Spanish 3/4 Señora Eliassen Required Materials: Text Book---“Asi Se Dice” Level 2 (must be covered) Pens and pencils (Please don’t use red ink on things you will turn in.) 3 ring binder or folder (for homework and notes) Focus Topics: Foreign language learning is based upon linking 5 Core Concepts: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Community. We will address these concepts through: Themed vocabulary Grammar Cultural appreciation (through videos, research, arts and crafts) Increased reading, writing and speaking skills (through excerpts, original writings, and presentations) Real-world Spanish (May include select episodes of the TV show Chuck and the movies Selena and Dance With Me. All are rated PG.) Grades: Quarter Grades: 40% exams 20% quizzess 25% homework* 15% participation ** * Semester Grades: 45% 1st / 2nd quarter 45% 3rd / 4th quarter 10% Final Exam You have homework almost everyday. You will usually be given some time in class to work. Homework is typically due the next day. You will earn points on the homework as follows: Stamped & corrected to 100% ½ Stamp but completed and corrected to 100% -OR- Stamped but not corrected to 100% No Stamp but completed and corrected to 100% ½ Stamp but not corrected to 100% Incomplete / Lost Full Page 10 8.5 Half Page 5 4 7.5 6 0 3.5 3 0 If you are absent, please don’t ask me for the make-up homework. Instead go to the homework calendar and folder to find missed esponjas, notes and assignments. Homework from absences will be due to ME the following day. ** Exposure to and practice of the language are important and usually occurs primarily in class. Therefore, it is important that you be present. You will receive 5 points each day that you are in class participating in the activities. You will lose points if you are talking when you shouldn’t, if you are not working when you should, if you are tardy, if you have an un-excused absence, or if your cell phone is visible. The tardy and absence policies of MLHS will be in effect for this class. Expectations: Follow all school rules. Speak in small groups and in front of the class. Dance/Sing with the class. (No worries, it’s basic.) Show respect to everyone. Be responsible for your actions. Be in your desk when the bell rings. No food or drinks in the room except water. No hats or hoods worn in the room. No visible cell phones, nor game systems in the room. Mp3 players are okay as long as it is during work time only. Per the MLHS cell phone policy If your phone is visible during class you will be expected to turn it in to me and your parents will have to come pick it up from the office. A Little More: If you are gone on the day of a quiz or exam, you have two days when you return to take it, or you will receive a zero. Plan to make up quizzes and exams before or after school. If it is not possible PLEASE discuss options with me. If you earn an A at semester, you will not need to take the semester exam. However, additional requirements may be made. You can earn stickers on exams/quizzes earning an A or improving by a letter grade. Earn 5 extra credit points a piece by turning them in on homework assignments. Using a hall pass is a privilege, so use your time between classes wisely. You will have just three passes per semester. Once you have used them you will not be allowed to leave class again. You will never be allowed to use a pass during the first nor last ten minutes of a class period, nor when someone is speaking to the class. Unused passes are worth extra credit at the end of the semester.