Mamma Mia Script - Westfield Primary Community School

Mamma Mia – Year 6 summer show, 2011
Introduction – Narrator 1 - Leo
Ladies and gentlemen, lads and lasses, welcome to the Westfield, class of 2011, year
6 summer show. Please ensure your mobiles are switched off or on silent. We are not
expecting a fire drill, although the new fire alarm system at Westfield is so sensitive,
we’ll be lucky to get through the performance without one, so please note the fire exit
to your left.
The script writers would like to point out that the script is based on an adult, rather
than a children’s film, so some of the material may cause offence to those of a
sensitive disposition. If you think that might be you, now’s your last chance to
The script writers also asked me to say, that the characters are entirely fictional, and
any resemblance to real characters or places is entirely coincidental. There is, for
example, a reference that could be mistaken for the City of York’s Director for
Adults, Children and Education. See if you spot that one when it comes.
I had my doubts about this “entirely fictional” lark, and when I asked her she said it
was “poetic licence” even though this is a play and not a poem. (She wouldn’t have
got level 5 English would she?) You make your own minds up. Oh, and the time
scales are way out …. she said that was poetic licence too!
Enjoy the show! Bow
Music Maestro!
“I have a dream” - Sophie walks slowly into the hall, posts letters off stage
“Gimme, gimme, gimme” – cast enter, dance, off to side
Act 1, Scene 1 – Sophie and the bridesmaids
Ah! Ann and Lisa run in… screams, hugs
“We’re Sophie, Ann and Lisa,
The greatest mates in space,
We’re great because we’re WEGGIES (all)
And we’re gonna rock this place”
Sophie / Leonie: It’s so great so see you! Wasn’t the hen night fantastic?
Ann / Ellie S: Ooh yeah, for all your fancy foreign deals, you can’t beat the
Micklegate run for a good hen night girls…… and it’s hardly worth going to bed
before your full English is it….you wouldn’t get that abroad!
Sophie / Leonie: Yeah, and you can keep your Betty’s breakfast rosti too; I’d have a
big platter of the Ainsty’s navvie breakfast every time, with a great steaming pot of
Yorkshire tea
Lisa / Megan: Ooh it were a great night! That Flares is fantastic, though we were
mad to choose a race weekend. It might as well ‘a been the Ebor meet it were that
busy in town.
Ann / Ellie S: It were a good job we had Mr. McKenna to get us home girls, with all
those mad stags about and no taxis in the ranks!
Lisa / Megan: Yeah, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know i’nt it girls? I’ve
got Mr. McKenna’s taxi on speed dial.
Sophie / Leonie: Anyway enough of that…I’ve got a secret! Guess what?
Ann / Ellie S: The number ones are going to start running every ten minutes, and bus
fairs are coming down?
Sophie / Leonie: No, I’m serious! You guess Lisa.
Lisa / Megan: Is it about your dress?
Sophie / Leonie: No, but it is about the wedding. (Pause) I’ve invited my dad!
Ann / Ellie S: I thought you didn’t know who your real dad was?
Sophie / Leonie: Well, I found mum’s diary, and I know you shouldn’t ….but I read
April 2011 –“Had a fantastic day at Westfield, at Mrs Barker’s Royal Wedding
Breakfast with a lad I’d known since kaleidoscope. We gazed at eachother over
Sheila’s Duchesse potatoes, and I fluttered my eyes like the bunting in the breeze.
Sam said, he’d be my William if I’d be his Kate!
Cast - Aaahhhh!
Sophie / Leonie: Then, July 2016 – “Bill was my first proper boyfriend in York
High, year 11. Mr. Ellis said he knew York High had a very close relationship with
Westfield since the fire, but this was taking our special relationship a bit too far…”
Ann / Ellie S: Too much information….A + L: moving on
Sophie / Leonie: December 2021 – “Oxford University, where I got my first degree.
Mrs Douglas had told us at Westfield that only the top universities would do for
weggies, and so off I went to Oxford, and that’s where I met Harry.
