District Convention Minutes - The National Headquarters of Kappa

“Mardi Gras Masquerade” Kappa Kappa Psi/ Tau Beta Sigma
Business Agenda
Louisiana State University
April 17-19, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Opening Joint Session
Bo Campbell Auditorium
April 17, 2009- 5:30pm
Call to order at 5:47pm
Welcome by Sean LaFollette and Amanda Dickson
Introduction of Joint District Councils
Tau Beta Sigma Southwest Council
i. President- Amanda Dickson (Gamma Nu)
Vice President of Membership- Laura Pollard (Gamma
Vice President of Special Projects- Kathryn Wright (Beta)
Secretary/Treasurer- Jillian Baaklini (Beta Zeta)
Counselor- Chris Gordon
.Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest Council
i. President- Sean LaFollette (Theta Phi)
VP- Sean Smith (Theta Alpha)
Sec/Trea.- Jennifer Larsen (Epsilon Delta)
Co-MAL- Chase Giddings (Beta Delta)
Co-MAL- Megan Polis (Beta Gamma)
Governor- Danny George
Governor- Dr. David Scott
Introduction of Visiting Dignitaries
Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
i. President- Dr. Malinda Matney
VPCM- Derrick Mills
VPSA- Jason Morris
Tau Beta Sigma National Council
i. VPSP- Dawn Farmer
VPCR- Deena Smith
Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees
i. Scott Stowell (Past National Pres)
Ken Corbett (Past National Pres)
Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees
i. Alan Harriet
Kappa Kappa Psi Governor
i. Midwest District- Denali Alt
Tau Beta Sigma Counselors
i. Southeast District Counselors
Crystal Wright
Renee Cartee
G. National Headquarter Staff
i. Kappa Kappa Psi CFR- Adam Bates
Alumni, Chapter & Colony Coordinator
Clint Weiden
Past District Officers stand and be recognized.
Recognition of Life Members in attendance- please stand
Recognition of graduating seniors-stand please
If you would like to put in a bid for the New Alto please submit now, Final
If you want to put in a bid to host district convention this will be the Final
call for that.
Introduction of the Beta Gamma President Rob
Convention coordinator Jennifer Holden, Robyn B.
Overview of the schedule for the rest of Friday evening.
Rain sight for the Talent Show will be after banquet.
Announcements from Beta Gamma
A. First, if you have not registered please do to pick up your parking passes
B. Tomorrow parking will be limited due to a spring football game scrimmage
so car pool. You can park anywhere on campus other than handicap or reserved
C. No food or drinks in Bo Campbell
D. Any questions or concerns find someone in a purple shirt.
Recess at 5:58pm; until tomorrow morning at 9:15am.
First Separate Session
Dodson Auditorium
April 17, 2009
Call to order at 6:30
Seating of the Delegates
Alpha- Proxy Delta
Beta- Proxy Alpha Omicron
Delta- seated
Iota- Proxy Alpha Omicron
Xi- Proxy Delta
Psi- Proxy Gamma Tau
Tau- seated
Alpha Omicron- seated
Alpha Upsilon- Proxy Beta Gamma
Beta Gamma-seated
Beta Delta-seated
Beta Zeta-seated
Beta Nu- Proxy Gamma Tau
Gamma Nu- Proxy Beta Zeta
o. Gamma Xi-seated
p. Gamma Omicron- Proxy Gamma Tau
q. Gamma Tau-seated
r. Gamma Phi- Proxy Delta
s. Delta Alpha- Proxy Beta Delta
t. Delta Eta-seated
u. Delta Phi- seated
v. Delta Sigma- seated
w. Delta Tau- seated
x. Delta Upsilon- Proxy Beta Zeta
y. Delta Phi- Proxy Gamma Xi
z. Epsilon Beta- Proxy Delta Eta
aa. Epsilon Eta- Proxy Delta Pi
bb. Epsilon Psi- Proxy Tau
cc. Zeta Mu- Proxy Delta Tau
dd. Zeta Phi- seated
ee. Eta Epsilon- seated
ff. Eta Nu- Proxy Zeta Phi
gg. Eta Pi-seated
hh. Theta Beta- Proxy Eta Epsilon
ii. Theta Theta-seated
jj. Theta Taukk. Iota Beta- Proxy Eta Pi
ll. Colony- No
Last Chapter seated was Eta Pi. Next year’s seating starts with Theta Beta.
