SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROCESSING UCSB’S EXLIBRIS RECORDS 1. 1.1 FILES ABOUT THESE SPECIFICATIONS These specifications address records produced by UCSB’s ExLibris system 1.2 INPUT FILES Input files will be UCSB ExLibris transaction files received through TCP/IP FTP. The files will contain ASCII MARC (???) format records with local data mapped to embedded 852 fields. 1.3 OUTPUT FILES There are three output files from this program: one containing successfully processed records that will be loaded into the database, another containing successfully processed records that contain non-fatal errors, and another containing records that could not be processed due to fatal errors. All files will be in ASCII MARC (???) format. 2. RECORD CATALOGING SOURCES Only records from UCSB’s ExLibris system should be processed by this program. Determine the record source from the incoming 001. If the first four characters are not ‘SBXL’ in uppercase, REJECT the record. If there is no 001, REJECT the record. 001 SBXL000300652 3. 3.1 LEADER LEADER POSITION 05 - STATUS Delete Records UCSB ExLibris delete records will be recognized by the presence of a "d" in the Leader Status. No special processing based on this value is required at this time. 4. BIBLIOGRAPHIC FIELDS Bibliographic fields are all non-local MARC fields. Each output record has one bibliographic segment composed of these fields. 4.1 FIELDS TO OUTPUT Unless otherwise instructed below, output all fields in the range of 000/899 as input. 1 4.2 FIELDS TO DROP None within the 000/899 range. All 9XX, if any. 5. LOCAL FIELDS The Maintenance Key (record ID) will be output in a 901 field. Other local data will be output in MARC21 852 fields. 5.1 901 MAINTENANCE KEY (CDL RECORD ID) The Maintenance Key will be created by this program in a 901 field. It represents the incoming record ID, and will be used in the online catalog to determine record update. It consists of two parts, both contained in the output 901 field: 901 $a Institution maintenance code $b Record Identification Number 5.1.1 SOURCE OF 901 MAINTENANCE KEY DATA Part of the output 901 data will come from the input 001. If a record has no input 001, it will have been REJECTED in an earlier step (see section 2). UCSB ExLibris incoming records will contain 001 fields that look like: Format of 001: Length = 13 Pos 1-4 = ‘SBXL’ Pos 5-13 = Exlib record ID Example: 001 SBXL000810805 5.1.2 CREATING THE CDL 901 MAINTENANCE KEY The output 901 will contain two subfields: $a and $b $a: Place this value in the $a: $a SBXL $b: Place characters 5-13 in the $b: $b 000810805 Input: 001 SBXL000810805 Output: 901 $a SBXL $b 000810805 Both indicators of the output 901 should be blank. 5.2 852 LOCATION SEGMENTS Location specific data will be found in incoming 852 fields and will also be output in 852 fields. 2 Each 852 output by this program will carry in its subfields all of the local data associated with one UCSB ExLibris location code as found in the incoming 852 $c. The incoming 852 will be output as input, except as noted below. NOTE: Any incoming 852 field that lacks a $c subfield should NOT be output. 5.2.1 852 LOCATION SEGMENT - SUMMARY OF DATA SOURCES CDL 852 SUBFIELD OUTPUT 852 $a Institution code 852 $b Location Code 852 $c Shelving location 852 $e Address 852 $f Coded location qualifier 852 $g Non-coded location qualifier 852 $h Call number classification 852 $i Call number item 852 $j Call number undifferentiated 852 $k Call number prefix 852 $l Shelving form of title 852 $m Call number suffix 852 $n Country code 852 $p RLF number 852 $q Piece physical condition 852 $s Copyright article-fee code 852 $t Copy number` 852 $x Nonpublic note 852 $z Public Note 852 $3 Materials specified (holdings) 852 $D Order/Receipt data - display 852 $O Order/Receipt data - input value UCSB SOURCE FIELD INPUT supply ‘SBXL’ use 852 $c N/A – don’t output for UCSB 852 $e 852 $f 852 $g 852 $h 852 $i 852 $j 852 $k 852 $l 852 $m 852 $n 852 $p 852 $q 852 $s 852 $t 852 $x 852 $z 852 $3 852 $D 951 $O 5.2.2 CREATION OF CDL 852 LOCATION SEGMENTS The 852 should be created from the input record source fields as indicated in section 5.2.1. If no special instructions are given in the following sections, it can be assumed that the source field can be moved to the target 852 subfield as shown in 5.2.1 with no changes. 