122 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / A. Transition Metals _ VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS A. Transition Metals 1. Electron Configuration a) General trend The principal quantum number of the d orbitals is one less than the principal quantum number of the s orbital of the period. As you move from left to right in the first and second row of the transition metals, the general trend is the s orbital is filled first with 2 electrons, and then the d orbitals are filled. e.g. 23V is the third transition element in period 4, the last part of its electron configuration is ...4s23d3. b) Half-filled stabilization and filled stabilization There are a few exceptions to the general trend above. Due to the closeness in energy of the ns and n-1d orbitals, it is energetically more favorable when the d orbitals are half-filled or completely filled and the ns orbital has one or no electrons. e.g. should be ... 4s23d4, but is actually ... 4s13d5 2 9 1 10 29Cu should be ... 4s 3d , but is actually ... 4s 3d 2 4 1 5 42Mo should be ... 5s 4d , but is actually ... 5s 3d 2 8 10 46Pd should be ... 5s 4d , but is actually ... 4d 24Cr There are other exceptions as well. Your instructor will tell you which ones you should know. 2. Transition Metal Complexes a) Transition metals and transition metal ions are Lewis acids (i.e. electron pair acceptors). i) Molecules or negative ions with an unshared pair(s) of electrons are Lewis bases (i.e. electron pair donors). ii) Transition Metal Complex: consist of a central transition metal or ion surrounded by 2, 4 or 6 electron pair donors. iii) The electron pair donors are called ligands. iv) The ligands form coordinate covalent bonds with the metal or the metal ion. Example(1): Ag+ forms strong coordinate covalent bonds with 2 NH3 molecule: [Ag(NH3)2] + 123 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / A. Transition Metals v) No ion – simple, polyatomic, or complex – can exist without a counter balancing charged partner ion. vi) Together the complex ion and its partner make a coordination compound. Example(2): If the negative partner ion in the previous example is Cl‾, the coordination compound is [Ag(NH3)2]Cl. b) Some common ligands Neutral: H2O, NH3, CO, NH2CH2CH2NH2, (ethylenediamine – en) Charged: F‾, Cl‾, OH‾, CN‾, SCN‾, EDTA c) Determining the charge on the transition metal. Example(3): Determine the charge on the transition metal in the coordination compounds below: [Ag(NH3)2]Cl [Co(CN)3(H2O)3]Cl [Pt(NH3)4(OH)2]SO4 Example(4): Determine the charge on the transition metal in the complex ions below: [Fe(CN)6]‾4 [Ru(Br)2(H2O)4]+ [Pt(Cl)(NH3)3]+ d) Structure of transition metal complexes The geometric structure of a of transition metal complex depends on both the metal or metal ion and the ligand(s). The most common structures are: i) six ligands – octahedral _ 124 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / A. Transition Metals _ ii) four ligands – square planar iii) four ligands – tetrahedral e) Some special ligands i) ethylenediamine (en) NH2CH2CH2NH2 Since en has two N atoms, each with a lone pair of electrons, it is able to bond to the transition metal at two sites. It is classified as a bidentate ( two-toothed) ligand. ii) diethylenetriamine (dien) NH2CH2CH2NHCH2CH2NH2 Since dien has three N atoms, each with a lone pair of electrons, it is able to bond to the transition metal at three sites. It is classified as a tridentate ( three-toothed) ligand. iii) EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate ion) is a hexadentate (six-toothed) ligand. 125 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / A. Transition Metals _ f) Isomers Like organic compounds, transition metal complexes can have many isomers if the ligands are not all identical. e.g. g) Colors Almost all complexes are highly colored. The color is due to the absorption of one color of light from white light, the rest of the light is not absorbed. The unabsorbed light appears not as white any longer, but as the complementary color of the absorbed color. The light absorbed causes an electron to make a transition to a slightly higher energy level. The d orbitals of an atom or ion usually all have the same energy. However, in a complex, some of the d orbitals point directly at the ligands, and some point between the