Appointment of Convention Parliamentarian- Krissy Stempf from Delta
a. Reading of the Standing Rules- Convention Parliamentarian
Motion to accept- Delta
ii. Second- Delta Phi
iii. Motion passed
Reading of the Minutes
Motion to suspend reading of the Minutes- Beta Delta
Second- Delta Alpha
Motion passed
Motion to accept the minutes- Beta Zeta
Second- Beta Gamma
Motion passed
Call for District Officer Candidate Packets for the Nominations
Leaha form Alpha Omicron- VP of Membership
Christiana Uili from Beta Zeta- VP of Membership
Patricia Butler from Theta Theta- Sec/Trea
Katie Dukes from Theta Theta- VPSP
Jessica Johnson from Beta- Sec/Trea
Introduction of Stephen Burt the new SED President
ii. Introduction of Deena Smith and Dawn Farmer- applause
iii. Introduction of Allen Harriett- BOT
SED Counselors Krystal and Renee
Past SWD Officers (Presidents) Nicole Burdick and Chris Foster,
Stephanie Salazar- Past VPSP, Erika Pope- Past VPM
Assigning of Committees
a. Membership, Rm. 132
Advisor: Laura Pollard
ii. Chair: Alpha Omicron
iii. Delegates: Delta Upsilon, Theta Beta, Epsilon Beta
b. History and Traditions, Rm. 137
Advisor- Deena Smith and Kathryn Wright
ii. Chair- Beta Gamma
iii. Alpha, Psi, Beta Alpha Psi
c. Jurisdiction and Finance, Rm. 282
Advisor- Allen Harriett and Jillian Baaklini
ii. Chair- Gamma Xi
iii. Delegates: Epsilon Psi, Theta Theta, Theta Tau, Epsilon Eta
d. Nominations, Rm. 276 (Closed)
Advisor: Crystal Wright
ii. Chair: Delta Tau
iii. Delegates: Gamma Nu, Delta Phi, Eta Pi, Delta
e. Spirit and Sisterhood, Rm. 240 (Closed)
Advisor- Chris Foster
ii. Chair- Tau
iii. Delegates: Iota Beta, Eta Nu, Zeta Mu
f. Alumni Association, Rm. 136
g. Convention Site Rm. 112 (Closed)
Advisor: Danny George and Chris Gordon
ii. Chairs: Beta Gamma: Jessica Holden, Robyn Barthel
iii. Delegates: Delta Alpha, Beta Delta, Eta Epsilon
h. Publications, Rm. 232 (Closed)
Advisor- Renee Cartee
ii. Chair- Gamma Tau
iii. Delegates: Beta Zeta, Gamma Omicron, Xi, Delta Eta, Gamma Phi
i. JACME, Rm, 114 (Joint)
Advisor: Stephen Burt
ii. Chair: Zeta Phi
iii. Delegates: Delta Sigma, Delta Pi, Iota
Erika Pope – Southwest District Alumni Association, TBS A.N.S.W.E.R
a. Primarily for graduation seniors
b. Stations for you to register and what you would like to see out of the alumni
organization and a fun station with games. You have to start at station one and
nine to participate in stations four and six.
c. Actives can stop by and say hello, but this is for seniors so they can have fun.
d. Convention memories to take pictures under our Mardi Gras back drop.
e. All in Locket. Starting Saturday!
Laura Pollard- Current or Past Membership educators: Guide to
recruitment which will include membership activities from each chapter in the
district. This is for the district so that we can have a complied book that we can share.
It doesn’t have to be your membership educator, but someone from you chapter needs
to get the forms.
Recess at 7: 29pm until Saturday at 4pm.
Second Joint Session
Bo Campbell Auditorium
April 18, 2009- 9:15pm
Call to order at 9:31am.
a. Welcome to convention and getting here in the nasty weather
Any KKPsi chapters that arrived late and did not seat their official
delegate needs to come down and get seated.
ii. Re-introduction of Dignitaries.
1. Mom just committed a sin of having a drink open in the “Bo.”
Presentation of the New Alto Bids
a. Two chapters biding for the New Alto
Lambda and Psi from Fayetteville, AR. - Current New Alto hosts.
1. Current live broadcasting page and interactive publication.
2. Get every district officer to have a web cam to make them or
3. Appoint a corresponding secretary to visit other chapters in their
region and report back to the publication.
4. Hoping to be broadcasting the new layout next week.
5. Budget cost is nothing to the district-Free of charge!
b. Announcement from the host chapter:
Parking get there early to get a parking spot. Doors open at 7:30pm Talent
show to follow.
c. Angelo State University
Epsilon Kappa and Delta Tau
1. Joint relations good to work together on publications
2. Website- doesn’t want to change anything about the current host’s
3. Once a semester send out post card promotions to send in articles
to the publication.
4. Publication it’s self- want it to be similar to a magazine that you
would see at a store.
5. Budget: Over estimated for cushion: total $181.80
d. Question and Answer:
8 minutes: KKPsi Beta Gamma- picture uploading- Psi and Lambda-yes,
Epsilon Kappa can add a section for that. KKPsi Alpha- Willing to do
fundraisers- San Angelo: school has a fund of $5,000 a year for them to
use if they apply for it. What will we do to keep from losing the work that
has been done: Psi- Nick Smith: life member plans to host the domain
until he dies. TBS: Gamma Nu: Psi- will there be a hard copy-yes.
Funding from athletic department, so fundraising goes to extra projects.
Beta Zeta: Psi- take into consideration into changing the publication
layout. - yes. Beta Nu: Both- how often is site updated?- weekly.
Presentation of the Convention Host Bids
a. No bids this year.
In the committee we are looking at locations, enticing some chapters to
host or get ones that have hosted in the past to resubmit their bids. Keep
and open mind when we hear the report.
a. TBS committees: Need to submit a hard copy to the Sec/Trea. As well as email a
copy to swdsec_trea@tbsigma.org.
b. Buy Raffle tickets and masks at district fundraiser table!
c. KKPsi scrapbook is ready to view!
d. Displays and vending will be all day in the P-Mac center.
e. KKPsi alumni association will be meeting during reading band in Locket 143.
f. TBS Delegates stay seated to sign in.
g. Do not use the upstairs bathrooms. You will be locked and we can’t get you out of
the “Bo.”
h. Stephen Burt SED President of TBS. – Lost his cell phone.
