(APTHS FORM 2013) ISI Albuquerque Welcomes You!

ISI Albuquerque Welcomes You!
International Students Inc. (ISI) is a national Christian service organization made up of trained,
culturally-sensitive, American friends, eager for cultural exchange.
- We want to provide a positive first impression of the United States & of the city of Albuquerque.
- International students of all religions & beliefs are welcome to participate.
- As Christians we follow what the Bible says: “Remember to welcome strangers in your homes.”
(Hebrews 13:2)
ISI offers all international students and scholars free airport pickup & temporary home-stay service if
we receive the completed "Airport Pickup & Temporary Home-stay Request Form” at least one week,
before the expected arrival date. Any forms received less than one week in advance -- we will
arrange for Airport Pickup but the Temporary stay may be reserved in a local reasonably priced hotel
(including breakfast) and the student will be responsible to pay for the hotel and other meals."
What does this ‘Welcome service’ consist of?
*-Pickup from the Albuquerque International Airport, "SunPort" (ABQ) or Bus/Train Station.
*-Stay of up to 3 nights free with an American family.
*-Breakfast and Dinner with the host family during the three-night stay.
*-Transportation to and from the University of New Mexico (UNM) campus during your home stay.
How do you sign-up?
 When your flight arrangements are assured, fill out the attached request form, attach, and
email it to ISIABQ@isionline.org. Each student must fill out and return a request form
even if you are traveling with others.
We must receive your request form at least one week or more before your arrival in
Albuquerque in order to provide Airport Pickup and Temporary Home stay services for you.
 You should receive confirmation of receipt of your request form within a reasonable time.
 You should receive an introduction and contact information from your “new American host”
by e-mail at least 2 days before your arrival date.
 If you have not filled out and e-mailed the request form, we will not be able to help you when
you arrive at the Albuquerque International Airport, "Sun Port"
Unexpected Delays or Missed Connecting Flights?
- This may happen especially after going through US Customs. (Keep phone numbers on you.)
- Please call your "American host" and/or ISI (505) 238-6064 immediately to let them know the
situation. Then, if necessary, call again as soon as you are given your new flight schedule.
Arrival at Albuquerque's Airport:
When you arrive at the Baggage Claim carousel, look for a person holding up a poster (sign)
with your name on the poster. This will identify your new American host.
AFTER 20 minutes: If you still have not located your new American friend, use a public
phone. This call will cost 50 cents. If your flight arrives very early, please wait at the Baggage
Claim area at least 20 minutes after the scheduled arrival time.
In some cases, your ISI American friend may be one of several people helping you during
these first few days. Your American family is looking forward to meeting you and will
provide meals and a friendly atmosphere during your brief stay with them. They will help you
get your baggage and take you to their home.
ISI Airport Pickup & Temporary Home-stay Request Form
We must have the following information at ISIABQ@isionline.org
Name: Family/Last:
Today's Date:
Gender and Age
Country of Origin:
Emergency Contact(s):
Day and Date of Arrival:
Time of Arrival (HH:MM):
Domestic Airline (example: United, Delta) and Flight number:
Airport of Entry in U.S. (example: Dallas, LA):
What level of education are you pursuing at UNM? (Bachelors, Masters, PHD, Undergraduate, CELAC,)
Are you an Exchange Student? :
1 Semester?
2 Semesters?
UNM Department (for example; Computer Science, CELAC, Anthropology, Music, etc.):
How many days will you need a temporary home-stay?
Have you made arrangements for on-campus housing while at UNM?
Residence Hall:
Try to arrive 3 days or less before residence halls open.
If you plan to look for off-campus housing, please complete the Housing Assistance form and return it
by email so that we may assist you efficiently. (Try to arrive at least 10 days before classes begin.)
Are you bringing your family? No
e How many people (total) including yourself?
How many of these are children, between 10kg and 30kg?*
*Required to meet NM Infant and children's car-seat laws
How many babies (under 10kg)?*
Do you have any special interests (sports, music, etc.)?
List any type of food you cannot eat:
List any type of pets (animals) you prefer to stay away from:
Do you Smoke? No
Can ISIABQ use photographs of you taken at ISI events? Yes
Please do not make multiple or parallel arrangements with other persons for pickup. This may cause
confusion and hurt feelings for all involved. Should you change your mind, please inform us promptly by
email - ISIABQ@isionline.org.