Taylor & Francis (Combined SSH and S&T Library Collection) Žurnalų sąrašas Prenumeratos laikotarpis: 2013-01-24 – 2015-09-20 Eil Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Akronimas GACR RABR RAED RABF RAIE SAGA SAGB SABO TABG SALH UATE CALR WAAA TADL WASW WADO TACM TADR TADP UAHR UAST RAER RAFG RAHR CAFI RAAR TAAS THER TAMS TARF RASR Pavadinimas* Accountability in Research Accounting and Business Research Accounting Education Accounting History Review Accounting in Europe Acta Agriculturae Scand A Animal Science Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Acta Borealia Online Acta Botanica Gallica Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Action in Teacher Education Action Learning: Research & Practice Activities, Adaptation & Aging Adelphi Series Administration In Social Work Adoption Quarterly Advanced Composite Materials Advanced Robotics Advances in Physics Advances in the History of Rhetoric Aerosol Science & Technology Africa Education Review African Geographical Review African Historical Review African Identities African Journal of AIDS Research African Journal of Aquatic Science African Journal of Herpetology African Journal of Marine Science African Journal of Range & Forage Science African Security Review 1 Elektroninio leidinio ISSN 1545-5815 1468-4489 1466-4275 1744-9499 1651-1972 1651-1913 1503-111X 2166-3408 1949-0763 2158-6098 1476-7341 1544-4368 1944-558X 1544-4376 1544-452X 1568-5519 1568-5535 1460-6976 1936-0835 1521-7388 1753-5921 2163-2642 1753-2531 1472-5851 1727-9445 1727-9364 2153-3660 1814-2338 1727-9380 2154-0128 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1469-2872 2158-978X 1364-6915 1744-4128 2078-0400 1540-7578 1360-0451 39 TALC 40 WATQ African Studies Agenda Aging & Mental Health Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition Agrekon Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems AIDS Care Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 41 CALM Al-Masaq: Islam & the Medieval Mediterranean 1473-348X 42 UAAAP 43 RACH American Academy Advertising Journals Pack (AAA Journals) Includes Journal of Current Issues and Research Advertising (UJCI) American Communist History Pack 1474-3906 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 UFSHP UAFP UAJB UJHY HAJD UAFT UJHE American Fisheries Society Pack including Fisheries Magazine American Foreign Policy Interests American Journal of Bioethics American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis American Journal of Distance Education American Journal of Family Therapy American Journal of Health Education 1533-2128 1538-9286 1521-0383 2168-3751 51 52 53 54 55 UAPR WAJS FANC RARC LANL American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation American Journal Of Sexuality Education American Nineteenth Century History American Review of Canadian Studies Analytical Letters 1548-7776 1554-6136 1743-7903 1943-9954 1532-236X 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 CAST RAGN CAMH NANC RAGR WJSA CAIC RANA CANG LABT TACS TASE TAGI RANZ TASC 64 RAAGP 65 VANQ Anatolia - An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities Animal Biotechnology Animal Cells and Systems Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France Annals of GIS Annals of Leisure Research Annals of Science Annals of the Association of American Geographers and The Professional Geographer ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles 2 1752-0754 1544-4538 2156-6909 1469-2899 1532-2378 2151-2485 2168-6351 1947-5691 1464-5050X 1467-8306 1940-3364 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 CANF CANM GASC PAPH GAPA UAAI HADS RAEC RAEL 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 UEEC RAFE RAMF HAME HAPN LAPS UAQM UAEM NAQI Anthropological Forum Anthropology & Medicine Anxiety, Stress & Coping Aphasiology Applicable Analysis: An International Journal Applied Artificial Intelligence Applied Developmental Science Applied Economics Applied Economics Letters Applied Environmental Education & Communication Applied Financial Economics Applied Mathematical Finance Applied Measurement in Education Applied Neuropsychology (Adult Journal) Applied Spectroscopy Reviews Aquaculture Economics & Management Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Aquatic Insects 84 85 86 87 88 89 TARB TAEM TASR RAAM GAGS GAAN Arboricultural Journal: The International Journal of Urban Forestry Architectural Engineering and Design Management Architectural Science Review Archives and Manuscripts Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science Archives of Animal Nutrition 1752-7589 1758-9622 2164-6058 1476-3567 1477-2817 90 VAEH Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 2154-4700 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 GAPP USUI UASR UART VAEP FAPB CAPE Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection Archives of Suicide Research Arid Land Research and Management Art Therapy Arts Education Policy Review Asia Pacific Business Review Asia Pacific Journal of Education 1477-2906 1543-6136 1532-4990 1940-4395 1743-792X 1742-6855 RSWD RAPT CAPR RAAF VASA Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Asia Pacific Review Asian Affairs Asian Affairs: An American Review 2165-0993 1741-6507 1469-2937 1477-1500 1940-1590 98 99 100 101 102 3 1469-2902 1469-2910 1477-2205 1464-5041 1563-504X 1087-6545 1532-480X 1466-4283 1466-4291 1533-0389 1466-4305 1466-4313 1532-4818 1520-569X 1551-8663 1539-4077 1744-4152 103 104 105 106 RAAN CAET RAGE RAJC Asian Anthropology Asian Ethnicity Asian Geographer Asian Journal of Communication Asian Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering Asian Journal of Political Science Asian Philosophy Asian Population Studies Asian Security Asian Studies Review 2168-4227 1469-2953 2158-1762 1742-0911 107 108 109 110 111 112 TJCI RASI CASP RAPS FASI CASR 113 RAAE 114 CAPJ 115 CAEH Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 2164-2257 1469-2945 1469-297X 116 CAIE Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 1465-329X 117 118 119 120 121 122 UATY FAST HAJC RJAS TATO RAHD Assistive Technology: The Offical Journal of RESNA Astropolitics Atlantic Journal of Communication Atlantic Studies Atmosphere-Ocean Attachment & Human Development 1949-3614 1557-2943 1545-6889 1740-4649 1480-9214 1469-2988 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 TJEM RAJP CAFS CAGE RAHS TAJE TAJF CAJI RALD CAJL CAJP RAPL RASW CAVP TAVI RAZA Australasian Journal of Environmental Management Australasian Journal of Philosophy Australian Feminist Studies Australian Geographer Australian Historical Studies Australian Journal of Earth Sciences Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences Australian Journal of International Affairs Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties Australian Journal of Linguistics Australian Journal of Political Science Australian Planner Australian Social Work Avian Pathology Aviation Azania:Archaeological Research in Africa 2159-5356 1471-6828 1465-3303 1465-3311 1031-461I 1440-0952 1834-562X 1465-332X 1940-4166 1469-2996 1363-030X 2150-6841 1447-0748 1465-3338 1822-4180 1945-5534 4 2151-7606 1750-7812 1469-2961 1744-1749 1555-2764 1467-8403 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 HBAS WBSS VBMD HBSM TBIT RBER UBRJ Basic and Applied Social Psychology Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian Behavioral Medicine Behavioral Sleep Medicine Behaviour & Information Technology Bereavement Care Bilingual Research Journal 1532-4834 1544-4546 1940-4026 1540-2010 1362-3001 1944-8279 1523-5890 146 147 148 149 TBIO CBST HSBI TBID Bioacoustics - The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording Biocontrol Science and Technology Biodemography and Social Biology Biodiversity 2165-0586 1360-0478 1948-5573 - 150 GBIF Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research 1029-2454 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture - An International Journal of Sustainable Production Systems Biological Rhythm Research Bioremediation Journal Bird Study Pack Body,Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy British Journal for the History of Philosophy British Journal of Educational Studies British Journal of Guidance & Counselling British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies British Journal of Religious Education British Journal of Sociology of Education 2165-0616 1744-4179 1547-6529 1944-6705 1743-2987 1469-3526 1467-8527 1469-3534 1469-3542 1740-7931 1465-3346 162 CBPPP British Poultry Science Pack incorporating British Poultry Abstracts 1466-1799 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics Building Research & Information Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies Bulletin of Spanish Studies Business History Cambridge Journal of Education Cambridge Review of International Affair Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 1749-8341 1466-4321 1472-7234 1478-3428 1743-7938 1469-3577 1474-449X 2157-0817 Canadian Journal of African Studies / La Revue Canadienne des etudes Africaines 1923-3051 TBAH NBRR BBRM TBIS TBMD RBJH RBJE CBJG CBJM CBRE CBSE TBSH RBRI CBIE CBHS FBSH CCJE CCAM RCFP 171 RCAS 5 172 RCJD Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'etudes du developpe 2158-9100 173 174 175 176 UCJS TCJP TCWR RCNS Canadian Journal of Math, Science & Technology Education Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology Canadian Journal of Water Resources Capitalism Nature Socialism 1492-4051 1715-2992 1918-1817 1548-3290 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 TCAR WCCQ LCTR CCAS UCHA VCHN CCEN GCEC GCHE WCFB WCYS CCCP NCNY UCED CCHG HCHC Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Catalysis Reviews Central Asian Survey Chance Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education Chemical Engineering Communications