Lisa / Megan: When Harry met Sophie! (A + S eyes roll)
Ann / Ellie S: She’s called Donna!
“Honey Honey” cast do wap wap wap da ooh etc
Sophie / Leonie: Mr. McGann taught mum about enterprise too, so she used that
degree to set up her own business with this b+b by the sea in sunny Scarborough, and
here we are!
Donna / Chloe C: (Sings) Here come the bridesmaids….
Girls! Stop growing! (All hug) I saw you coming up the North beach, with all your
giggling, it reminded me of my youth. I used to have fun once.
Sophie / Leonie + Lisa / Megan + Ann / Ellie: We know!
Scene 2 - the stags
Stags get up from the sides and start walking on back slapping etc.
B1 Charlie R: Ah lads, what a fantastic stag night eh? It were mint
B5 Harry S: Bit dodgy when we put all those bubbles in the fountain though.
B6 Daniel B: Yeah, if that copper han’t remembered us from Westfield I don’t know
if he’d have let us off.
B2 Daniel C: Yeah, it was so great to catch up after all these years, and look back on
those happy, happy days at wonderful Westfield
B3 Marcus H: So many memories, so little time….
B4 George H: Yeah, they say your school days are the happiest days of your life,
and they’re not wrong! I chuffin loved Westfield I did…
All: Me too! Wonderful Westfield!
Hands on heart, look to ceiling, collective sigh
B5 Harry S: And all that careers aspirations stuff in year 6! Who’d have thought we
would have all gone on to achieve such great things!
B6 Daniel B: I know there’s Marcus playing for England
B3 Marcus H: Hannah’s had her first novel published….
B5 Harry S: Hey, don’t forget Chloe’s Oscar nomination.
B6 Daniel B: Mr. Brookfield always said the class of 2011 would go far.
B2 Daniel C: It was a laugh remembering all those great times eh lads? Do you
B4 George H: Eeh, when Mr Barnett won that dead posh award -dropped it on live
telly, in front of that bloke off Calendar News.
B1 Charlie R: Anyway, I’m off to see my lovely lass. You wait ‘l you meet her lads.
She puts Pippa Middleton in the shade!
Stags: Yeah, laters…
Scene 3 – Donna and the Dynamos / Sheila and the dream team
Dynamoes walking around the hall, dragging suitcase trollies. Donna driving around
the hall. Xx playing in the background
B Georgia M: Come on Cleopatra!
Donna / Chloe C: Well look at what the transpennine express has brought in!
C Shanade : For one night, and for one night only….Donna and the Dynamoes!
Aaah! (run and jump. Hug eachother)
Donna / Chloe C So great to see you! Look at you!
B Georgia M: It’s so great to be here. How long has it been?
C Shanade Too long, and I can hardly believe our baby girl is getting married!
Donna / Chloe C How was your journey?
C Shanade : Horrendous! You know from York to Scarborough, there’s only one
train on the hour and if it isn’t cancelled it’s delayed.
B Georgia M: We had to stand all the way to Malton cos of the races, but at least we
got seats then…to Seamer and beyond….
Donna / Chloe C Well this is it girls, my sometimes sunny b+b.
B Georgia M: It’s really sweet, but I thought your dream was to set up in Greece?
C Shanade : Yes, what happened to all your dreams?
B Georgia M: What happened to all your men?
Donna / Chloe C: Well, things don’t always work out do they? I’ve got my darling
Sophie, and she’s all that matters, and most days I’m so exhausted I’m glad to be on
my own.
B Georgia M: So where’s the wedding?
Donna / Chloe C: It’s here. We’ve got the Minster Choir singing at the wedding and
Shed Seven for the evening do.
C Shanade : No wonder you’re exhausted! How are you going to manage all the
Donna / Chloe C; Oh that’s the least of my problems. You’ll never guess who’s
helping me out? Only the finest chef in the North of England.
B Georgia M: Is it James Martin? I’ve seen him on Saturday Morning kitchen and
he’s a total dreamboat, and he makes a mean curd tart.
