical CRM is the capture, storage, extraction, processing, interpretation, and reporting of customer data to a user (Greenberg, 2004). The implementation of the analytical CRM in the firm has boosted the production and profit of the organizations. The urge for Data mining in analytical CRM was felt due to the massive amount of the data, which was present in the data warehouse for the analysis purpose. The Data Mining helps firms to analyze the customer data and extract the useful information, to gain competitive advantage over others. Data mining (Frawley, Piatetsky-Shapiro and Matheus, 1992) is the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. Data Mining is the process of extracting information from large data sets through the use of algorithms and techniques drawn from the field of statistics, machine learning and database management systems (Feelders, Daniels and Holsheimer, 2000). The effectiveness of the data mining in analytical CRM can be felt by the various complexes modeling algorithm available with the data mining. We have tried to bring the importance of the data mining in the analytical CRM through this paper. 2. Motivation and related work. Analytical CRM has gained immense popularity in the business world that more and more companies are attracting towards its implementation. But the CRM implementation is effective only if it is implemented with the latest Data mining techniques. The importance of the Data Mining in analytical CRM was felt and as much research has not being done, we authors have being motivated for showing the importance of DM in aCRM. ( (2003) discussed the importance of the analytical CRM in the business of an enterprise. Fletcher (1999) showed the changing focus on customers by the companies. (Tzokas and Saren, 2002) discussed how competitive advantage is achieved through knowledge and relationship marketing. (Jones and Ranchhod, 2007) argued building marketing strategies through customer attention. The work contributed by various researchers in the field of operational CRM and Analytical CRM is presented in the tabular form in table 1.0. Table 1.0 Related Research on CRM and aCRM SR.N AUTHORS NATURE OF WORK O 1 Ahmed (2004) Provided a model to use prediction and classification to discover the characteristic of customers who are likely to leave. 2 Ahn, et al., 2003 Developed the design of CRM model and examined analytical CRM on distributed data warehouse. 3 Bose, 2002 Examined CRM and found it as key component for information technology success. 4 Bose and Stressed on the application of Knowledge Sugumaran, management in CRM 2003 5 Campell, 2003 Explained the customer knowledge creation in CRM. 6 Hansen, et al., Provided the strategy for managing the customer 1999 knowledge 7 Kotorov, 2002 Provided the 360 degree view of the customer data through the analytical CRM. 8 Paiva, et al., Examined the manufacturing units from knowledge 2002 management perspective. 9 Park and Kim, Developed the framework for dynamic CRM for 2003 marketing information strategy. 10 Qiaohong, et al., Developed a frame work for analytical CRM based on 2007 distributed data warehouse. 11 Rowley, 2002 Suggested the eight questions for Customer knowledge management in e-business. 12 Tzokas and Examined the competitive advantage with knowledge Saren, 2002 management and relationship marketing 13 Xu and Walton, Showed the advantage and knowledge about 2005 customers the enterprise get through the analytical CRM 14 Minna and Aino, Framed a theoretical framework for customer 2005 knowledge management competence. 15 Garcia-Mriillo Defined the customer knowledge management and Annabi 16 Bersons, Smith Showed Data Mining has a direct impact on the and Thearling, analytical results that will drive business decisions 1999 17 Cabena,, Explored Data mining that uses the extracted 1998 18 19 20 Han and Kamber, 2006 information from large databases to make critical business decisions Defined Data Mining as extracting or mining knowledge from large amount of data. Data Mining includes various queries, reports and decision support tools based on historical data of the organization and can even predict for the future perspective. Explores the emerging trend for data mining Clifton and Thuraisingham, 2001 Rygielski, Cheng Explores the emerging standards for data mining for and David, 2001 CRM. From these studies, one can understand that limited research exist on showing the importance of the data mining in analytical CRM which has motivated us for our work. 3. Analytical Customer Relationship Management (aCRM). Analytical CRM helps to measure, predict and optimize customer relationship by gaining the in-depth from the already existing data of the customers. Greenberg (2004) showed analytical CRM as the capture, storage, extraction, processing, interpretation, and reporting of customer data to a user. Analytical CRM follows a customer centric approach that helps building high-value customers and build more profitable customer relationships by targeting marketing, sales and service more effectively. The success of the analytical CRM depends how well the firms manage the answers to questions like: Whether all