Medieval Times Extra Credit Project (15 points) Life during Medieval Times was very different from our lives today. Daily life was influenced by one’s role in society (social pyramid); resources were limited (lack of goods, money, social mobility, etc.); and the power and economic structures (feudalism) were different from today. Assignment: Describe life during the Middle Ages. For this assignment, you will conduct research and produce one of the four following choices. You are encouraged to use multiple materials and sources along with the materials you have been given in class as well as your textbook. A list of websites is included for your assistance. Your description of the Middle Ages must include facts about: Feudalism Manor Aspects of daily life Homes Food and drink Jobs Clothes Defense Medicine The church and its role in society Major historical events that shaped life during these times and their effects on Feudalism: Crusades Black Plague CHOOSE ONE: 1. Essay – Minimum 5 Paragraphs 2. Power Point Presentation – Minimum 15 slides with pictures and captions (narrative) 3. Collage of pictures with a 2 Paragraph description – Minimum 15 pictures 4. Comic Strip with dialogue and / or narrative for each frame – Minimum 15 frames Each project must also include a bibliography page listing all your sources in MLA Format. The following website will assist you by creating the citations for you: See a Bibliography Sample Page at: Please refer to the attached rubrics for each type of project for specific requirements. Due Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 NO PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE. Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 1 2011 Websites / Research MEDIEVAL TIMES FACTS OVERVIEW and sections on various aspects of life (click “More Medieval Life” on left of screen) Peasants Women’s Life Food and Drink Clothes Jobs MANOR CHURCH Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 2 2011 CASTLES MEDICINE CRUSADES BLACK PLAGUE TOWN LIFE CLIPART AND IMAGES E Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 3 2011 Student name ________________________________ GRADE 6-8 Content Organization Grammar Modified Teacher Scoring WRITING RUBRIC Extra Credit Essay 3 · Opening and closing · Single, distinct focus · Unified and coherent · Well-developed · Logical progression of ideas · Fluent, cohesive · Compositional risks successful · Details effective, vivid, explicit, and/or pertinent · Very few, if any, errors · Precision and/or Sentence sophistication construction / · Very few, if any, Mechanics errors Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Sources / Bibliography · Source information collected for facts and quotes. 2 · Generally has opening and/or closing · Single focus 1 0 · May lack opening · Lacks opening and/or closing and/or closing · Attempts to focus · Minimal response · May drift or shift to topic; No focus focus · Ideas loosely connected · Transitions evident · Uneven development of details · Attempts organization · Some errors that do not interfere with meaning · Some variety · Generally correct · No consistent pattern of errors · Few, if any, transitions between ideas · Details lack elaboration, i.e., highlight paper · Numerous errors · Details random, inappropriate, or barely apparent · No apparent control · Severe / numerous errors · Excessive monotony/ same structure · Numerous errors · Assortment of incomplete and/or incorrect sentences · Errors so severe they detract from meaning · Some source information collected for some facts and quotes. · Very little source information collected for facts and quotes. · Some errors that do not interfere with meaning · Most source information collected for most facts and quotes. · No planning evident; disorganized · All documented in · Most documented · Some documented · Not documented MLA format in MLA format in MLA format in MLA format Total Adapted from NJDOE Scoring Rubric Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 4 revised Dec. 2009 2011 Name: __________________________________________ Power Point Rubric CATEGORY Effectiveness 3 Project contains all materials / elements needed for comfortable understanding of topic. Highly effective study guide. 2 Project contains most materials needed for comfortable understanding of topic, but lacks one to two key elements. Adequately effective study guide. 1 Project contains some materials needed for comfortable understanding of topic, but lacks two or more key elements. Incomplete study guide. Sequencing and Organization of Information Information is organized in a clear, logical way. Content is labeled correctly. Appropriate headings and bullets are used. Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. One slide or item may be out of place. Most of the content is labeled correctly. Most headings and bullets are used correctly. Some information is There is no clear plan organized in a clear, for organization of logical way. material. Some sections are not clear or concise. Some of the content is labeled correctly. Some headings and bullets are used correctly. Content Accuracy All content is accurate. Most content is accurate. No factual errors. Some insignificant errors. 