C Shanade : Ooh yes, I saw him at the York Food and Drink Festival the year Mrs
Rowsell took the steel pans. I swooned all the way up Parliament Street.
Donna / Chloe C: No girls, when I say the finest cook in the North, it could only be
Mrs Barker and her brilliant team! In fact here she is. Hello Sheila, come and meet
my oldest friends.
Mrs Barker Joe E: Hello ladies, pleased to meet you. Ooh it’s been a challenge
planning a fabulous menu, and trying to stick within the budget, but then I’ve had
years of practice at that with North Yorkshire County Caterers, (turning to audience)
offering a very nutritious and balanced menu of tasty school meals. You’d be mad to
miss it! (Turning back) I was trail-blazing fantastic school dinners at Westfield when
Jamie Oliver was still a babe in arms.
C Shanade : Ooh yes I’ve heard of Westfield’s school dinners. Second to none Mrs
Ralph used to say.
Mrs Barker Joe E: Yes, when York High rose like a phoenix from the ashes
Mr.Ellis tried to head hunt me, but I wouldn’t go. I mean, how could that gleaming,
state of the art kitchen at York High compare with the retro facilities at Westfield?
(Turns to audience) If you’re looking for loyalty to Westfield you won’t top that I tell
B Georgia M: Are you doing the wedding reception on your own, or have you got
Mrs Barker Joe E: I’ve got the finest kitchen staff in the City of York, and I’ve also
got Westfield’s dream team! Jane, Kelly and Annette are probably busy now getting
everything ready for the wedding guests, and they won’t have waited to be asked
Donna / Chloe C: Yes, I am so lucky to have such a fantastic team around me. You
can keep your fancy degrees and your business plans. It’s the staff you have around
you that make the difference, and team work is the key. Here they are now! Girls,
meet my friends.
Jane Charmaine: Pleased to meet you.
Annette Ellie A: We’ve changed all the beds and done the bathrooms, so the rooms
are all ready.
Kelly Bethany H: And we noticed your first guests had arrived so we put a pot of
coffee on in the staff room. It should have run through now.
Donna / Chloe C: (Turns to friends) See what I mean? They used to do that for the
governors’ meetings at Westfield. A total dream team. Sheila’s doing the security for
the wedding too
C Shanade: Security? The cook?
Donna / Chloe C: Yes, remember when we had Ofsted at Westfield? One of the
Ofsted inspectors tried to get past Sheila and into the school through the kitchen door,
showed her his badge and everything, didn’t he Sheila?
Mrs Barker Joe E: Yes, and I said with the greatest respect sir, I don’t care who
you are, you’re not getting past me, you can go to the main entrance and sign in like
everyone else
Round of applause from the cast, Sheila bows.
Jane Charmaine: There’s only one thing, I wouldn’t go into Sophie’s bedroom.
Um, er, we um, we didn’t get that far. Kelly, Annette and Jane nudge eachother…
Mrs Barker Joe E: Come on girls, there’s the cake to ice, glasses to shine and the
flowers to do for the church yet. (To dynamos) You come with me too ladies, I’ll find
you a nice fat rascal to go with your coffee
B Georgia M: (Glances at audience, winks and thumbs up) Now there’s an offer not
to be missed….(races after the Sheila) wait for me!
All off, except A. Looks suspiciously at extension
Kitchen staff off R mime cakes etc and freeze. Cleaning staff off L mime sweeping and
Donna round hall aisles towards extension.
Scene 4 – Donna and the dads
Mamma Mia solo song / dance
Donna bursts in
Donna / Chloe C: What on earth are you doing here? How did you find me? I’m
not even on facebook!
Sam Laurence: Hello sweet-cheeks. Climbing up that North bay took me right back
to the climbing we did at Robinwood on the residential. Hey, do you remember when
Mr Mcgann told us all he was some kind of expert canoeist? You had tears rolling
down your face when he capsized in the lake – It was like the sinking of the Titanic.
