It Happens in Sacramento: State Budget, Legislation and

LEGISLATION, 2011-12 Session
Easy access to text of the bill info at
Bill #
AB 2
AB 63
Tuition and fees
Would provide resident fee status for military and dependents, but also calls
for repeal of AB 540, which provides resident fee status for undocumented
persons who have attended three years of CA high school.
Educational and Economic Goals for CA Higher Education: accountability
Would establish an accountability framework asking six questions---1) are
enough Californians prepared for post-sec education, 2) are enough
Californians going to college, 3) is the state’s post-sec ed system affordable to
all Californians, 4) are enough Californians successfully completing
certificates and degrees, 5) are college graduates prepared for life and work in
CA, 6) are CA’s people, communities and economy benefiting?
ASCCC Position
(adopted 3/8/11)
Opposed, Unless Amended
(to remove AB 540 repeal
Failed to pass out of the Assembly Higher Ed Committee on 3/29. Military
section of bill is covered in another bill (AB 853, Blumenfield)
AB 91
Student Financial Aid: Pilot Program
Would establish pilot programs to increase student participation in state and
local financial aid programs. Would also identify strategies and best practices
for increasing the number of students who submit a FAFSA (many student do
not fill out the FAFSA, which precludes them from accessing most federal
financial aid)
AB 130
Student Financial Aid: Eligibility: California Dream Act of 2011
Expands the definition of AB 540 students and would permit all AB 540
students to be eligible for scholarships funded by private sources.
AB 131
Student Financial Aid
Would permit AB 540 students to apply for specified state-administered
financial aid programs (including Cal Grants).
Concurrent Enrollment in Secondary School and Community College.
In addition to current criteria of advanced scholastic or vocational work, would
expand to basic skills remediation, preparation for CA High School Exit
Exam, ESL and dropout prevention.
Concerns---1) is this the time to expand concurrent enrollment when we don’t
even have enough course sections for the “traditional” CCC student (i.e. high
school graduate or anyone over 18 who can benefit) and 2) current criteria is
for advanced work by such students, while additions are not.
Priority Registration: Foster Youth
Would require each CCC district that administers a priority enrollment system,
AB 160
AB 194
to grant priority for registration for enrollment to foster youth or former foster
youth, as defined.
AB 216
Inmate Education Programs: Computation of Apportionments
Would waive open course provisions for such courses.
AB 230
Joint educational programs: middle college high school students: enrollment
Would provide that low enrollment priority provisions do not apply to students
attending a middle college high school.
AB 288
Student Expulsion
Would authorize the governing board of a district to either deny enrollment,
permit enrollment, or permit conditional enrollment to any individual who has
been expelled from a community college within the preceding 5 years, or who
is, at the time of the application, undergoing expulsion procedures, for certain
offenses, as provided, if the board determines that the person continues to pose
a risk to the safety of others.
AB 372
Veterans’ Academic Credit
Would require CCCs to develop criteria for granting academic credit for the
military training received by any member or former member of the armed
We have a resolution (18.04) dealing with military training and academic
AB 515
Extension Programs
Would authorize a local district governing board, without the approval of the
CCC Board of Governors, to establish and maintain an extension program
offering credit courses.
AB 620
Nondiscrimination and Training: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and
Gender Expression
Would require the CCC Board of Governors to adopt policies on harassment,
intimidation, and bullying to be included within the rules of student conduct
governing their respective segments of public postsecondary education.
AB 626
Distance Learning (DL)
Would define the term “distance learning” in the Ed Code.
Based on recommendations from the LAO report “The Master Plan at 50:
Using Distance Education to Increase College Access and Efficiency.”
AB 661
San Diego Community College District: Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program
Would authorize the SDCCD to establish a pilot program (to expire 8 years
after establishment), offering degrees in a limited number of fields of study;
Resolutions to be
voted on at Session.
would authorize the district to charge fees for enrollment in specified courses
(which would be required for the pilot); and authorize the district to enter into
agreements with local businesses and agencies to provide educational services
to the students.
AB 743
Common Assessment
Would establish a common assessment system to be used as one of multiple
Would be an opt-in (not required), but would likely have a strong financial
incentive for districts to participate (because of low cost).