Chemistry and Ecology Child & Family Behavior Therapy CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES Child Care in Practice Child Neuropsychology Childhood Education Children's Geographies Children's Health Care 2165-5391 1544-4554 1520-5703 1465-3354 1867-2280 1939-9146 1469-3585 1563-5201 1029-0370 1545-228X 1545-2298 1476-489X 1744-4136 2162-0725 1473-3277 1532-6888 193 UCHE 194 CCST Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory and Practice Citizenship Studies 1539-4107 1469-3593 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 CCIT GCEE FCIV TCPO WCLI WCSU UCMG NCDN City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, Action Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems Civil Wars Climate Policy Clinical Gerontologist Clinical Supervisior (The) Coastal Management CoDesign 1470-3629 1029-0249 1743-968X 1752-7457 1545-2301 1545-231X 1521-0421 1745-3755 203 204 205 206 UCGN PCEM HCGI SBEH Cogeneration & Distributed Generation Journal Cognition & Emotion Cognition and Instruction Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 2156-6550 1464-0600 1532-690X 1651-2316 6 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 PCNP PCGN FCWH WCOL WCUL VCOL CCLA GCST TCTM GCIC RCLB Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Cognitive Neuropsychology Cold War History Collection Management College & Undergraduate Libraries College Teaching Colonial Latin American Review Combustion Science and Technology Combustion Theory and Modelling Comments on Inorganic Chemistry Commonwealth Law Bulletin 1464-0619 1464-0627 1743-7962 1545-2549 1545-2530 1930-8299 1466-1802 1563-521X 1741-3559 1548-9574 1750-5976 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 RCSA RCCC HCBQ RCED HCLW RCMM RCST RCMT LAGB Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies Communication Booknotes Quarterly Communication Education Communication Law and Policy Communication Monographs Communication Studies Communication Teacher Online Communications in Algebra 1753-5379 1479-4233 1532-6896 1479-5795 1532-6926 1479-5787 1745-1035 1740-4630 1532-4125 227 LPDE Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1532-4133 228 LCSS 1532-2416 229 LSSP Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods Community & Junior College Libraries Community College Journal of Research & Practice Community Development Community, Work & Family Comparative Education Comparative Strategy 1532-415X 1545-2522 1521-0413 9999-5330 1469-3615 1360-0486 1521-0448 237 CCOM Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 1469-3623 238 GCOV 239 TCOI 240 NCAL Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal Composite Interfaces Computer Assisted Language Learning 1747-6941 1568-5543 1744-3210 241 GCMB Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 1476-8259 LSTA WJCL UCJC RCOD CCWF CCED UCST 7 1532-4141 242 NCSE 243 WCIS 244 CCSD 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 UCTP CCOS RCME GCMC FCBH RCBH GSIT GCJR GCMR TCPH CCPO FCSP RSOC CCSA GCTR CCON RCPR CCPQ HCRJ RCJM GJUP RCRC RCRA RCDS HCIL CCPH RCRI Computer Science Education Computers In The Schools Conflict, Security & Development Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies Connection Science Construction Management & Economics Consumption Markets and Culture Contemporary British History Contemporary Buddhism Contemporary French & Francophone Studies Contemporary Justice Review Contemporary Music Review Contemporary Physics Contemporary Politics Contemporary Security Policy Contemporary Social Science Contemporary South Asia Contemporary Theatre Review Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Counselling Psychology Quarterly Creativity Research Journal Criminal Justice Matters Criminal Justice Studies Critical Arts Critical Asian Studies Critical Discourse Studies Critical Inquiry in Language Studies Critical Public Health Critical Review 1744-5175 1528-7033 1478-1174 1944-1053 1360-0494 1466-433X 1477-223X 1743-7997 1476-7953 1740-9306 1477-2248 1477-2256 1366-5812 1469-3631 1743-8764 1745-0152 1469-364X 1477-2264 1469-3666 1746-1405 1469-3674 1532-6934 1934-6220 1478-6028 1992-6049 1472-6033 1740-5912 1542-7595 1469-3682 1933-8007 272 FCRI 273 BATC Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 1743-8772 1547-6510 274 BEST Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 1547-6537 275 BFSN 276 BPTS Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 1549-7852 1549-7836 277 BSMS Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 8 1547-6561 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 RCSE RCSM RCSO VCRT UCRY GCRY RCUS CCUT GSCO RCAR TCHS RCTC RCLP RCIT 292 293 294 295 296 297 RCWR RCJO UCBS TCYT LDNC UDST Critical Studies in Education Critical Studies in Media Communication Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction Cryptologia Crystallography Reviews Cultural Studies Cultural Trends Culture and Organization Culture and Religion Culture, Health & Sexuality Culture, Theory and Critique Current Issues in Language Planning Current Issues in Tourism Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa Curriculum Journal Cybernetics & Systems CyTA - Journal of Food Dance Chronicle Death Studies CDEB GDPE CDAN FDEF FDAS FDEM TDWT TDMP CDIP CDSA HDVN UDBH TDIA NDCR FDPS CDSO HDSP Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central & Eastern Europe Defence and Peace Economics Defence and Security Analysis Defence Studies Democracy and Security Democratization Desalination and Water Treatment Designed Monomers and Polymers Development in Practice Development Southern Africa Developmental Neuropsychology Deviant Behavior Diatom Research Digital Creativity Diplomacy & Statecraft Disability & Society Discourse Processes 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 9 1750-8495 1479-5809 1748-8605 1939-9138 1558-1586 1476-3508 1466-4348 1469-3690 1477-2760 1475-5629 1464-5351 1473-5776 1747-7506 1747-7603 1469-3704 1087-6553 1947-6345 1532-4257 1091-7683 1469-3712 1476-8267 1475-1801 1743-9698 1555-5860 1743-890X 1944-3986 1568-5551 1364-9213 1470-3637 1532-6942 1521-0456 1744-3806 1557-301X 1360-0508 1532-6950 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 CDIS RDSP CDIE RDIS RDRT LDRT CDSS GECD HEED REPV CEYE FEEJ FJCS RECAF UEDI HECO GEFN LECR REHD CESR 335 GEIN 336 RESO 337 RECQ 338 UEDP 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 RETT REDC CEDE REAC HEDA UEDG REMI REPT HEDP CEDP CEPP RERE NERE Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education disP -The Planning Review Distance Education Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory Dramatherapy Drying Technology Dynamical Systems: An International Journal Early Child Development and Care Early Education & Development Early Popular Visual Culture Early Years East European Jewish Affairs East European Politics Eastern Communication Association Jnls Eating Disorders Ecological Psychology Ecology of Food & Nutrition Econometric Reviews Economic History of Developing Regions Economic Systems Research 1469-3739 2166-8604 1475-0198 2157-1430 1532-2300 1468-9375 1476-8275 1556-6935 1746-0662 1472-4421 1743-971X 2159-9173 9999-4102 1532-530X 1532-6969 1543-5237 1532-4168 2078-0397 1469-5758 Economics of Innovation and New Technology Economy and Society Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies 1476-8364 1469-5766 1942-0773 EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education Education as Change Education Economics Educational Action Research Educational Assessment Educational Gerontology Educational Media International Educational Philosophy and Theory Educational Psychologist Educational Psychology Educational Psychology in Practice Educational Research Educational Research & Evaluation 10 1936-1009 1475-7575 1947-9417 1469-5782 1747-5074 1532-6977 1521-0472 1469-5790 1469-5812 1532-6985 1469-5820 1469-5839 1469-5847 1744-4187 352 CEDR 353 CEDS Educational Review Educational Studies 1465-3397 1465-3400 354 355 356 357 358 Educational Studies Online: The Journal of the American Educational Studies Association Electric Power Components & Systems Electromagnetics Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties Energy Engineering 1532-6993 1532-5016 1532-527X 1741-2692 1546-0118 359 UESO 360 UESB 361 GENO Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Energy Sources, Part B Engineering Optimization 1556-7230 1556-7257 1029-0273 362 363 364 365 RACR NEST REIA TEPN English Academy Review: Southern African journal of English Studies English Studies English Studies in Africa Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 1753-5360 1744-4217 1943-8117 1464-5114 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 VENV BECJ CEER UENF FENP TENT UEEE TERG HEBH CEAE CEPE RERS CETH REAE REMF RENO RETN TEEE REAR HEDS UEMP UEMG REBD UENE 385 RECR Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development Environmental Claims Journal Environmental Education Research Environmental Forensics Environmental Politics Environmental Technology Equity & Excellence in Education Ergonomics Ethics & Behavior Ethics and Education Ethics, Policy & Environment Ethnic and Racial Studies Ethnicity and Health Ethnography & Education Ethnomusicology Forum Ethnopolitics Ethnos Ethology Ecology & Evolution European Accounting Review: Full Set European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 386 TECM European Journal of Computational Mechanics 11 1939-9154 1547-657X 1469-5871 1527-5930 1743-8934 1547-3457 1366-5847 1532-7019 1744-9650 1469-6703 1466-4356 1465-3419 1745-7831 1741-1920 1744-9065 1469-588X 1828-7131 1468-4497 1752-1807 - 387 PEDP 388 CEEE 389 NEJE 1740-5610 1469-5898 1744-4243 390 TECE 391 REUJ 392 TEJP European Journal of Developmental Psychology European Journal of Engineering Education European Journal of English Studies