Emory University School of Medicine Checklist for Appointment

Emory University School of Medicine
Checklist for Appointment/Promotion to Senior Ranks
(Associate Professor or Professor, CT or RT)
Each component of packet should be submitted electronically in PDF format to Blackboard. A Word version of the Chair’s
letter and CV should also be submitted to Blackboard: https://classes.emory.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp
1. Chair’s letter to include (submit in PDF and Word formats)
a. A statement of documents reviewed by the departmental promotions committee
b. The vote of the departmental committee
c. A statement that Affirmative Action procedures were followed (new appointments only)
d. Level of achievement in scholarship (i.e., outstanding, excellent, or very good) with discussion of these
e. Level of achievement in teaching (i.e., outstanding, excellent, or very good) with discussion of these
accomplishments and method of evaluation
f. Level of achievement in service (i.e., outstanding, excellent, or very good) with discussion of these
accomplishments and their impact on the national and international level
g. Impact of the candidate’s accomplishments on the School and University
h. For a new appointment, a description of the position and a brief summary of the qualifications of the cohort with
whom the candidate has been evaluated
Candidate’s Materials
a. Full curriculum vitae in the standard School of Medicine format (submit in PDF and Word formats)
b. Teaching portfolio, prepared by the candidate, in the School of Medicine format, not to exceed 50 pages total
and recommended not to exceed more than 6 letters
c. Service portfolio, prepared in a fashion similar to that for the teaching portfolio and not to exceed 10 pages
(optional for research track)
d. Personal statement prepared by the candidate in language that the non-scientist can understand, describing
the candidate’s past achievements and future plans in each of the three missions. The statement should be
no more than 5 pages long.
e. Copies of the 5 representative publications selected by the candidate to be provided to the evaluators
Evaluator Materials
a. A list of all internal* and external** evaluators arranged alphabetically. Include credentials of each, reasons for
selecting the evaluator, his/her standing in the field, and his/her relationship to the candidate (e.g., colleague,
expert in the field). The list should also include evaluators who did not respond to the request. Provide the
same information regarding these individuals as for the others. Add a sentence explaining the lack of response,
if known. (Submit in one PDF file.)
b. One copy of the form letter used by the Chair to solicit internal and external evaluations. The School of
Medicine provides the template.
c. Copies of all internal and external letters of evaluation, whether favorable or not, arranged in alphabetical order
by author’s name. All internal letters must be from faculty outside the candidate’s department.
d. For Associate Professor, at least three letters of evaluation. At least two of these must be from sources
outside the University. Internal letters must be from faculty outside the department.
e. For Professor, at least four letters. At least two of these must be from sources outside the University. Internal
letters must be from faculty outside the department.
f. One letter, solicited by the Chair, from any University unit outside the SOM in which the faculty member holds
an additional appointment, such as Yerkes, Rollins School of Public Health, etc. (if applicable)
*Chairs and colleagues within the department may not serve as internal evaluators.
**Letters of evaluation should come from peers who are generally acknowledged experts in their fields and who do not have a close
relationship to the candidate.
Revised August 2013