Sep 14 2015 - STOM - Science Teachers of Missouri

Science Matters in Missouri - Network News
September 14, 2015
(formerly Building a Presence for Science in Missouri)
A Service of Science Teachers of Missouri
Science Matters is an initiative of the National Science Teachers Association promoting quality science education,
through the sharing of information, resources, and professional development opportunities. Each state has a
Science Matters Coordinator whose primary role is to be the point of contact for distribution of science resources
and opportunities to the state network. The Missouri state Science Matters coordinator, Linda Lacy, publishes the
STOM Science Matters eBLAST monthly.
Please share this eBLAST with every educator responsible for science education in your building or
district. The goal is to ensure all classroom teachers are “in the know” regarding tips, tools, and opportunities
that may support efforts to increase student engagement and achievement in science.
To ensure receipt, update your personal email listed on your member profile at the STOM website. Because school
emails often change and block emails with attachments or from organization listservs, we recommend you switch
to a personal email.
If you or your organization has a resource, professional development opportunity, competition, grant, or other
information that will benefit science educators and their students, please share it with Linda Lacy, STOM
Executive Secretary at
STOM is currently offering FREE MEMBERSHIPS to teachers! This limited-time offer will provide
you with a STOM membership through Dec 31, 2015!
Visit the Membership Page and click on the link to "Register/Renew Online" to register.
In This Issue (scroll down to find details of each, or download the document at
Previous issues are archived on the STOM website and include other relevant resources and
opportunities for summer.
pp4-5 STOM News and Opportunities
 Congratulations to STOM Member, Kathleen Dwyer, who received the Presidential
Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
 Congratulations to 2015 MO PAEMST Finalists: Autumn Palmer, Carol Robertson,
Jennifer Szydlowski, Tonyaleea Sharp
 Congratulations to 2015-2016 MO Teacher of the Year Finalist – Melissa Nussbaum
 Nominations/Applications for STOM Awards Honoring Excellence in Science
Teaching – Submission Deadline Oct 15
Save the Dates:
NSTA Conference – Kansas City – Dec 3-5, 2015
STOM-Members Only Events!
Link to STOM Upcoming Events and Calendar
pp6-7 DESE News:
• HB 1490 - Science Standards Workgroup Updates
• Proposed Draft Standards
• Science MAP Item Benchmark Data available early Oct
NGSS News:
NEW Evidence Statements for Grades K-8
NGSS: Where are We and What Have We Learned?
STEM Teaching Tools – Self-Designed Investigations
Find, Watch, and Share NGSS Videos from NSTA
pp8-9 Missouri Opportunities and Resources for Teachers and/or Students
 MIZZOU EdCAmp – Sept 12
 Science Pioneers ScienceWise Kickoff – Sept 24
 Where the Wild Rivers Meet – MO Environmental Education & Green Schools
Conference – Oct 10
 International STEM Ed Assn Expo in Branson – Oct 11-13
 Science Pioneers Teacher Courses – Oct 15- March 12
 2015 MO STEM Summit – Nov 4-5
pp10-16 National Contests, Competitions, and Grants for Teachers/Students
 Opportunity for middle grades life science teachers – participate in SimScientists
Assessments – Deadline Sept 18
 Siemens: Competition in Math, Science, and Technology – Sept 22 deadline
 Opportunity for HS students interested in STEM – Deadline Sept 30
 Toshiba America Foundation – Deadlines Oct 1, Feb 1, rolling
 Save the Frogs Art Contest – Submission Deadline Oct 1
 SaveonEnergy grants – Deadline Oct 9
 Keep America Beautiful Recycle-Bowl School Competition – Registration Deadline Oct
 Electric Utility Scholarship Opportunity for HS Senior, Grad, or College Grad – Deadline
Oct 15
 Earth Science Week 2015 Contests – Deadlines Oct 16
 2016 Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy – Deadline Oct 31
 American Honda Foundation – Deadline Nov 1
 Coleopterists Society Youth Incentive Award – Deadline Nov 1
 Intel Science Talent Search Application – Step One Deadline Nov 4
 eCYBERMISSION – Registration Deadline Nov 11
 Verizon Innovative App Challenge – Submission Deadline Nov 24
 NSTA Teacher Awards – Deadline Nov 30
 Angela Award for Female Student in grades 5-8 – Deadline Nov 30
 $20,000 for your science lab – deadline December 16
 Bright Schools Competition – Submission Deadline Jan 29
 Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision – Deadline Feb 1
 BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge – Registration Deadline Feb 4
TOMODACHI Toshiba Science & Technology Leadership Academy – Deadline May 4
pp16-22 FREE Learning Resources
 Every Kid in a Park - Opportunity for Every 4th Grader!
 American Assn of Chemistry Teachers has classroom/lab safety resources
 NAE Launches New Website to Support Implementation of PreK-12 Engineering
 Free Afterschool Engineering Units for Grades 6-8
 BMX STEM After School Program
 Science and Engineering Units from Boeing
 Classroom-Ready STEM Lessons: Road Trip Engineering, Elves & More
 50 Favorite Classroom Apps
 Poetic Table of the Elements
 National Climate Game Jam – Oct 2-4
 Celebrate World Space Week 2015 – Oct 4-10
 White House Astronomy Night – Oct 19
 Physiology Understanding (PhUn Week) – Nov 2-8
 NOAA Issues Updated Education Plan
 NOAA Needs your input for new resources
 NASA Resources
 “Where Over the World is Astronaut Scott Kelly?” Geography from Space Trivia Contest
 Space Shuttle Thermal Protective Tiles Available for Educational Use
 Lab Out Loud Picks the Brains Behind Good Thinking! From @SmitonianScie
 New Original Web Series: Good Thinking! From the Smithsonian Science Education
 Take a Peek at these Freebies: NOVA, Pluto Flyby, Grant Writing Tips
 Engage Kids in Citizen Science: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Gorongosa, List of Citizen
Science Activities
 New Science and Informational Text Resources: ReadWorks, Newsela
pp22-24 Teacher Learning/PD Opportunities beyond MO:
 NSTA Web Seminars: 90-Minute Career Boosters
 International Conference at the Institute of Environmental Sustainability – Oct 3
 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program – Deadline Nov 4
 Middle School Life Science Teachers Needed for Field Testing Opportunities
 Considering the Next Level of Science Leadership/Involvement
Pilot NGSS Curriculum designed by The Learning Design Group at UC Berkeley’s
Lawrence Hall of Science
The Educational Gaming Environments group (EdG) at TERC and NewKnowledge invite
you to participate in an NSF-funded survey
American Museum of Natural History - Fall Online Grad Courses
Learn about Climate Change and Receive a $500 Stipend
NAP Report titled Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science
NRC Releases Report on STEM Programs in Out-of-School Settings
AAAS Online Cognitive Interview Study of High School Students
STOM NEWS and Opportunities
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
The White House announced the Missouri Presidential Awards for
Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
Awardee. Congratulations to STOM member, Kathleen
Dwyer, Maplewood, MO High School Science Teacher!