European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering European Journal of Housing Policy European Journal of Phycology 393 394 395 396 397 European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling European Journal of Social Work European Journal of Special Needs Education European Journal of Sport Science European Journal of Teacher Education 1469-5901 1468-2664 1469-591X 1536-7290 1469-5928 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1469-5936 REJP CESW REJS TEJS CETE 398 REJH 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 PEWO CEPS CERH PERS GERR FEUS REUS RESM CEAS HEXC UEAR UEHT UEXM 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 RFAB RFEC RFMS GFEL GFER UFIO RFOL GFOF 420 TFAC European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology European Planning Studies European Review of History European Review of Social Psychology European Romantic Review European Security European Societies European Sport Management Quarterly Europe-Asia Studies Exceptionality Experimental Aging Research Experimental Heat Transfer Experimental Mathematics Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand Feminist Economics Feminist Media Studies Ferroelectric Letters Section Ferroelectrics Fiber & Integrated Optics Folklore Food & Foodways Food Additives and Contaminants Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment 12 1473-3269 1469-4433 1464-0643 1469-5944 1469-8293 1479-277X 1740-4657 1746-1545 1469-8307 1746-031x 1465-3427 1532-7035 1096-4657 1521-0480 1944-950X 1466-4372 1471-5902 1563-5228 1563-5112 1096-4681 1469-8315 1542-3484 1944-0057 421 CFAI 422 LFBT 423 424 425 426 SAGC LFRI TFST TFTL 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 LFNN CGDE CGEE CGPC TGEI TGAC TGDA RDGS 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 TGEO UGMB GGAF FGEO TGSI TGES FGRP WGGE SGFF CPAR FGLC RGER RGPH CGSJ CGSE RGLO SGRA RGRL UHCW HHTH WHMQ CHRS UHTE CHAS Food and Agricultural Immunology Food Biotechnology Food Economic - Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section C Food Reviews International Forest Science and Technology Forests Trees and Livelihoods 1465-3443 1532-4249 Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures Gender and Development Gender and Education Gender, Place & Culture Geocarto International Geodesy and Cartography Geodinamica Acta Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An Intenational Journal Geomicrobiology Journal Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dymanics Geopolitics Geo-spatial Information Sciences Geosystems Engineering German Politics Gerontology & Geriatrics Education GFF Global Change, Peace & Security Global Crime Global Economic Review Global Public Health Global Society Globalisation, Societies and Education Globalizations Grana Green Letters Health Care for Women International Health Communication HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY Health, Risk & Society Heat Transfer Engineering High Ability Studies 1536-4046 1364-9221 1360-0516 1360-0524 1752-0762 2029-7009 1778-3593 1903-2471 13 1651-288X 1525-6103 2158-0715 2164-3075 1748-6033 1521-0529 1029-0419 1557-3028 1993-5153 1743-8993 1545-3847 2000-0863 1478-1166 1744-01580 1744-3873 1744-1706 1469-798X 1476-7732 1474-774X 1651-2049 2168-1414 1096-4665 1532-7027 1545-0864 1096-4665 1521-0537 1469-834X 459 460 461 462 GHPR CHER GHBI CHJF 463 VHIM 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 GHAT GHAN THPL THED RHEI THPH VHIS WHHC VHOS RHPD CHOS SHOU UHJC BHER UHDW HHUP RHRD HHCI UHVC THSJ SIBS 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 GICH GIDE HIDN UIIE RIMU FIMM TIAP FIND TICE CIMW CIAI RIOB High Pressure Research, An International Journal Higher Education Research and Development Historical Biology Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 1477-2299 1469-8366 1029-2381 1465-3451 History & Technology, an International Journal History and Anthropology History and Philosophy of Logic History of Education History of European Ideas History of Photography History: Reviews of New Books Home Health Care Services Quarterly Hospital Topics Housing Policy Debate Housing Studies Housing, Theory & Society Howard Journal of Communication Human & Ecological Risk Assessment Human Dimensions of Wildlife Human Performance Human Resource Development International Human-Computer Interaction HVAC&R Research Hydrological Sciences Journal Ibsen Studies Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power Identity IIE Transactions Imago Mundi Immigrants & Minorities Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal India Review Indian Chemical Engineer Indonesia and the Malay World Industry & Innovation Infant Observation 1477-2620 1477-2612 1464-5149 1464-5130 1873-541x 2150-7295 1930-8280 1545-0856 1939-9278 2152-050X 1466-1810 1651-2278 1096-4649 1549-7860 1533-158X 1532-7043 1469-8374 1532-7051 1938-5587 2150-3435 1741-8720 14 1940-1906 1563-5236 1547-3384 1532-706X 1545-8830 1479-7801 1744-0521 1471-5465 1557-3036 0975-007X 1469-8382 1469-8390 1745-8943 497 CICT Information and Communications Technology Law 1469-8404 498 499 500 501 1939-3547 1934-8703 1554-0170 1468-4462 502 CIEJ Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective Information Systems Management Information Technology for Development Information, Communication and Society Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 RIIE SINQ LIST GITR GINF RIHR FINT NILE RIAC CEJI Innovations in Education & Teaching International Inquiry Instrumentation Science and Technology Integral Transforms and Special Functions Integrated Ferroelectrics Intellectual History Review Intelligence & National Security Interactive Learning Environments Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Intercultural Education 1470-3300 1502-3923 1525-6030 1476-8291 1607-8489 1749-6985 1743-9019 1744-5191 1469-8447 1469-8439 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 WJHT RIEJ RFJP SPSY RIGS TIGR RINH GINI International Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Administration International Economic Journal International Feminist Journal of Politics International Forum of Psychoanalysis International Gambling Studies International Geology Review International History Review International Interactions 1525-6499 1743-517X 1468-4470 1651-2324 1479-4276 1938-2839 1949-6540 1547-7444 UISS UISM TITD RICS 521 RIJA 1469-8412 International Journal for Academic Development International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 1470-1324 1532-7582 524 RJSC 525 TACA International Journal for the Psychology of Religion International journal for the Study of the Christian Church International Journal of Acarology 526 RADY International Journal of Adolescence and Youth - 527 528 529 530 International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability International Journal of Ambient Energy International Journal of Art Therapy International Journal of Aviation Psychology 1747-762X 1745-4840 1532-7108 International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1747-7522 522 UCME 523 HJPR TAGS TAEN RART HIAP 531 RBEB 15 1550-2295 1747-0234 1945-3892 532 TBSM 533 CIJC International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management International Journal of Children's Spirituality 2151-3740 1469-8455 534 NHYP International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 1744-5183 535 GCOP International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 1939-2702 536 RCAC International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 2157-6475 537 GCFD International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1029-0257 538 TCIM International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1362-3052 539 GCOM International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1029-0265 540 541 542 543 International Journal of Construction Education and Research International Journal of Control International Journal of Crashworthiness International Journal of Cultural Policy 1550-3984 1366-5820 1754-2111 1477-2833 544 CIJD 545 CIEY 546 TETN International Journal of Disability, Development and Education International Journal of Early Years Education International Journal of Electronics 1465-346X 1469-8463 1362-3060 547 GEAC International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 1369-1619 548 CIJE 549 GENV 550 LJFP International Journal of Environmental Health Research International Journal of Environmental Studies International Journal of Food Properties 1369-1619 1029-0400 1532-2386 551 UFMH 552 WSFR 553 GGEN International Journal of Forensic Mental Health International Journal Of Fruit Science International Journal of General Systems 1932-9903 1553-8621 1563-5104 554 TGIS 555 LJGE International Journal of Geographic Information Science International Journal of Green Energy 1362-3087 1543-5083 556 RHPE 557 RJHS International Journal of Health Promotion and Education International Journal of Heritage Studies 2164-9545 1470-3610 UICE TCON TCRS GCUL 558 RIJH International Journal of Human Resource Management 16 1466-4399 559 HIHC 560 TIED 561 NICS 562 563 564 565 UJIC TEDL TLED HIJL 566 CJOL 567 TMES 568 RIJM 569 NSME 570 RMJM 571 TIJO 572 573 574 575 576 577 GPAA GPAV TTPM RIPH RJPT BIJP 578 GPAC 579 TPRS 580 HPSP 581 PIJP 582 LPAD 583 TQSE 584 TRES 585 CWSE 586 TRBM 587 TSED 588 WIJS 589 TSRM International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction International Journal of Inclusive Education International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion International Journal of Intelligence & Counterintelligence International Journal of Leadership in Education International Journal of Lifelong Education International Journal of Listening International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology International Journal of Mental Health Promotion