relevant customers related information is collected from various sources or not and whether the collected information is put in uniform and symmetric data warehouse to create a knowledgeable customer base which can answer all questions? Does a sophisticated set of analytical tools available for the analysis of the existing data in the warehouse? Are the personnel’s in the company utilizing the analytical results obtained from the aCRM? How well is the result being deployed or implemented in the firms? CRM analytics helps to create a through analysis of the operational data of the CRM for getting the insight of the business. Smith (2006) suggested that the analysis of the customer data is key for the success of CRM. That is CRM analytics provides a single view of the customer data, which is integrated and refined to answer the complex problem faces by the organizations. CRM analytics help in the analysis of customer data that is collected from various sources. The results generated through the analysis of the data by CRM analytic helps the business process from two different angles. It helps to predict the future behavior of the customers, trends in future and scope of implementing the policies from future perspective. It also helps the firms to streamline the existing setup of the organizations by guiding some fundamental changes that are required to be implemented in the firms for better results. The customer knowledge acquisition is the key factor behind the success of the CRM analytics in any company’s set up. This process of knowledge acquiring is a dynamic process which means it’s cyclic, the analysis of the data which is collected from CRM analytics need to be again utilized for long term benefit for the firms. The CRM analytics provides a significant difference in the performance of the some of the key areas of the firm. They are: Strategic level executives have access to all relevant information, which were hidden earlier. They can provide better answers to the questions which they earlier found difficult. The effort put by the organizations in term of the marketing will be improved significantly if the company is more focused on some important factor rather than all factors which will be revealed through the analysis of the customer data by CRM analytics. The overall business process of the company increases as all the business processes are more and equally informed about the existing setup since the knowledge extracted from the customer data is available through the CRM analytics. 4. Data Mining Data Mining, a synonym to “knowledge discovery in databases” is a process of analyzing data from different perspective and summarizing it into useful information. It reveals patterns and trends that are hidden among the data. It is often viewed as a process of extracting valid, previously unknown, non-trivial and useful information from large databases (Rao, 2003). (Noonan, 2000) addresses that data mining is a process for sifting through lots of data to find information useful for decision making. (West, 2005) opinions that by relying on the power of data mining, retailers can maintain the consistency and accuracy of their underwriting decisions; they can significantly reduce the impact of fraudulent claims; and can have a better understanding of their customer’s wants and needs. Data mining can be used to control costs as well as contribute to revenue increases (Two Crows Corporation, 2005). Data Mining includes various queries, reports and decision support tools based on historical data of the organization and can even predict for the future perspective. Data Mining can be performed on a number of different databases and data repositories that include relational data, transactional data, data warehouse, web data, data streams, flat files, time series data and many more. (Clifton and Thuraisingham, 2001) explores the emerging trend for data mining. Data Mining plays a leading role in every facet of customer relationship management. Only through the application of data mining techniques can a large enterprise hope to turn the myriad records in its customer databases into some sort of coherent picture of its customers (Berry and Linoff, 2001). Most retailers collect and have access to huge amount of data, collected from day to day operations e.g. customer loyalty data, retail store sales and merchandise data, demographic projection data etc. Currently retailers are data rich but information poor. There is a great potential to develop systems that enable analysts and decision makers to manage, explore, analyze, synthesize and present data in a meaningful manner for decisions. Retail managers are in a constant need for right kind of information for making effective decisions (Sharma and Vyas, 2007). Data mining techniques helps in achieving the target. The techniques of data mining like Classification, Prediction, Clustering, Association, Genetic algorithms and Neural network help achieve the goal of the data mining to extract the hidden, unknown patterns from the database. Ahmed (2004) points Classification as the way to discover the characteristics of customers who are likely to leave and provides a model that can be used to predict who they are. The cluster detection algorithm searches for groups or cluster of data elements that are similar to one another. K-means is one of the major methods of clustering. It aims at partitioning the data that have similarity and distinguishing it with other different one. Decision tree methods provide a set of human readable, consistent rules, but discovering small trees for complex problems. 