Parish Magazine of ST JOHN THE BAPTIST Bodicote July 2013 Price 40p CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2013 Welcomed into the Church on June 9th 2013 WHO’S WHO at Vicar Position vacant at present SSM Curate Assistant Clergy Licensed Lay Ministers Churchwardens Revd. Brian Gardner, 11 Farm Way Tel. 253309 Revd. Graham Osgood, 4 Lower Close Tel. 266848 George Walker, 53 Oxford Road Tel. 263322 Liz Smith, 43 The Rydes Tel. 269063 Tricia Campbell, 15 Kedleston Rise Tel. 258634 Lynne Philpot, Cornerways, Weeping Cross Tel. 256982 (The best time to reach either of the Churchwardens is any evening after 7pm) Treasurer Paul Sansom 30 Woodhall Drive Tel. 258122 Office Secretary Jean Wyatt, 42 Wards Crescent Tel. 270564 Church Office The Stable, East Street Tel 270174 All material for the magazine should be with Jean by the 12th of the previous month, and anything for the weekly news sheet should be with Jean by Tuesday of that week Whilst we have no vicar would you please contact Claire Roberts on 254597 for baptisms, Graham Osgood for weddings and Brian Gardner (SSM Curate) for funerals – details above. SUNDAY CLUB For details of activities for children and young people during the 9.45am Sunday services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays please contact Ann Sansom Tel. 258122 COMMUNION AT HOME Anyone who is unwell and would like to receive Holy Communion at home should contact Brian Gardner to arrange a visit. Tel. 253309 HOME VISITS We welcome being told of anyone who needs a visit, as sometimes we are not always aware of all the needs within the parish. Our Visitors Group of trained listeners offers friendship and support. Either contact Brian Gardner or Isabelle Deards Tel. 810138 CHURCH CHOIRS There is an Adult Choir practice every Thursday evening at the church between 7.30pm and 8.30pm. New member always welcome. Please contact Malcolm Dutton Tel. 256960. BELL RINGERS Bell practice is on a Monday evening. For more information please contact the Tower Captain Martin Saunders Tel. 265067 CHURCH HOUSE BOOKINGS For bookings and info please contact Nicholas Hart on Tel. 253747 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION For more information please contact Wendy Jerred Tel. 253299 THOUGHT One of the best pieces of advice I was given as a student at theological college was; ‘remember that God was there before you and he will be there when you have gone’. Wise words which every member of the Church, not just the vicar, should have inscribed upon his or her hearts. The Church does not exist to serve itself but to serve God and all the members of the Church should ensure that this is never forgotten. Part of the interview process for the position of vicar on Bodicote was an interview at the Bishop Loveday School where I met a wonderful Year 4 class. They had gone to a great deal of trouble to ask some very searching questions one of which concerned the primary role of the vicar in a parish. I always think children can give great insights into things and so we explored the answer together. Consider for a moment what your answer would be… One young person said that the vicar’s job was to run the Church. A very good answer indeed and one I bet many of you came up with. But it is not correct. The role of the vicar is to ensure that the gospel is being preached, and as far as possible, heard across the whole parish. I know that Bodicote parish is growing and we will need to raise our voices to meet the new challenge because as your new vicar designate I am rather relying on the fact that St John the Baptist Church in Bodicote is the gospel message’s prayer hub, loud speaker and love of God incarnate in this place. Of course we do not have the monopoly on this and I look forward to working with the Methodist Church and other Christian colleagues to spread God’s message of peace and hope and love to the whole community not just our congregations. But of course I don’t know you yet and you don’t know me. The rather terrifying picture you have of me in Church is not who I am and you are more than your Sunday roles. It will take time to get to know each other and love one another. But this can be a fruitful and productive time as long as we keep