International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment International Journal of Multilingualism International Journal of Odonatology International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems International Journal of Pavement Engineering International Journal of Pest Management International Journal of Philosophical Studies International Journal of Philosophy and Theology International Journal of Phytoremediation International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization International Journal of Production Research International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology International Journal of Psychology International Journal of Public Administration International Journal of Qualititative Studies in Education International Journal of Remote Sensing International Journal of Research and Method in Education International Journal of River Basin Management International Journal of Science Education International Journal Of Sexual Health (New Title) International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17 1532-7590 1464-5173 1745-7319 1521-0561 1464-5092 1464-519X 1932-586X 1469-848X 1464-5211 2049-8543 1748-0949 1747-7530 1744-5779 1477-268X 1366-5863 1466-4542 2169-2335 1549-7879 1563-5341 1366-588X 1940-9141 1464-066X 1532-4265 1366-5898 9999-5901 1743-7288 1814-2060 2154-8463 1931-762x 1464-5300 590 RIJS 591 TSPM 592 593 594 595 596 597 GSOL TSYS HIJT CIJB FHSP CIJL 598 WIJT 599 RJUS 600 WIJV 601 CIJW 602 603 604 605 606 RARS HIJM FINP CIPS UPMJ International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology International Journal of Strategic Property Management International Journal of Sustainable Energy Online International Journal of Systems Science International Journal of Testing International Journal of the Economics of Business International Journal of the History of Sport International Journal of the Legal Profession INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSGENDERISM International Journal of Urban Sciences International Journal Of Vegetable Science (New Title) International Journal of Water Resources International Journal of African Renaissance Studies International Journal on Media Management International Peacekeeping International Planning Studies International Public Management Journal 1557-251X 1648-9179 1478-646X 1464-5319 1532-7574 1466-1829 1743-9035 1469-9257 1434-4599 1931-5279 1360-0648 1753-7274 1424-1250 1743-906x 1469-9265 1559-3169 607 RGEE 608 CIRA International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education International Review of Applied Economics 1747-7611 1465-3486 609 CIRL International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 1364-6885 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 RIRR CIRS TRPC RSPE RISS CISP UINM WIRS 618 619 620 621 622 RIIJ GIPE TINV CIST RIES International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research International Review of Sociology International Reviews in Physical Chemistry International Spectator International Studies in Sociology of Education International Studies in the Philosophy of Science Internet Mathematics Internet Reference Services Quarterly Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering Invertebrate Reproduction & Development Iranian Studies Irish Educational Studies 18 1466-4402 1469-9273 1366-591X 1751-9721 1747-5066 1469-9281 1944-9488 1540-4749 1469-929X 1741-5985 2157-0272 1475-4819 1747-4965 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 RIGY FIPS CISR CICM GIEH FISA TIZO RJFO CJST RJCH RCUV RMAR USGW WJAS WJAD GADH TAST 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 RAOL UJOA WJAB CJAC WAMT WASP WAFI WAGR VACH TAAR HAAW WJAA RJAC TNCL WAPP WASR UASP CJAS UAHH WAFP RJAE TTPA Irish Geography Irish Political Studies Irish Studies Review Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies Israel Affairs Italian Journal of Zoology Japan Forum Japanese Studies Jewish Culture and History Journal for Cultural Research Journal for Maritime Research Journal for Specialists in Group Work Journal Of Access Services Journal Of Addictive Diseases Journal of Adhesion Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning Journal of Advertising Journal Of African Business Journal of African Cultural Studies Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma Journal Of Aging & Social Policy Journal Of Agricultural & Food Information Journal Of Agromedicine Journal of American College Health Journal of Applied Animal Research Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science Journal Of Applied Aquaculture Journal of Applied Communication Research Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics Journal Of Applied School Psychology Journal Of Applied Security Research Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Journal of Applied Statistics Journal of Aquatic Animal Health Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology Journal of Architectural Education Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 19 1939-4055 1743-9078 1469-9303 1469-9311 1477-2639 1743-9086 1748-5851 1469-932X 1469-9338 1740-1666 1469-1957 1549-6295 1536-7975 1545-0848 1545-5823 1568-5616 1754-0402 1557-7805 1522-9076 1469-9346 1545-083x 1545-0821 1540-4722 1545-0813 1940-3208 0974-1844 1532-7604 1545-0805 1479-5752 1537-7911 1936-1629 1533-1571 1360-0532 1548-8667 1547-0636 1531-314x 2029-7947 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 WJAO GANP WAPB RJAU CJSB RBAL HBHF CJBV RJBE Journal Of Archival Organization Journal of Asian Natural Products Research Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business Journal of Australian Studies Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies Journal of Baltic Studies Journal of Behavioral Finance Journal of Beliefs & Values Journal of Biological Education 1533-2756 1477-2213 1528-6940 1835-6419 1944-8961 1751-7877 1542-7579 1469-9362 2157-6009 671 TBSP Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 1568-5624 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 TBSD LBPS WJBI RJBS HBEM UBES WBFL TBEM WBBM LCAR RJCM RCMH Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics Journal Of Bisexuality Journal of Borderlands Studies Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Journal Of Business & Finance Librarianship Journal of Business Economics and Management Journal Of Business To Business Marketing Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry Journal of Change Management Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health 1538-0254 1520-5711 1529-9724 2159-1229 1550-6878 1537-2707 1547-0644 2029-4433 1547-0628 1532-2327 1479-1811 1728-0591 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 WCAS WJCC RJCP WCSA CJCP WCTR RCEA TCEM RCIS Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse Journal Of Child Custody Journal of Child Psychotherapy Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse Journal of Children & Poverty Journal Of China Tourism Research Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies Journal of Civil Engineering and Management Journal of Civil Society 1547-0652 1537-940x 1469-9370 1547-0679 1469-9389 1938-8179 1476-5292 1822-3605 1744-8697 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 NCEN HCAP HJCD PECP WCSP FCCP HCHN WCOM Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology Journal of Cognition and Development Journal of Cognitive Psychology Journal Of College Student Psychotherapy Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics Journal of Community Health Nursing Journal Of Community Practice 1744-411x 1537-4424 1532-7647 2044-592X 1540-4730 1743-9094 1532-7655 1543-3706 20 701 RCAD 702 FCPA Journal of Comparative Asian Development Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 2150-5403 1572-5448 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 UCGS UPCY WCHI CJCA RJOC CJCC CJEA CJCR WCET GCOO WCRT WCMH RJCJ RCJE WCIM WCSC RJCG UJCP TCUS UJOD TJDS FJDS GDEA 1537-2715 1521-0650 1539-8293 1469-9397 1752-7554 1469-9400 1478-2790 1469-9419 1547-0156 1029-0389 1533-2683 1540-1391 2158-9119 1745-9117 1542-7536 1542-8044 1940-6320 2156-8154 1366-5839 2158-074X 1743-9140 1563-5120 726 727 728 729 TDMC LDIS WJDR WJDD 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 TDSG UJEC UEQE WJEB RJEC GPRE RECO CJEW VJEB Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Journal of Constructivist Psychology Journal Of Consumer Health On The Internet Journal of Contemporary African Studies Journal of Contemporary Asia Journal of Contemporary China Journal of Contemporary European Studies Journal of Contemporary Religion Journal Of Convention & Event Tourism Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry Journal Of Couple & Relationship Therapy Journal Of Creativity In Mental Health Journal of Crime and Justice Journal of Criminal Justice Education Journal Of Crop Improvement Journal Of Culinary Science & Technology Journal of Cultural Geography Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy Journal of Curriculum Studies Journal of Dance Education Journal of Decision Systems Journal of Development Studies Journal of Difference Equations and Applications Journal of discrete mathematical Sciences and Cryptography Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage Journal Of Dual Diagnosis Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geomeric Theories Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Journal of Earthquake Engineering Journal Of East-West Business Journal of Economic Methodology Journal of Economic Policy Reform Journal of Ecotourism Journal of Education and Work Journal of Education for Business 21 2169-0065 1532-2351 1540-4811 1550-4271 2169-0057 1745-5642 1559-808X 1528-6959 1469-9427 1748-7889 1747-7638 1469-9435 1940-3356 739 740 741 742 HJSP CJET TEDP CJEH 743 HEPC 744 WEAN 745 FBEP 746 TEWA 747 748 