the Abstract Template

Abstract Title
Name Surname,1 Presenting Author,2 Further Author*,1
1, address, ZIP code, 2Affiliation 2, address, ZIP code
Use this template to prepare your abstract for CHIRALITY 2014. Use 2.5 cm
left and right margins, 3.5 cm top margin, 3.0 cm bottom margin and 1.0 line spacing
on an A4 page (29.7 cm height, 21 cm width). Title of an abstract should be in Arial,
(bold, size 14 points, first letters capitalised, centred).
For names and surnames of the authors, affiliation (in italics), address (in
italics) and e-mail address of the presenting author (on a special line, in italics)
please use 1.0 line spacing and Arial (size 12 point, centred). The presenting author
should be underlined; the main (corresponding) author can be marked by an asterisk.
For the text body use 1.0 line spacing, and Arial (size 12 point, text both left
and right justified). The schemes, figures or graphs can be inserted into the text. For
numbering please use Arabic numbers (bold). The size of the document should not
exceed one A4 page and a pdf file size 5 Mb. The references should be numbered in
the text1 in order following the punctuation.2The grant support can be presented at
the end of the text before the list of references. (Arial, size 12 point, in italics, justified
left). For the list of references please use 1.0 line spacing and Arial (size 12 point,
text both left and right justified).
The abstract will not be edited and will be published as received (in the
pdf format) as a black-and-white copy.
Scheme 1
Fig. 1
This work was supported by ....... (reg. No. .......).
1 First, A.; Second, B.; Third, C. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 1234.
2 First, A.; Second, B.; Third, C. Chem. Commun. 2013, 1234.