the primary function of the Church in our hearts. The Church should not become an institution but a place where the Christian message is heard and practised. Our defences are easily raised if the hymns are not to our liking; the choice of liturgy other than the one we would have made and the service goes on beyond the allotted time. We often forget our real purpose for being Church is to grow and encourage one another in our faith and preach and live out the gospel in our life. There is nothing wrong neither in having a preference and a preferred way to worship, nor in feeling irritated by things, which seem to us unnecessary or wrong. But it is what we do with these feelings that count. Do we use them to question our preconceived ideas and grow in the faith; after all it is the sand in the oyster that produces the pearl. Or do we justify our complacency with the status quo and become the lukewarm Christians we have been warned against in Revelation 3:15-16. I know you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other, but since you are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. The status quo is fine for consolidation and putting down strong roots but these should prepare us for the challenges ahead of sharing our message with others outside the Church. One of the joys of being the state faith is the opportunity to preach the gospel to a wide variety of people who use the Church for baptisms, weddings and funerals. The Christian message and its truths often feel inaccessible to those who are not used to our liturgies. But if a family leave church feeling that their needs have been provided for and they would not be scared to come to church again then surely they have felt the love of God through his people. The message they have received is what they have felt rather than heard. We should be careful that people who come to our churches actually hear or feel a message consistent with the Gospel teachings of Jesus not the internal politics of a human-made institution. Looking forward to joining you all soon. Sarah Sharp CONFIRMATION 2013 On the afternoon of Sunday 9th June the church was full as family and friends gathered to witness and celebrate the confirmation of 9 young people, 6 from this parish, 2 from St Mary's and 1 from St Leonard's Banbury. Colin, Bishop of Dorchester, led the joyful service, first baptising one of the candidates, then confirming them all and finally celebrating their first communion. After the traditional photographs, refreshments were enjoyed in a happy and relaxed atmosphere in Church House. Welcome to Derek and Liz We are delighted that Derek and Liz Jones will be visiting the parish on 21 st July and Derek will preach and celebrate at both the 8.00 am and 9.45 am services. Those of us who were involved with the church in 1999 - 2000 will remember the ‘job swap’ that Derek and Ben undertook whereby Derek and Liz came to work and live amongst us and Ben and family worked with the congregation in Surrey Hills, just outside Melbourne. I It was a great pleasure to have Derek and Liz with us for the year and we look forward to welcoming them here again at the end of the month. School Chatter from the Churchwardens When you receive this magazine the Church & School Fete will have happened and we thank everyone for getting involved both before the day and on the day itself. This event is one, which is always popular, and is a great community event pulling everyone together for a common aim – to have fun and to raise some much needed funds for the school, the church and a local charity. We thank Lionel Smith for kindly agreeing to chair the committee on behalf of the Church and hope he can now take a well-deserved rest! The Diocese has accepted an offer on the former vicarage in Wykham Lane and the matter is now in the hands of solicitors. With regard to the new vicarage in The Rydes, a Contractor has now been appointed and will be starting work on site on 17 th June with a completion set for 23rd August: fingers crossed the work will be completed on time so that the Rev’d Sarah Sharp can move in before her licensing on Thursday, 26th September. After a very long wait the parish office has a landline and broadband connection, which