749 750 WERM WACQ UEGM CJEN 751 TEEL 752 CJEP 753 CJOE 754 LESA 755 LESB 756 LESC 757 TEOP 758 TJEO 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 WECD CJMS WECJ WESA GEUI RJPP WEBS 766 767 768 769 770 771 TETA TJEN HJFC WJFP WFSW WFFT Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) Journal of Education for Teaching Journal of Education Policy Journal of Educational Administration and History Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation Journal Of Elder Abuse & Neglect Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Journal Of Electronic Resources In Medical Libraries Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship Journal of Energetic Materials Journal of Engineering Design Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants Journal of Essential Oil Research Journal Of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity In Social Work Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal Justice Journal Of Ethnicity In Substance Abuse Journal of European Integration Journal of European Public Policy Journal Of Evidence - Based Social Work Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Online Journal of Experimental Nanoscience Online Journal of Family Communication Journal Of Family Psychotherapy Journal Of Family Social Work Journal Of Feminist Family Therapy 22 1532-7671 1360-0540 1464-5106 1478-7431 1532-768X 1540-4129 1745-7297 1569-3937 1542-4073 1941-1278 1545-8822 1466-1837 1822-4199 1360-0559 1522-7200 1532-4117 1532-4109 1532-4095 0976-5026 2163-8152 1531-3212 1469-9451 1537-7946 1533-2659 1477-2280 1466-4429 1543-3722 1362-3079 1745-8099 1532-7698 1540-4080 1540-4072 1540-4099 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 WFPM WFBR RJFP WFPP TJFE CJFH WGLM WGLS CJGS CJGR Journal Of Food Products Marketing Journal Of Foodservice Business Research Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology Journal Of Forensic Psychology Practice Journal of Freshwater Ecology Journal of Further and Higher Education Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social Services Journal of Gender Studies Journal of Genocide Research 1540-4102 1537-8039 1478-9957 1522-9092 2156-6941 1469-9486 1935-9713 1540-4056 1465-3869 1469-9494 782 783 784 785 786 787 RJOGP CJGH WGER WGFS RJGE WGLO 1752-6868 1466-1845 1540-4048 1550-4298 1744-9634 1528-6975 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 RGAM UJGT WGAR WHCC UHCM WHSM RJHT 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 CJHE WHIV WJHM WHOS UHFM WHMM WJHE Journal of Geography and The Geography Teacher Journal of Geography in Higher Education Journal Of Gerontological Social Work Journal Of Glbt Family Studies Journal of Global Ethics Journal Of Global Marketing Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World Journal of Graphics Tools Journal Of Groups In Addiction & Recovery Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy Journal of Health Communication Journal Of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants Journal of Heritage Tourism Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management Journal Of Hiv/Aids & Social Services Journal Of Homosexuality Journal Of Hospital Librarianship Journal of Hospitality Financial Management Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & Management Journal Of Housing For The Elderly Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment Journal of Human Development and Capabilities Journal Of Human Resources In Hospitality & Tourism Journal of Human Rights Journal Of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Journal of Hydraulic Research 802 WHUM 803 CJHD 804 805 806 807 808 WHRH CJHR WHEN TISH TJHR 23 2163-9167 2151-2272 1556-0368 1528-6916 1087-0415 1540-3580 1474-6631 1469-9508 1538-151x 1540-3602 1532-3277 2152-2790 1936-8631 1540-353x 1540-3556 1945-2837 1533-2853 1475-4843 1932-0256 2164-3040 - 809 CJIL Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies 1469-9524 810 811 812 813 RJIL WIMM LJII FICH 2151-9668 1556-2956 1532-4230 1743-9329 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 HICP TIOS TJID WITP NENS RJIH GITS UJIA RJIC CJIS TJIM WJIR Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research Journal Of Immigrant & Refugee Studies Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences Journal of Information Display Journal Of Information Technology & Politics Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences Journal of Intelligence History Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal of Interactive Advertising Journal of Intercultural Communication Research Journal of Intercultural Studies Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics Journal Of Intergenerational Relationships Journal Of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy Journal of International Communication Journal Of International Consumer Marketing Journal Of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy Journal Of Internet Commerce Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology Journal of Israeli History Journal of Jewish Education Journal of Land Use Science Journal of Landscape Architecture Journal of Language, Identity & Education Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies Journal of Latinos and Education Journal of Legal History Journal of Legal Medicine Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law Journal of Legislative Studies Journal Of Lesbian Studies 826 WILD 827 RJCS 828 RICO 829 WICM 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 WIFA UWLP WICO UICA FJIH UJJE TLUS RJLA HLIE CJLA HJLE FLGH ULGM RJLP FJLS WJLS 24 1940-9214 2169-0103 2158-1606 1933-169x 1943-8168 2169-5601 1547-2442 1525-2019 1747-5767 1469-9540 2169-012X 1535-0932 1540-3572 1748-684x 1528-7068 1528-6983 1548-1476 1533-287x 1556-1828 1744-0548 1554-611X 1747-4248 1532-7701 1469-9575 1532-771X 1744-0564 1521-057x 1743-9337 1540-3548 846 WJLY 847 WJLA 848 WJLM 849 LJLC 850 RJLS 851 UPIL 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 LMSA LMSB RMSR WMGL TJOM WJMC RJMC WMHE RJMM HMME GMAS HJMR HMEC RMED SMIL RMIS CMJS TMOP CJME VJMB RMMD 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 RMMM RMAA GMUR CJMM WJNF TNAH WNEU NNMR TNMP GNST Journal Of Lgbt Youth Journal Of Library Administration Journal Of Library Metadata Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies Journal of Literary Studies Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion Journal Of Map And Geography Libraries Journal of Maps Journal Of Marketing Channels Journal of Marketing Communications Journal Of Marketing For Higher Education Journal of Marketing Management Journal of Mass Media Ethics Journal of Mathematical Sociology Journal of Media and Religion Journal of Media Economics Journal of Medieval History Journal of Military Ethics Journal of Modern Italian Studies Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Journal of Modern Optics Journal of Moral Education Journal of Motor Behavior Journal of Multicultural Discourses Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development Journal of Musical Arts in Africa Journal of Musicological Research Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs Journal Of Natural Fibers Journal of Natural History Journal Of Neurotherapy Journal of New Music Research Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25 1936-1661 1540-3564 1937-5034 1520-572x 1753-5387 1532-5032 1520-5738 1525-609X 1942-258x 1542-0361 1744-5647 1540-7039 1466-4445 1540-7144 1472-1376 1532-7728 1545-5874 1534-8415 1532-7736 1873-1279 1502-7589 1469-9583 1472-5894 1362-3044 1465-3877 1940-1027 1747-7557 2070-626X 1547-7304 1469-9591 1544-046x 1464-5262 1530-017x 1744-5027 1776-0852 1029-0311 883 884 885 886 WNON FNAS TNST WJNE Journal Of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing Journal of North African Studies Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics 1540-6997 1743-9345 1881-1248 2155-1197 887 888 889 890 UOEH ROCC WJOR WORG 1545-9632 1540-8558 1540-8604 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 HOCE CJPE RJPD FJPS HJPA URJD TJPI LPLA TWEB TJPT 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 RPIC WJPP CJPI WPLM UPSE VJPF RJPW WPOV 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 WPIC WPHS WJPM RJPR UJPD WJPO HPRR 916 917 918 919 WQAH NJQL HJRS WJRM Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene Journal of Occupational Science Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Journal of Peace Education Journal of Peacebuilding & Development Journal of Peasant Studies Journal of Personality Assessment Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance Journal of Plant Interactions Journal of Plant Nutrition Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography Journal of Poetry Therapy Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism Journal Of Policy Practice Journal of Political Ideologies Journal Of Political Marketing Journal of Political Science Education Journal of Popular Film and Television Journal of Postcolonial Writing Journal Of Poverty Journal Of Prevention & Intervention In The Community Journal Of Progessive Human Services Journal Of Promotion Management Journal of Property Research Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology Journal of Public Relations Research Journal Of Quality Assurance In Hospitality & Tourism Journal of Quantitative Linguistics Journal of Radio and Audio Media Journal Of Relationship Marketing 26 1532-7744 1470-021X 2165-7440 1743-9361 1532-7752 2168-3816 1742-9153 1532-4087 2169-4060 1567-2344 2159-5364 1558-8750 1469-9613 1537-7865 1551-2177 1930-6458 1744-9863 1540-7608 1540-7330 1540-7616 1540-7594 1466-4453 1540-7586 1532-754X 1528-0098 1744-5035 1937-6537 1533-2675 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 WRSP WRDH WRSA WRTI CJRI UJRC URCE RJRR 