Recess at 10:18am until the Saturday at 5:30pm
Second Separate Session
Dodson Auditorium
April 18, 2009- 4:00pm
Call to order at 4:14pm
Seating of the Late Delegates
Delta Alpha
Beta Gamma
Gamma Nu
Gamma Phi
Delta Upsilon
Report of the District Secretary/Treasurer:
Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Southwest District:
After all the cameras stopped flashing and we had stated our oath as your officers, I thought “oh
man….! What….now?!” I only had a faint idea of what the next year would be like. Looking at
the officers from the outside is like when you watch your teachers and imagine that they don’t do
anything outside of school; like grocery shopping. That’s how I imagined the life of a district
officer. You don’t really know what goes on behind the scenes until you are there living it.
First things first, I was given all of Kathryn’s officer “hand-me downs” so I had to figure out
how to get all of that to her let alone putting that wooden book on wheels in my car. Well we
figured it out and decided to meet up and pass them off. So that was my first road trip with Mom
to meet Amanda and Kathryn at a Cracker Barrel in Waco. Side fact on the way, Mom and I had
a near run in with a piece of tire on the road. It exploded out from underneath a truck in front of
us and I’m sure Amanda still doesn’t believe this part of the story. But we survived even if a
piece of Mom’s bumper didn’t.
Now we are off to July and the District Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City. I learned a lot
about myself as an officer and about other districts. It was a great experience to learn new ideas
and remember that we are an organization that is larger than your home chapter. Even to this day
it still gives me a since of awe when I see other members of TBS outside our district. Oh and I
never got a pair of Reeboks…you know the ones with the straps?
August, I started to prepare my workshop for the Chapter Leadership Conference. If you missed
out this past year make it a point to go to the upcoming one. That was my first and now I wish
that I had gone to more. It really pumped me up for the year and provided a great way for
chapters to hear about up coming district news and to jump start their own chapters for a new
school year. Thank you Gamma Nu for hosting! It was a great conference.
Throughout the fall semester I was student teaching and doing the various tasks that were needed
for my office. The fall is pretty slow going, but it was a good reflection period on what was up
coming. I worked on the fall mail-out and learned that Kinko’s can be a little expensive. I
organized the budget on my computer and started thinking of fundraising ideas. I also organized
my officer “box” and worked out a system of keeping up with all my paperwork. I also got a
chance to see UT Arlington march their last show of the season at a BOA event in San Antonio!
It was really awesome and I commend you all for marching even with out the football team.
Amanda joined me on a road trip with my chapter to national headquarters in January and let’s
just say…remote control. Oh and if you get the chance to travel out to Stillwater, make sure you
have a buddy with you. Getting pulled over at night is risky business if you are alone. But we got
a lot of work done up at headquarters preparing mail outs to alumni and enjoying the company of
our wonderful staff.
Winter council meeting was a lot of fun! Touring the LSU campus and getting an idea of how
convention was shaping up from the host chapters perspective was awesome. I got to eat at the
original Canes chicken. And if you know me, you know I live for Canes!
Workshop Season!! I only made it out to two workshops. The North Texas Area workshop
hosted by Lambda Pi-KKPsi was great! I avoided the game of red rover because I’m pretty sure I
would have broken something. I “enjoyed” my on the spot workshop session with Kathryn when
their facilitator had to pull out. I say “enjoy” more like I was going “ahhh! What are we going to
do!” kind of reaction. But it worked out alright and we had a fun and informative session. South
Texas was way cool! I didn’t think I could step, but I realized that I’m ok…not a professional
more like a baby deer who is first learning to walk (aka baby deer legs) …but I can do it. I loved
the bond that I saw between the girls in their chapter and also with their brothers. It was
awesome and thank you Epsilon Psi for hosting! Oh and we never found the pizza hutt…
Preparing for convention was a lot of work, but I enjoyed it all. From the phone conference
meetings to seeing the agenda finalized, I knew that this convention would be one of the best
I’ve been to.
My only thank you that I will share is to my chapter, Beta Zeta. I really appreciate all you’ve
helped me with over this past year; especially housing me on my trips back to Nacogdoches and
being there when I needed to talk. I wish you the best of luck in the future. Call me! Go Jacks!
Thank you:
Amanda- Thanks for all you’ve done. It has been a lot of fun being on council with you and I
wish you the best of luck in graduate school.
Laura- You always had inquisitive questions to add to our discussion and I appreciate that
because you thought of things that I probably wouldn’t have thought of or would have at the last
minute. Thank you for being supportive and good luck in teaching little kiddos!
Kathryn- My newbie buddy. I like how we would not know what was going on and then look at
each other like, “whhhhaat?” But we made it through and I know that you will be an awesome
Chris- Thanks for being my travel buddy. Go Austin! Also, for being an open minded and warm
hearted person. Without you I know that there might have been moments of discord. Good luck
at national convention and in your future endeavors.
