Gilgamesh Study Guide

The Epic of Gilgamesh Study Guide
 What would have happened to Gilgamesh if he had eaten the magic plant?
 How was the original Epic of Gilgamesh kept?
 Of which kingdom was Gilgamesh the king?
 According to the Epic of Gilgamesh, who tamed Enkidu?
 Who helped Gilgamesh and Enkidu fight Humbaba?
 Which of the following about the Epic of Gilgamesh is correct?
 How long did the Great Flood last?
 What is the name of the archeologist who discovered and translated The Epic
of Gilgamesh ?
 In what kind of writing was the story of Gilgamesh recorded?
 Who warned Utnapishtim of the Great Flood?
 How does Gilgamesh handle his death (provide two specifics)?
 What is a prologue?
 What is Mesopotamia called today?
 Why does Gilgamesh finally give up Enkidu to the earth?
 Who says “Lay upon the sinner his sin”?
 Who grants Utnaphishtim immortality?
 Who is Enkidu and how do he and Gilgamesh become friends?
 What was Mesopotamia called during the time Gilgamesh lived?
 Which character is cursed?
 Who warns Utnaphistim of the flood?
 Archetypes appear in literature across ____________________ and across
 Why is Enkidu’s dream significant?
 Why can’t Gilgamesh rest after Enkidu’s death?
 Gilgamesh is on a quest for ____________________ ________________.
 Who is Ashurbanipal?
 What surprised Gilgamesh about Utnaphishtim?
 How does Enkidu fell about the fact that he must die?
 An epic is “A long story, often told in verse, involving
___________________ and _____________________, providing a portrait
of an entire culture.
 What is the name of the giant monster who guards the cedar forest?
 Name a characteristic of the archetypal hero.
 Utnapishtim’s wife felt sorry for Gilgamesh.
 The Epic of Gilgamesh was finally recorded in writing around 1600 B.C. by
 Gilgamesh is 2/3 god and 1/3 human.
 The gods wanted to exterminate mankind because they were too noisy.
 At the end of the epic, Gilgamesh writes down his adventure story.
 Gilgamesh must stay awake for 6 days and 7 nights if he wants to gain eternal
 The Epic of Gilgamesh was found in the mid-1800s in the library of the
Assyrian King Assurbanipal in Nineveh.
 The story of Gilgamesh was written on 12 clay tablets in cuneiform.
 Utnapishtim’s wife bakes bread to prove how many days Gilgamesh slept.
 A serpent steals the magic plant Gilgamesh gets to make him young.