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 SCRI WJSV USMT HJSR TJSA RSBE WSSR RJSF USWE 937 WSWD 938 WSWE 939 CJSW 940 WSWP 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 FBSS CJSS CJSC TJSS WSPI RJTO RJSP GSCS TSMS RJSM FJSS GSRP WJSF RSUS TJSP WTIB Journal Of Religion & Spirituality In Social Work: Social Thought Journal Of Religion, Disability & Health Journal Of Religion, Spirituality & Aging Journal Of Religious & Theological Information Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Journal of Research in Childhood Education Journal of Research on Christian Education Journal of Risk Research Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention Journal Of School Violence Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy Journal of Sex Research Journal of Sexual Aggression Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Journal Of Social Service Research Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law Journal of Social Work Education Journal Of Social Work In Disability & Rehabilitation Journal Of Social Work In End-Of-Life & Palliative Care Journal of Social Work Practice Journal Of Social Work Practice In The Addictions Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies Journal of Southern African Studies Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies Journal of Spatial Science Journal Of Spirituality In Mental Health Journal of Sport & Tourism Journal of Sports Sciences Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation Journal of Statistics and Management Systems Journal of Strategic Marketing Journal of Strategic Studies Journal of Sulfur Chemistry Journal Of Sustainable Forestry Journal of Sustainable Tourism Journal of Systematic Paleontology Journal Of Teaching In International Business 27 1542-6440 1522-9122 1552-8049 1528-6948 1469-672X 2150-2641 1934-4945 1466-4461 1651-2340 1538-8239 1521-0715 1559-8519 1742-6545 2169-2610 1540-7314 1469-9621 2163-5811 1536-7118 1552-4264 1465-3885 1533-2578 1743-9639 1465-3893 1469-9818 1836-5655 1934-9645 1029-5399 1466-447X 1563-5163 2169-0014 1466-4488 1743-937x 1741-6000 1540-756x 1747-7646 1478-0941 1528-6991 957 WTSW 958 WTTT 959 WTHS 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 UAWM UACN RJPA UASA RJAP TCIE NJHN RCON HLNS RJPS TNZR CJSA TJTI UTHS RTCC 975 UTEH 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 UTEB RJTS WTNM WJTD WTTM TJOT CJUD CJUT UJVP RJVC RJVE CJWR WJWA WWAP LWCT WJWB CJYS RJOS RJQY Journal Of Teaching In Social Work Journal Of Teaching In Travel & Tourism Journal Of Technology In Human Services Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of the American Planning Association Journal of the American Statistical Association Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Journal of the History of the Neurosciences Journal of the Institute of Conservation Journal of the Learning Sciences Journal of the Philosophy of Sport Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand Journal of the Society of Archivists Journal of the Textile Institute Journal of Thermal Stresses Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: Current Issues Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: Critical Reviews Journal of Transatlantic Studies Journal Of Transnational Management Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation Journal Of Travel & Tourism Marketing Journal of Turbulence (Online) Journal of Urban Design Journal of Urban Technology Journal of Verterbrate Paleontology Journal of Victorian Culture Journal of Vocational Education and Training Journal of Wine Research Journal Of Women & Aging Journal Of Women, Politics & Policy Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology Journal Of Workplace Behavioral Health Journal of Youth Studies Journalism Studies Justice Quarterly 28 1540-7349 1531-3239 1522-8991 1541-1087 1939-0130 1537-274X 1469-9648 2158-7299 1744-5213 1945-5232 1532-7809 1543-2939 1175-8899 1465-3907 1754-2340 1521-074X 1747-7654 1087-2620 1521-6950 1754-1018 1547-5786 1529-9740 1540-7306 1468-5248 1469-9664 1466-1853 1937-2809 1750-0133 1747-5090 1469-9672 1540-7322 1554-4788 1532-2319 1555-5259 1469-9680 1745-9109 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 UKDR SKON CLAH ULRM RLSH CLAR RMLI HLAC PLCP RLAE HLAQ RMLA HLLD RLLJ RLMS RLCC 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 PLAT RLAC WLAB NLPS CJEM WLRS ULSC RLST RLOI WLAS RLWR GLMA TLCTP GLIT ULRI ULTG CLOE FLGS CLRE LMST RMLE GMFW SMAR Kappa Delta Pi Record Konsthistorisk Tidskrift Labor History Lake and Reservoir Management Landscape History Landscape Research Language & Intercultural Communication Language Acquisition Language and Cognitive Processes Language and Education Language Assessment Quarterly Language Awareness Language Learning and Development Language Learning Journal Language Matters Language, culture and Curriculum Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition Latin American and Carribean Ethnic Studies Latin American Business Review Leadership & Policy in Schools Learning Media & Technology Legal Reference Services Quarterly Leisure Sciences Leisure Studies Leisure/Loisir Library & Archival Security Life Writing Linear and Multilinear Algebra Liquid Crystals Pack Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory Literacy Research & Instruction Liturgy Local Environment Local Government Studies London Review of Education Machining Science & Technology Managing Leisure Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology Marine Biology Research 29 2163-1611 1651-2294 1469-9702 1040-2381 2160-2506 1469-9710 1747-759X 1532-7817 1747-7581 1543-4311 1747-7565 1547-3341 1753-2167 1753-5395 1747-7573 1464-0678 1744-2230 1528-6932 1744-5043 1743-9892 1540-949x 1521-0588 1466-4496 2151-2221 1540-9511 1751-2964 1563-5139 1366-5855 1545-5866 1938-8063 1557-3001 1469-6711 1743-9388 1474-8479 1532-2483 1466-450X 1029-0362 1745-1019 1034 UMGD 1035 UMGT 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 RNMF TMPM WMFR HMCS LMMP 1041 1042 1043 1044 NMCM TMMA GMPS HMTL 1045 HMPE 1046 HMES 1047 LMBD 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 UMCM CMEH HMEP GMEA WMRS FMCS FMHR FMED PMEM CMHR CMET HMET CCRI CAME FMES HMLP HMCA 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 GMPR RMOB CMCF CMIT GMCL Marine Geodesy Marine Georesources & Geotechnology Maritime Affairs:Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India Maritime Policy & Management Marriage & Family Review Mass Communication and Society Materials and Manufacturing Processes Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems Mathematical Modelling and Analysis Mathematical Population Studies Mathematical Thinking and Learning Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 1521-060X 1521-0618 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Media History Media Psychology Medical Anthropology Medical Reference Services Quarterly Medicine Conflict & Survival Mediterranean Historical Review Mediterranean Politics Memory Mental Health, Religion & Culture Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning Metaphor and Symbol Middle East Critique Middle Eastern Literatures Middle Eastern Studies Military Psychology Mind, Culture, and Activity Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review Mobilities Modern and Contemporary France Modern Italy Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 30 1537-6532 1469-9729 1532-785X 1545-5882 1540-9567 1743-9396 1743-940x 1743-9418 1464-0686 1469-9737 1469-9745 1532-7868 1943-6157 1475-2638 1743-7881 1532-7876 1532-7884 1946-6609 1464-5254 1540-9635 1532-7825 1532-2475 1744-5051 1648-3510 1547-724x 1532-7833 1532-7841 1536-6359 1539-7742 1547-7401 1745-011x 1469-9869 1469-9877 1543-5318 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 TMPH GMOS TMOS CMRT HMCP HMBR RMMC CMUE WMUS RMUS RMUZ 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 UMTE CNID FNEP CNAP GNPL NNCS PNRH GNNW CNGS CNPE CNPS RACL 1093 1094 1095 1096 RCLL RFTS THAM RINN 1097 RMNW 1098 RNZP 1099 TNZE 1100 TNZA 1101 TNZB 1102 TNZC 1103 TNZG 1104 TNZM 1105 TNZZ Molecular Physics:An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics Molecular Simulation Molluscan Research Mortality Multicultural Perspectives Multivariate Behavioral Research Museum Management and Curatorship Music Education Research Music Reference Services Quarterly Musicology Australia Muziki Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering National Identities Nationalism & Ethnic Politics Nationalities Papers Natural Product Research [Part A and Part B] Neurocase Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Neutron News New Genetics & Society New Political Economy New Political Science New Review of Academic Librarianship New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship New Review of Film & Television Studies New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia New Review of Information Networking New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing New Zealand Economic Papers New Zealand Entomologist New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research New Zealand Journal of Botany New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31 1362-3028 1029-0435 1469-9885 1532-7892 1532-7906 1872-9185 1469-9907 1540-9503 1949-453X 1753-593x 1556-7273 1469-9907 1557-2986 1465-3923 1029-2349 1465-3656 1464-0694 1931-7352 1469-9915 1469-9923 1469-9931 1740-7834 1740-7885 1740-7923 1740-7842 1740-7869 1943-3107 1943-4863 1175-8778 1175-8643 1175-8783 1175-8791 1175-8805 1175-8821 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 TNZV GNCC GNTE SWOM RNJM RNPY SGEO UAAJ SARC GNPN LNCN LNFA UNHT New Zealand Veterinary Journal Nineteenth Century Contexts Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation Nora, Nordic Journal of Women's Studies Nordic Journal of Music Therapy Nordic