Respectfully submitted,
Jillian Baaklini
Tau Beta Sigma- Beta Zeta
SWD Sec/Trea ’08-‘09
a. MM to accept the Sec/Trea Report
b. Beta Zeta accept
c. Alpha Omicron 2nd
d. Motion passed.
Report of the District Vice President of Special Projects
Report of the Tau Beta Sigma Vice President of Special Projects
Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Southwest District,
Even though this year seemed to start slow at the end of April into May, this slowness didn’t last
long. This past year I have attended District Day, District Leadership Conference, and Chapter
Leadership Conference during the summer.
The fall was busy keeping track of chapters who have and haven’t turned in paperwork to
national headquarters. Lisa Croston and Aaron Moore contacted me about going through the
Beta archives finding information for the national archives about women in TBS before we
became a national organization. I know my chapter along with myself had a wonderful time
hanging out during their short visit to Lubbock. During the fall, I also received permission to
create a new Southwest District scrapbook and during winter break, Amanda Dickson and I
along with some Kappa Kappa Psi Delta Sigma members made the journey up to Stillwater to
retire the old scrapbook into our archives. The new scrapbook makes it easier for the VPSP to
travel and store during the year.
During the spring, there was a lot of work going towards convention. I attended winter council in
January to help prepare for convention. Right after making it back to my home chapter, the
district workshops began. I was able to attend 2 of the workshops this semester. I would like to
thank the West Texas and North Texas workshops chapters for their great work in producing a
wonderful workshop each. During this semester, I have been asking chapters for pictures for the
scrapbook and to keep everyone informed through the district chat that was held monthly
beginning in September. The district wide chats have been a huge success with many chapters in
I would like to begin by thanking all the Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi district council
members. Everyone was a huge help and would drop what they were doing to help you in any
way. I would also like to thank my home chapter, Beta, and our counterpart, Alpha Omicron, at
Texas Tech University for extending the helping hand in figuring out how to operate a district
position. If there is anyone I forgot to thank, I am dearly sorry. I hope you do not think I did that
on purpose.
I charge the next VPSP to continue doing great work and achieving wonderful things for this
organization. I have no doubt in my mind that any of you running would become a leader for our
Respectfully Submitted ITB,
Kathryn Wright
Beta Chapter, Texas Tech University
SWD Vice President of Special Projects 2008-2009
a. MM to Accept Beta,
b. 2ND Delta Phi,
c. Motion passes
Report of the Membership Committee
Tau Beta Sigma
2009 Southwest District Convention
Report of the Committee of Membership
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Committee on Membership met April 17-18 to discuss issues regarding membership. We
began by reviewing the 2008 Membership committee report. We then discussed the charges from
the 2008 committee.
The Committee of Membership discussed the following:
Continued discussion on pairing chapters that are geographically close to one
another and how they can utilize each other for participation in District events.
Ways to encourage active members to participate in district wide communication
methods such as Facebook and the National and District Listserves.
Advantages of participating in district activities and how to educate others of these
advantages such as
Videos made by chapters of their personal experiences at district
activities and distributing them among the chapters via website, New
ALTO, etc.
Holding pairs/triads accountable for encouraging participation in district and
national activities.
Brainstormed different officer positions and committees and their duties for
consideration in chapter operations.
From discussion, the committee has created the following charges:
Discuss with VPM success of the grouping system of chapters. Consider ways to
utilize these another year.
Discuss positive methods of the inner workings of the chapter that encourages
retention of membership.
The 2009 Committee on Membership charges the following to the district VPM:
Enforce and encourage the grouping of chapters to work and interact together.
Collect Continuing Education Programs that exist throughout the district. Compile
these programs and submit to chapters to consider developing a program of their own.
Enforce the communication ideas discussed by the committee on membership to
improve communication between the SWD council and chapters of the SWD.
Submit the list of officer and committee duties to each chapter in the SWD to
consider into their chapter operations.
I would like to thank all those who participated in the 2009 Membership Committee to make our
meetings successful. They were:
Cynthia Leal, Delta Eta
Chelsea Murphree, Delta Upsilon
Micaela Harden, Delta Pi
April Rodriguez, Gamma Tau
Ashley Offill, Beta Delta
Matthew Dittman, Tau
Leah Arceneaux, Alpha Omicron
Ke’ara Robinson, Epsilon Eta
Takara Sells, Epsilon Eta
Courtney Gibson, Theta Beta
Siobhan Wilkes, Beta Zeta
JeNetta Ausbie, Delta Alpha
Tara Robinson, Delta Alpha
Tabitha Livingston, Delta Upsilon
Amy Dixon, Eta Epsilon
And anyone else that contributed to our discussions.
Special thanks to our Committee Advisor:
Laura Pollard, Gamma Tau, VPM 2008-2009
Respectfully submitted in the bond,
Kerianne Roggow, Alpha Omicron, Sam Houston State University
a. Motion made to accept the report
b. Epsilon Eta accepts
c. Iota Seconds
d. Motion Passes
Report of the National Alumni Association
A. Power point and hand outs
B. 260 TBSAA members that have joined so far
C. Programs going on at Convention for alumni on career building and a
networking session.
D. Links in- site to network for members
E. Mentoring program for newly graduated Alumni
F. General alumni and friends $50 a year, under 25 or Life members $30 a
G. Have any questions contact Nicole Burdick
H. Nicole is running for National VP of Communications and Recognition!
Win Win Membership Winner is the Alpha Chapter!
