INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPERS Submission of Articles: 30

Submission of Articles: 30 September 2008
Text in MS Word, to send to:
Language: French or Italian or English
Text Font and Size: Arial, 11pt.
Spacing: Simple
Spacing between paragraphs: 1 line
Page numbering: Yes
Content (by order of items): Title of paper; Name and contact of author(s); Theme; Key words;
Abstract (150 word limit); Text; Bibliography; Notes; Curriculum.
Title of paper: In capital letters, bold and centred. Size: Arial, 12pt.
Name and contact of author(s): (after the title) bold and centred. Size: Arial, 10pt.
Author’s name, affiliation, address, phone, fax and email (indispensable).
Reference to the Theme: Left justified, size: Arial, 10pt.
Theme 1: Anthropology, building cultures and cultural landscape.
Theme 2: Archaeology, History, Lexicology.
Theme 3: Conservation and management of cultural heritage
Theme 4: Research in construction, architecture, town planning and R & D
Theme 5: Education and public awareness
Key words: (3 words maximum) Left justified. Size: Arial, 10pt.
Abstract: 150 words. Size: Arial, 10pt.
Paper: Composed of a minimum of 6 pages and maximum of 10 pages (including Title, Name
and contact, Theme, key words, Abstract, Text, Bibliography, Notes, Curriculum,
figures/tables/graphics). Left and right justified. Titles of the different chapters should be
numbered; written on capital letters; in bold and justified to the left. Size: Arial, 11pt.
(e.g.: 3. TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES). Sub-chapters should be numbered, written in small
letters, in bold and justified to the left. Size: Arial, 11pt. (e.g.: 3.1. Adobe)
Citations with References: In case of reference of an idea, text should refer the author and
year of the publication. E.g.: A third of Human kind lives on earth dwellings (Doat at al., 1985).
In case of quotation of a sentence, text should refer the author and year of the publication, and
page of the citation. E.g.: “at least 20% of urban and suburban populations live in earth homes”
(Houben et Guillaud, 1989, p.16). Size: Arial, 11pt.
When there is more than 2 authors, reference should be: (Doat at al., 1985)
Bibliography: After name of the author and initials of his/her name, title of the publication in
italic, publisher, city and date. Size: Arial, 11pt. See following examples.
Example for book: Adam J.-P., La construction romaine. Matériaux et techniques. Picard, Paris, 1984.
Example for article: Lequement R., L'apport des textes antiques, in Architectures de terre et de bois,
Documents d'Archéologie Française, 2. Paris, 1985, p.29-32.
Endnotes: Keep explanatory notes to a minimum, at the end of the article, numbered by order of
appearance in the text. Size: Arial, 10 pt. Do not use notes to give citations, as citations are given
in parentheses.
Curriculum: (After the Endnotes) Resumed to 3 lines, at maximum. Size: Arial, 10 pt.
Images, tables and graphics: Maximum of 6 (total from the 3 types). They should be referred in the text.
Images, tables and graphics should be centred justified and should be numbered by order of appearance.
The number of reference (Fig. 1, e.g.) should be followed by captions (with credits). Captions will appear
under the figure, justified to the left. Size: Arial, 10 pt.
Page format: A4 page (21cm x 29,7cm); top and bottom margins: 2,5 cm; left and right margin : 3 cm.
Identification of archives content: Reference to the archive content will start by letter « T » followed by
the number of the theme (T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5) and the last name of the author(s).
Exemple: T5-Pereira (last name of the author); T2-Sabbioni and Bonazza (in case of 2 authors).
IMPORTANT: Each file containing text and figures cannot have more than 10Mg.