Computer Engineering Department Computer Architecture I Lab (ACOE201) Experiment #3 Adders Student’s Name: Semester: Date: Assessment: Assessment Point Weight Methodology Presentation and discussion of results Participation Assessment Points’ Grade Comments: Grade Computer Architecture Lab - ACOE201 Experiment #3: Adders Objectives: To examine the design and operation of arithmetic circuits (adders) used in CPUs. Conventions: The symbol indicates an operation that must be done in hardware e.g. pressing a button or switch, making a connection on the board, a jumper etc. The symbol indicates an operation that must be done in software e.g. a command that must be entered, a window that must be opened etc. Introduction: An arithmetic circuit is a circuit that performs a variety of arithmetic operations. It is a part of the ALU. An arithmetic circuit can be implemented using a number of gates, or using circuits like multiplexers and full adders as building blocks. This experiment shows how a ripple carry adders and carry look-ahead adders work. The circuit diagram of the full adder is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Launch the Xilinx ISE environment and create a new project, “lab3”. Select the Spartan-6 Device family from the drop-down menu Select the XC6LX16 device from the drop-down menu Select the CSG324 package from the drop-down menu 1 Computer Architecture Lab - ACOE201 Select schematic as the design entry method. Select “ISim” in the simulator selection Create a schematic source file named “full_adder”. Insert the schematic of Figure 1. Select “Tools => Check Schematic” and then “Tools => Symbol Wizard” and “Using Schematic” and “full_adder”. Click “Next” until “Finish”. The full-adder should be available as a component in the symbol view in the schematic editor. Create a new schematic source “lab3a” and add it to the project. Create a 4-bit ripple carry adder by appropriately connecting 4 full adders. Insert your schematic in Figure 2 A3 B3 A 2 B2 A1 B 1 A 0 B0 0 A B Cin A B Cin A B Cin A B Cin 1-Bit F.A. 1-Bit F.A. 1-Bit F.A. 1-Bit F.A. Cout Cout Cout Cout Sum Sum Sum Sum Cout S3 S2 S1 S0 Insert schematic here... Figure 2: Circuit Diagram of 4-bit Ripple-Carry Adder Select "Project => New Source". From the list of sources select "Verilog Test Fixture", name the new source file "Lab3a_tb" and make sure "add to project" is selected. Associate it with "Lab3a" NOT the full_adder. Go to the “simulation” tab. Select the "Lab3a_tb" source file. Double click to open it. Create appropriate inputs to test the adder of Figure 2 as follows: initial begin #10 A3=0; A2=0; A1=1; A0=0; B3=0; B2=0; B1=1; B0=0; cin=0; ... end endmodule 2 Computer Architecture Lab - ACOE201 Go down to the Processes tab, expand Isim simulator and double click on “Simulate behavioural model. Insert simulation screenshot here... Download the UCF file specifying the input and output pin connections from: Add it to the project as a source file. Synthesize and implement your design. Generate the programming file Connect the FPGA to your PC through the USB cable provided and turn on the power switch. Configure the Spartan-3E board by clicking on Start => Programs => Digilent => Adept => Adept. Adept should identify the Nexys3 board. Browse to the project folder and select the .bit file. Click on "Program". Wait until the message that programming is successful. Download and test the adder on the FPGA board and change the state of the switches to fill up table 2. Use the inputs from simulation. Table 2: Truth table of the 1-bit Arithmetic Unit. A3 A2 A1 A0 B3 B2 3 B1 B0 Cin Cout S3 S2 S1 S0 Computer Architecture Lab - ACOE201 Create a new project called “Lab3b”. Create a new schematic. Enter the schematic of a 4-bit Carry Look-Ahead Adder. Part 2. A3 B3 A2 B2 3ns 3ns 3ns 3ns 2ns S3 A1 B 1 3ns 3ns 2ns S2 A0 B0 3ns 3ns 2ns S1 2ns 2ns 2ns S0 2ns 2ns 2ns Cin 2ns 2ns 2ns 2ns 2ns Cout 2ns 2ns 2ns 2ns Insert schematic here... Figure 3. Carry Look-Ahead Adder Schematic Select "Project => New Source". From the list of sources select "Verilog Test Fixture", name the new source file "Lab3b_tb" and make sure "add to project" is selected. Associate it with "Lab3b" NOT the full_adder. Go to the “simulation” tab. Select the "Lab3b_tb" source file. Double click to open it. Use the same inputs as in Lab2b_tb. initial begin #10 A3=0; A2=0; A1=1; A0=0; B3=0; B2=0; B1=1; B0=0; cin=0; ... end endmodule Go down to the Processes tab, expand Isim simulator and double click on “Simulate behavioural model. 4 Computer Architecture Lab - ACOE201 Insert simulation screenshot here... Click on Project=> Add source and select Lab3.ucf from the previous project (Lab3a). Synthesize and implement your design. Generate the programming file Connect the FPGA to your PC through the USB cable provided and turn on the power switch. Configure the Spartan-3E board by clicking on Start => Programs => Digilent => Adept => Adept. Adept should identify the Nexys3 board. Browse to the project folder and select the .bit file. Click on "Program". Wait until the message that programming is successful. Download and test the Carry Look-Ahead Adder on the FPGA board and change the state of the switches to fill up Table 3. Use the inputs from simulation. Table 3: Truth table of the 1-bit Arithmetic Unit. A3 A2 A1 A0 B3 B2 Questions: 1. Discuss the results in table 2. 5 B1 B0 Cin Cout S3 S2 S1 S0 Computer Architecture Lab - ACOE201 2. Discuss the results in table 3. 3. How many slices were used for the circuit of Lab3a. How many for that of Lab3b? Which adder is smaller? 4. Open the "Post PAR static timing analysis report" and find the slowest path of project Lab3a and Lab3b. What are their delays. Which adder is faster? 6