President Obama honored Kathleen at the White House in July. Learn more
about Kathleen’s accomplishments in the July eBLAST.
The 2015 PAEMST Missouri Finalists were announced this July. CONGRATULATIONS to:
 Autumn Palmer Carthage High school, Carthage R-IX
 Carol Robertson Fulton High School, Fulton 58
 Jennifer Szydlowski, Jefferson Middle School, Columbia 93
 Tonyaleea Sharp, Spring Garden Middle School, St Joseph
More information about the PAEMST program and Kathleen’s honor can be found at:
Missouri Teacher of the Year Finalist
Congratulations go to STOM member, Melissa Nussbaum, 7th grade science teacher at Truman
Middle School, St. Louis, Lindbergh Schools!
Melissa is one of 6 finalists for the 2015-16 Missouri Teacher of the Year award.
Nominations for the award were submitted by school districts throughout the state, and
finalists were chosen by a selection committee appointed by the Department.
The selection committee, made up of teachers, business leaders and education organization
leaders, will choose the Missouri Teacher of the Year following interviews with each finalist on
September 14. The winner and the finalists will be honored by DESE at a banquet October
26 in Jefferson City. The new Missouri Teacher of the Year will serve as the state’s nominee for
the National Teacher of the Year competition.
Nominations/Applications for STOM Awards for
Excellence in Science Teaching – Submission Deadline – Oct 15
Time to Honor Excellence in Science Teaching!
Science Teachers of Missouri annually awards seven awards for
excellence in science teaching:
3 Excellence in Science Teaching Awards: This award honors a teacher with at least 3
years of experience at each of the elementary, middle, and high school levels. It is
designed to recognize a STOM member who goes above and beyond in the science
classroom. The application packet is to be completed by the nominee.
3 Beginning Science Teacher Awards: This award honors a teacher in their first three
years of teaching at each of the elementary, middle, and high school levels. It is also
designed to recognize a STOM member who goes above and beyond in the science
classroom. The application packet is to be completed by the nominator.
1 Pre-Service Science Teacher Recognition Award: This award is designed to
recognize a pre-service teacher who goes above and beyond during their student
teaching/internship experience. Pre-service teachers are to be nominated by either their
cooperating teacher or university/college supervisor. The application packet is to be
completed by the nominator.
Awards consist of a cash prize and/or complementary materials from science vendors, as well
as complementary Early-Bird registration to the NSTA Regional Conference in Kansas City,
Missouri. Awardees will be honored at a reception occurring during the NSTA Conference.
To download a nomination/application form for each award, and to read details of the award,
eligibility, the nomination/application process, and submission requirements, click on: - awards
Completed nominations/applications must be received by end-of-day October 15, 2015.
Questions? Please visit our website at or e-mail
STOM is currently seeking candidates for election to the following board positions.
All of these positions are critical to the success of STOM. If you are interested in becoming
involved with STOM, these positions are a great place to start. Becoming a state leader opens
many doors of opportunity for educators. Take a shot; throw your hat in the ring and come and
join the dynamic group of Science Teachers of Missouri.
Please nominate a STOM member* (including yourself) for the following STOM Board
 Rural Director
 Suburban Director
 Urban Director
 Middle Level Director
 Informal Science Education Director
*Only Active, Life, or Student STOM members whose current employment is directly related to
the district or division are eligible for nomination for that directorship.
Each directorship is for a 3-year term beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December
31, 2018.
To read the roles and responsibilities of each position and to download a nomination form,
click on:
Nomination forms should be emailed to no later than October 30, 2015.
STOM members qualify for discounted registration!
Special ticketed events for STOM Members ONLY are tentatively scheduled:
o Thursday Lunch - STOM members only - sponsored by CEngage (National Geographic)
o Thursday Night - STOM awards reception - sponsored by CPO and Frey
o Friday Afternoon Ice Cream Social for Pre-Service Teachers
o Friday Night Social Event - sponsored by MacMillan McGraw Hill
o Saturday “Meet Your STOM Leadership” Breakfast
Check out other Upcoming Events and the calendar of events at
HB 1490 – Science Standards Workgroup Updates
Video Recordings of the July Science Work Group sessions are now posted for viewing.
Proposed Draft Standards:
The Work Groups closed Surveys Sept 9 that sought feedback on the proposed standards.
Copies of the proposed standards can be found under Suggested Resources on the STOM
website homepage:
Final versions are to be presented to the State Board of Education in October.
Find out more in the DESE blog: “What’s Up with Missouri Learning Standards?” at
Science MAP Item Benchmark Data
IBD reports will be available for review early October, after the release of District APR.
NGSS NEWS (Latest Resources for districts considering or transitioning
to NGSS):
NEW Evidence Statements for Grades K-8
The NGSS Evidence Statements for elementary grades (K-5) and middle grades (6-8) are now
available. These statements were developed and reviewed by educators and scientists,
including many members of the NGSS writing team. The evidence statements are intended to
identify clear, measurable components that, if collectively met, fully satisfy each performance
expectation (PE) described within the NGSS. For more information, see the Introduction and
Overview, which applies to the evidence statements for all grade levels. Additional materials,
including appendices for K-2, 3-5, and middle school are coming soon.
NGSS: Where are We and What Have We Learned?
Get the latest update on NGSS implementation from Achieve's Stephen Pruitt in the summer
issues of all four NSTA journals. You will not want to miss his top 10 list of things he has
learned this past year, including #4 "If you can eat it, it's probably not a model." His
article launches a special year-long NGSS series that will go to NSTA members each month.