Bill Matthew: And we did a fair bit of climbing at Energise didn’t we doll? York
High was such a great sports college (…. aside to parents… and fantastic results
too, York High! The most improved secondary school in York in 2010, and still
Harry Callum: We climbed a few dreaming spires didn’t we love?
Donna / Chloe C: But why are you here? You can’t stay. There is a private function
here this weekend. You’ll have to get out of Scarborough and stay in Chappy.
There’s such a lot to do in the beautiful, historic city of York, I hear there are special
offers at the Castle Museum, and you’ve missed Morrissey at the Barbican but you
might catch the snooker.
Sam Laurence: We’re off out for the day love
Harry: Your dream team had a quick word with Sheila and she knocked us up some
pack-ups. Well you say pack-ups, these sarnies were right posh, they’d have passed
for Marks and Sparks
Bill Matthew: Mind you, she’s used to catering for big wigs is Sheila. She told us
she’s cooked for Pete Dwyer, Director, ACE
Harry Callum: What’s ACE?
Bill Matthew: (shrugging, scratching head, smiling) A Cooking Expert
Sam Laurence: Anyway we’ve heard Filey Bay is really busy so we might try
Hummanby or Cayton Bay. We just need to go down to collect our boat.
Donna / Chloe C: Well please try not to get spotted by any of my wedding party.
Dads off to back of hall. Cleaners, kitchen staff start miming sweeping etc up side
aisles and onto stage blocks. Dynamoes back on, Donna crying.
B Georgia M: Whatever’s the matter?
Donna / Chloe C: It’s just awful, I can’t believe it. I’ve just met Sam, Bill and
Harry. They’re here!
C Shanade: What a coincidence. Does Sophie know about all that?
Donna / Chloe: Of course not!
B Georgia M: Well what’s the big deal?
C Shanade: Whatever happened to our crazy Donna?
Donna / Chloe C: I grew up.
B Georgia M: Well we think you should grow back down again!
Dancing Queen – Donna and the dynamos, Sheila, dream team etc.
Narrator 2 Josh P: Now then, during this short interval we’ve got a real treat for
you ladies and gents. As well as such amazing skills in dance and drama, the class of
2011 are amazing gardeners. If you’d like to make your way through to the year 6
quadrangle, you can admire their garden, and meet their chickens.
You will also get the chance to meet the dream team in real life, because Kelly, Jane
and Annette will be selling ice creams in the canteen. Of course you are welcome to
stay in your seats if you wish, or take some fresh air in the car park where smoking is
permitted during the evening performances only. See you in part two.
Cast dance off, curtains close INTERVAL
Donna and Dynamoes quick break then get into glitter costumes in little room behind
the stage and hide behind curtains until Jay-ho over. Pose on high back tables just
before curtains open.
Act 2, scene 1 – Sophie and the dads / groom and stags
Girls lead in silently and take their seats before act 2 begins boys wait in library. Bell
to round up audience, take their seats etc. Background music signals start of Act 2.
Sophie enters centre aisle with bridesmaids and mime talking etc.
Dads follow in boat, paddling up centre aisle, canoe prop-boats around their waists
Sam Laurence: I’ll be Steve Redgrave
Harry Callum: No, I wanna be Steve Redgrave, you can be Matthew Pinsent
Bill Matthew: Right, well I’ll be James Cracknell
Sam Laurence: Look I think that’s Sophie.
Harry Callum: Sophie, is that you darl?
Sophie / Leonie: Yes, can I come aboard?
Bill Matthew: Hop in love.
Sophie / Leonie: Thank you so much for coming. It is so fantastic to meet you all. I
have heard such fabulous stories about Westfield and York High. What can you
Our Last Summer – all. If can find backing track with no words re-write words to suit
Westfield. If not use ordinary song.
Sophie hops off boat and meets groom. Exit stage running up centre aisle. Dads sail
off centre aisle. All change in old library.
