Description.workshop.revised - Saint Francis de Sales Catholic

"Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person"
2015 Diocesan Catechetical Conference, Saturday, November 14, 2015, Sheraton
Reston, Reston, Virginia
Fr. deLadurantaye is Diocesan Secretary
for Religious Education and the Sacred
Liturgy for the Catholic Diocese of
Arlington. He holds a doctorate in sacred
theology from the John Paul II Institute for
Marriage and Family Studies. Fr.
deLadurantaye is an assistant professor of
theology at the Notre Dame Graduate
School and for the Master Catechist
Training Program. He also serves as a
Judge for the Arlington Diocesan Tribunal
and has written several articles for scholarly
Fr. Scalia is one of nine children born to
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and
his wife, Maureen, parishioners of St.
Catherine of Siena Church in Great Falls.
He attended Langley High School in
McLean and graduated in 1992 from the
College of the Holy Cross in Worchester,
Mass. He applied to the Arlington Diocese
and was accepted to Mount St. Mary’s
Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. After
completing one year of theological studies
at the Mount, Fr. Scalia was sent to Rome
to study at the North American College. He
was ordained a deacon Oct. 5, 1995, in St.
Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and was ordained
a priest for the Arlington Diocese in 1996.
His assignments have included St. James,
Falls Church, St. Patrick’s, Fredericksburg
and St. John the Beloved in McLean. He is
currently Bishop’s Delegate for Priests for
the Diocese of Arlington.
Penance and the Restoration of Our DignitySessions 1 & 2
The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us, “Indeed, the
sacrament of Reconciliation with God brings about a true ‘spiritual
resurrection,’ restoration of the dignity and blessings of the life of
the children of God, of which the most precious is friendship with
God” (#1468). In light of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, this workshop
will present the role of penance in the Christian life, the way in
which sin harms our Christian dignity and how this dignity is
restored in the Sacrament of Penance. The essential elements of
the sacrament will also be examined and some practical helps for
going to Confession will be offered.
O Lord, what is man…?
Sessions 1 & 2
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Catechesis
on creation is of major importance” (CCC 282). Today perhaps
more than ever before there is great confusion about our own
We increasingly do not know who we are or what it means to be
human. Such confusion takes a large toll on both individuals and
society as a whole. This talk will address the foundations of
human and Christian life – What makes us human and how Christ
completes our humanity in the Church.
Salvatore J. Ciresi, founder and director of
the St. Jerome Biblical Guild, served two
tours in the U.S. Marine Corps and is now
employed in the aviation sector. He earned
his M.A. in Theological Studies, with a
Scripture concentration, from
Christendom’s Graduate School, where he
serves on the faculty. His ecclesiastical
activities include past co-host of “Cross
Talk,” a Catholic radio program; a
participant on behalf of the Arlington
Diocese to the 2005 revision to the National
Catechetical Directory; and a contributor to
a formal written intervention for the
Instrumentum Laboris at the 2008 Synod of
Bishops, dedicated to “The Word of God in
the Life and Mission of the Church.” He
has written for several Catholic periodicals,
and publishes Veritas Scripturae: The
Bulletin of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild.
John Knutsen is the Diocesan Coordinator
for Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation.
A cradle Catholic who drifted away from the
Church in his early teens and spent many
years alternating between angry atheism
and worldly indifference, he returned to the
Church in 1998.
He holds a BA in History from the
University of the Pacific, a MLitt in Ancient
History from the University of St. Andrews,
and a MA in Theology from the Dominican
School of Philosophy & Theology in
A Master Catechist, he has been very
active in RCIA and Adult Catechesis at the
parish and diocesan levels for the past ten
years. He lives in Arlington and is married
with one daughter.
Thy Word Is Truth: An Explanation and Defense of the
Reliability of the Gospels
Session 1 & 2
The four canonical Gospels are the key source for the words and
deeds of Jesus Christ. This group of inspired writings, unique yet
complementary, are vital to the deposit of faith entrusted to the
Catholic Church. This topic will equip the catechist to teach the
reasons for the veracity of the Apostolic records. In view of the
interior life, the subject will strengthen one’s trust in the Gospels,
enkindle one’s confidence in Divine Providence, and increase one’s
love for the Holy Bible.
What Does Discipleship Look Like?-
Session 1 only
There is a great deal of talk in the Church today about the
importance of being intentional disciples. But what does that look
like? How can we know that we’re on the path of authentic
discipleship ourselves, and how can we recognize genuine
discipleship in those we teach? Using Scripture and the lives of
the Saints, this session will begin to sketch a portrait of true
Christian discipleship and offer practical ways to avoid burnout
and remain close to Jesus each day.
Be Greedy for Grace in the Jubilee of Mercy: Understanding
Indulgences- Session 2 only
One of the great treasures of our Catholic Faith is the opportunity
to gain indulgences for oneself or the Holy Souls in Purgatory, but
many Catholics are surprised to learn that the Church still
recommends this practice today. With the Jubilee of Mercy just
around the corner, there is no better time to reacquaint yourself
with this powerful practice and bring it into your catechetical
ministry. This session will provide an overview of the theology of
indulgences and the Church’s teaching on Purgatory, examine
some of the controversial history around indulgences, and
highlight some of the many ways we can all be gaining
indulgences virtually every day.
