EDC312 Study Guide Quiz 2 - URI

EDC312 Study Guide for Quiz 2
1) Many children lack metacognitive knowledge. This is reflected in the fact that they:
a. Don’t know very much about how to learn
b. Have difficulty with such mathematical concepts as proportions and negative
c. Tend to be easily distracted from their schoolwork
d. Don’t perform very well on intelligence test items requiring abstract thought
2) A complex cognitive process is defined as:
a. Knowledge and beliefs about one’s own cognitive processes
b. Learning strategy that is at least partially evidence in the learner’s behavior
c. Learning strategy that is strictly mental
d. Cognitive process that involves going well beyond information specifically learned
3) What is the difference between a negative and positive transfer?
a. A positive transfer is when something learned at one time interferes with learning or
performance at a later time and negative transfer is when something learned at one
time affects how the person learns or performs in a later situation
b. A positive transfer is when something learned at one time facilitates learning or
performance at a later time and negative transfer is when something learned at one
time interferes with learning or performance at a later time
c. A positive transfer is when the original learning task and the transfer task are overlap
in content and a negative transfer is when the original learning task and the transfer
task are different in content
d. None of the above show the difference between a negative and positive transfer
4) Nicholas wanted to be able to run a mile in under five minutes. He practiced every day
and would write down how long it took him each time in order to see how much he
needed to improve in order to reach his goal. This is an example of:
a. Self-instructions
b. Self-evaluation
c. Self-monitoring
d. Self-regulation
5) What are the four steps (in order) to reciprocal teaching?
a. Summarize, question, clarify, connect
b. Make connections, describe, question, interpret
c. Interpret, question, consider, clarify
d. None of the above
6) Fill in the triangle based on Bloom’s Taxonomy levels of thinking.
7) Describe the six theoretical approaches to development.
a. Cognitive-Developmental Theory: _________________________________
b. Nativism: _____________________________________________________
c. Sociocultural Theory: ____________________________________________
d. Information-Processing Theory: _____________________________________
e. Ecological Systems Theory: _____________________________________
8) Which one of the following pairs of children best illustrates a difference in temperament?
a. Ann enjoys dancing; Alice prefers basketball
b. Bob likes to spend his time reading; Bill would rather watch a good movie
c. Carol is very sociable and outgoing; Christ is more quiet and reserved around peers
d. Dan likes to think about abstract ideas; David learns more effectively when he can
manipulate concrete objects
9) Assimilation is defined as:
a. Organized group of similar actions or thoughts
b. Responding to a new object or event by either modifying an existing scheme or
forming a new one
c. Responding to and possibly interpreting a new event in a way that is consistent with
an existing scheme
d. Universal process in brain development in which many previously formed synapses
wither away
10) Give an example and the proposed age range for Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive
a. Sensorimotor- _________________________________________________
b. Preoperational- _________________________________________________
c. Concrete Operations- ______________________________________________
d. Formal Operations- _______________________________________________
11) What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
a. Extrinsic motivation results from factors external to the individual and unrelated to
the task being performed and intrinsic motivation results from personal characteristics
or inherent in the task being performed
b. Extrinsic motivation results from personal characteristics and intrinsic motivation
results from factors that are external to the individual
c. There are no differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
d. None of the above are differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
12) Which theoretical approach to motivation emphasizes the importance of self-efficacy and
the beliefs that one can be capable of successfully performing certain behaviors or
reaching certain goals?
a. Goal theory
b. Social cognitive theory
c. Attribution Theory
d. Self-determination Theory
13) Self-handicapping is defined as:
a. Belief that an activity has direct or indirect benefits
b. Behavior that undermines one’s own success as a way of protecting self-worth
during potentially difficult tasks
c. Belief that one can perform a task successfully even after experiencing setbacks
d. Adoption of other people’s priorities and values as one’s own
14) Three of the following statements are true about human motivation. Which one is false?
a. It directs a student’s behavior toward a particular goal
b. Without it, learning is impossible
c. It determines what things will be reinforcing to a student at a particular time
d. It increases the effort that students put forth
15) Michael has a difficult math teacher that gives him a bad grade no matter how hard he
tries. He continues to ask for help but learned over time that no matter how much he
practiced or received extra help, his grade would stay the same. He eventually became
discouraged and stopped trying in math class because he felt as though he had no control
over his grade. This is an example of:
Facilitating anxiety
Performance-avoidance goal
16) Practice answering the constructive response question below:
Choose one of Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences to discuss. Define this type of
intelligence and give a few examples of relevant behaviors this student would exhibit.
What teaching method(s) would you use in order to effectively teach students with this
type of intelligence? Use vocabulary terms.
Important Vocabulary Terms for Quiz 2
Chapter 4:
Complex Cognitive Process
Overt vs. Covert Strategy
Concept Map
Illusion of Knowledge
Positive vs. Negative Transfer
Convergent vs. Divergent Thinking
Critical Thinking
Problem-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning
Chapter 5:
Theoretical Approaches to Development
Discovery Learning
Reciprocal Teaching
Guided Participation
Cognitive Apprenticeship
Inquiry Learning
Zone of Proximal Development
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development
Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences
Chapter 6:
Theoretical Approaches to Motivation
Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation
Mastery Goal
Performance Goal
Learning Helplessness
Facilitating vs. Debilitation Anxiety
Cognitive Dissonance
Proximal Goal
Stereotype Threat
Self-fulfilling Prophecy