
Lab Worksheet
Lab Topic 14 Protists and Fungi, Part 1
Biology 211
Fall 2006
Exercise 14.1 The Protists
Lab Study A. Euglenozoans ---- Example: Trypanosoma levisi (p. 364) (1 pt)
Available resources: Euglenozoa: Atlas, p. 32 (Trypanosoma brucei)
 Read the Introduction.
 Follow the Procedure. Prepared microscopic slides of Trypanosoma gambiense are
available on the student trays.
 Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this
Lab Study B Alveolates ---- Examples: Paramecia and Dinoflagellates (p. 365) (1 pt)
Paramecium caudatum (p. 366)
Available resources:
Aveolata: Atlas, p. 33 (Paramecium caudatum), p.34 (other examples).
1. After reading the introductory material, follow the Procedure 1-6 carefully.
a. Procedure question 3:
b. Procedure step 5: Describe the movement of food particles from the oral groove
to the gullet and share your observations with your lab instructor:
c. Procedure step 6: Describe the appearance of the trichocysts and share your
observations of the trichocysts discharge with your lab instructor: Initials_____
2. Results:
a. Turn in a labeled drawing of the Paramecium (Figure 14.2), including oral groove,
food vacuole, macronucleus, and contractile vacuole.
b. Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this
Dinoflagellates (p. 367)
Available resources:
Dinoflagellates: Atlas p. 30 (several examples).
1. After reading the brief introduction, follow the Procedure 1-4, using a live culture of
dinoflagellates. Add a drop of Detain or Protoslow, if necessary.
a. Procedure question 4.
2. Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this worksheet.
Lab Study C Stramenopiles ---- Examples: Diatoms and Brown Algae (p. 368) (1 pt)
Diatoms (p. 368)
Available resources:
Diatoms: Color plate 21, Atlas p. 31 (Peridinium, Ceratium and Glenodinium).
1. After reviewing the brief introduction, complete the Procedure 1-7, using preserved
organisms and diatomaceous earth (see step 7). Use only a tiny bit of diatomaceous earth
(located on your student tray) with no water to make a dry mount on your microscope
a. Procedure question 3:
b. Skip step 4.
c. Procedure question 5:
d. Procedure question 6: Do you see any chloroplasts?
2. Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this worksheet.
Brown algae (Phaeophyta) (p. 370) (1 pt)
1. After reviewing the introductory material, complete the Procedure. Observe the
examples of preserved brown algae that are on demonstration. Also look at the Color
Plates at the end of your lab manual and the Figures in your Atlas. (Brown algae
(Phaeophyta): Color plate 22, Atlas pgs. 39-41 (several examples).
2. Complete the Results, using the Table 14.2 below and Table 14.5 at the end of this
Table 14.2 Representative Brown Algae
Sketch the body form
Describe the color, shape,
and texture and any
additional structures.
Lab Study D Cercozoans and Radiolarians ---- Examples: Foraminiferans and
Radiolarians (p.371) (1 pt)
Foraminiferans (p. 371)
1. Review the introductory material and complete the Procedure. Slides are available on
the student trays.
a. Procedure question 3a.
b. Procedure question 3b.
2. Results.
a. Turn in labeled sketches of forams based on your microscopic observations. Compare
your drawings with Figure 14.6. Be prepared to identify these organisms and their
structures on a lab quiz.
Labeled drawing:
b. Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this worksheet.
Radiolarians (p. 372)
Available resources:
Radiolarians: Color plate 23.
1. Review the introductory material and then complete the Procedure. Be prepared to
identify these organisms and their structures on a lab quiz.
2. Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this worksheet.
Lab Study E Amoebozoans _----- Examples: Amoeba and Slime Molds (p. 372) (1 pt)
 Read the Introduction
Amoeba (p. 373)
1. Skip this exercise.
Slime molds (Mycetozoa) (p. 373)
Available resources:
Slime molds Atlas p. 44 Figure 4.63; Color plates 24-25.
1. Carefully read the introductory material.
2. Follow the Procedure. Observe movement with either a dissecting scope or low power
of the compound scope. Your TA may have a culture on the computer projector for you
to observe.
Procedure 2:
a) Describe characteristics such as color, size, and shape.
b) Look for a system of branching veins. Do you see any movement? Speculate about
the source of the movement.
c) Is the movement unidirectional or bidirectional?
d) How does the appearance of the plasmodium change as it contacts a food source?
Procedure 3. To answer these questions, look at the photograph at the following site:
b) Just for fun check out these other slime molds:
3. Complete the Results #2, using Table 14.5, which is found at the end of this worksheet.
Lab Study F. Red Algae (Rhodophyta) (p. 374) (1 pt)
1. After reviewing the Introduction, complete the Procedure. Observe the examples of
preserved brown algae that are on demonstration. Also look at the Color Plates at the end
of your lab manual and the Figures in your Atlas. (Red algae (Rhodophyta): Color plate
26, Atlas p. 42).
2. Complete the Results, using the Table 14.3 below and Table 14.5 at the end of this
Table 14.3 Representative Red Algae
Sketch the body form
Describe the color, shape,
and texture and additional
Lab Study G. The Green Algae (Chlorophyta) – The Protist-Plant Connection (p. 376)
(1 pt)
Available Resources:
Chlorophyta Atlas pgs.34-39; Color plate 27-28.
1. Review the Introduction.
2. Complete the Procedure. We have specimens of Ulva, Chara, and Spirogyra on
Procedure question 1 (Answer the questions)
Procedure question 2a: (skip 2b)
Procedure question 3 (sketch)
2. Complete the Results, using the Table 14.4 below and Table 14.5 at the end of this
Table 14.4. Representative Green Algae
Sketch the body form
Describe the color, shape,
and texture and additional
Practice exam questions
1. Which algal group is mismatched with its description?
a. dinoflagellates – glassy, two-part shells
b. green algae – closest relatives of land plants
c. red algae – no flagellated stages in the life cycle
d. brown algae – include the largest seaweeds
e. diatoms – a major component of the phytoplankton
Clean and reorganize your workspace for the next lab group. Remove slides from
microscopes and turn nosepiece to lowest objective. ___________Instructor’s initials
Table 14.5
Comparison of Protists Studied in Exercise 14.1
Ecological Role
(Describe the
Importance to
organism’s role in
a food web)
Ecological Role
(Describe the
Importance to
organism’s role in
a food web)