Colette Ellis Lienhard is a native Canadian,
and a convert to Catholicism. She earned
an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Religious
Studies from the University of Western
Ontario in 1997, a Masters in Theology
from the Notre Dame Graduate School of
Christendom College in 1999 and through
the same institution she also received the
Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma
awarded by the Holy See, the highest
recognized diploma in the field of
Catechetics. She is the primary author of
the revisions of their Faith and Life religious
education series (Ignatius Press). Colette is
the Director of the Catholic Education
Center, LLC
( which
focuses on catechist formation. She
continues to create classroom materials
and resources for catechetical instruction.
Sr. Mary Margaret Ann Schlather is a Sister
of Notre Dame from the Chardon, Ohio
Province and the Dean of Catechetical
Programs for CDU. Sister is an
experienced elementary school teacher and
principal, as well as a Director of Religious
Education and is the author and instructor
of the CDU course: General Catechetics:
Methods and Materials. In addition to being
a CDU instructor for several courses at the
continuing education and undergraduate
levels, Sister also coordinates partnerships
with many Dioceses in the US.
In the School of Mary: Mother, Model and More!
Session 1 only
In Mary we find a model of holiness and virtue. From Mary's
Immaculate Conception to Her Holy Assumption, we find a model
of virtue and witness for all. This session will address what we can
learn from Mary as teachers of the Faith, and how we can follow
her example in our classrooms.
Nurturing the Good News: Five Important C’s for the
Sessions 1 & 2
God plants the seeds of Faith, Catechists nurture that seed not
only by teaching Jesus Christ but also by using strategies and
methods that draw students to love Jesus Christ. This session will
explore various ways that Catechists can be: Christocentric,
Catholic, Creative, Consistent, and Coping.
Delores Nelson is a native Washingtonian.
She has been married for 45 years and is
the mother of 4 adult children and 13
grandchildren. She is a third order
Carmelite with the community of St.
Therese of the Child Jesus in Annandale,
VA. She earned an Honors Bachelor of Arts
in Business Administration from National
University in San Diego, California in 1984
and a Masters in Computer Information
Systems in 1990 from Strayer University.
In recent years she earned a Master of
Science degree in Theology from the Notre
Dame Graduate School of Christendom
College in 2003.
Over the years, she has served in the
catechetical ministry in various capacities
as a Catechist, Youth Minister, and Director
of Religious Education. She served as the
President of the Catechetical Leaders of
the Diocese of Arlington (CLDA) for two
terms and is a facilitator for the Protecting
God’s Children Program for the Diocese of
Prior to entering parish work, she was a
federal employee for more than 20 years.
Nacio el 22 de agosto de 1970 en Zarzal
Valle del Cauca, Colombia, realize parte de
sus estudios filosoficos con los misioneros
de Yarumal y su teologia en la Universidad
Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellin, los
cuales termino en el seminario mayor san
Francisco Xavier de Garaycoa de
Guayaquil Ecuador. En el ano 1995 se
licencio en filosofia con la Universidad
Santo Tomas de Aquino de BogotaColombia. En 1997 fue ordenado sacerdote
para la Arquidiocesis de GuayaquilEcuador. En el 2003 obtuvo una maestria
en educacion religiosa en la Universidad
Pontificia Catolica de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
En el 2005 una maestria en teologia con la
Graduate Theological Foundation en
EE.UU. En el 2008 defendio su tesis
doctoral “justicia social en Gerardo
Valencia Cano” y obtuvo un PhD en
teologia con la Graduate Theological
Foundation de EE.UU.Y en el 2009 hizo un
diplomado en bioetica con la CAEC de
Buenos Aires Argentina.
The Catechist & the Jubilee Year of Mercy
Session 2 only
Focus is to help students prepare for and understand the year of
mercy by:
-Explaining the message of Divine Mercy
-Introducing St. Faustina
-Explaining Divine Mercy Sunday
-Explaining the Image of Divine Mercy
-Helping students to show Mercy
La Catequesis Como Formación en la fe: Una Urgencia Pastoral
Para la Transformacion de la Comunidad
Session 1 only
Nacio el 22 de agosto de 1970 en Zarzal
Valle del Cauca, Colombia, realize parte de
sus estudios filosoficos con los misioneros
de Yarumal y su teologia en la Universidad
Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellin, los
cuales termino en el seminario mayor san
Francisco Xavier de Garaycoa de
Guayaquil Ecuador. En el ano 1995 se
licencio en filosofia con la Universidad
Santo Tomas de Aquino de BogotaColombia. En 1997 fue ordenado sacerdote
para la Arquidiocesis de GuayaquilEcuador. En el 2003 obtuvo una maestria
en educacion religiosa en la Universidad
Pontificia Catolica de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
En el 2005 una maestria en teologia con la
Graduate Theological Foundation en
EE.UU. En el 2008 defendio su tesis
doctoral “justicia social en Gerardo
Valencia Cano” y obtuvo un PhD en
teologia con la Graduate Theological
Foundation de EE.UU.Y en el 2009 hizo un
diplomado en bioetica con la CAEC de
Buenos Aires Argentina.
El Papa Francisco: Los Sujetos de la Evangelizacion y la
Catequesis –
Session 2 only