is so much more convenient for Jean, our Parish Secretary. We have transferred the vicarage telephone number (270174) to the parish office. Our death watch beetles continue to munch away at the wooden roof trusses but all these in the main body of the church have now been sprayed and the worst treated with a paste which the beetles will take back to their nests eventually and slowly become eradicated. A structural engineer and our church architect have inspected all the trusses and confirm that they are still sound so don’t need replacing which is a real blessing. Hopefully by the time you receive this magazine the church will once again be open for business and looking good for our wedding season. Our very grateful thanks go to Beryl Whitrow and her team of helpers who cleaned the church beautifully once the scaffolding was out of the church, not an easy job. If anyone would like to help Beryl on a permanent basis – just half an hour a week would be more than necessary – then please let us know. I’m sure Beryl will not turn away any willing helpers. Many thanks to all who have generously given to our ‘Kill The Beetles’ campaign. The campaign is definitely still ongoing so if you haven’t contributed, and would still like to, then please pick up a ‘beetle donation’ form from inside the church or contact us and we will willingly email you a copy or pop one through your door. Finally we would like to thank our Ministry Team of Brian, Graham, Liz and George who continue to support the church so conscientiously during the interregnum; by the time Sarah arrives we will have had no Vicar for 13 months but our congregations have not really dropped which is all due to our brilliant Ministry Team. Please continue to hold them in your prayers. With our love, prayers and good wishes Tricia Campbell and Lynne Philpot PS Following the discovery of our Death Watch Beetles infestation in the Church Roof all the work has now been carried out – the wooden trusses have been sprayed and paste applied which should in time eradicate the beetles. As you are aware we are desperately trying to raise money to cover the cost of this work and so far we have raised almost £4,000. There is still a long way to go so we are still very keen to take donations. If you haven’t already completed one of our Donation forms there is still time or just hand a cheque made payable to Bodicote PCC to a member of the Ministry Team, a Churchwarden or a Sidesman at church – or contact Lionel Smith on 01295 269063. Rev’d Gill Barker M.A. A personal appreciation. I first met Gill in 2001 on the day she came to work at the Horton General Hospital as its Chaplain. I was in a queue to pay for food at the canteen and turned round to see this attractive lady in a dog collar standing behind me. “You must be the new Chaplain,” I said, offering my hand. “Yes,” she said, “I’m Gill Barker” and shook my hand warmly. I introduced myself, and we chatted. I can’t remember if we lunched together or not, but we quickly became good friends – Gill was a very easy person to like. We started meeting regularly for Morning Prayer in the lovely hospital chapel before the day’s work most days, and I attended her mid-week Wednesday lunchtime Communion whenever possible. Gill was a no-nonsense lady who liked things done properly and well, in liturgy and all areas. As Chaplain she saw her pastoral ministry as being to the whole hospital, staff as well as patients, and exercised it accordingly. In many ways, the staff were the permanent core of her “congregation”. She also had a national role in the hospital chaplaincy service and, having adopted Bodicote as her home parish came to us when she could and sometimes took an active part in our worship. She was a great help to me during my ordination training – reading my essays and making knowledgeable, pertinent and helpful comments; and sometimes critical ones as well! In a very different way she was hugely supportive to others and me during the traumatic time when my department at HGH was being closed and we were being re-deployed. Gill was greatly missed when she left the Horton and many former colleagues were at the Thanksgiving Service held for her recently. She became Rector of Aynho and she was