STEM Teaching Tools – Self-Designed Investigations
Curious about how to get students engaged in planning self-designed investigations? Check out
STEM Teaching Tools Practice Brief 19 on reasons to have students engaged in these types of
investigations at
Find, Watch, and Share NGSS Videos from NSTA
What better way to learn about the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) then to see them
in action in the classroom. Check out the growing collection of videos on the NGSS@NSTA Hub,
where you will learn more about the shifts of the NGSS and strategies for
implementing NGSS concepts in the classroom.
Be sure to view this archived video: How to Use the NGSS Classroom Sample Tasks
Missouri Opportunities and Resources for Teachers and/or Students
MIZZOU EdCamp Sept12 8:00am - 3:30pm
Find Your Voice. Develop 21st Century Skills. Become a Leader. Power the Knowledge.
Location: University of Missouri-Columbia
For more information, visit MIZZOUEDCAMP.WEEBLY.COM or search Twitter Hashtag
Science Pioneers ScienceWise Kickoff - Thursday, September 24, 2015
4:30-8:30 pm | Kauffman Foundation | Kansas City MO
Building a Better Notebook One Fold at a Time
In this fun, fast-paced workshop, learn how to use Dinah Zike's Foldables® - interactive,
research-based, hands-on graphic organizers - to revolutionize the way you teach and the way
your students study regardless of your content area. Includes light dinner and door prizes!
All for only $30! Limited to the first 200 to register! Register HERE today!
Saturday October 10, The College School, St. Louis
KEYNOTE ADDRESS - Jeff Barrow, Director of Missouri River Relief : "Day on the River"
The “Day on the River” is an outdoor, experience-based program to teach students how they
are connected to rivers—what the river gives them and what they give back to the river. The
“Day on the River” is an educational field trip beginning with riverside presentations about the
biological, geological and commercial aspects of the river, including a history of the river and
its local component. The students then go out in boats on the river to clean up trash that has
washed up on the shores and islands. This experience reinforces the lessons learned at the
presentations and provides an opportunity to work together in small groups to make an
immediate and visible difference in their community. The “service learning” clean-up provides
instant results and builds teamwork. It is incredibly rewarding and fun, too.
Plus! Interactive presentations on water-related education, outdoor classrooms, reaching
diverse audiences, biodiversity, extinction, planning curriculum and more. This year's
conference at The College School in St. Louis also features special presentations and guided
tours of the school by staff and students. We will also have table talks and posters, a 2015
edition of our popular Enviro-Quiz Fundraiser, and new this year, the EE SLAM, were folks are
invited to give a 3 minute talk on a project, idea or teaching strategy they are working on.
International STEM Ed Assn. Expo in Branson – Oct 11-13 – Branson MO
Early Bird registration deadline – Sept 15.
Learn more about this conference for STEM schools and educators at!conference/c1pna.
Science Pioneers Teacher Courses
For more information and to register online for the courses visit
10.15.15: Aquaponics: Happy Fish, Happy Plants - Grades 6 - 8
11.03.15: GEMS: Math Around the World - Grades 3 - 8
11.07.15: Space Junk - Grades 4 - 8
11.12.15: Physics the NASA Way - Grades 4 - 8
11.14.15: Blocks that Teach: Minecraft for Education - Grades 4 - 8
11.21.15: Adding to Your Technology Toolbox - Grades K - 12
12.10.15: Origami in Science and Engineering - Grades 5 - 9
01.09.16: Instructional Strategies that Measure Up - Grades K - 12
01.14.16: Snap to It! Electricity and Magnetism - Grades 4 - 7
01.26.16: Geo to Go - Grades K - 12
02.04.16: Engaging Engineering Design Challenges - Grades K - 5
02.25.16: Makey Makey 101 - Grades K - 12
03.05.16: Engaging Activities in Life Science - Grades 6 - 10
FREE courses - Teacher Training - Grades K-5
 Oct 10, Dec 1 & 8, Feb 2 & 9, March 12
2015 Missouri STEM Summit – Nov 4-5
Help us improve Missouri’s STEM talent pipeline! The Missouri Mathematics and Science
Coalition will be hosting its 4th bi-annual MO STEM Summit to bring together
leaders and visionaries from business, education, and government to advance the agenda for
innovation in Missouri’s STEM education and policy development.
This event will focus on high-impact programming, systemic change and public / private
partnerships with the emphasis on developing targeted outcomes for the state of Missouri.
The Summit will provide participants with insight into the current state of STEM in Missouri,
the opportunities that exist and the ability to help develop the future pathway for Missouri to
move forward with. Who should attend? All who are effected by STEM areas throughout the
educational and workforce development pipeline. Where will it be held? St. Louis MO
To register and find out more about the conference, visit:
National Contests, Competitions, and Grants for Teachers/Students
Opportunity for middle grades life science teachers--participate in SimScientists –
Deadline Sept 18
Study of SimScientists Assessments - Middle School Science Teachers Needed!
This is a Great opportunity to earn up to $1,500! The SimScientists Assessment System
research project, with funding from the United States Department of Education, Institute of
Education Sciences, is an assessment development project that aims to use technology to give
students ways to explore and express their science knowledge through computer-based
simulation items.
Participating teachers will receive orientation and training, stipends up to $1,500 for their
involvement in the study, as well as access to simulation-based computer formative
In order to participate, middle school science teachers must teach Cells, Ecosystems, and
Human Body Systems units during the 2015-16 school year. You may either teach Ecosystems
OR conduct a substantial review of at least 5 days. If you’ve already started teaching one of
these units, you need read no further. Please see the attachment that follows for more
information on these units.
If you are interested in participating, please complete an online survey at:
To learn more about this project, please email Melissa Essinger, For the
best chance of participating, please complete the survey by Friday, September 18, 2015.
Siemens: Competition in Math, Science, and Technology – Deadline Sept 22
The Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology fosters intensive research that
improves students' understanding of the value of scientific study and informs their
consideration of future careers in these disciplines. Maximum award: $100,000 college
scholarship. Eligibility: students must enrolled in high school (grades 9-12) during the 201516 school year, individually or as a team. More information.
