精算交流 精算通讯第六卷第一期 2007 上海香港---保险精算论坛会议内容 时间:2007 年 8 月 18 至 19 日 地点:华东师范大学理科大楼 A 座 504 多功能厅 Speech 1:Economic Capital and Regulation of Banks and Insurers Speaker: Harry Panjer , Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,University of Waterloo Abstract In many countries, insurers and banks are separately regulated. In some countries, banks and insurers are not allowed to be part of the same conglomerate and share capital. This raises questions about the efficient use of capital and return on equity to shareholders. In this empirical study we view economic capital from a solvency perspective with the focus on downside risk. The key question addressed is “What efficiencies, if any, are gained by allowing banks and insurers of different types to merge an thus share capital” We examine to what degree bank and insure performance have been correlated historically, especially in the downside tail. This case study is based on a selection of banks, life insurers and property-casualty insurers. Speech 2:The Compound Poisson Surplus Model with Interest and Liquid Reserve Speaker: Jun Cai , Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo (A joint work with Runhuan Feng and Gordon E. Willmot) Abstract We modify the classical compound Poisson surplus model by including liquid reserve and interest on an insurer’s surplus. When the surplus is below a fixed level called liquid reserve limit, it is kept as liquid assets, which do not earn interest. As soon as the surplus attains the limit, the surplus in excess of the limit gains interest at a constant rate. The modified model is consistent with the classical compound Poisson risk model if the limit goes to infinity. And it reduces to the compound Poisson risk model with interest when the limit is set to be zero. We shall study ruin probability and other ruin-related quantities in the modified compound Poisson surplus model by means of the Gerber-Shiu function and discuss the impact of interest and liquid reserve on the ruin probability, the deficit at ruin, and other ruin quantities. First, we derive a system of integro-differential equations for the Gerber-Shiu function. By solving the system of equations, we obtain the general solution to the Gerber-Shiu function based on the Volterra equations of the second kind and defective renewal equations. Then, we give the exact solutions for the Gerber-Shiu function when the initial surplus is equal to the liquid reserve level or equal to zero. These solutions are the key to the exact solution for the Gerber-Shiu function in general cases. Moreover, exact solutions to the Gerber-Shiu function are derived respectively when the discount rate is zero and claim sizes follow exponential and Erlang-2 distributions. Speech 3:On the Consistence of Credibility Premiums regarding Esscher Principle Speaker: Xianyi Wu,Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, East China Normal University (A joint work with Maolin Pan and Rongming Wang) Abstract In this paper, we investigate the problems of convergence of experience-based ratemakings regarding the Esscher principle. In addition to the Bayes and the classical credibility premiums, we suggest a new credibility formula for the Esscher premium. Then we show the convergence of the Bayes and the newly defined credibility premiums towards the individual premium and point out that the classical credibility premium does not generally converge to the individual premium by presenting a sufficient and necessary condition under which the classical credibility Esscher premium converges to the individual premium. A simulation study is carried out to illustrate the theoretical conclusions. Speech 4:Discussions on Embedded Value Speaker: Lo Won How , China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., LTD Abstract This presentation on “Discussions on Embedded Value” - 55 - 精算交流 covers 1) What is Embedded Value (EV), how to calculate EV, the purpose of using it, who’s using it and the recent development. 2) An example of EV calculation for a simplified bundled product is introduced with all the major assumptions used and the EV movement analysis is also provided. 3) The considerations of using EV in China. Speech 5:Stress Testing for Life Insurance Companies Speaker: Estella Chiu , Regional Chief Actuary, HSBC Insurance (Asia Pacific) Holdings Ltd. Abstract 1. Why is stress testing needed - to quantify the risk of extreme but plausible events - to evaluate capital adequacy under these scenarios 2. Selection of Scenarios - prescribed vs non-prescribed - short term vs medium term - economic vs non-economic - ripple effects - special considerations for PAR plans 3. Role of the Actuary - selection of scenarios - performing the test - recommendation and management action - presentation to the Board 4. A few examples 5. Stress test and Risk based capital Speech 6:Risk Models in a Markovian Environment Speaker: Yi Lu , Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University Abstract We consider risk processes with the property that the intensity rate of the Poisson arrival