Act 2, scene 2 – Jay-ho
Narrator 3 Charlie H: Parents, governors, honoured guests, bear with… bear
with…. (eyes left as if to camera / Miranda)
A bit of poetic licence coming up here. There’s supposed to be that flipper scene in
the sea, but the budget wouldn’t run to a pool or a blue screen, and given Westfield’s
storming Bollywood performance at the York Dance Festival 2010, and our great
multi-cultural links, we thought we’d slip into a bit of “sensational stags in: boys do
Bollywood”. Take it away lads.
Boys – Jay-ho dance ( dance up aisles to brown steps in front of closed curtain)
Girls gather clapping during dance, leave side benches and move to sit on stage
blocks etc. All applaud end of Jay-ho
Girl in cast Misha: That was fantastic, but it’s got my toes tapping.
Girl 2 in cast Sian: Well equal opportunites and all. The girls had their big dance
number when they did Dancing Queen so the boys got Jay-ho.
Girl 3 in cast Sophie: Yeah, but wouldn’t it be great if we could all have one more
dance number; like a big finish.
Narrator 4 Holly K: Actually girls, you won’t be disappointed, cos guess what’s
Curtains please!
Act 2, scene 3 –Donna and the dynamos / Voulez Vous
Curtains open to reveal Donna and the dynamos in pose singing Super Trooper.
Main cast members march up and down centre and side aisles military style, all
ending up on the stage.
Cast all applaud, shouting more, more.
Donna / Chloe: Not yet, that’s in the finale, but did I hear someone’s toes were
Voulez-vous danser?
Cast: Oui, Nous voudrons danser.
Straight into Voulez Vous, main cast members, girls one two and three + dynamoes.
Donna, Sophie and bridesmaids off to side room / side stage, girls into wedding
outfits, bridesmaids dresses.
After Voulez Vous, cast lead off to side benches, saying see you in the morning, meet
you at the wedding, big day tomorrow etc.
Act 2, scene 4 – Slipping through my fingers
Narrator 5 Georgia N: Well that’s nearly all folks, but this next song is a very
special one, and couldn’t pass without introduction. For some of us in year 6, we are
the first to leave primary school and go to secondary, and for others we are the
youngest, with older brothers and sisters ahead of us, but for all of us it is an equally
big step, and a step we are excited about and ready to take.
We’ve been told that for our mums and dads, the day we started Westfield will feel
like it was only yesterday to you. We would like to give special thanks to some little
ones, Caitlin, Keeleigh and Charlotte for helping us with this dance. This song is
dedicated to every parent in the room.
All cast sing “Slipping through my fingers”
Donna and Sophie enter stage and go off to the side bit on the left, and mime combing
hair, getting ready etc.
Act 2, scene 5 – the wedding / finale
Play “I do, I do, I do, I do I do”whilst cast enter as far as the stage blocks to make
up the wedding party.
Vicar Adam W: Who gives this woman to this man?
Sam, Bill, Harry: I do!
Donna / Chloe C: What! Sophie, did you know about this? I am so sorry.
Sophie / Leonie: It doesn’t matter mum. I feel loved and that’s all that matters.
Vicar Adam W: Does anyone know any just cause or impediment why these two
young people cannot be joined in matrimony?
Cast member / Cameron Alexander: Yes, me
All cast gasp
Cast member / Cameron Alexander: They’re far too young to get married.
Vicar Adam W: You’re absolutely right.
Narrator 6 Elise: That’s all folks! All bow
Wedding party go off side of stage – Donna and the dynamos get back into their
spangles / dads into spangles.
Mamma Mia plays and cast begin entering stage for bows / finale line up.
Cast come to the front, take their bow and dance backwards to rear high tables etc.
Cast go in ascending order for their bows eg. Extras / smaller parts, depends on time.
Cast: Do you want a little more? Do you want a little more?
Waterloo plays.
Main cast eg. Sophie and bridesmaids on to bow, stags etc.
Dads stomp on in their spangles and dance. Donna and the dynamos bow.
Full stage bow.
Encore Dancing Queen plays, cast dance as they exit.