Straw vote for Beta and Sigma
Jurisdiction and Finance Committee
The 2009 Finance and Jurisdiction Committee was charged with :
Charges for Jurisdiction:
Section 2.09: Add to the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer: “She/He will also need
to be versed in the uses and functions of creating and maintaining a website.”
The rationale given for changing the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer was that the
Secretary doesn’t have much to do outside of the meetings and that it would be useful for
the Secretary/Treasurer to be able to log into and update expenditures, as well as post
notes quickly from each meeting.
Motion to accept
Second: Eta Nu
Motion Passes
Section 2.03: Change, “We will be required to present a resume,” to “will be
required to present a professional resume and a Tau Beta Sigma resume stating their
history in the organization.”
The rationale given for this change is to create congruency with all applicants resumes
and applications.
Motion to accept
Second: Epsilon Psi
Motion passes
Section 2.01: Change, “Vice President of Colonization & Membership” to “vice
President of Membership” this must be congruent throughout the document.
The rationale given is that most districts have made this change already because
colonization is more of a National Matter.
Motion to accept
Second: Delta Eta
Motion passes
Section 3.08: Change, “This committee shall be chaired shall be chaired by the
District Secretary-Treasurer” to “This committee shall be advised by the District
The rationalization for this change is to make it congruent throughout the
document. This was proposed and accepted last year, but was not made
congruent throughout the document.
Motion to accept
Second: Zeta Mu
Motion passes
Section 3.06: Add for chapter distance award, “Calculate the distance the chapter
has traveled and then multiply the distance by the number of attendees from the chapter
in question.
The rationalization for this change is to create a formula that is fair to everyone
attending District convention.
Motion to accept
Second: Delta Tau
Motion passes
The joint committee for publications is in agreement that the publications section in
the district constitution for both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma should be exactly
the same, seeing as how the New Alto is a joint publication.
After reviewing both constitutions, we would like to suggest that the publications suggestions in
both constitutions should read as follows:
1. The District newsletter shall be called the New ALTO. The New ALTO shall be
published primarily as on online presence in the form of a website. A print publication of
the New ALTO should also be created and made available online in a PDF format (able to
be downloaded). A hard copy will be sent to National Headquarters, National Officers,
and the Board of Trustees for both organizations.
2. Bids for the New ALTO must be accepted at each District Convention before the
close of the first day. If no chapter is selected to host the New ALTO, the joint District
Councils shall select a host for the New ALTO.
3. All materials pertaining to the New ALTO shall be turned over to the new host
chapters as well as the newly elected (District Vice President of Special Projects / District
Member-at-Large) at District Convention.
4. The New ALTO shall be published twice a year. Publication dates will be November
15th and April 1st. The host chapters shall set deadline dates for submission of articles.
They shall also be required to inform all chapters of the district at least six weeks in
advance of the submission deadlines.
5. Financing of the New ALTO shall be the responsibility of the District. The host
chapters of the New ALTO are responsible for submitting all expenditures to the District
Secretary/Treasurers each semester following publication. Deadlines for submitting
receipts shall be Dec 31 and May 15.
6. Chapters interested in bidding for the New ALTO shall provide a packet to each
committee member, chair, and advisor. The presentation bid should include the
Mock up examples of New ALTO in both website and printed forms
Detailed budget and operating costs
Letter of Intent from chapters
Letter of Support from Chapter Sponsor
Signed agreement from non-chapter persons who contribute (if applicable)
7. Host chapters shall, with the assistance from the (District Vice President of Special
Projects / District Member-at-Large), maintain a common domain name and e-mail
address from publishing the New ALTO.
i. Motion to accept
Second: Gamma Phi
Motion passes
Charges for Finance:
Proposed Budget
District Convention Minutes/Constitution Mailer
Fall District Newsletter Mailer
Spring District Newsletter Mailer
President’s Convention Mailer
New Alto Funding
Council Operations
Vice President of Colonization and Membership
Vice President of Special Projects
Convention Expenses
National Convention Chapter Assistance Fund
District Convention Chapter Assistance Fund
JACME Expenses (matched by KKΨ)
JACME Project Assistance
District Awards
District Officer Awards
District Day/Chapter Leadership Conference
Miscellaneous Expenses
***** This amount will total the amount raised from convention registration fees. The amount
raised will be the amount available to spend.