Psychology Norsk Geografisk Tidsskr North American Actuarial Journal Norwegian Archaeological Review Nuclear Physics News Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 1176-0710 1477-2663 1477-2671 1502-394X 1944-8260 1904-0016 1502-5292 1502-7678 1931-7336 1532-2335 1532-2467 1521-0634 1119 1120 1121 1122 UNHB HNUC WOMH UODL Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals Nutrition and Cancer Occupational Therapy In Mental Health Ocean Development & International Law Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning Optimization Optimization Methods and Software Organic Preparations and Procedures International: The New Journal for Organic Organization Management Journal Oriental Insects Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology Oxford Development Studies Oxford Review of Education Ozone: Science & Engineering Paedagogica Historica Palynology Parallax Parenting Parliaments, Estates and Representation Particulate Science and Technology Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Em Patterns of Prejudice Peabody Journal of Education Peace Review Pedagogies: An International Journal 32 1521-0626 1532-7914 1541-3101 1521-0642 1123 COPL 1124 GOPT 1125 GOMS 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 UOPP UOMJ TOIN TOST CODS CORE BOSE CPDH TPAL TPAR HPAR RPER UPST 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 RPED RPOP HPJE CPER HPED 1469-9958 1029-4945 1029-4937 9999-4948 1541-6518 2157-8745 1727-947X 1469-9966 1465-3915 1547-6545 1477-674X 1558-9188 1460-700X 1532-7922 1947-248X 1548-0046 1468-0122 1461-7331 1532-7930 1469-9982 1554-4818 1144 RPCS 1145 RPRS 1146 RPCP 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 TPSP RMPS LPET GPHT RPSJ RPEX TPHM TPHL RPPA CPHP 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 GPSS CPES GPCH RPEL RPPE CPPR RPTP TPLB TPOG 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 GPPR GPAS CPOS UPCP FTMP Pedagogy, Culture & Society Performance Research Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies Perspectives on European Politics and Society: Journal of Intra-European Dialogue Perspectives on Political Science Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education Perspectives: Studies in Translatology Petroleum Science and Technology Phase Transitions, A Multinational Journal Philippine Political Science Journal Philosophical Explorations Philosophical Magazine Philosophical Magazine Letters Philosophical Papers Philosophical Psychology Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Physics and Chemistry of Liquids Planning & Environmental Law Planning Perspectives Planning Practice and Research Planning Theory & Practice Plant Biosystems Polar Geography Police Practice and Research - An International Journal Policing & Society Policy Studies Political Communication Politics, Religion & Ideology 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 CPSA GPOL LMSC LPTE HPPC RPMS RPST CPCS Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Polymer Reviews Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Popular Communication Popular Music & Society Population Studies Postcolonial Studies 1147 RPEP 1148 VPPS 33 1747-5104 1469-9990 1752-9182 1470-1014 1563-5333 1525-609X 1525-6111 1540-5710 1740-1712 1477-4747 1466-1888 1568-0258 1930-5478 1460-7018 1747-6623 1532-2459 1029-0338 2165-025x 1741-5918 1478-6443 1362-3036 1996-8523 1465-394X 1563-5325 1742-5786 1029-0451 1556-8601 1466-4518 1360-0583 1470-000X 1724-5575 1939-0513 1477-271X 1477-2728 1470-1006 1091-7675 2156-7697 1181 CPCE 1182 CPRA 1183 LPBB 1196 RPCO 1197 HPLI Post-Communist Economies Practice - Social Work in Action Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies Production Planning & Control Professional Development in Education Prometheus Prose Studies Psychiatry, Psychology and Law Psychoanalytic Dialogues Psychoanalytic Inquiry Psychoanalytic Perspectives Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Applications, Theory and Research Psychoanalytical Social Work Psychodynamic Practice: Individual, Groups & Organisations Psychological Inquiry 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian Thought Psychology & Health Psychology, Crime & Law Psychology, Health & Medicine Psychotherapy Research Public Library Quarterly Public Management Review Public Money & Management Public Services Quarterly Quaestiones Mathematicae Qualitative Reseacrh in Psychology Quality Engineering Quality in Higher Education Quantitative Finance Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Quarterly Journal of Speech Pack Quarterly Review of Film & Video Quest 1184 VPSF 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 UPRI TPPC RJIE CPRO FPRS TPPL HPSD HPSI UPPE 1194 RPPS 1195 WPSW UPYP GPSH GPCL CPHM TPSR WPLQ RPXM RPMM WPSQ TQMA UQRP LQEN CQHE RQUF TQRT PQJE RQJSP GQRF UQST 34 1465-3958 1742-4909 1532-2297 1940-4387 1935-4053 1366-5871 1941-5265 1470-1030 1743-9426 1934-1687 1940-9222 1940-9133 2163-6958 1474-9734 1522-9033 1475-3626 1532-7965 1556-3030 1476-8321 1477-2744 1465-3966 1468-4381 1541-4540 1471-9045 1467-9302 1522-9114 1727-933X 1478-0895 1532-4222 1470-1081 1469-7696 1747-0226 1543-5326 1543-2750 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 CREE GRAD URWL URPY WREF CREP FRFS CRES RREL UREL CRSS UREA RREP CRID CRDE HRHD RRME URND RPCE CRST 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 GSPM HRLS RRED URQE WRTC RRHI RRMX CREA RROC 1246 GRED 1247 RRIP 1248 CRPE 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 RRSEP RREV GRVA BRFS FRVR HRHR Race Ethnicity and Education Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids Reading & Writing Quarterly Reading Psychology Reference Librarian (The) Reflective Practice Regional & Federal Studies Regional Studies Pack Religion Religion & Education Religion, State and Society: the Keston Religious Education Representation Research in Dance Education Research in Drama Education Research in Human Development Research in Mathematics Education Research in Nondestructive Evaluation Research in Post-Compulsory Education Research in Science & Technological Education Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal Research on Language & Social Interaction Research Papers in Education Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport Residential Treatment For Children & Youth Rethinking History Rethinking Marxism Review of African Political Economy Review of Comunication Online Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies Review of International Political Economy Review of Political Economy Review of Social Economy plus Forum for Social Economics Pack Review: Literature & Arts of the Americas Reviews in Anthropology Reviews in Fisheries Science Revolutionary Russia Rhetoric Review 35 1470-109X 1029-4953 1521-0693 1521-0685 1541-1117 1470-1103 1743-9434 1360-0591 1096-1151 1949-8381 1465-3974 1547-3201 1749-4001 1470-1111 1470-112X 1542-7617 1754-0178 1432-2110 1747-5112 1470-1138 1543-8635 1532-7973 1470-1146 2168-3824 1541-0358 1470-1154 1475-8059 1740-1720 1535-8593 1556-3022 1466-4526 1465-3982 1743-0666 1556-3014 1547-6553 1743-7873 1532-7981 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 RRSQ TRAM TRMP VRAM UROR VROQ RRMAP RUSIP 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 RSAF GSAR SACT SEHR SJDR CSJE SFOR SHIS SJHT SOLD RSPR SSLA NSES CSLM GSGS WSTL 1279 1280 1281 1282 VSCA CSAC HSSR RSGJ 1283 RSCR 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 RSEC FSST PSAI LSPR LSST LSQA WSER WSMQ Rhetoric Society Quarterly Ringing & Migration Road Materials and Pavement Design Rocks & Minerals Roeper Review Romance Quarterly Royal Musical Association Pack RUSI Journal & Whitehall Papers Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research Scandinavian Actuarial Journal Scandinavian Economic History Review Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research Scandinavian Journal of History Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review Scando-Slavica School Effectiveness and School Improvement School Leadership & Management Science & Global Security Science & Technology Libraries Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas Science as Culture Scientific Studies of Reading Scottish Geographical Journal Scrutiny2 - Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa Security Index: A Russian Journal on International Security Security Studies Self and Identity Separation and Purification Reviews Separation Science and Technology Sequential Analysis Serials Librarian (The) Services Marketing Quarterly 36 1930-322X TBC 1940-1191 1940-865x 1940-3216 0269-0403 1754-5382 1543-1304 1029-046X 1651-2030 1750-2837 1745-3011 1470-1170 1651-1891 1502-7716 1502-2269 1502-7244 1600-0803 1600-082x 1744-5124 1364-2626 1547-7800 1541-1109 1940-1302 1470-1189 1532-799X 1751-665X 1753-5409 2151-7495 1556-1852 1529-8876 1542-2127 1520-5754 1532-4176 1541-1095 1533-2977 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 RSEV CSED USAC CSMT RSHK TSOS RSFO FSLA WSEE FSWI WSCS FSAS RSCG Seventeenth Century Sex Education:Sexuality, Society and Learning Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity Sexual and Relationship Therapy Shakespeare Ships and Offshore Structures Sikh Formations:Religion,Culture,Theory Slavery & Abolition Slavic & East European Information Resources Small Wars & Insurgencies Smith College Studies In Social Work Soccer and Society Social & Cultural Geography 2050-4616 1472-0825 1532-5318 1468-1749 1745-0926 1744-8735 1743-9523 1522-9041 1743-9558 1553-0426 1743-9590 1470-1197 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 REAJ RSDY TSEP RSHI CSID PSIF CSMS PSNS RSSC CSOS CSWE WSHC WSMH WHSP WSWG CSAD USNR USFO USLS LSFM BSSC TSSP LSEI Social and Environmental Accountability Journal Social Dynamics Social Epistemology Social History Social Identities Social Influence