Opportunity for HS students who are interested in STEM subjects – Deadline Sept 30
The Goethe-Institut invites applications from high school students 16-18 years old to
participate in an educational trip to Germany this fall. 12 students will be traveling to Berlin,
Braunschweig and Cologne, meet their German peers, experience German culture and visit a
number of research institutions. You will find details, the program for the trip and the
application form at
Students do not have to speak German, they just have to be interested in science and have
participated in a research project. The deadline for completed applications is September 30,
Toshiba America Foundation – Deadline Oct 1, Rolling
 Grades 6-12 Teachers: Under $5,000 - Rolling deadline,
o For grants over $5,000 – Feb 1 deadline
Inquiry based projects designed by teachers and teacher teams for use in the classroom. For
 Grades K-5 Teachers: $1,000. October 1 deadline
An innovative hands-on project in their classroom:
Save the Frogs Art Contest – Submission Deadline Oct 1
One-third of the world’s amphibian species are threatened with extinction, and up to 200 frog
species have completely disappeared since 1979, making frogs the most threatened group of
animals on the planet! The goal of this contest is to spread awareness of frog extinctions, and
create cool frog art that can be used to raise money for SAVE THE FROGS!
conservation efforts. First Place $100.00 Cash Prize and Free Membership, Prizes for 2nd and
3rd Place, and Honorable Mentions. All other contest info is available at:
SaveonEnergy Teacher Contest – Deadline Oct 9
Interested in winning $500 for your classroom?® is looking for the best
lesson plans for teaching students about energy or sustainability. We teach consumers of all
ages about the many aspects of energy in our Learning Center through blog posts, videos and
infographics. Plus, our Nico the Ninja guides help teach kids about electrical safety and energy
savings. Now it's your turn to create a lesson plan that can help kids learn about energy.
Lesson plans may vary in scope and topic but all lessons must:
Encompass energy and/or sustainability knowledge.
Be appropriate for a grade level from kindergarten through eighth grade.
Include goals and how you plan to measure students’ understanding.
Include a fully detailed description of the lesson plan, handouts, etc., including a list of
all materials needed.
Use information found on (including Kids Learning Center, blog
posts, state pages, etc.).
Be created by one teacher without use of existing prepared educational materials
outside of those available on
Encourage student development through participation opportunities.
Upon receiving $500, winners must teach their lesson plan and then submit the lesson plan
(with any notes or adjustments based on experience) along with photographs to appear on's Kids Learning Center. Photographs should not include the faces of any
students. will award six $500 grants, in the form of Visa Reward Cards, to be used
toward classroom materials and activities. Winners' lesson plans will be featured on for other teachers to use as resources for their classrooms.
Prizes will be awarded to current teachers who submit energy-related lesson plans. Winnings
must be used toward the materials needed to successfully teach the lesson plan and provide
new educational materials to students to enhance the quality of learning.
Find more information on the winner selection and contest guidelines here.
Keep America Beautiful Recycle-Bowl School Competition – Registration Deadline
Oct 13
Recycling is the easiest and most effective thing that ANYONE can do to protect natural
resources, conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. Recycling also creates jobs and
stimulates our economy. And, friendly competition is a proven way to motivate young people
toward adopting sustainable behaviors. Many schools have been slow to embrace recycling.
Through Recycle-Bowl, we hope to galvanize recycling in elementary, middle and high schools
across America. Recycle-Bowl is a free competition and benchmarking tool for K-12 school
recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities. To learn more and to register, visit
Electric Utility Scholarship Opportunity for HS Senior, Graduate, or College Graduate
– Deadline Oct 15
Sponsor: American Public Power Association (APPA) Demonstration of Energy-Efficient
Developments (DEED)
Scholarships are worth $2,000 each and are paid directly to student's university.
Applicant must be a high school senior, high school graduate, or college undergraduate.
Applicant must be a full-time student accepted or enrolled in a vocational school, or accredited
college or university to be eligible to apply. Applicant must be attending school in a country
with at least one DEED member. A student may not have more than one DEED scholarship at a
time. Applicant must be pursuing or planning to pursue a certificate of degree that could lead
to a career at an electric utility. Priority will be given to students pursuing degrees or
certificates in areas that are in short supply and high demand in the public power industry.
Learn more at Educational Scholarships
Earth Science Week 2015 Contests – Deadline for all 3 contests Oct 16
The American Geosciences Institute is sponsoring a series of contests to celebrate Earth
Science Week 2015. This year's celebration takes place Oct. 11-17, 2015.
Earth Science Week 2015 Photography Contest -- Open to All Ages
Geoscientists study our planet’s geosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere
(air), and biosphere (living things). These spheres -- or Earth systems -- continually
affect and influence one another. With a camera, you can capture evidence of the
dynamic impact of change processes in your home, neighborhood, school, workplace or
local public spaces. In a photo, show at least one Earth system affecting another Earth
system in your community.
Earth Science Week 2015 Visual Arts Contest -- Open to Students in Grades K-5
Earth science is the study of Earth systems -- land, water, air and living things. Scientists
pay special attention to the ways these things affect each other, such as the way wind
shapes the landscape or falling rain nourishes plants. Use artwork to show how land,
water, air and living things interact in the world around you.
Earth Science Week 2015 Essay Contest -- Open to Students in Grades 6-9
Since the earliest hand-drawn maps and diagrams, “visualization” has been an
important way of explaining and understanding the interactions of land, water, air and
living things. Earth scientists today use more sophisticated technology to monitor and
represent these Earth systems -- the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere. In an original essay no more than 300 words in length, explain one way that
geoscientists’ use of cutting-edge visualization is advancing Earth science today.
Apply for the 2016 Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy – Deadline Oct 31
The school year has only just begun, but if you're a third- to fifth-grade teacher, it's not too
early to think about your summer plans! The Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy, a
partnership among professional golfer Phil Mickelson, ExxonMobil, NSTA, and Math Solutions,
will take place at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey, in July 2016.
