Dairy Products Milk, yogurt, cheese, cream, sour cream, ice cream

Dairy Products
Milk, yogurt, cheese, cream, sour cream, ice cream, butter, and sherbet are all dairy products
Essential for good health
Teens should get ________________ servings a day
Major source of _________________________ and contain high quality protein, phosphorous,
riboflavin, and vitamins A & D
Selecting & Storing Dairy Products
 ________________________________ – heated to destroy harmful bacteria
 Does not change nutrition or flavor
 __________ - ___________ _____________________ (UTH) – uses higher
temperatures than pasteurization to increase shelf life
 After heating milk is packaged in pre-sterilized boxes and can be stored
unopened at room temperature for many months
 _______________________________ – mechanical process that prevents
cream from rising to the surface of milk
 Milk is often fortified with Vitamins ______ & ______ and sometimes calcium
Types of Milk
__________________ milk – 8 g of fat per serving
______________ - _________ milk (2%) – 5 g fat per serving
______________ - _________ milk (1%) – 2.5 g fat per serving
______________ - _________ milk (skim) – only traces of fat
Side Effects
Lactose Intolerance
o The body cannot produce enough lactase
 ________________________ – the enzyme need to break down lactose
 ________________________ – the natural sugar found in milk
o Gas, cramps, bloating, and diarrhea resulting from eating or drinking milk products
Lactose-reduced milk
o Treated with _________________________ to break down sugars
 Ex. Lactaid
_________________________ – a liquid separated from milk
______________ – high in fat, whips easily
______________ – lower in fat, whips easily
_________________ _________________ – not as high in fat, often used in coffee
_____________ - ________ - _______________ – half milk, half cream
Cultured Dairy Products
________________________ – fermented by a harmless bacteria added after pasteurization
_____________________ – a thick, creamy, custard-like product with a tangy flavor
____________________________ – tart, buttery flavor with a smooth thick texture
______________ _______________ – a thick, tart, creamy product with a smooth tangy flavor
Concentrated Milk Products
______________________ milk – canned whole or fat-free milk containing half the water of
regular milk
______________________ ________________ milk – a concentrated, sweetened form of milk
____________ - _____________ __________ milk – a powdered form of skim milk. When
reconstituted, it should be handled like regular milk
Frozen Dairy Products
________ _____________ – whipped frozen mixture of milk, cream, sweeteners, and flavorings
___________ _________________ – similar to ice cream but uses yogurt cultures
______________________ – made from milk fat, sugar, water, and flavorings
Frozen Dairy Products
___________________ fat products – must show at least a 25% reduction in fat
_________________ fat products – must not contain more than 3 grams of fat per serving
________________________ products – must contain less than .5 grams of fat per serving
___________________ – made from milk, cream, or a combination of both
o FDA graded for quality
 Grade A
 Grade B
__________________ __________________ – made without salt
o __________________ is a preservative so, it is more perishable than regular butter
________________ ___________________ – butter that has air whipped into it
o More perishable than regular butter
Nondairy Products
Coffee Whiteners
Whipped toppings
_________________________ sour cream
o Mimic dairy products but do not contain cream
 Made from soy protein, emulsifiers, and vegetable fats and gums
o Contains vegetable oil, animal fat, or both
Cost of Dairy Products
National brands tend to cost ________________________ than local brands
Price differs in cost depending on fat content
o Whole milk costs ______________________ than skim
o _________________________ milk costs more than dry milk
Ounce for ounce milk sold in smaller containers costs more than larger containers
Cost of Dairy Products
Home delivered milk costs more than ______________________ bought
Frozen dessert costs depend on _________________ content
o Kind, amount, flavorings, extra ingredients, and size also affect cost
Cost of butter depends on the _____________________
o Sweet and whipped cost more
o Margarine is ___________________ than butter
 Prices vary depending on oils used and packaging
Storing Dairy Products
Highly _________________________
Cover and store in the ______________________________ part of the refrigerator
Cover containers tightly
UHT products should be refrigerated after opening
Storing Dairy Products
Store ice cream & frozen desserts tightly ________________________________
If frozen desserts become soft and refreeze large crystals form damaging texture
Store dried and canned milk in a cool, ________________ place
Reseal dried milk carefully
Reconstituted dried milk should be stored in the _________________________ like normal milk
