PUNCTUATION 1. Marks of punctuation in English 2. Introductiory

1. Marks of punctuation in English
2. Introductiory remarks
Good punctuation makes a sentence clear and easy to read and understand.. Some writers use
fewer marks of punctuation, mainly commas, but other prefer to punctuate texts quite heavily.
In British English commas depend much more on recommendations and usage than on rules.
Punctuation marks indicate the grammatical structure of the text, its meaning, and often the
relationship between clauses. Commas are often troublesome, but they can be organized into
four main groups :
1) introducers
2) coordinators
3) inserters
4) tags
1) Introducer comma
The introducer comma is used after any element placed before the first independent (=main,
hlavní) clause (=věta) in a sentence (=souvětí):
Therefore , I intend to succeed .
Nervously , I entered the room.
As a result , I failed the exam.
After working so hard , it was a shock.
Having studied 10 hours a day , I could not understand it.
Because it was my favourite subject , I feel miserable
(tj. vedlejší věta před hlavní)
Direct speech
“Don´t give it up ,“ I said to myself.
2) Coordinator comma
The coordinator comma before a coordinating (=souřadná) conjunction links equal
elements of a sentence.
Two independent
She is very rich , but she is always broke.
Series of 3 or
more items
A, B , and/or/but C.
Is she learning English, Russian , or French?
A doctor has to work on weekdays, on weekends , and at night.
3) Inserter comma
The inserter comma is placed before and after any element inserted into the middle of an
independent clause.
phrases and
My results, however , were not convincing.
John´s results , on the other hand , were reliable.
The temperature readings, according to him , were satisfacory.
Charles IV, the founder of Charles University , died in 1378 (???)
John , having returned from China , decided to learn Chinese.
Francis , working on that problem , decided to apply for a grant.
Jean , who has just returned from Africa , is glad to be back.
4) Tag comma
A tag comma is placed before elements added to the end of a sentence.
I like whisky , too.
He also plays tennis , beating me almost every time.
Please note : The comma is not used
1) in decimal numbers
0. 521
2) in dependent noun clauses functioning as the verb´s object (předmětných větách),
beginning with
a. “that“ meaning “že“ even if the word is left out,
I know (that) he is very clever.
b. wh-question words (who, what which, when, where, why)
I don´t know what he is saying.
c. “whether“ and “if“ meaning “zda“
I am not sure whether he will come.
3) before “that“ meaning “který, jenž“ even if it is left out
There are many geometries that are different from Euclidean.
4) between subject and its verb
It is interesting that the impact of the computer revolution has been so great.
The semicolon, like the comma, is used between two independent clauses
1) that are connected in idea, but there is no coordinating conjunction between them
He visited Harvard ; he gave a lecture at MIT.
2) before some adverbs (e.g., however, nevertheless, therefore, moreover, and
furthermore, otherwise, accordingly, consequently, hence, thus, ) and transition
(connecting) phrases(e.g., for example, as a result, that is, in fact, etc.)
Bungee jumping is dangerous ; however, many young people enjoy it.
3. Exercises
1) Read the three choices carefully and circle the best answer.
a) I´d like to meet next week but considering the fact that your schedule is full for the
next two weeks why don´t we meet tomorrow?
1. I´d like to meet next week but considering the fact that your schedule is full for the
next two weeks, why don´ t wee meet tomorrow?
2. I´d like to meet next week, but, considering the fact that your schedule is full for the
next two weeks, why don´t we meet tomorrow?
3. I´d like to meet next week, but considering the fact that your schedule is full for the
next two weeks why don´t we meet tomorrow?
b) What you should do in my opinion is see your doctor immediately.
1. What you should do, in my opinion is see your doctor immediately.
2. What you should do, in my opinion, is see your doctor immediately.
3. What you should do in my opinion is see your doctor immediately.
c) Having seen how well Pat meets her deadlines I think she should be promoted.