Social Movement Studies Social Neuroscience Social Sciences in China Social Semiotics Social Work Education Social Work In Health Care Social Work In Mental Health Social Work In Public Health Social Work With Groups Socialism and Democracy Society & Natural Resources Sociological Focus Sociological Spectrum Soft Materials Soil and Sediment Contamination Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society South African Geographical Journal South African Historical Journal 2156-2245 1940-7874 1464-5297 1470-1200 1363-0296 1553-4529 1474-2829 1747-0927 1940-5952 1470-1219 1470-1227 1541-034x 1533-2993 1937-190x 1540-9481 1745-2635 1521-0723 1521-0707 1539-4468 1549-7887 1747-0765 1532-2262 1328 USOU 1329 RSAG 1330 RSHJ 37 1548-3843 2151-2418 1726-1686 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 RJAL RSAJ TJPS RSSR RTHJ CSAS RSAP RSAS FSES 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 RALL RSJC TSFS CSPP HSCC RSEA LSTL RSIH FCSS CSES RSPB 1351 GSTA 1352 LSAA 1353 LSTM 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 GSSR RSAN TSTC USTP TSSU 1359 USTR 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 HSEM NSIE SNEC STHE UTER CSCE HSGS CSHE South African Journal of African Languages South African Journal of International Affairs South African Journal of Plant and Soil South African Review of Sociology South African Theatre Journal South Asia:Journal of South Asian Studies South Asian Popular Culture South Asian Studies South European Society & Politics Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Southern Communication Journal Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science Space and Polity Spatial Cognition & Computation Spatial Economic Analysis Spectroscopy Letters Sport in History Sport in Society Sport, Education and Society Sports Biomechanics Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics Stochastic Analysis and Applications Stochastic Models Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes Strategic Analysis Strategic Comments (Online) Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment Strategic Survey Strategies: A Journal for Physical & Sport Educators Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Studia Neophilologica Studia Theologica Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Studies in Continuing Education Studies in Gender and Sexuality Studies in Higher Education 38 tbc 1938-0275 2167-034X 2072-1978 TBC 1479-0270 1474-6697 2153-2699 1743-9612 1727-9461 1930-3203 2070-2639 1470-1235 1542-7633 1742-1780 1532-2289 1746-0271 1743-0445 1470-1243 1752-6116 1029-4910 1532-9356 1532-4214 1744-2516 1754-0054 1356-7888 1546-0126 1476-4997 2168-3778 1532-8007 1744-8980 1651-2308 1502-7791 1521-0731 1470-126X 1940-9206 1470-174X 1368 RSSE 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 TGAH NNFE CSTE WSUB GSCH TSUR SOSL 1376 VSYM 1377 GSRN 1378 LSRT 1379 LSYC 1380 TSAB 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 RTDE CTAT HTLM HTAJ CTED CTHE HTCQ WTSQ 1389 TTED 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 CTAS RTPE UTCH FTPV RTEM RTPQ TTPR RTPR RAMA UTAS RTAP 1401 VTCH 1402 NTCN 1403 GCRV Studies in Science Education Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment Studying Teacher Education Substance Abuse Supramolecular Chemistry Survival Symbolae Osloenses Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures Synchrotron Radiation News Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, MetalOrganic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry Synthetic Communications Systematics and Biodiversity Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professonal development Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice Teaching and Learning in Medicine Teaching Artist Journal Teaching Education Teaching in Higher Education Technical Communication Quarterly Technical Services Quarterly Technological and Economic Development of Economy 1940-8412 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Technology, Pedagogy and Education Technometrics Terrorism & Political Violence Tertiary Education and Management Text and Performance Quarterly Textile Progress Textual Practice The Academy of Management Annals The American Statistician The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas The Clinical Neuropsychologist The Communication Review 39 1465-3990 1747-5139 1537-2723 1556-1836 1573-1936 1479-5760 1754-2278 1470-1308 1941-6067 1537-2731 1740-9314 1943-2186 1744-5140 1742-5972 1547-0164 1029-0478 1468-2699 1502-7805 1931-0676 1931-7344 1553-3182 1532-2432 1478-0933 1747-5120 1470-1278 1532-8015 1541-180X 1470-1286 1470-1294 1542-7625 1555-3337 1822-3613 1939-912X 1744-4144 1547-7487 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 UTEF UTEE REJF CELE VEXP VGER RHOF HTHP UTIS FJHR 1414 GPOM 1415 TSDW 1416 UITJ 1417 RIRI 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 RAEE RJAR VJAM UJCH VECE VJER VJEE VJXE VGEN VGNT 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 RJTE CJPH RPOS VJRL FSLV VSOC RALT RMIR TMIB UTNE RNPR RPRE RFIA The Educational Forum The Engineering Economist The European Journal of Finance The European Legacy The Explicator The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory The History of the Family The Humanistic Psychologist The Information Society The International Journal of Human Rights The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric The International Journal of Sustainable Development World Ecology The International Trade Journal The Irish Journal of Psychology The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension The Journal of Architecture The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society The Journal of Continuing Higher Education The Journal of Economic Education The Journal of Educational Research The Journal of Environmental Education Online The Journal of Experimental Education The Journal of General Psychology The Journal of Genetic Psychology The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development The Journal of Pacific History The Journal of Positive Psychology The Journal of Psychology The Journal of Slavic Military Studies The Journal of Social Psychology The Law Teacher The Mariner's Mirror The Military Balance The New Educator The Nonproliferation Review The Pacific Review The Review of Faith and International Affairs 40 1938-8098 1547-2701 1466-4364 1470-1316 1939-926X 1930-6962 1873-5398 1547-3333 1087-6537 1744-053X 1563-535X 1521-0545 2158-0812 1750-8622 1466-4410 1930-7799 1948-4801 2152-4068 1940-0675 1940-1892 1940-0683 1940-0888 1940-0896 1469-9559 1469-9605 1743-9779 1940-1019 1556-3006 1940-1183 1943-0353 2049-680x 1479-9022 1549-9243 1746-1766 1470-1332 1931-7743 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 CTRT FSIJ VTSS UTTE RWAQ RTAS The Round Table The Service Industries Journal The Social Studies The Teacher Educator The Washington Quarterly Theology and Science 1474-029X 1743-9507 2152-405X 1938-8101 1530-9177 1474-6719 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 TTIE UTRS HTIP PTAR CTTE CTWQ CTQM RTXG RTHP GTEC GCPI TCER TTRS UTRV TRAN TTRV LTTY GTPT TTRA UTRB TTZO FTUR CUPR NURW NVSD TVEC TVEQ UVAO NVPP UVST GVAN PVIS HVCQ RVCB Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science Online Theory & Research in Social Education Theory Into Practice Thinking & Reasoning Third Text Third World Quarterly Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Tourism Geographies Tourism Planning & Development Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Traffic Injury Prevention Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Translation Review Transport Transport Reviews Transport Theory and Statistical Physics Transportation Planning & Technology Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Tribology Transactions Tropical Zoology Turkish Studies Urban Policy and Research Urban Water Journal Vehicle System Dynamics Venture Capital Veterinary Quarterly Victims & Offenders Virtual and Physical Prototyping Online Visitor Studies Visual Anthropology Visual Cognition Visual Communication Quarterly Visual Culture in Britain 1464-536X 2163-1654 1543-0421 1464-0708 1475-5297 1360-2241 1478-3371 1470-1340 2156-8324 1029-0486 1538-957X 2165-5456 2154-0098 1648-3480 1464-5327 1532-2424 1029-0354 1944-0987 1547-397X 1970-9528 1743-9663 1476-7244 1744-9006 1744-5159 1464-5343 1875-5941 1556-4991 1745-2767 1934-7715 1545-5920 1464-0716 1555-1407 1941-8361 41 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 GVIR RVST RVCH RWAS RWIN TWRM VWWS TWLD FWEP 1490 RWJCF 1491 WWCJ 1492 WWAH 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 RWAP WWAT RWCR RWHR UWSC GWST RWOW SWOO TWIM TWST RWAR GWOF RWLE UYTJ TZEC Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation Visual Studies Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies Wasafiri Water International Waves in Random and Complex Media Weatherwise Welding International West European Politics Western Journal of Communication & Communication Reports Women & Criminal Justice Women & Health Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory Women & Therapy Women: A Cultural Review Women's History Review Women's Studies in Communication Women's Studies: An inter-disciplinary journal Women's Writing Wood Material Science and Engineering Word & Image Work & Stress World Archaeology World Futures: Journal of General Evolution World Leisure Journal Youth Theatre Journal Zoology & Ecology 1477-2809 1472-5878 1745-0136 1747-1508 1941-1707 1745-5049 1940-1310 1754-2138 1743-9655 1745-1027 1541-0323 1541-0331 1748-5819 1541-0315 1470-1367 1747-583X 2152-999X 1547-7045 1747-5848 1748-0280 1943-2178 1464-5335 1470-1375 155-1844 1607-8055 1948-4798 2164-8013 * Žurnalų sąrašas gali būti keičiamas nepriklausomai nuo Sutarties šalių dėl apribojimų pagal autorių teises. 42