ligands. Those pointing at the ligands have a higher energy than those pointing between the ligands. Thus, there is a splitting in the energy of the d orbitals. The color is the result of an electron absorbing light and going from a low energy d orbital to a higher energy d orbital. JUST FOR FUN. There are many biochemical complexes. The Fe+2 in hemoglobin is complexed on five sides with the part of the molecule called the heme. The sixth side bonds to the O2 molecule on its way to the cells, and with the CO2 molecule on its way back to the lungs. CO is a much stronger ligand than O2 or CO2. Thus if you inhale CO, it complexes with the iron, and will not let go. So, the iron can no longer carry either O2 or CO2. 126 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group VII–Halogens B. Group VII, the Halogens 1. Physical Properties a) Formula F2 Cl2 Br2 I2 b) Physical c) Melting d) Boiling e) Bond Energy Phase @ RT Point ºC Point ºC kJ/mol gas gas liquid solid –220 –101 –7 114 –188 –34 59 185 158 243 193 151 Example(1): What intermolecular force accounts for the variation in the melting and boiling points of the halogens. 2. Oxidizing and Reducing Agent Strength F2(aq) + 2e ⇄־2F‾(aq) +2.87 Cl2(aq) + 2e ⇄ ־2Cl‾(aq) +1.36 Br2(aq) + 2e ⇄ ־2Br‾(aq) +1.07 I2(aq) + 2e ⇄ ־2I‾(aq) +0.54 Example(2): Which is the better oxidizing agent Cl2 or Br2? Example(3): Which is the better reducing agent, Br‾ or I‾? 3. Preparation of the Halogens None of the halogens are found in their elemental form in nature. This is due to their high reactivity. In general the halogens are prepared by oxidation of the anions. a) Chemical oxidation. Any oxidizing agent above the halogen in the Electrochemical Series (table of reduction potentials) can oxidize the halide ion to its elemental form. Example(4): Which oxidizing agent cannot produce Br2 from Br‾: Cl2, MnO4‾(acid solution), or Cu+2? _ 127 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group VII–Halogens Example(5): F2 cannot be produced by chemical oxidation. Explain why. b) Electrolysis All of the halogens can be produced by the electrolysis of the anions. Recall (from your study of electrochemistry) that molten halide salts can be electrolyzed. However, not all aqueous solutions of halide salts can be electrolyzed. Example(6): Under standard conditions, which halogen(s) cannot be produced by the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of the halide ion? 4. Reaction with Main Group Metals a) Group I: 2M + X2 → 2MX Example(7): Write the balanced equation showing the reaction of K with Br2. b) Group II: M + X2 → MX2 Example(8): Write the balanced equation showing the reaction of Mg with Cl2. c) Group III: Al Ga In Tl + + + + X2 X2 X2 X2 → → → → AlX3, Al2X6 GaX3, Ga2X6 InX3, In2X6 TlX d) Group IV Ge + X2 → GeX4 Sn + X2 → SnX4 Pb + X2 → PbX2 d) Group V Sb + X2 → SbX3 or SbX5 Bi + X2 → BiX3 _ 128 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group VII–Halogens 5. Reactions With Nonmetals a) With Group VI i) O2 + X2 → OF2, Cl2O, Br2O Example(9): Why is the formula of the oxygen–fluorine compound written as OF2 and not F2O? Example(10): Why doesn’t the compound I2O form? (Hind: it has to do with size.) ii) S + F2 → SF2, SF4, SF6, S2F2 S + Cl2 → SCl2, SCl4, S2Cl2 S + Br2 → S2Br2 Example(11): Do the dot formula of S2X2. (Hint: it is like a peroxide, the 2 S atoms are bonded with a single bond.) iii) Se and Te: form compounds similar to those of S with X2. b) With Group V i) N2 + X2 → NX3 ii) P + X2 → PX3, PX5 iii) As + X2 → AsX3, AsX5 6. Hydrogen Halides a) Synthesis by direct reaction with H2 F2 + H2 → HF Cl2 + H2 → HCl 100%, Explosive 100% Br2 + H2 ⇄ HBr ~50% I2 + H2 ⇄ HI ~10% _ 129 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group VII–Halogens b) Synthesis by halide salt plus an acid at a high temperature CaF + H2SO4 → 2HF(g) + CaSO4(s) NaF + H2SO4 → HF(g) + NaHSO4 H2SO4 is not used to make HBr or HI, since H2SO4 is an oxidizing agent and will oxidize the ions at high temperatures. H3PO4 is used with Br‾ and I‾. NaBr + H3PO4 → HBr + NaH2PO4 Example(12): Write the molecular equation showing the reaction between NaI and H3PO4 c) Properties of the hydrogen halides HF HCl HBr HI Boiling Point °C 20 –85 –67 –35 Acid Strength weak strong stronger strongest Bond Energy kJ/mol 565 421 366 299 Example(13): What causes the