852 CREATION EXCEPTION None at this time. 852 $a INSTITUTION CODE (NR) Output the value “SBXL” in the $a of all 852 fields output for the record. The incoming 852 may also have a subfield $a. Do NOT output it. Input: 852 0 $a CU-SB $b MAIN $c ASIAN $h TC423 $i .T43 no.94-4 mf11 Output: 852 0 $a SBXL $b ASIAN $h TC423 $i .T43 no.94-4 mf11 Only one $a should be output per 852. 3 852 $b LOCATION CODE (NR) The input record is expected to have a $b subfield. Do not output it. Instead, take the value from the first $c in the 852, put this value in a $b, and output it. Input: 852 Output: 852 $a CU-SB $b ARTS $c MUCAG $h III:1707 $a SBXL $b MUCAG $h III:1707 If the incoming 852 lacks a $c – do NOT output the 852 at all. 852 $c SHELVING LOCATION Not output for UCSB at this time. 852 $g NON-CODED LOCATION QUALIFIER (R) If the incoming 852 has one or more $g’s, output them as input. The $g is repeatable. 852 $h, $i, $j CALL NUMBER If the incoming 852 has any or all of $h, $i, and $j – output them as input. Input: 852 0 $a CU-SB $b MAIN $c SPROM $h AC1 $i .E26 mp no.6751, no. Output: 852 0 $a SBXL $b SPROM $h AC1 $i .E26 mp no.6751, no. The $h and $j are not repeatable. The $j is repeatable. 852 $k CALL NUMBER PREFIX (R) If the incoming 852 has one or more $k’s, output them as input. The $k is repeatable. 852 $m CALL NUMBER SUFFIX (R) If the incoming 852 has one or more $m’s, output them as input. The $m is repeatable. 852 $p PIECE DESIGNATION (NR) If the incoming 852 has a $p, output it as input. The $p is not repeatable. 852 $x NONPUBLIC NOTE (R) If the incoming 852 has one or more $x’s, output them as input. 4 The $x is repeatable. 852 $z PUBLIC NOTE (R) If the incoming 852 has one or more $z’s, output them as input. The $z is repeatable. Input: 852 2 $a CU-SB $b MAIN $c NDARF $h W1 $i AT315 $z Status: Ceased publication $D 5 $O Not currently received. $z Gift of Gab. $3 v.1-25,1976-1993. Output: 852 2 $a SBXL $b NDARF $h W1 $i AT315 $z Status: Ceased publication $D 5 $O Not currently received. $z Gift of Gab. $3 v.1-25,1976-1993. 852 $3 MATERIALS SPECIFIED (SUMMARY HOLDINGS) (NR) If the incoming 852 has a $3, output it as input. The $3 is not repeatable. Input: 852 3 $a CU-SB $b MAIN $c SPROM $h DOC D 301.35:60-19/ mf11 $3 v.4, v.8 Output: 852 3 $a SBXL $b SPROM $h DOC D 301.35:60-19/ mf11 $3 v.4, v.8 852 $D SERIAL ORDER/RECEIPT DATA FIELD (NR) If the incoming 852 has a $D, output it as input. The $D is not repeatable. 852 $O SERIAL ORDER/RECEIPT DATA FIELD (NR) If the incoming 852 has a $O, output it as input. The $O is not repeatable. Input: 852 2 $a CU-SB $b ARTS $c ASIAN $h W1 $i AI100 $D 2 $O Ceased $3Recent issues in HEALTH SCI Current Periodicals; older issues bound in book stacks. Output: 852 2 $a SBXL $b ASIAN $h W1 $i AI100 $D 2 $O Ceased $3Recent issues in HEALTH SCI Current Periodicals; older issues bound in book stacks. 852 SUBFIELDS NOT NAMED ABOVE UCSB records may contain subfields not discussed above. They should be output only if they appear on the list in 5.2.1. 852 INDICATORS UCSB sends various values in the 852 indicators. Output them as input. 5 6. RECORD VALIDATION Check each record before it is output using standard converter record validation. Rebecca Doherty Latest revision: 8/23/02 6