Applications are currently being accepted! This unique program equips them with new ways to
inspire their students in math and science. For more information and to apply to the
Academy—or nominate a fellow teacher—go to
American Honda Foundation – Deadlines May 1, August 1, November 1
Grants are $20,000 to $75,000 over a one year period. For 501 (c) (3) organizations, schools
listed by the U.S. DoE National Center for Education Statistics. Finances must be audited if over
$500,000 or reviewed by a CPA if under $500,000. Priorities: youth education, in science,
technology, engineering, mathematics, the environment, job training and
Coleopterists Society Youth Incentive Award – Deadline Nov 1
The Coleopterists Society, an international organization of professionals and hobbyists
interested in the study of beetles, has established a program to recognize young people
studying beetles. The Society has pledged to provide up to $300 each year for the Youth
Incentive Award Program. Each of the two awards (Junior and Senior) is a monetary grant of
$150, award recipients also will receive up to $200 (Junior Award) and $400 (Senior Award)
of equipment credit from the BioQuip Products catalog, In addition to monetary and BioQuip
grants, award recipients will receive a one year subscription to the society journal, The
Coleopterists Bulletin. This is for children of grades 7-12 only.
The selection committee invites proposals for topics such as field collecting trips to conduct
beetle species inventories or diversity studies, attending workshops or visiting entomology or
natural history museums for special training and projects on beetles, studying aspects of
beetle biology, etc. The proposed activities or projects will be evaluated on their degree of
creativity, educational benefit to the applicant, scientific merit, feasibility and budgetary
planning. This Award is for proposals by individuals only. Each applicant is strongly
encouraged to find an adult advisor (teacher, youth group leader, parent, etc.) to provide
guidance in proposal development, but the proposal MUST be written by the applicant.
Additional details and application forms for The Coleopterists Society Youth Incentive
Award Program can be obtained from: Dr. David G. Furth; Entomology, NHB, MRC 165; P.O.
Box 37012; Smithsonian Institution; Washington, D. C. 20013-7012 (phone: 202-633-0990,
FAX: 202-786-2894, email: Also check The Coleopterists Society WebPage:
Applications for this year must be submitted by 1 November 2015.
Intel Science Talent Search Application Now Open – Step One Deadline Nov 4
The application for the Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS) 2016 is now open. Students who
have completed individual, independent science research could be eligible to compete for up to
$150,000 in awards! To learn more about Intel STS, visit
eCYBERMISSION – Registration Deadline Nov 11
eCYBERMISSION—one of the U.S. Army's Educational Outreach Programs (AEOP)—is a free,
web-based STEM competition for students in grades 6 through 9. eCYBERMISSION challenges
students to think about real-world applications of STEM by working in teams to identify a
problem in their community and use scientific practices or the engineering design process to
develop a solution. Students compete for state, regional, and national awards, with potential
winnings of up to $9,000 (maturity value) in U.S. Savings Bonds. Learn more
Verizon Innovative App Challenge – Submission Deadline Nov 24
The Verizon Innovative App Challenge is an exciting, creative and collaborative competition
that offers $20,000 grants for winning middle schools and high schools and Samsung Galaxy
Tabs for students on the winning teams. Designed to ignite students' interest in science,
technology, engineering and math (STEM), the Challenge shows students exciting new
possibilities for their futures, opening doors they may never have known were there.
Registration will open August 4.
NSTA Teacher Awards: Deadline Nov 30 (Shell Science Teaching Award due Nov 15)
NSTA has issued a call for entries for its 2015–2016 awards program, which recognizes exceptional
and innovative science educators. NSTA Awards and Recognitions were created to raise awareness of
and gain exposure for the outstanding work being done in the science education field. More than a
dozen awards are available, recognizing educators in varied science fields and at every career level.
All entries must be received by 11:59 PM ET on November 30, via online submission, with the
exception of the Shell Science Teaching Award, for which applications must be completed
by November 18. No entry fees are required for NSTA Teacher Awards. Apply or Nominate a Great
Science Educator today!
 DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award
 Faraday Science Communicator Award
 Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers
 Ron Mardigian Memorial Biotechnology Explorer Award
 Northrop Grumman Foundation Excellence in Engineering Education Award
 PASCO STEM Educator Awards
 Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award
 SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment Outstanding Environmental Educator of the Year
 Shell Science Teaching Award – Deadline Nov 15
Shell Urban Science Educators Development Award
Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teachers
Vernier Technology Awards
Wendell G. Mohling Outstanding Aerospace Educator Award
Angela Award – Deadline Nov 30
This award honors one female student in grades 5–8, who is involved in or has a strong
connection to science. The award has been established in honor of Gerry Wheeler, Executive
Director Emeritus, and his outstanding dedication to NSTA and lifelong commitment to science
education. Eligibility: Any female student in grades 5–8 who is a resident of the United States,
US Territories, or Canada, and is enrolled in full time public, private, or home school. NSTA
employees, NSTA Board and Council members, award judges, and their immediate families are
NOT eligible to apply. Award: $1,000 US EE Savings Bond or Canadian Savings Bond purchased
for the equivalent issue price. The awardee will be honored at the Teacher Awards Banquet at
NSTA's National Conference. Award details
$20,000 for your science lab – deadline Dec 16
Are you a science teacher in grades 6-12 succeeding in providing exemplary lab instruction
with minimal equipment and resources? The Shell Science Lab Challenge offers you a chance to
compete to win a school science lab makeover, valued at $20,000, by sharing your creative
approach. Middle and high school science teachers (grades 6-12) in the United States and
Canada who have found innovative ways to deliver quality lab experiences with limited school
and laboratory resources and teach underserved populations are encouraged to apply! The
deadline for submissions is December 16, 2015. Do visit the website for more information
The 2015-16 SSLC application is on the website at
Bright School’s Competition – Submission Deadline Jan 29
The goal of the competition is to create a learning experience that will help middle school
students, parents and teachers better understand the link between light, sleep and student
health and performance. The mission of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) is to improve
health and well-being through sleep education and advocacy. With the help of NSTA, the
competition will also give students the opportunity to receive a positive and enduring Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) experience.
All students receive an entry certificate to acknowledge their hard work in the competition.
For First Place, each student receives a cash prize of $5,000; Second Place, each student on the
winning team receives a cash prize of $2,500; and Third Place, each student on the winning
team receives a cash prize of $1,500. For Teachers, the First Place Team earns a technology
package (up to $1000 value), all-expense paid trip to one NSTA conference and one year
membership to NSTA (total value: $3000); Second Place Team earns all-expense paid trip to
one NSTA conference and a one-year membership to NSTA (total value: up to $2,100); and
Third Place Team – one-year membership to NSTA and a gift certificate to the NSTA store
(total value: up to $500).