1. Having seen how well Pat meets her deadlines I think she should be promoted.
2. Having seen how well Pat meets her deadlines, I think, she should be promoted.
3. Having seen how well Pat meets her deadlines, I think she should be promoted.
d) Our entire office staff I am sure will be at the holiday party.
1. Our entire office staff, I am sure, will be at the holiday party.
2. Our entire office staff, I am sure will be at the holiday party.
e) Well he is the brightest although not the most humble person I know
1. Well he is the brightest, although not the most humble person I know.
2. Well, he is the brightest, although not the most humble person I know.
3. Well, he is the brightest although not the most humble person I know.
f) You too can come with us to this exclusive reservations-only restaurant.
1. You, too, can come with us to this exclusive reservations-only restaurant.
2. You, too, can come with us to this exclusive, reservations-only restaurant.
3. You too can come with us to this exclusive, reservations-only restaurant.
g) As a rule I don´t lend money to anyone but because of your financial situation
I will be happy to make an exception.
1. As a rule, I don´t lend money to anyone, but, because of your financial situation,
I will be happy to make an exception.
2. As a rule I don´t lend money to anyone, but because of your financial situation
I will be happy to make an exception.
3. As a rule, I don´t lend money to anyone but because of your financial situation,
I will be happy to make an exception.
h) Either the appointment must be rescheduled or I will have to take my business
1. Either the appointment must be rescheduled, or I will have to take my business,
2. Either the appointment must be rescheduled or I will have to take my business
3. Either the appointment must be rescheduled, or I will have to take my business
i) Tonight and only tonight the store will be having a special sale
1. Tonight, and only tonight the store will be having a special sale.
2. Tonight and only tonight, the store will be having a special sale.
3. Tonight,and only tonight, the store will be having a special sale.
j) Mrs.Presley whom I met in Memphis is no relation to Elvis.
1. Mrs.Presley whom I met in Memphis, is no relation to Elvis.
2. Mrs Presley, whom I met in Memphis, is no relation to Elvis.
3. Mrs. Presley, whom I met in Memphis is no relation to Elvis.
k) We lost our map compass and star charts but found our way out of the woods.
1. We lost our map, compass, and star charts, but found our way out of the woods.
2. We lost our map, compass, and star charts but found our way out of the woods.
3. We lost ourt map compass, and star charts, but found our way out of the woods.
l) The salad bar contained lettuce salad jello fruit and pudding.
1. The salad bar contained lettuce salad, jello, fruit and pudding.
2. The salad bar contained lettuce salad, jello, fruit, and pudding.
3. The salad bar contained lettuce, salad, jello, fruit, and pudding.
m) When all the students had left the lab was locked for the evening.
1. When all the students had left the lab was locked for the evening.
2. When all the students had left the lab, was locked for the evening.
3. When all the students had left, the lab was locked for the evening.
2) Comma vs. Semicolon in Compound Sentences (Purdue materials)
Comma vs. Semicolon in Compound Sentences: Exercise
Brought to you by The Purdue University Online Writing Lab at http://owl.english.purdue.edu.
Each of the following sentences needs either a comma or a semicolon. Put in the necessary
1. Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks, which are flavored by synthetic chemicals the
drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.
2. Mr. Leyland played the viola professionally for many years and he now conducts a community
3. The crab grass was flourishing but the rest of the lawn, unfortunately, was dying.
4. The hill was covered with wildflowers it was a beautiful sight.
5. As I turned around, I heard a loud thump for the cat had upset the goldfish bowl.
6. The artist preferred to paint in oils he did not like watercolors.
7. The house was clean, the table set, and the porch light on everything was ready for the guests'
8. He looked carefully in the underbrush but he failed to notice the pair of green eyes staring at
9. The foundations of the house had been poured but, to his disappointment, nothing else had
been done because of the carpenters' strike.
10. The computer could perform millions of operations in a split second however, it could not
think spontaneously.