Motion to accept
Second: Beta Nu
Motion passes
Motion Made to accept the report
Gamma Omicron
Second: Epsilon Beta
Motion passes
Officer Announcements
A. Guide to membership forms!!! Please turn in!!
B. Turn in your reports to swdsec_trea@tbsigma.org or if your report is on a
computer we can put it on my jump drive
Report of the Credentials Committee
Candidate packets for office/ New Alto/ Convention
Recess at 5:15pm until Sunday at 8am
Third Joint Session
Bo Campbell Auditorium
April 18, 2009- 5:30PM
Call to order at 5:38pm
Seating of Late Delegates
Report of Joint Action Committee on Music Education
Motion to accept: Delta- KKPsi
Second: Gamma Xi- TBS
Motion Passes
Report of the Joint Publications Committee
Motion to accept: Gamma Alpha
Second: Theta Theta
Motion Passes
Hazing Prevention Presentation (Scott Stowell)
Announcement of Area Workshop Hosts for 2010
ArkansasLouisianaNorth TexasOklahomaSouth TexasWest Texas/New MexicoAnnouncements from Gamma Beta
Recess at 6:42pm till Sun. @ 10:45am
Final Separate Session
Dodson Auditorium
April 19, 2009- 8:00am
Call to order at 8:28am
Seating of Proxy’s for chapters that left early
Alpha Omicron for Beta
Gamma Tau for Psi
Iota for Beta Gamma
Beta Delta for Delta Alpha
Report of the Credentials Committee- Given by Amanda Dickson Motion to
accept: Gamma Nu, Second Beta Delta, Motion Passes
Report of the Committee on History & Traditions
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The History and Traditions Committee met on April 17-18 for the following:
Reviewed Top 5 (7) “old” favorite history and traditions of SWD Convention
Chose two items from a previous list to suggest to implement for the 2009-2010
SWD Convention
Top 6 “Old” Favorites
Talent Show
Joint Sessions
Two Items/Ideas to Implement for the 2009-2010 SWD Convention:
Have workshops on fundraising
Have national or district secretary treasurer give the workshop (session)
Possibly have as joint workshop
Serves as open forum (“round table” type)
Allows for more ideas on fundraising
Talk about what does and doesn’t work for fundraising
Have workshops on band service
Have a band director give the workshop
Discuss what band directors need from their chapters
Split up by size of band
Have separate discussion for the needs of larger band compared to
smaller bands
What can KKY/TBS do for their bands in the Spring?
Additional Suggestions
This committee strongly recommends that next year’s committee considers the following:
Workshops on Song Education
Have vocal education major give the workshop
Go through the parts of the Loyalty song separately (4 parts)
Page for tricks or keys of how to teach the parts/song to the chapter
Possibly as a CD the chapter records to pass out?
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Song
Charge the VPSP to send out applications and information about submitting a joint
Need to be submitted 30 days before convention
Either through mail or on New ALTO site
Tau/Beta Sigma (U of H) have song for joint song
Had a joint committee meeting where they sang for us
Propose they sing jointly in front of convention
Announce if there is anyone else interested for other joint song
We charged the 2010 jurisdiction committee:
If you want a vendor’s table at convention, you need to have a chapter
display (mixed media, scrapbook, slideshow)
Needs to show chapter activity
Collaborate on wording with KKY committee
Ensures that chapters will not come just to make money
No gray areas (must be specific)
Different from District scrapbook submissions; would not affect district
Advisor: Deena Smith, VPCR
Advisor: Kathryn Wright, SWD VPSP
Chair: Darcy Kues, Beta Gamma, The University of Texas at Austin
Assisting with Minutes: Andirea White, Beta Gamma Proxy, Friday night
Assisting with Minutes: Jane Janda, Beta, Texas Tech University, Saturday morning
Chapters Sitting on Committee: Alpha, Beta, Psi, Alpha Upsilon, Beta Gamma
Read by: Anna McGehee, Alpha, Oklahoma State University, Sunday morning
a. Motion to accept: Eta Epsilon,
b. Second: Alpha Omicron,
c. Motion Passes
Report of the District Vice President of Membership
Brothers and Sisters of the Southwest District,
Shortly after an amazing SWD Convention ended in Nacogdoches, your council was off and
running again with a whirlwind of goals and projects winding around our heads.
In no time, Shane Sean and I were planning the Chapter Leadership Conference held at the
University of Texas Arlington in June. Again, I want to thank the Gamma Nu Chapter of Tau
Beta Sigma and the Delta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi for the work they put into the
Chapter Leadership Conference every single year. If you have yet to attend our Chapter
Leadership Conference, I want to encourage you to do so. This is a one day event where your
district officers and other special guests present workshops on matters of leadership,
organization, motivation, and participation. Attending is a great way to start the year off on the
right foot, providing a great time to set goals for your offices as well as your chapter. There’s
something for everyone, current and future officers alike. Look into it this summer!
In July we headed to Oklahoma City for the District Leadership Conference. In the past two
years of being on Council, this became my most favorite event. There’s nothing like rubbing
elbows with the “Big Wigs” of the sorority. We also got to hang out with the other district
leaders and set goals on both the District and National levels. HOW FREAKIN COOL IS
THAT!! We also packed up a few vans and headed to Stillwater to visit Headquarters. In the
past 8 years of being an active member, this was my very first time to see Stillwater Station. I
was like a kid who just walked into the candy garden on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate
Factory. If you haven’t visited Headquarters yet, this could make for an amazing sisterhood or
service activity!!
In January it was off to Baton Rouge to start planning the ever popular SWD convention. We
toured the convention facilities and discussed this convention with our host chapter, Beta Delta. I
think it goes without saying what an amazing job the Beta Delta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi has
done with planning our convention. Not only that, but keeping you guys informed. I’ve never
seen a chapter dot the “I”s and cross the “T”s like this chapter has. Please remember to give them
a pat on the back if you get the chance.