Register and Learn More at:
Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision - Deadline Feb 1
The ExploraVision K–12 competition, which supports learning called for in the Next Generation
Science Standards, challenges students in the U.S. and Canada to research a technology of
interest and explore what that technology could be like 20 years from now. Up to $240,000 in
savings bonds (at maturity) are awarded annually to student winners for the most innovative
ideas that combine imagination with the tools of science. Winning schools, students, and
teachers capture additional prizes—including computers and an expenses-paid awards trip to
the nation's capital for the first- and second-place winning students (and their parents or
guardians), coach and mentor—in this team- and project-based learning
competition. Learn more
Join the U.S. Department of Energy BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge –
Registration Deadline Feb 4, Submissions Due March 4, 2016
innovative teachers—Are you looking for a real-world challenge for your students? Are you
interested in helping advance America's clean energy future? Do you want to integrate
technology and social media into your curriculum? If you answered yes to any of these
questions, then join the U.S. Department of Energy BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge,
where 9th- through 12th-grade student teams use technology to learn about bioenergy!
In this challenge, student teams research, interpret, and then design an infographic that
responds to a bioenergy topic. Selected infographics are promoted nationally on
the BioenergizeME Infographic Challenge Map and via the national BioenergizeME social
media campaign.
All of the tools necessary to integrate this challenge into your curriculum or offer it as an afterschool activity are provided.. For more information, visit the website or download the
BioenergizeME Toolkit!
The TOMODACHI Toshiba Science & Technology Leadership Academy –Deadline
May 4
The TOMODACHI Toshiba Science & Technology Leadership Academy is an annual one-week,
cross-cultural science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) exchange and leadership
program for 16 high school students and eight teachers from Japan and the U.S. Next August,
program participants from both countries will work together in Tokyo to develop a disasterresilient, smart community of the future. With counsel from Toshiba engineers and a visit to
the Toshiba Smart Community building, the students and teachers will work in teams to
develop proposed solutions to these problems using learning experiences that are central to
the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the engineering design process. Learn more
FREE Learning Resources
Every Kid in a Park for Every 4th Grader!
To help engage and create the next generation of National Park support, the Department of the
Interior is kicking off the Every Kid in a Park initiative. Each 4th grader in the country will be
able to obtain a free access pass to national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges
and more. Many new families will be introduced to the park system since the entire car of
people will be admitted free. Find out more at:
The American Association of Chemistry Teachers has a variety of resources to help
with classroom/lab safety.
To learn more, go to
NAE Launches New Website to Support Implementation of PreK-12 Engineering
The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has launched a new website, LinkEngineering
(, intended to help PreK-12 educators in the United States
implement engineering education in classrooms and out-of-school settings. The NAE project,
funded by Chevron, is motivated by the increasing prevalence of PreK-12 engineering
education in the United States, and increase expectations for science teachers to connect
science learning with engineering design created by the Next Generation Science Standards.
Free Afterschool Engineering Units for Grades 6 - 8
Check out two new units from Engineering Everywhere (EE), their middle school afterschool
curriculum. “It’s About Time” poses a mechanical engineering challenge: Design your own
timekeeping device. “Plants to Plastics” is a chemical engineering challenge: Make plastic from
eco-friendly plant-based materials. Each unit starts with a short video that sets a context for
the activities. “Plants to Plastics” takes viewers on a virtual visit to Metabolix, a company that
makes bioplastics. “It’s About Time” tours the Electric Time Company, which engineers large
clocks for public spaces. “The new units were a lot of fun to make, and a real team effort,” says
curriculum developer Owen Berliner. Like all our afterschool units, they’re available as free
downloads on the project website at:
BMX STEM After School Program
USA BMX, the governing body of bicycle motocross racing in North America, is offering a first
of its kind after school curriculum combining Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with
BMX Bikes. The program also includes a physical fitness element, and the kids take away a
BMX bike, helmet, and much more. No other Olympic sport offers an officially sanctioned after
school program in the United States. Learn more at
Science and Engineering Units from Boeing
Get a sneak peek at the first in a series of science and engineering units developed
collaboratively by Boeing engineers and educators called Science and Innovation: Polymers for
the Planet. Watch the video and download the module at:
Classroom-Ready STEM Lessons: Road Trip Engineering, Elves, & More!
For Free K-12 Engineering lessons and activities, plus teacher resources! Go to:
50 Favorite Classroom Apps
Teacher Recommended: 50 Favorite Classroom Apps—check out this recent article from one
of our favorite education blogs Mind/Shift. You'll discover 50 apps that teachers around the
country are using to inspire learning. To find out more go to
Poetic Table of the Elements
National Climate Game Jam – Oct 2-4
Audience: K-12 students, Informal and Pre-Service Educators, Public
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is announcing a national climate game
jam October 2-4, 2015 that will be held in multiple sites around the country. This event offers a
unique opportunity for educators, students, scientists, game designers, and interested public
members to work together on the development of climate game jam prototypes that span a
range of platforms, topics, and audiences.
In December 2014, the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) launched a
Climate Education and Literacy Initiative to help connect American students and citizens with
the best-available science-based information about climate change. Federal and nongovernmental experts are collaborating to harness the promise of educational games and
interactive media to enhance understanding and awareness of climate change impacts and
The Climate Game Jam will encourage the creation of new game prototypes that allow players
to learn about climate change and resilience through science-based interactive
experience. Promising prototypes will be made available for teachers and students to use in
the classroom and for life-long learners to use in science centers or at home. Selected
prototypes will be offered an opportunity to be highlighted at a climate game showcase in
At the present time, we are recruiting host sites for the game jam around the country. Each
site can establish limits to hours and audience. More information about the responsibilities of
a site can be found at A Friday night (October 2) kick-off event will
feature Ken Eklund, a well-known game designer, via webcast.
For more information, go to
If you are interested in hosting a local site:
Questions about this event should be directed to Peg Steffen at
Celebrate World Space Week 2015 – Oct 4-10
Join educators and space enthusiasts around the world to celebrate World Space Week, Oct. 410, 2015. This international event commemorates the beginning of the Space Age with the
launch of Sputnik 1 on Oct. 4, 1957.