11. I thought registration day would be tiring but I didn't know I'd have to stand in so many lines.
12. The dog, growling and snarling, snapped at me I was so frightened that I ran.
13. The snowstorm dumped twelve inches of snow on the interstate subsequently, the state
policeclosed the road.
14. Professors are supposed to be absent-minded and I've seen plenty of evidence to support that
claim since I've been in college.
15. The suspect said that he had never met the victim however, the detective knew that he was
16. In the first place, it was snowing too hard to see the road in the second place, we had no
17. I have read Soul on Ice but I have not read The Invisible Man.
18. San Francisco is my favorite city in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there this summer.
19. The quarterback made a brilliant pass and the end crossed the goal line for the winning
20. Large supermarkets fascinate me I can find everything from frozen chow mein to soybean
flour in one place.
21. Ron and Mike were both in English class this morning they gave an interesting presentation
on their research.
22. The obstacles are not insurmountable but they are real and formidable.
23. Riding a bicycle is excellent exercise I ride mine every day.
24. I am not interested in a trip to Asia this year however, I would like to go to Europe.
25. Not all highly educated people enjoy traveling, but many world travelers are particularly well
26. Jack worked overtime to pay off his education debts at least, that was his explanation for his
long hours.
27. Katherine has given up smoking about five times but she cannot seem to break the habit.
28. His work may be almost totally forgotten but he would certainly be surprised to see how
much current scholarship simply echoes his ideas.
29. Our dog seems to have a built-in alarm clock he wakes us up at exactly the same time every
30. The passengers on the plane were initially alarmed by the loss of altitude but the pilot and the
crew kept them calm.
31. I realized at once that something was wrong I was not, however, the only person who was
32. I had to complete the assignment by Friday otherwise, I would have failed the course.
33. Ralph decided to be a chemist but he changed his mind after taking Chem. 121.
34. I finished reading The Nation and then I went to bed.
35. We always go to the mountains in the fall they are at their prettiest at that time of year.
36. Tim went to the candy store quite often the clerk even knew his name.
37. Criticism of capitalist expansionism does not surface in most discussions of the worldwide
ecological crisis indeed, proposed solutions rarely deviate from a basic message of further
technological "progress."
38. The president has pledged to cut taxes repeatedly and the public has responded
39. The office was closed consequently, I could not pay my bill.
40. The air was beautifully clear it was a lovely day.
Answers for this exercise are available at
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_commacompA1.html. You can also return to
handout on the Comma vs. the Semicolon in Compound Sentences at
For more information about compound sentence patterns, see the Purdue OWL handout,
Punctuation Patterns at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_sentp.html.
The following information must remain intact on every handout printed for distribution.
This page is located at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/print/grammar/g_commacompEX1.html
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3) Choose the most appropriate mark of punctuation.
1. She was formerly a member of staff of the Czech Embassy in Moscow Berlin Vienna
Madrid and Kopenhagen.
2. During the summer the workers have installed a new floor heating system and blackboards.
3. American folk songs may be classified into the following categories marching songs
work songs ballads hymns and spirituals .