After winter council, workshop season was just around the corner. I want to thank all those
chapters that hosted an Area Workshop. I was able to represent the district council at the
Arkansas and Oklahoma Area Workshops. The Theta Beta Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma and the
Lambda Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Ouachita Baptist University did an outstanding
job planning the activities at the Arkansas workshop. I’m pretty sure there was a session for
every major subject that exists within our sorority!! We covered everything!! Mom, Amanda,
and Erika. Staying in the mini KOA cabin definitely tops the charts on the “most memorable
times while being on council” list. I’m glad that I could amuse you while climbing on the top
bunk. The weekend after I was off to the interesting town of Ada, Oklahoma for their Area
Workshop. A big thanks goes to the Gamma Theta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at East Central
University for another great workshop. Again, we experienced some really amazing guest
speakers and I was able to leave Oklahoma with a legal pad full of notes. And, we can’t forget
the on-the-spot game of Ships and Sailors. THE BEST GAME EVER!
One of my favorite parts of this job was when I got emails or phone calls from membership
educators double checking some activities within their education programs to make sure that
they weren’t hazing. I know that may sound strange, but it was more comforting to know that
some of you were doing everything you could to avoid even the slightest possible sign of hazing.
I want to encourage more of you to do the same. If you even have the slightest question about
whether or not the things you do in your Membership Education Program is kosher, its probably
time to bring it to your sponsor, your district council, or even the National Council. Don’t wait
till its too late!
One of my projects this year was to create a SWD Guide to Recruitment. So far, this guide
contains many different tips and helpful hints regarding recruitment on all levels; Individual
recruitment, chapter recruitment, active and passive recruitment, activity tips, an example TBS
brochure, etc. The only thing is, I wanted each chapter to be a part of creating this guide by
submitting their favorite recruitment activity within their recruitment program. Each activity that
is submitted will be included in the handbook. Despite the many requests to submit the activity
sent out over 4 month time period, I still only got replies from a handful of Membership
Educators. You know who you are and I thank you. But, there’s still a chance. As you have heard
me say many times this weekend, please submit a detailed recruitment activity to be included in
the guide. You can do this today. Having this list of recruitment activities provides us a way to
work together as a district to help the Southwest grow in quality numbers. I hope that when I
distribute this guide to you, that you will have 39 recruitment flavors to choose from. Don’t
make me hunt you down! Everyone’s submission counts!!!
On April 12, 2002, I was initiated into the Gamma Tau Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at the
University of Central Arkansas. At the time, I had absolutely no idea how much being a part of
this bond would change my life and become such a large part of who I am today. Having this
opportunity to serve as your Vice President of Membership tops the charts at one of the most
amazing experiences I have ever had in my life.
However, I want to leave you all with a challenge.
These people that you elect to your district council work extremely hard to improve workings
inside and outside of your chapter. The lack of communication and participation from many
chapters of this district has become a more than frustrating issue with your district council. We
constantly send out reminders on the listserv, facebook, and sometimes we even have to make
phone calls to make sure you guys are staying on track. We WANT to hear about your successes
and the things you are doing in your chapter. We WANT to help you through your downfalls.
That is part of the reason we are who we are. We WANT you to turn in your paperwork on time.
And we really NEED you to participate in district projects and activities. Believe it or not, we do
understand that you have a chapter to run and a band to take care of, so the projects we do ask
you to take part in are designed to not take up large amounts of your time. We NEED you to
meet us at least halfway. Its time to start holding each other accountable, whether you hold an
office or not. We live in a society now where if people don’t start taking the initiative, we will
never get to where we want to be when we want to be there. I challenge you not only to be an
active chapter, but a proactive chapter.
To close, I want to thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your district council. I
hope that I have served you well. Keep doing great things, Southwest. I look forward to what the
future holds!
Respectfully Submitted in the bond,
Laura Pollard
SWD Vice President of Membership 08-09
Gamma Tau-University of Central Arkansas
a. Motion to accept: Gamma Tau
b. Second: Psi
c .Motion Passes
Report of the Spirit & Sisterhood Committee
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The Spirit & Sisterhood Committee mat on April 17th and 18th for the following:
 We reviewed the 2008 Spirit and Sisterhood committee report
 We observed the attending chapters for qualities of spirit and sisterhood
 We awarded the spirit and sisterhood awards
 We took a written straw vote and the 2nd separate session
 We arranged a short meeting with the Delta chapter make recommendations
regarding Tau Turtle
 We discussed ideas for an example sisterhood week activity
While deliberating the recipients of Beta and Sigma, the committee reviewed the chapter sizes of
the chapters in attendance. The committee calculated that to make the lists of nominees for Beta
and Sigma even, the chapter size level between Beta and Sigma would be 16 members.
We awarded the Beta Turtle of sisterhood to the chapter of 16 or more members, and Sigma to
the chapter of 15 or less members based upon the following criteria:
Friendliness at all times
Positive attitude
Mingling and enthusiasm
Attendance at separate and joint sessions and at a variety of workshops
Arriving in a timely manner
Respecting the instructions of the district council
Beta Sigma Turtle was awarded to the Beta Zeta chapter at Stephen F. Austin University.
Sigma Turtle was awarded to the Tau chapter at the University of Houston.