World Space Week is the largest public space event in the world, with celebrations in more
than 60 nations. During World Space Week, teachers are encouraged to use space-themed
To learn more about World Space Week, search for events in your area, and find educational
materials, visit
White House Astronomy Night – Oct 19
The White House is hosting another Astronomy Night on October 19th and you are encouraged
to do something to celebrate! Last week, the Office of Science and Technology Policy
announced that the White House will host an Astronomy Night on October 19, 2015. In
addition to inviting students and educators to the South Lawn of the White House to stargaze
and participate in other hands-on activities, the event will be an opportunity to recognize
progress in expanding access to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
education and to highlight inspiring technology and innovation developments within the
broader space industry. In conjunction with this event, we are inviting the astronomy, science,
and education communities around the country to join us in making this a nationwide night of
observing. Colleges and universities, museums, planetariums, amateur astronomy clubs, and
other interested groups all have the opportunity to participate by hosting their own observing
nights (or other programs) for their local communities on that same evening.
More information about White House Astronomy Night and information on how to sign up can
be found here:
Email if you have any questions!
Physiology Understanding (PhUn Week) - Nov 2-6
Celebrating 10 years of PhUn! PhUn Week is the leading American Physiology Society’s
outreach program to school classrooms, reaching more than 14,000 K-12 students and
teachers each year. This year PhUn Week is scheduled for November 2-6, but events can
happen throughout November 2015 or the school year. This exciting outreach program
exposes students to the wonders of science and can inspire the next generation of
physiologists. Contact us to partner you with your local APS Member to plan a PhUn
Week event.
For more information, visit the program website at, view multimedia
highlights from last year, and view the Save-the-Date flyer to help prepare and connect with an
APS member. October 1st is the deadline to receive FREE PhUn Week instructional
resources and giveaways for the students!
Questions? Contact Kristine Vowels in the APS Education Office at:
NOAA Issues Updated Education Plan
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has updated its long-range
education plan, which Education Director Louisa Koch says will "better reflect the broad scope
of NOAA Education" while maintaining "focus on a science-informed society and workforce
development, while highlighting our unique role in safety, preparedness, conservation, and
stewardship." Learn more about the NOAA education plan and the rich resources available
through this federal agency.
NOAA Needs your input for new resources
NOAA's Earth Systems Research Laboratory in Boulder, CO. is gathering information about
how climate change is taught across the country as well as the resources teachers need.
Information gathered through a survey will help NOAA determine the types of resources that
should be created for teachers. Those resources will be available for teachers free of charge to
help them teach lessons related to climate change such as carbon cycling, methane emissions,
ocean acidification, etc. Please complete the survey found at the link below. If you add your
contact information to the "comments" section, NOAA will send you the resources at the end of
the summer.
NASA Resources
The latest edition of NASA’s SOFIA Observer (Education and Public Outreach) Newsletter is
available at:
Highlights include:
Mission Update: SOFIA Returned from Six Weeks in New Zealand SOFIA
Science Update: SOFIA in Right Place at Right Time for Pluto Observations
Upgraded Spectromter, UPGREAT, Enhances SOFIA’s capabilities
SOFIA Finds Missing Link Between Supernovae and Planet Formation
SOFIA's First Extrasoalar Planet Observations
Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors - Three educators flew on SOFIA in June.
“Where Over the World is Astronaut Scott Kelly?” Geography from Space Trivia
During his year-long stay on the International Space Station, astronaut Scott Kelly wants to test
your knowledge of the world through a geography trivia game on Twitter. Traveling more than
220 miles above Earth, and at 17,500 miles per hour, he circumnavigates the globe more than a
dozen times a day. This gives Kelly the opportunity to see and photograph various
geographical locations on Earth. In fact, part of his job while in space is to capture images of
Earth for scientific observations.
Follow @StationCDRKelly on Twitter. Each Wednesday, Kelly will tweet a picture and ask the
public to identify the place depicted in the photo. The first person to identify the place
correctly will win an autographed copy of the picture. Kelly plans to continue posting weekly
contest photos until he returns from the space station in March 2016.
For more information, visit:
Space Shuttle Thermal Protective Tiles Available for Educational Use
NASA invites eligible U.S. educational institutions and museums to request space shuttle
thermal protective tiles and other special items offered on a first-come, first-served basis while
quantities last. Organizations previously allocated thermal protective tiles may request an
additional three tiles.
There will be a nominal shipping fee that must be paid online with a credit card. To make a
request for special items online, visit
Questions about this opportunity should be directed to
Lab Out Loud Picks the Brains Behind Good Thinking! From @SmithonianScie
This week on NSTA's Lab Out Loud podcast, hosts Dale Basler and Brian Bartel welcome
Marjee Chmiel (Associate Director of Curriculum and Communications) and Jean Flanagan
(Science Education Research Specialist) from the Smithsonian Science Education Center to
showcase Good Thinking!—a new animated series that explores topics in science, cognition,
and pedagogy. Using peer-reviewed research, Good Thinking! addresses common student
misconceptions with short, animated episodes specifically geared toward science educators.
Listen to Lab Out Loud to learn more and discover a fantastic (and fun!) professional
development resource.
Take a Peek at These Freebies:
Did you know the popular PBS science series NOVA offers five NOVA Labs for Educators—
Energy Lab, Sun Lab, Cloud Lab, RNA Lab, Cybersecurity Lab, and Evolution Lab—with tips for
encouraging students in their teens to conduct their own scientific investigations related to
these topics?
Using the Pluto Flyby as a Teachable Moment, a blog post by a NASA/Jet Propulsion Lab
educational technology specialist, with background on the flyby and links to activities and
And for those of you writing or planning to write grants, check out Education World's Show Me
the Money: Tips and Resources for Successful Grant Writing.
Engage Kids in Citizen Science!
K-12 Programs at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
For teachers, citizen science is a way to motivate and inspire students through
participation in research that is relevant both locally and globally. Students connect to
the natural world as they make observations, collect data, and view their findings within
the broader scope of the project. Jennifer Fee, manager of K-12 Programs at the Cornell
Lab of Ornithology, shares her top five tips for getting students involved in citizen
Citizen Science: Spotlight on Gorongosa
Gorongosa National Park’s researchers deployed motion-activated trail cameras to
discover and catalog animal species in the park. Hundreds of thousands of photos were
collected and now scientists need your help! Join WildCam Gorongosa, an online
citizen science platform, to identify the animals captured in these photos and contribute
to this important research.