4. We walked we played we fasted yet we gained weight.
5. There was more money available so we decided to plan a trip to Mexico.
6. As there was more money available we decided to plan a trip to Mexico.
7. We wanted to see to divide and to conquer but we stayed to learn and to build.
8. There was more money available therefore we decided to plan a trip to Mexico.
9. He is after all an interesting young man.
10. Well it makes sense doesn´t it?
11. On our club meetings are very short so we can meet at eight..
12. When we lose our freedoms life becomes intolerable.
13. Last week an unhappy time for me will always live in my memory.
14. Havel the writer and former president of this country is known worldwide.
15. The printing press invented by Gutenberg helped spread knowledge.
16. We came we saw and we conquered.
17. Boys wearing long hair were excluded but girls were welcome..
18. Americans who give aid to the enemy should be shot.
19. This law passed after a heated debate must be amended again.
20. The city which interests me most is London.
21. Olympia which is the capital of Washington State is south of Seattle.
22. The man who spoke to me is my former teacher.
23. My girlfriend who lives in Prague has blue eyes and fair hair.
24. My new girlfriend who does not live in Prague is dark-eyed.
25. Our new car which my parents bought quite recently seats six.
26. She is wearing the jumper that she received from Mary.
27. Her new jumper which was a Christmas gift is two sizes large.
28. Cities that have great financial problems levy all kinds of taxes.
29. The book that I used to prepare this exercise is very useful.
30. All the tickets that had been sold will contribute to charity.
31. A child playing in the street may be struck by a car.
32. Playing in the street his brother was struck by a car.
33. While washing the car I was watching the afternoon football match.
34. This is interesting indeed.
35. Indeed this is interesting.
36. I hope that this raise in salary will be welcome.
37. You should understand I cannot do any more for you.
38. I can hardly tell you where you forgot your book.
39. This raise in salary I hope will be welcome.
40. This raise in salary will be welcome I think.
41. If I were you I wouldn´t go there.
42. Kate said that she would be on time but I didn´t believe her.
43. Kate said she would be on time however I didn´t believe her.
44. Ann told us nobody had asked for the passport.
45. Jack said he had missed the train got lost and was arrested.
46. As soon as the bell rang our teacher said we should hand in the test paper.
47. On the other hand we could go to the cinema.
48. Ann on the other hand did not agree with us.
49. Road-users annoy pedestrians pedestrians annoy road-users.
50. We stayed at home because the weather was too hot to go out.
51. If the weather gets even hotter we want to leave Prague.
52. It was hot so we went swimming therefore you could not find us at home.
53. I am not sure why he didn´t turn up.
54. That “that“ that I left out in sentence No.45 see above may make understanding the sentence
55. That the situation will change is not very probable.
56. When we heard the news we were very sorry for him.
57. I was surprised because I had not expected to see him.
58. Because I had not expected to see him I was surprised.
59. I don´t like pork nor do I like game.
60. I told her to leave for I was very tired.
61. We stayed at home for the weather was awful.
63. Since his arrival there has been no change.
64. Since there´s no more business we can go home.
65. He left home in 2005 and hasn´t been seen since.
66. His little brother was struck by a car playing int the street.
4) Add punctuation to the following text. First check that you understand all words.
People are more likely to live long enough to get old in wealthy countries than in poor
countries. In rich countries people have nutritious food modern medical care good sanitation and
clean drinking water but poor countries lack these things. As a result the mortality is very high.
Citizens of Ethiopia an Yemen which are two of the world´s poorest countries have an average
life expectancy of 35 – 39 years. Citizens of Japan Norway Iceland and Sweden in contrast have
an average life span of more than 76 years. Japan has the highest Yemen has the lowest. One
exception is Saudi Arabia one of the world´s wealthiest nations. Having an average life
expectancy of 45 – 49 years Saudi Arabians live about as long as Bangladeshis and Cambodians.
Surprisingly the United States is not among the highest-rated nations having an average life
expectancy of only 70 – 74 years.
Compared to other mammals humans have a relatively long life span. The average life span of
elephants is 70 years of dogs 18 years of cats 14 years and of horses 20 years. The life spans of
other species are as follows eagles parrots and owls 60 years parakeets 12 years guppies 5 years
and box tortoises 100 years. Some plants such as trees live much longer than animals. Redwood
trees for example live more than 3,000 years and bristlecone pine trees can live over 4,000 years.
Also olive trees can live very long.
The life expectancy of people who live in industrialised societies is increasing rapidly in fact
it has doubled in the past one hundred years. When comparing males and females one finds that
women generally live longer than men. The oldest person until recently was a French woman
Jeanne Calment. At her death Madame Calment was both blind and deaf but had not lost her
sharp wit for which she had become quite famous. Asked what kind of future she expected she
replied that a very short one. Bragging about her smooth skin she said that she had had only one
wrinkle in her life and she was sitting on it.