there when Jen died. By this time she was very ill herself but she supported me as well as she could during that difficult time. She was Jen’s friend also and attended her funeral only a very short time after major surgery. We had kept in touch while she was at Aynho but we resumed regular contact when illness forced her to retire. She bitterly resented having to do this. As she put it, her cancer robbed her of her ministry. But she was given permission to officiate here and again became part of Bodicote parish. Like all of us, she didn’t bargain for an interregnum but, when it came, she threw herself into the fray, as health permitted, with enthusiasm, dedication and skill. She sorted out the school services, and much of our Baptism ministry, only giving up at the beginning of Lent this year when, in spite of her indomitable spirit, her body could no longer sustain the effort. Gill was a wonderful priest with skills and expertise in many areas of ministry, administrative, pastoral, spiritual, liturgical and theological. She was, for a time, my Spiritual Director but she was, even more, a very good friend and companion. We did many things together outside ministry as we shared a love of ballet and music. We have all lost a good priest and a special person in whose memory a quarter peal of plain bob doubles was rung by Bodicote ringers on 6th June: and I have lost one of my best friends, a mentor and role model. I shall miss her dreadfully. Rest eternal grant unto her O Lord and let light perpetual shine upon her May she Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory. Sleep well Gill. Love Brian. May has been a fairly quiet month for our branch but there was a lot happening in June! At our May meeting the speaker was Liz Smith, a Licensed Lay Reader in our parish and a member of our Branch. Liz gave us a very interesting and thought provoking talk about her journey to into the Lay Ministry. It involved four years of training that culminated in her being granted her license in wonderful service in York Minster. At the May meeting there was a lot for members sign up for and diary dates to take down as there would not be another meeting until July. Events for June include The Wave of Prayer on Tuesday 11th June; the Branch Outing to the Gurdwara at Leamington on 19th June; the Church/School fete on 22nd June; the Deanery Festival at St Mary’s, Bloxham on 25th June. Members please note: - There are changes to our programme – the speakers for July and November have swapped over so at the July meeting the Speaker will be Jill Courtie not the Street Pastors. Also our speaker for October will be our new Vicar, the Rev Sarah Sharp. So Dates for July are: The Supper Club on 9th July at The Rose and Crown at Charlton. Our next meeting will be 17th July when Jill Courtie will be speaking to us about her visit to the Holy Land. The Area Summer Meeting at St Mary’s, Witney with a talk by the Diocesan President, Gillian Johnson, will be on 23rd July. There is a break in August and we meet again for our Harvest Supper and Communion Service on 25th September. If any member needs further information regarding any of these forthcoming events then please contact either Lynne Philpot on 01295 256982 or Claire Roberts on 01295 254597, or any other committee member. Claire Roberts (Mother’s Union Committee Member) RIDE AND STRIDE Saturday 14th September 2013, 10a.m.-- 6p.m. Only two and a half months until this annual event comes round again! As always we will need volunteers of all ages to take part and help in this enjoyable busy day Riders, walkers, welcomers and sponsors will be required yet again. In past years we have raised money that goes to the church and the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust and our church has benefited both directly and indirectly as we have had grants from the Trust to help with essential renovation work in the church. (We are hopeful of receiving a grant this year to help combat the infestation of deathwatch beetle.) More information and sponsorship forms will be available in church this month Toddlers’ Services Would you like a fun way to introduce your pre-school child to church? Our Toddlers’ Services will fit the bill. They take just