Learn more about this and other Teacher Resources from the Howard Hughes Medical
Even More Citizen Science Activities!
Here’s a list of Citizen Science Activities that you can do that are designed to be done at
home with little to no scientific equipment!
New Science and Informational Text Resources
 ReadWorks has a collection of brand new high-quality reading passages for your K-12
students. These informational and literary passages can help your students build
background knowledge and vocabulary and improve their reading
comprehension. Access them at Brand New K-12 Reading Passages
Newsela has Leveled News Articles to help you launch into a successful academic year.
This Back to School Toolkit is a collection of resources to get you started with Newsela.
Find it at:
Teacher Learning/Professional Growth Opportunities beyond MO:
NSTA Web Seminars: 90-Minute Career Boosters
Invest 90 minutes in an NSTA web seminar and take your science-teaching career to a new level.
These peer-led, online professional learning opportunities focus on must-know science education
content and are offered at times that make it possible to learn at your own pace. Sign up now for one
of these web seminars being held in the next few months.
"Chemistry Colors Our World!" - Resources for National Chemistry Week, the Classroom, and
Beyond, September 15
Using the NSTA Learning Center as an Online Textbook for Teaching Science Preservice
Teachers, September 22
International Conference at the Institute of Environmental Sustainability – Oct 3
Loyola University Chicago
Are you an educator or an educational administrator and interested in sustainability? What does
sustainability mean to you? How can you - or do you - connect your subject to sustainability and teach
it in your classroom? Learn from experts and best practice examples about how you can integrate the
topic of sustainability into your curriculum or your school.
For more information and registration:
Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program – Deadline Nov 4
Announcing the launch of the 2016-2017 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching (DA)
Program Online Application for K-12 teachers!
You may be eligible to participate in a unique international professional development
opportunity for 3-6 months through the Fulbright Program! By conducting educational
research abroad, U.S. teachers gain new skills, learn new instructional methods and
assessment methodologies and share best practices with international colleagues and
students. Teachers also have the opportunity to expand their understanding of other cultures
and international education systems that will enrich their U.S. schools and local communities
Eligibility Requirements:
Middle School Life Science Teachers Needed for Field Testing Opportunities
Dr. Dina Markowitz, Professor of Environmental Medicine and Director of Life Sciences
Learning Center at the University of Rochester (NY), is collecting contact information from
middle school science teachers (grades 7-8) who may be interested in field testing hands-on
science activities that we are developing. The Life Sciences Learning Center is currently
working on two projects that will involve field-testing in grade 7-8 classrooms:
 One project is creating activities related to the safe use of over-the-counter (OTC)
 One project is creating activities that use STEM concepts to solve human health issues.
If you are interested in receiving information about field testing opportunities, please
complete this online survey (click on the link or copy/paste it into your web
Considering the Next Level of Science Leadership and Involvement?
Interested in getting more involved with NSTA? Now is the time to begin thinking about
joining a committee or submitting a nomination packet to run for a position. Giving back to the
science education community can be a rewarding and informative experience. Volunteer now
Learn more by viewing the archived web seminar: Leaders for Science Education: Preparing
an Application for the NSTA Board and Council at
Pilot NGSS Curriculum designed by The Learning Design Group at UC Berkeley’s
Lawrence Hall of Science
The Learning Design Group at UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science is excited to announce
that we are currently accepting new participants for 2015-16 elementary and middle school
science curriculum field trials! The Learning Design Group's rich science curriculum, which is
developed in partnership with Amplify Education, is 100% NGSS-designed. It combines handson inquiry, the use of digital tools such as rich simulations, and support for disciplinary literacy
(reading, writing, and talking about science). Teachers receive all materials to teach the units
as well as an incentive for participation. The school must provide technology. Please see for descriptions of the units available for field trial and a
link to an application.
You can contact the field manager at with any questions.
The Educational Gaming Environments group (EdGE) at TERC and NewKnowledge
invite you to participate in an NSF-funded study to measure how free-choice games
can support STEM learning. We’re looking for high school physics and biology teachers
who are planning to teach these subjects in Fall 2015. Don’t let this opportunity (and its
rewards) pass you by! Click on the links below to find out more and apply today.
Application for Physics Teachers
Application for Biology Teachers
*Please note that the applications are separated by subject; if you teach both physics and
biology, please fill out both applications. Questions? Please contact Christina ShaneSimpson at <>
American Museum of Natural History - Fall Online Graduate Courses for Educators –
Jumpstart your lesson plans with Seminars on Science starting September 21, 6-week online
courses developed by the Museum’s world-class scientists and accessible anytime. Contentpacked courses in the life, Earth, and physical sciences include The Brain; Climate Change; The
Diversity of Fishes; Earth: Inside and Out; Evolution; The Ocean System; Space, Time and
Motion; The Solar System; Water and more. The courses are available for graduate credit and
professional development credit. Register by August 24 to save $50. Space is limited.
Fall Session 1: September 21 - November 1 Registration deadline: September 7
Fall Session 2: October 26 - December 6 Registration deadline: October 12
Save $50 when you register by September 28 Enroll now.
Learn About Climate Change and Receive a $500 Stipend
We are looking for 100 science teachers to participate in our Seminars on Science 6-week
online Climate Change course. Each participant will receive a $500 stipend for completing the
online course. Graduate credit is available at several of our partner institutions for an
additional cost. To learn more and to apply, please complete this application or contact us
at Selected participants will be notified on a rolling basis.
NAP Report titled Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science
This recently released report focuses on the integral skills needed to work collaboratively in
groups to accomplish scientific research. One chapter deals with education and professional
development that is encouraged for these science teams. Learn more.
NRC Releases Report on STEM Programs in Out-of-School Settings
The National Research Council (NRC) released a new report last week that identifies key
features of productive STEM programs in out-of-school settings (afterschool, summer, and
informal) and includes guidance on how to evaluate and sustain programs. Read more at:
AAAS Online Cognitive Interview Study of High School Students
Get your students involved in the development of NGSS-aligned assessment items! This summer
and fall, students in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade will have the opportunity to participate in
cognitive interviews about evolution and common ancestry. AAAS Project 2061 will be
conducting the interviews via Skype, and the results will help reveal what students across the
country know about these topics. Let your students become involved in the development of
their educational experience. Learn more.