0 Project lacks several key materials / elements needed for comfortable understanding of topic, Poor study guide. The content is Content is typically generally accurate, but confusing or contains some pieces of many factual errors. information are clearly flawed and inaccurate. Use of Graphics All graphics are attractive (size and color), and support theme or content. A few graphics are unattractive, but all support theme or content. Some graphics are unattractive and some do not support theme or content. Several graphics are unattractive and detract from the content of the presentation. Sources / Bibliography Source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. All documented in MLA format Most source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. Most documented in MLA format Some source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. Some documented in MLA format Very little source information collected. Not documented in MLA format. Total Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 5 2011 Name: _________________________________ Collage Rubric CATEGORY Overall Impression 3 The collage fully communicates the author’s understanding of the topic clearly and creatively. 2 The collage communicates some aspects of the author’s understanding of the topic. 1 The collage presents words and images that relate to the topic, but it fails to communicate the author’s perspective or relies on general observations. 0 The collage does not adequately communicate the author’s understanding of the topic. Specific Words and Images All words and images are related to the topic and make it easier to understand the topic. All words and images All words and images are related to the topic relate to the topic. and most make it easier to understand the topic. Words and images do not relate to the topic. Design / Technical Construction Graphics are trimmed or cropped to an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well. Care has been taken to balance the pictures across the collage. The collage shows considerable attention to construction. The collage is attractive and very neat. Graphics are trimmed or cropped to an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well. The collage does not appear balanced. The collage shows attention to construction. The collage is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Graphics have been trimmed or cropped to an appropriate size and shape, but the arrangement of items is not very attractive. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement. The collage shows some attention to construction. The collage is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Graphics are untrimmed or not cropped OR of inappropriate size and/or shape. It appears little attention was given to designing the collage. The collage was put together sloppily. The collage is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Journal / Two paragraphs The journal includes a thoughtful description of the meaning and theme of the collage. It is well written with few errors. The journal includes a basic description of the meaning and theme of the collage. The writing has some errors, but they do not distract from the message. The journal lists the basic description of the meaning and theme of the collage with very little elaboration or detail. The writing has some errors that interfere with the message. The journal is incomplete. Too much information is missing or too short a description of the theme or message. The writing has many errors that seriously interfere with the message. Sources / Bibliography Source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. All documented in MLA format Most source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. Most documented in MLA format Some source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. Some documented in MLA format Very little source information collected. Not documented in MLA format. Total Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 6 2011 Name: _________________________________ Comic Strip Rubric CATEGORY Action, Landscape, and Props 3 Action, landscape, and props make sense and are related to panels. All panels communicate the author’s understanding of the topic. The comic strip shows considerable attention to construction. The comic strip is attractive and very neat. 2 Most action, landscape, and props make sense and are related to panels. Most panels communicate the author’s understanding of the topic. The comic strip shows attention to construction. The comic strip is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. 1 Some action, landscape, and props make sense and are related to panels. Some of the panels communicate the author’s understanding of the topic. The comic strip shows some attention to construction. The comic strip is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. 0 Action, landscape, and props do not make sense and are not related to panels. Panels do not communicate the author’s understanding of the topic. The comic strip was put together sloppily. The comic strip is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Characters Characters are believable in all panels. Characters are believable in most panels. Characters are believable in some panels. Characters are not believable. Dialogue Dialogue is well written. Edited correctly with very few, if any errors. Dialogue makes sense. Few editing errors that do not interfere with meaning. Dialogue may not make sense. Numerous editing errors. Dialogue does not make sense. Numerous severe editing errors that seriously detract from meaning. Narrative It is well written. Ideas are logical and clear. Edited correctly with very few, if any errors. Story follows a logical pattern. Some editing errors that do not interfere with meaning. Story follows somewhat of a logical pattern. Some significant editing errors. Story is very disorganized. Many missing events. Numerous severe editing errors that seriously detract from meaning. Sources / Bibliography Source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. All documented in MLA format Most source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. Most documented in MLA format Some source information collected for all graphics, facts, and quotes. Some documented in MLA format Very little source information collected. Not documented in MLA format. Total Medieval Times Extra Credit – MP1 7 2011