AB 835
Economic and Workforce Development Program
Would authorize CCC districts to enroll high school pupils who are not
residents of the district in a program developed and implemented by the
district and to grant academic credit to high school pupils for courses meeting
specified criteria.
AB 851
Distance Learning (DL)
Would call for a report from both the CCC and CSU on workload and key
performance data on DL courses, including number of students in DL courses,
completion rates for DL courses and program completion rates for degree
programs that include exclusively DL courses. Would also report on the
feasibility of developing an accelerated bachelor’s degree completion program
consisting of DL courses, aimed at students who started college, but never
obtained a degree. Also specifies for the LAO to convene a task force to
identify steps needed to establish a Western Governors University (WGU) in
CA (WGU is a national online university offering bachelor’s and master’s
degrees in professions such as teaching, business, IT and health).
Based on recommendations from the LAO report “The Master Plan at 50:
Using Distance Education to Increase College Access and Efficiency.”
AB 1029
Stand-Alone Course Approval
Would extend the requirement that the CCC Board of Governors review and
approve courses of instruction that are not offered as part of an educational
program approved by the BoG.
AB 852
AB 965
Sponsored by Chancellor’s Office
Temporary Faculty
Establishes re-employment rights for adjunct faculty, based on specific
Sponsored by FACCC
Full-time faculty hiring
Would require community college districts that have less than 75% of their
hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors to apply a portion of
their funds allocated to apportionment growth according to specified formulas.
This requirement would apply only if prescribed conditions are met.
AB 1056
AB 1315
Sponsored by FACCC
Electronic Transcripts
Would implement a procedure to facilitate the electronic transmission and
receipt of student transcripts by districts.. Would also require districts to
implement a process for this (based on receipt of new one-time funding for
this purpose).
Sponsored by Chancellor’s Office
Would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to develop
demonstration partnerships between adult education programs and the
California Community Colleges to create “gateway centers” that will
accelerate the progress of developing basic skills of students so that they will
be successful students and obtain well-paying jobs after graduation.
AB 1326
California Higher Education Endowment Corporation: oil and gas severance
Would establish the California Higher Education Endowment Corporation
(CHEEC) in state government. The bill would establish an oversight board to
govern the CHEEC and would require that board to appoint the chief executive
officer of the CHEEC. The bill would require the CHEEC to annually allocate
the moneys in the continuously appropriated California Higher Education
Fund, which would be created by the bill, to the California Community
Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California, as
specified. The bill also would authorize the board to invest the moneys in the
fund in accordance with prescribed procedures.
SB 114
Academic salary schedules
Would require community college districts to determine the compensation of
part-time community college faculty using a salary schedule that places parttime faculty on comparable salary steps as full-time faculty with similar
academic preparation and years of experience. The bill would require parttime faculty to be paid in a manner that mirrors the same relationship to the
placement of full-time faculty on the schedule.
SB 189
Adjunct Faculty---Eligibility for Contract Status
Adds dual enrollment to the list of “ancillary activities” (e.g. governance, staff
development, grant writing, advising student organizations) that cannot be
used to calculate eligibility for contract or regular status.
Considered to be a “clean up” bill for SB 1440 which was passed last session.
SB 532
Advanced Placement Program.
Would require the CSU and the governing board of a CCC to give a student
who scored 5, 6, or 7 on the International Baccalaureate examinations taken
during high school the same amount of credit given to students who scored 4
or 5 on the equivalent advanced placement examinations taken during high
Senate has resolutions in support of both AP and IB, but not this mandating of
determination of credit.
Title 5, section 55052, gives determination of credit for AP scores to the
discipline faculty at the local college. Instead of the mandating of this bill, the
Senate would call for parallel language in Title 5 for determination of IB credit
to be done by discipline faculty at the local college.
SB 650
The College Promise Partnership Act
Would authorize the Long Beach CCD and the Long Beach USD to enter into
a partnership, as specified, to provide participating pupils with an aligned
sequence of rigorous high school coursework leading to capstone college
courses, as defined, with consistent and jointly established eligibility for
college courses. The act would assign priority for enrollment and course
registration to certain students. This bill would make legislative findings and
declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the Long Beach USD
and the Long Beach CCD.
April 2011