We awarded Tau’s Book of Spirit to the chapter who met the following criteria:
Shows creativity
Exhibits Good Attendance
Exhibits school spirit
Shows respect during meetings
Tau’s Book of Spirit was awarded to the Theta Theta chapter at Henderson State University.
We met with Delta, the chapter currently hosting Tau the turtle, to give our recommendation and
advice on what we observed in regards to the most spirited chapters.
We discussed possible ways to enhance Sisterhood Week and compiled a list of possible
activities for chapters to participate in. Ideas that came up included:
Designing the Sisterhood week with a focus each day on different parts of the Five
Qualities or the five purposes from the Preamble to the Constitution
Having a chapter recital (singing of hymn and songs, primary instrument
performances, etc)
Having a uniform dress on March 26, such as the wearing of letters or sorority
Having a sit-down dinner with all of the sisters
Participating in a small service project each day of the week
Hosting a “Game Day,” with various games and activities
Giving a chapter or joint recital
Having a “Secret Sister” throughout the week (much like a Secret Santa, where you
draw names at the beginning and give a small gift each day until Secret Sisters are
revealed at the end of the week)
Meeting with a nearby chapter for a sisterhood activity
Having a formal meeting with proper dress and ceremonies
I would personally like to thank the committee members for all of their time spent observing and
taking notes to find the most deserving chapters.
We would like to give special thanks to Chris Foster, our outstanding committee advisor, for
guiding us through this whole process.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Sellers
Tau chapter, University of Houston
A. Motion to accept: Delta Sigma
B. Second Delta Tau
C. Motion Passes
Report of the District Counselor (Video) Motion to accept: Psi, Second: Theta
Beta, Motion Passes
Mom’s tribute video
Report of the District President (Video) Motion to accept: Gamma Nu, Second:
Beta Zeta, Motion Passes
Percentage Award: Delta Alpha
Distance Award: 14, 384 miles- Beta Delta Chapter
Best Website and Honorable Mention: HM: Eta Epsilon- BW: Alpha
Area Workshop Attendance Award: A tie- Gamma Nu, Theta Theta
Parliamentarian Award: Krissy Stempf
Report of the Nominations Committee Motion to accept: Beta, Second: Iota,
Motion Passes
A. President: Brynn Jones (Psi)
B. VPM: Leah Arceneaux (Alpha Omicron)
C. VPSP: Jessica Johnson (Beta)
D. Sec/Trea: Patricia Butler (Theta Theta)
A. Slate Stands
B. Slate Stands
D. Slate Stands
C. Katie Dukes (Theta Theta) for VPSP
Two Minutes for VPSP
A. Motion by Ac: Psi, Second, Delta Eta, Motion passes
1. Brynn Jones
B. Motion by Ac. Alpha Omicron, Second Theta Beta, Motion Passes
2. Leah Arceneaux
C. Vote by secret ballot: Jessica Johnson
D. Motion by Ac. Motion Passes
A. Final
1. President: Brynn Jones (Psi)
2. VPM: Leah Arceneaux (Alpha Omicron)
3. VPSP: Jessica Johnson (Beta)
4. Sec/Trea: Patricia Butler (Theta Theta)
Early Bird Award: Alpha, Xi, Gamma Nu, Gamma Tau, Epsilon
Beta, Delta Sigma
Check your flights if you are going out of Houston because some are
Installation of officers (Chris)
Adjourn TBS Convention and proceed to final joint Adjourn at 10:21am.
Final Joint Session
Bo Campbell Auditorium
April 19, 2009- 10:45am
Call to order at 10:49am
Seating of New Delegates
Introductions of New District Officers
Announcing District Day Host(s)
University of Central Arkansas!
Date left up to host chapters
$10 registration for fun at the park!
Report of the Joint Committee on Publications: Lambda and Psi Chapters
Motion to accept:
Nominations from the floor
Caucus (if necessary)
Report of the Joint Committee on Convention Site
There is no convention site, but they have charges for future bidders.
Recommendations of who should bid are previous bidders.
April 9-11 or 16-18, 2010
Motion to accept: Alpha Omicron, Second Gamma Nu, Motion Passes
Danny and Mom will be accepting bid packets until June 1st.
Proposal to re-Area Texas:
The workshops would increase by on so there would be 7
Increase the chance that a workshop will be closer to your university
Named by their location in the state
Open the floor for Discussion Motion to caucus: Second Beta Delta
3 minute caucus
Motion made to accept the workshop proposal: Lambda, Second:
Theta Theta Motion Passes
Winners of the Talent Show
Step winners: Gamma Phi of KKPsi
Talent: Theta Theta of TBS
New arrangement of the Joint Song done by the Houston Chapters.
Charged to the next district council
Raffle Winners: Stephanie Salazar Delta Eta TBS, Dr. Scott Epsilon
Kappa- KKPsi
Joint President’s Report
Announcements from National Headquarters
Announcements from Host Chapters
Theta Theta shout out- Thank you for being our liason for TBS and
bringing the ritual items. Also for staying after and helping to clean up after banquet.
Theta Mu thanks for providing sound equipment for banquet
Jessica Holden- Thank you for coordinating convention
Announcements from District Councils (Thank Beta Gamma)
Adjourn the 2009 KKY/TBS Convention
Motion: Gamma Nu
Second: Alpha
Motion Passed at 11:42am!