Storing Dairy Products
_____________________ unused portions of canned milk products and store in the refrigerator
o Use within a few days
____________________________ butter and margarine
o Don’t let either stand at room temperature longer than necessary
o __________________________ will extend the life of both
Cheese is very versatile
o Flavors, textures, and nutrients make suitable snack or meal
Cheese is a ______________________________ form of milk
o Excellent source of ___________________________
o Important sources of calcium and phosphorous
o Fair sources of thiamin and niacin
Kinds of Cheese
_______________________ – made from milk curds with the whey drained off
_________________________ Cheese (Aged Cheese)
o Made from curds to which ripening agents have been added (mold, yeast, bacteria)
__________________________ Cheese
o Made from curds that have not been aged
Process Cheese
_________________________ cheeses can be made into process cheeses
Pasteurized process cheese – made from a _______________ of ripened and unripened cheeses
o Cheeses are heated and emulsifiers added then end product is smooth and creamy
Process Cheese
Pasteurized process cheese ______________________
o Similar to pasteurized process cheese, but it contains more moisture and less fat
Pasteurized Process Cheese ____________________________
o Has a stabilizer added, contains less milkfat and more moisture than cheese food
___________________________ Cheese (club cheese)
o Made from a mixture of unripened and aged cheeses blended without heat
Process Cheese
Coldpack Cheese ___________________
o Similar to coldpack cheese but contains additional dairy products like cream, milk, fat
free milk, or nonfat dry milk
____________________________ Cheese
o Has a large portion of the ______________________ replaced by vegetable oils
o Cheese may differ in texture and melting characteristics from real cheese
Cost of Cheeses
Save money by buying cheese in large pieces instead of sliced, cubed, shredded, or grated
Fully ripened cheeses cost ______________________ than unripened cheeses
Pasteurized cheeses cost ____________________ than ripened
Plain cheese costs __________________ than cheese with ingredients like nuts and herbs
Storing Cheese
_________________________ or tightly wrap all cheese and refrigerate it
o This prevents cheeses from drying out
o Prevents the spread of odors and flavors
Cheese can become moldy if stored ______________________________
Small amounts of mold on hard cheeses is not _________________________________
o Cut off the mold within ½ inch of the mold
Make the Lowfat Choice
Dairy products contain a significant amount of ________________
o Choose reduced fat or fat free milk products
Cooking with Milk and Cream
White sauce, cream soups, puddings, and frozen desserts are popular milk-based foods
o Some of these foods may use ________________________ instead of milk
Fresh milk, sour milk, evaporated milk, dried milk, and condensed milk are used in cooking and
o Evaporated and dried milk may be used in place of fluid, fresh milk when you mix them
with water
o _______________________ substitute condensed milk for other milk products
Cooking with Milk
Forming a ____________________ – protein solids clump together, forming a skin on the
surface. The skin can trap steam causing the milk to bubble up and boil over
o To prevent _____________________ the mixture regularly
________________________ Over – when scum forms pressure builds up beneath the scum.
The scum prevents the pressure from being released causing the milk to rise and boil over
Cooking with Milk
______________________ – when milk solids fall to the bottom of the pan, they stick and burn.
o To prevent stir the mixture constantly
____________________________ – when milk separates into curds and whey. May occur when
milk is heated with acidic foods, salt, or high heat.
o To prevent use low temperatures, stir the mixture, and combine milk with acidic foods
Cooking with Milk
_______________________________ Milk – use lower settings, watch milk carefully, don’t fill
container more than 2/3 full
____________________________ Milk – milk that is heated to just below the boiling point
Whipping Properties of Cream
Cream must contain at least _______________% milkfat to whip successfully
o _____________% is needed for a stable product
Two changes happen while whipping cream
o Air bubbles are _________________________________ and foam forms
o Fat particles _______________________ together
If cream is overbeaten it will ______________________________
Sugar ___________________________ the volume and stiffness of whipped cream and
increases whipping time
Preparing Whipping Cream
For best results, _______________________ bowl, beaters, and cream
o Bowl should be big enough to hold cream after whipping
Pour cream into bowl
beat on ____________________________ until thickening begins
Gradually add sugar and beat until cream is stiff
Serve immediately