half an hour and involve a story, songs and an activity, followed by a drink and a biscuit for the children and a cuppa for their parents/carers. They start at 2.30pm and are over by 3.00pm, allowing the collection of other children from school. The next service will be on the 8th July. As the services are only held during term time this will be the last one for this academic year. They will resume in the autumn when the first one will be held on 9th September. Please contact Marjorie Davies Tel: 262027 if you would like more information or visit the website Please come along and give it a try – you will be most welcome. KO JULY DATES 2nd 7.00 pm 3rd 4th 7th Bring & Share Supper at 27th 1.00pm Wedding of Becky Reilly Old Barn House to and James Farrell welcome Derek & Liz Jones 28th Ninth Sunday after Trinity 8.55am School Service 8.00am Holy Communion BCP Years 1&2 9.45am Holy Communion 9.30am Holy Communion BCP + Sunday Club 11.15am Fairholme Communion 2.30pm Baptism of Amelia Varney 6.00pm Compline Sixth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 31st 9.30am Holy Communion BCP 9.45am Holy Communion 10.50am Fair Trade and Cake AUGUST Stalls in Church House 11.30 am Family Service 1st 11.15am Fairholme Communion in Church House 4th Tenth Sunday after Trinity 2.30pm Baptism of Jacob Nellis 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 3.00pm – 5.00pm CREAM TEA 9.45am Holy Communion at Moidart House, Chapel Lane 10.50am Fair Trade and Cake Tickets £5.00 adult, £1.00 children Stalls in Church House In aid of Church Funds 11.30 am Family Service in Church House 6.00pm Evensong 6.00pm Evensong 8th 2.30pm Toddlers’ Service 10th 9.30am Holy Communion BCP 13th BODFEST 14th Seventh Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 9.45am Holy Communion + Sunday Club 6.00pm Evensong 17th 9.30am 7.30pm Holy Communion BCP Mothers’ Union meeting in Dillon House 20th 4.00pm Wedding of Sarah Adams and Chris Blackett 21st Eighth Sunday after Trinity 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 9.45am Holy Communion 2.30pm Baptism of Maia and Olivia Cook 6.00pm Evensong PARISH REGISTERS We give thanks and pray for those who have been baptised: Ella Roughton April 28th Anna Brennan June 9th Sophie Brennan June 9th Jayden Turner-Sykes June 16th Eleanor Hall June 30th We ask God’s blessing on those who have been married David Ralls and Joanne Boyce May 25th We commend to God’s love those who have died and whose funerals have taken place Len Drayton May 28th Alf Moore June 6th Gill Barker June 7th George Badrick June 12th 22nd 2.30pm Toddlers’ Service 24th 9.30am Holy Communion BCP Gill Barker June 7th THOSE ON DUTY AT BODICOTE CHURCH JULY 2013 (If you are unable to fulfil the duty assigned please find a substitute and tell the Ministry Team. Also please make amendments to the large versions in the church porch and inside church) 7th July 6 Sunday after Trinity th Holy Communion Readings 8.00am Ministry Team OT 2 Kings 5:114 Ep Gal 6:7-16 Gos Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Graham Osgd & Lynne OT Lynne Philpot Ep Bernard G’chd Maurice Caulkett Ann Holmes Graham Osgd. & Judith 14th July 7 Sunday after Trinity th + Sunday Club Amos 7:7-end Col 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 21st July 8 Sunday after Trinity th Amos 8:1-12 Col 1:15-28 Luke 10:38end 28th July 9 Sunday after Trinity + th Sunday Club Hosea 1:2-10 Col 2:6-15 Luke 11:1-13 4th August 10th Sunday after Trinity Hosea 11:1-11 Col 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21 Brian Gardner Liz & Tricia Tricia Campbell Tricia Campbell Rev. Derek Jones & Tricia Brian Gardner & Lynne Graham Osgd Martin Warner Tricia C Margaret Ch Bernard G’chld Veronica Warner Tricia Campbell Rev. Derek Jones & Lynne Joanna Shaw Lynne Philpot Jill Moody Cliff Butler Mary Alexander Brian Gardner Liz to preach & Tricia Wendy Jerred Max Walkden Eric Woodruff Kate O’Connor Lynne Philpot Maurice Caulkett Lynne Philpot 9.45am Server 9.45am Book 9.45am Prayers David Lewis GREEN Paul & Sam GREEN Helen Hall Ruth Walkden 9.45am Chalices 9.45am Sidesmen Helen Hall Colin Edm’ds Helen T’send Judith A 9.45am Welcome 9.45am Coffee 6pm Service Joanna Shaw Tricia C Liz Smith Chris Danks Wendy Jerred