SUR 110 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #1 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 1 SEE: NURSING CARE OF THE PATIENT IN THE OR AND PRICE Medical Terms are divided into three parts: prefix, suffix, and root. The root is the foundation of the word, the “basic meaning”. Prefixes are added before the root to add to the basic meaning. Suffixes are added at the end of the root to also add to the basic meaning. For example: “Retroperitoneal” has three parts. 1. the root “periton” meaning lining of the abdominal organs or viscera. 2. the prefix is “retro” which means behind. 3. the suffix is “al” which means pertaining to. So this word means an area behind the peritoneum. The kidneys are found retroperitoneal. Take heart, not all words have three components! We are going to learn the basics that will help you identify any word you may come across and understand the lingo that will be spoken by everyone in the operating room. Define and memorize the following medical prefixes: a- or anabadanteantidediadisdysectoend/oex/ohyperhypoininter- intraperpostprepseudoretrotransDefine and memorize the following suffixes: -al -cleisis -desis -ectomy -ia -ian -ist -itis -lysis -oid -oma -orrhaphy -oscopy -ostomy -otomy -pexy -plasty -sis SUR 110 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #2 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 2 SEE: NURSING CARE OF THE PATIENT IN THE OR AND PRICE Define and memorize the following medical root words: Adeno Arthro Blepharo Cardi Chole Cholecyst Col Colpo Cranio Cysto Dent Derma Entero Gastro Hema/hemo/hemato Hepato Hystero Jejun Lamin Mast Myo Nephro Neuro Oophor Opthalm Orchio Os Ot Pharyng Phleb Pneumo Procto Prostate Pyelo Rhino Salping Spermato Splanchno Teno Thoraco Trachel Tracheo Ureter/uretero Urethra Vas