boiling point of HF to be so much higher than the other hydrogen halides? _ 130 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group VI C. Group VI 1. Physical Properties a) Formula b) Physical c) Melting d) Boiling e)Classification Most Common Phase @ RT Point ºC Point ºC O2 S8 Se8, Sen Ten gas solid solid solid –210 115 220 450 –183 445 685 990 f) Allotropes: are different formulas for the same element molecules of an element in a solid). Nonmetal Nonmetal Nonmetal Metalloid (or different ways of packing the i) Oxygen: O2 is diatomic oxygen, O3 is ozone. Example(1): a) Do the dot formula of ozone. b) Show its 2 resonance structure. c) What is the O to O bond order? ii) Sulfur: S8 ring, and S8 open, and S2 Example(2): a) Do the dot formula of S2 b) Why is S2 much less stable than O2? 2. Occurrence The Group VI elements all occur free in nature, as well as in ionic and covalent compounds. _ 131 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group VI _ Example(3): Oxygen is the second most electronegative atom, but at room temperature it is almost nonreactive. What explains its low reactivity at room temperature? 3. Metal Oxides a) Metal oxides that are soluble in water produce basic solutions. The oxide ion acts as a very strong proton acceptor. All group I oxides are soluble, and in group II the oxides of Ca, Sr, and Ba are soluble. The metal oxide is referred to as the anhydride of the base that it forms in water. Example(4): Write a molecular, ionic and net ionic equation showing the reaction of K2O and BaO with water. b) Insoluble metal oxides of any group will react with a strong acid to produce water. Example(5): Write the balanced molecular equation showing the complete reaction of Al2O3 with HCl. 4. Nonmetal Oxides a) Most nonmetal oxides react with water to from an acidic solution. The nonmetal oxide is referred to as the anhydride of the acid that it forms in water. SO2 + H2O ⇄ (H2SO3) ⇄ H+ + HSO3ˉ N2O5 + H2O ⇄ (2HNO3) → 2H+ + 2NO3ˉ SO3 + H2O ⇄ (H2SO4) → H+ + HSO4ˉ Example(6): Write the balanced molecular equation showing the reaction of P4O10 with H2O to form H3PO4. Example(7): What is the anhydride of H2CO3? 132 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group V D. Group V 1. Physical Properties a) Formula b) Physical c) Melting d) Boiling e)Classification Most Common Phase @ RT Point ºC Point ºC N2 P4 As4, Asn Sb4, Sbn Bi gas solid solid solid solid –210 44 613 631 271 –196 280 (sublimes) 1750 1650 Nonmetal Nonmetal Metalloid Metaloid Metal Example(1): What accounts for the extraordinarily low chemical reactivity of N2 at room temperature? Example(2): a) What is the bonding arrangement in P4? b) What is its geometric shape? c) What accounts for the extraordinarily high chemical reactivity of P4? Example(3): Why does the metallic character increase going down a group? 2. Oxides of Nitrogen a) Neutral compounds N2O NO NO2 N2O4 N2O3 N2O5 dinitrogen oxide (nitrous oxide), laughing gas nitrogen oxide (nitric oxide), a free radical nitrogen dioxide, a free radical, poisonous dinitrogen tetroxide, a dimer of NO2 dinitrogen trioxide dinitrogen pentoxide, decomposes to NO2 and O2 Example(4): Determine the oxidation state of each N atom in the above compounds. _ 133 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group V Example(5): a)Do the dot formula of NO2. b) Using the above dot formula, show how NO2 form the dimer N2O4. b) Polyatomic ions NO2‾ and NO3‾ Example(6): Name the two polyatomic ions of nitrogen. c) Associated acids HNO2 and HNO3 Example(7): What are the anhydrides of HNO2 and HNO3? 3. Oxides of Phosphorus a) Neutral compounds P4O6 and P4O10 b) Polyatomic ions PO4‾3, HPO4‾2, H2PO4‾1 _ 134 VIII. DESCRIPTIVE CHEMISTRY OF SELECT ELEMENTS / B. Group V c) Associated acid H3PO4 d) Dehydration between phosphoric acid molecules Example(8): Below is the structure of phosphoric acid. Draw the structure formed by the dehydration between two phosphoric acid molecules. (Diphosphoric acid.) O ║ H―O―P―O―H | O | H Example(9): Draw the structure of triphosphoric acid. JUST FOR FUN ATP ( adenosine triphosphate) is a molecule which is able to transfer energy directly to reactant molecules during chemical reactions within a cell. The energy is released when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). ATP + H2O ADP + H3PO4 ∆G° = –30kJ/mol _