Beryl Whitrow Beryl & Gerald Chandler Evensong with Sermon Gill & Geoff Jones Evensong with sermon 6.00pm Ministry Team Brian Gardner 8 am Readers 8 am Server 8am Sidesman 9.45am Ministry Team 9.45am Readers 6.00pm Evensong Readings 6.00pm Sidesman & Welcome 6.00pm Reader Special OT Ep Gos Ps OT NT Judith A Emily Cooper Bob C David Lewis GREEN Jean Judd Lynne Philpot David Hornsby Cliff Butler Margaret Christer Graham Osgd & Colin Edmund Jill Moody Morgan B’den Helen Hall Paul GREEN David Lewis GREEN Lynne Philpot Mike Tustian Judith Andrws Mike Tustian Eddie Taylor Dina Bentley Liz Smith Lynne Philpot Judith Andrws Sue Ramus Judith A Helen Hall Colin Edmnds Chris Danks Wendy Jerred Kath Davis Brian Gardner & Lynne Gillian Barrow Adrienne Brown Judith & Wendy Dawn & Gillian Betty & Gerald Evensong No Sermon Compline Evensong with Sermon Liz Smith George (Office) Liz Smith Martin Warner Liz Smith Psalm 65 Gen 29:1-20 Mark 6:7-29 Psalm 77 Gen 32:9-30 Mark 7:1-23 Psalm 81 Gen 41:1-16, 25-37 1 Cor 4: 8-13 Psalm 88 Gen 42:1-25 1 Cor 9: 16end Psalm 107:112 Gen 50:4-end 1 Cor 14:1-19 Lyn Wilson Sheila Dutton Keith Mullard Sue Ramus Lyn Wilson 11.30 Family Sheila Dutton Claire Roberts 2.30pm Veronica Warner Veronica Warner 2.30pm Sue Ramus 11.30 Family Services Service (Liz) 2.30 Baptism (Brian) Baptism (Brian) Baptism (Brian) Service (Liz) THOSE ON DUTY AT BODICOTE CHURCH AUGUST 2013 (If you are unable to fulfil the duty assigned please find a substitute and tell the Ministry Team. Also please make amendments to the large versions in the church porch and inside church) 11th August 11 Sunday after Trinity + th Holy Communion Readings OT Ep Gos 8.00am Ministry Team 8 am Readers OT Ep 8 am Server 8am Sidesman 9.45am Ministry Team 9.45am Readers Sunday Club Isa1:1,10-20 Heb 11:1-3, 8-16 Luke 12:3240 Liz Smith & Tricia Tricia Martin Warner Veronica Warner Tricia Campbell Liz Smith & Tricia OT Ep Gos Joanna Shaw Hannah W’dn Paddy Mills 18th August 25th August 1st Sept 8th Sept Isa 5:1-7 Heb 11:2912:2 Luke 12:49-56 Sunday Club Jer 1:4-10 Heb 12:18end Luke 13:1017 Jer 2:4-13 Heb 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1, 714 Sunday Club Jer 18;1-11 Philemon v121 Luke 14:25-33 12 Sunday after Trinity th 13 Sunday after Trinity+ th Graham Osgd & Lynne Brian Gardner Kate O’Connor Bernard G’child Bernard G’chd Kate O’C Maurice Caulkett Mary Alexander Cliff Butler Brian Gardner & Lynne Wendy Jerred Liz Smith Brian Gardner & Colin Eric Woodruff Judith Andrws Bob Wilson Paul Sansom GREEN Ann Holmes 14 Sunday after Trinity th Graham Osgd & Lynne Lynne Philpot Maurice Caulkett Lynne Philpot Graham Osgd & Lynne Bob Campbell Emily Cooper Helen Hall David Hornsby Tricia Campbell Judith Andrews Dina Bentley David Lewis BLUE Helen Hall Sam BLUE Tricia Campbell Judith & Tricia Campbell Eddie Taylor Helen T’send Judith Andrews Ailsa & Eilidh GREEN Ian Walkden David Lewis ALL AGE Liz Smith Paddy Mills & Tricia Chris Danks Eddie Taylor Pat Wilson & Judith Andrws Judith A’drws Chris Danks Helen Hall & Lynne Philpot Wendy Jerred Sue Ramus 9.45am Welcome 9.45am Coffee Evening Service 6.00pm Ministry Team 6.00pm Evensong Readings Paddy Mills Mike Tustian & Liz Smith Helen Towns’d Mike Tustian Joanna Shaw Irene Sabin Gill & Geoff Jones Evensong with sermon George (O) Liz (Preach) Psalm 108 Isa11:10-end of 12 2Pet 3:8-13 Judith & Wendy Dawn & Gillian Hannah Walkden Betty & Gerald Evensong No Sermon George (Office) Liz Psalm 119:17-32 Isa 28:9-22 2 Cor 8:1-9 Compline Claire Roberts Claire Roberts Lyn Wilson Lyn Wilson 6.00pm Sidesman & Welcome 6.00pm Reader Special Brian Gardner & Tricia Margaret Ch Tricia Campbell Cliff Butler Margaret Christer Brian Gardner & Tricia 9.45am Server 9.45am Book 9.45am Prayers 9.45am Chalices 9.45am Sidesmen Ps OT NT 15th Sunday after Trinity + Evensong with sermon Liz Smith (Office & Pr) Psalm 119:8196 Isa 33:13-22 John 3:22-36 Gill & Geoff Jones Evensong with sermon George (Office) Brian (Preach) Psalm 121 Isa 43:1444:5 John 5:30-end Claire Roberts Keith Mullard Claire Roberts Claire Roberts Claire Roberts Claire Roberts 11.30 Family 2.30 Baptism Liz Smith Psalm 119: 49-72 Isa 30:8-21 2 Cor 9 2.30pm Baptism 2.30 Baptism Service (Brian) (Brian) Service (Liz) (Brian)