Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5 Activities

Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5 Activities
In order to better understand your readings of Act 1, Scenes 5, please read the
summary below before you read the respective scene. Read the carefully,
making sure to use your texts annotations (or the Internet) to uncover the
meaning of words and phrases that you are not familiar with.
Summary of Act 1, Scene 5
Act 1, Scene 5
Hamlet will go no further with the Ghost and demands it speak at once. The
Ghost tells Hamlet that the hour is approaching when it must return to the
tormenting flames of purgatory and it reveals the hideous and demented truth to
an anguished Hamlet, on the verge of hysteria throughout the conversation. The
Ghost is indeed the spirit of Hamlet's father, and he has not died, but has been
murdered, poisoned by his own brother, Claudius. The Ghost disappears, leaving
Hamlet horrified and enraged. "O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!"
(1.5.106). Hamlet is not yet sure how he will carry out his revenge, but he vows
to think about nothing else until Claudius has suffered for his betrayal. Amidst the
echoing cries of the Ghost rising from beneath the earth, Hamlet insists Horatio
and Marcellus swear that they will not reveal to anyone the events of that night.
Upon Hamlet's sword the two take their oath, assuring him that they will remain
silent. Hamlet then calls to his father's spirit "rest, rest" (I.V.179), and the scene
and entire act closes with the lines that encapsulate Hamlet's whole tragedy:
So, gentlemen,
With all my love I do commend me to you,
And what so poor a man as Hamlet is
May do to express his love and friending to you,
God willing, shall not lack: Let us go together,
And still your fingers on your lips, I pray.
The time is out of joint; O cursed spite,
That ever I was born to set it right! (1.5.181-88)
1) What has the world been told was the cause of King Hamlet’s death?
2) How was King Hamlet really killed? How did Claudius kill him? What animal
does he compare Claudius to? Why is this ironic?
3) Horacio and Marcellus show their loyalty to Hamlet by swearing not to tell
anyone about the appearance of the Ghost. What risks might be involved in
being Hamlet’s ally? From what you know of Hamlet’s character, why do you
think they follow him?
4) Why do you think Hamlet is saying in lines 170 – 182 (“Here, as before” to
“most need help you”)
5) Compare Hamlet’s first response to the Ghost’s call for revenge (“Haste me to
know’t; that I, with wings as swift/As mediation or the thoughts of love,/ May
sweep to my revenge. [1.5.29 – 31]) with his statement at the end of the scene
(“The time is out of joint; O cursed spite,/ That ever I was born to set it right!”
[1.5.187-88]). How do you account for the difference between these two