5. Importance of Data Mining in Analytical CRM The importance of the Data mining in analytical CRM can be realized by understanding the application area, which is benefited through the data mining techniques. Some of the key benefits achieved are mentioned below: Improved Shopper-to-buyer conversion rate: The use of the data mining techniques help the aCRM to better analysis the data through various techniques like clustering etc through which the more efficiency in the system is achieved. The shoppers are better aware about the taste of the customers if the analysis is done through the sophisticated algorithms of the data mining. Increased cross-selling and up-selling: The cross-selling and up-selling can be increased if the data of customers are analyzed over a period of time. The Data mining techniques like the classification, association and decision tree helps in identifying the link or association between the items sold together. The complex algorithm of the data mining helps in better dealing with issues like the selling of the profitable item with less profitable items. Improved Customer retention: The clustering technique of the data mining helps in better segmentation of the customer data which helps to identify those customers which are not satisfy with the performance or product of the organization. Such customers can be identified and special offers and incentives can be given to them to improve customer churn or retain the customers. Detect high profitable customers: The clustering also helps to identify those customers which are doing the maximum dealing with the companies. The cluster or group of such customers can be increased if proper analysis of the customer data pertaining to those segments is taken care. This can be performed better by DM techniques. Enhance Marketing Strategy: The marketing strategy is dependent on the future vision of the company. The DM techniques help to identify the pattern hidden and also help to identify the future trend through the techniques like neural network etc. Improves the supply chain of the firm: The integration of the whole data from various department helps to improve the whole supply chain which is possible if analytical CRM is applied with Data mining as it helps in better analysis of the complex data and help to increases the efficiency. Predicting and forecasting possible through analytical CRM: The prediction and forecasting are one of the key features which are achieved through the DM application in the aCRM as hidden trend can be revealed. Customer loyalty: The customer loyalty is dependent on the satisfaction level the firms provide to the customers. The customer behaviour modeling is possible through the aCRM if data mining is effectively applied. This helps to now the buying pattern of the customers. Customer life time value: The customer life time value analysis is possible only if the customer data is analyzed from the entire angle. The complex algorithm of the data mining helps to achieve very efficiently. 6. Conclusion The authors tried to present importance of DM in CRM analytics, which helps organization for successful decision making and customer intelligence. The paper presented the benefits the organizations should get by implementing the CRM analytics using DM. Organizations should incorporate and adopt data mining in analytical CRM. Successful implementation of CRM analytics in the organization using data mining will increases the efficiency of the organization work. We believe that generating useful patterns from customer data using CRM analytics principles by implementing data mining, the firms can realize their return on investment (ROI). This will enhance the strategic position of the organizations. We conclude that as firms grow with evolving mountains of data generating, more sophisticated DM tools can provide additional benefit for the executive of the firms. Improved customer satisfaction, higher profitability and improvisation in the whole supply chain for company can be achieved through the CRM analytics implementation using Data mining techniques. References 1. Ahmed, S. R. (2004), “Applications of Data Mining in Retail Business”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Vol.2, pp. 455- 459 IEEE. 2. Ahn, J.Y., Kim, S.K. and Han, K.S. (2003), ‘On the design concepts for CRM system’, Industrial Management and Data systems, Vol.103, No.5, pp.324-331. 3. Bose, R. (2002), ‘CRM: key components for IT success’, Industrial Management and Data systems, Vol.102 No.2, pp.89-97. 4. Bose, R. and Sugumaran, V. (2003), ‘Application of knowledge management technology in CRM’, Knowledge and Process Management, Vol.10 No.1, pp.3-17. 5. 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