CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? Philosophy Placard EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? 4 Philosophers Press Conference Are Human Beings born with rights? At what point do your freedoms take away freedom from others? When does the government’s protection of freedoms begin to limit freedoms? A Voltaire (1694-1778) Nature of Human Beings Basically evil and should be treated that way. Believe in Natural Rights He wondered why the God of the Old testament had created humans with the capacity for pleasure and then damned them for using that ability (sinning). Yes, everyone should have basic liberties of life, liberty, and property. Those with the ability to reason will be able to find these rights on their own without the need to state them. View of Government Contribution to Government Works Mentioned people massacring each other and described people as liars, cheats, traitors, weak, cowardly, drunkards, fanatical, hypocritical, and silly. There should only be a king to rule and allow everyone else to be equal; there would be no nobles or lords, only the monarch. The people should be free and equal in society. This idea came from the English constitutional monarchy, where the people are equal the monarch serves as more of a figurehead for the country. Strong distrust of democracy due to his belief in the stupidity of the masses (common people). Candide CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? Philosophy Placard EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? B 4 Philosophers Press Conference Are Human Beings born with rights? At what point do your freedoms take away freedom from others? When does the government’s protection of freedoms begin to limit freedoms? John Locke (1632-1704) Nature of Human Beings Believe in Natural Rights View of Government Contribution to Government Works Good by nature When left to choose, humans more often will make the right/moral/rational decision. Humans are rational and intelligent. Yes, he authored the idea. We all have the rights of life, liberty, and property—which we are born with! These rights are most important—more important than the common good (wellbeing of society as a whole). People form governments to protect their rights. This is the only thing governments should do. Governments should not be made up of nobles and monarchs, but should be chosen by the people. Social Contract Theory—Stated that if the government did not protect the people’s rights (hold up its end of the contract) then the people could overthrow that government. Two Treatise on Government CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? Philosophy Placard EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? 4 Philosophers Press Conference Are Human Beings born with rights? At what point do your freedoms take away freedom from others? When does the government’s protection of freedoms begin to limit freedoms? C Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Nature of Human Beings Believe in Natural Rights View of Government Contribution to Government Works Naturally good, but corrupted and enslaved by society. When humans are around others, they become more and more selfish and pursue only their own desires if it is left for them to decide. Yes, but some of them must be given up to the government. Common good (wellbeing of society as a whole) is more important than the single rights of individuals. Government has a duty to exist only in order to secure common good (wellbeing of society as a whole). If government does not do this, they must be overthrown by the people. Government does not have to be of nobles and monarchs. The Social Contract—Stated that government involved in the social contract must follow the will of the people (common good). If not, the contract is broken. The Social Contract CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? 3 Philosophers Press Conference Preparation Handout Topic: 3 Philosophers Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire Panel Member Question Template Panel Member: One must be filled out per philosopher. Create and answer ten questions for your specific philosopher to use during the questioning session of the Press Conference. These questions should be specific to your philosopher. The questions should help you prepare to answer the questions your classmates will ask you. Use the questions that your group creates as a starting point for creating your questions. My Group’s Philosopher is: __________________________________________________ My partners are: _____________________________________________________ Questions Answers Q1 A1 Q2 A2 Q3 A3 Q4 A4 Q5 A5 Q6 A6 Q7 A7 Q8 A8 Q9 A9 Q10 A10 CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? Quiz Standard 1b Class II Minor Assessment Name_______________________________________Date____________Period_________________ Write the most appropriate answer in the provided blank at the bottom of the page. All answers must be written in blue or black ink—NO PENCILS! Spelling counts, so spell correctly. 1) Which of the 3 philosophers studied had the least faith in the common man? 2) Which of the 3 philosophers studied had the most faith in the common man? 3) If the government does not protect the rights of citizens, ______ said that the people have the right to overthrow the government. 4) If the government does not protect the common good of the people, ______ said that the people have the right to overthrow the government. 5) Who stated that the protection of natural rights should be the highest priority of government? 6) Who would agree that some natural rights need to be given up to ensure common good? 7) Who would most support a monarchy? 8) Who wrote The Social Contract? 9) Who wrote Two Treatise on Government? 10) Who wrote Candide? Answers: Only answers written on these lines will be counted. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. ___________________________________________________________________________________ CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? 3 Philosophers Press Conference My Philosophy My Philosophy Assignment Topic: 3 Philosophers Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire Directions: Using the knowledge you have gained in the previous activities, you must create your own political philosophy. This is an individual task, so you are responsible for this and may have no assistance from other students. You may use your “3 Philosophers DRC” for assistance. Your philosophy may be displayed in one of the following formats: (Circle the format you choose) Written Speech: This will involve the written account of your political philosophy to be issued to an audience of political philosophers. Written Letter: This will involve a written letter to one of the studied political philosophers from the recent lesson. In your letter you must discuss your areas of agreement and disagreement with this philosopher. Be sure to adhere to letter format for this assignment. All of the above options for this assignment must include the following 5 topics as related to your overall philosophy. Remember, your ultimate goal in this lesson is to answer the Essential Question: What is the most appropriate amount of government control over the populace? Be sure to answer the essential question as a means of conclusion to your work. Requirements Nature of Human Beings Believe in Natural Rights View on Government Contribution to Government Works Are we naturally good or naturally evil? If we are naturally good, does society corrupt us? If we are not naturally evil, are we at least selfish? With which philosophers do you most agree/disagree? Do all human being have natural rights or should these be given up for the greater good? If we have these, how can they be best protected? If we do not have these, why should they be sacrificed? Why do governments exist? Should governments ever be overthrown? If so, for what reasons? If not, explain why governments should be absolute. What has been the greatest contribution to modern government of these 3 philosophers and why is that the greatest contribution? Which (of the 3 we have studied) work do you think has had the greatest impact on the American system of government as it is today? Your answer to the essential question: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? Based on your philosophy, how would you answer the essential question? CQ: How did the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions impact world views? EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? Final Project: 3 Philosophers My Philosophy Topic: 3 Philosophers Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire My Philosophy Assignment Which of these three would you most agree with and why? You must include: An answer to all questions listed under “Requirements” on the front, in the format you choose from the front. Be sure to highlight all SFI as you include it to earn full credit. Remember, you MUST include why you believe what you believe, who you agree with, and who you don’t agree with! (Class III Grade) My Philosophy: Final Draft _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Grading: Your opinion is discussed in regard to these in a cohesive essay. Include and highlight all SFI below. Must have WHY or no points! 10 Points per item “belief in natural rights” Common People Monarchy “view of the government.” Locke Rousseau Social Contract Voltaire Government Common Good CQ: How did the Age of Revoltuions and Rebellions impact world views? EQ: What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment and how did they shape political ideas? Nature of Human Beings John Locke Jean Jacques Rousseau Voltaire Philosopher DRC Standard 1b Topic: 3 Philosophers Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire 3 Philosophers Data Retrieval Chart (DRC) Believe in Natural Rights View of Government Contribution to Government Works