process and the distribution of the claim sizes vary in time depending on the state of an underlying (external) Markov jump process. The main feature of the model is the flexibility on modeling the arrival process in the sense those periods with very frequent arrivals and periods with very few arrivals may alternate, and that the states of the Markov jump process could describe, for example, epidemics types in health insurance or weather conditions in car insurance. In this talk I will present our recent work in risk theory for the model, which includes the results on the expected discounted penalty functions and their decompositions, moments of the - 56 - 精算通讯第六卷第一期 dividend payments and other related problems. Main approaches to obtain these results will be discussed and numerical illustrations will also be given. Speech 7:Pricing Participating Products Under a Generalized Jump-Diffusion with a Markov-switching Compensator Speaker: Hailiang Yang,Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong (A joint work with Ken Siu and John Lau) Abstract We propose a model for valuing participating life insurance products under a generalized jump-diffusion model with a Markov-switching compensator. We suppose that the jump component is specified by the class of Markov-modulated kernel-biased completely random measures. Our model provides additional flexibility to incorporate the impact of structural changes in macro-economic conditions and business cycles on the valuation of participating policies by introducing a continuous-time Markov chain. In particular, we assume that the market interest rates, the drift, the volatility and the compensator of the reference asset switch over time according to the state of the Markov chain. We employ the Esscher transform to determine an equivalent martingale measure under the incomplete market setting. We shall conduct simulation experiments to compare the fair values of participating products implied by our model with those obtained from other existing models in the literature and highlight some features that can be obtained from our model. Speech 8:On the Classical Risk Model with Interest and Dividend Payments Speaker: Kam Chuen Yuen, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong Abstract In this talk, we consider the classical risk model with interest and dividend payments. We first study the classical risk model with interest and a constant dividend barrier. Under constant interest, we derive an integro-differential equation for the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function. We obtain the solution to the integro-differential equation which is in the form of an infinite series. In some special cases with exponential claims, we are able to find closed-form 精算交流 expressions for the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function. Finally, we extend the integro-differential equation to the case that the surplus is invested in an investment portfolio with stochastic return on investments. We next examine the classical risk model with constant interest under the threshold strategy. In this set-up, we investigate the expected discounted dividend payments and the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function. We also derive closed-form expressions for these functions in the case of exponential claims. Speech 9:On the Tail Behavior of a Random Difference Equation with Sub-exponential Innovations Speaker: Qihe Tang,Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Iowa Abstract Consider a random difference equation described as that R is equal in distribution to X+YR, where X, Y, and R are independent random variables. A challenging problem is to find the distribution of R knowing the distributions of X and Y. In this talk we focus on this problem and discuss the tail behavior of R. Applications to actuarial science are proposed. Speech 10:The Lee-Carter Model for Forecasting Mortality, Revisited Speaker: Siu-Hang Li, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Waterloo; Wai-Sum Chan, Department of Finance, Chinese University of Hong Kong Abstract Interrupting phenomena are commonly encountered in time-series data analysis with the study of mortality trends being no exception. Nevertheless, previous demographic forecasts have paid little attention to the existence of such phenomena. In this study we use mortality data from Canada and the United States to perform time-series outlier analysis on the key component of the Lee-Carter model: the mortality index. We begin by employing a systematic outlier detection process to ascertain the timing, magnitude, and persistence of any outliers present in historical trends of the mortality index. We then try to match the identified outliers with important events that could possibly justify the vacillations in human mortality levels. At the same time, we adjust the effect of the outliers for model 精算通讯第六卷第一期 re-estimation. The empirical results indicate that the outlier-adjusted model could achieve better fits and more efficient forecasts of variables such as the central rates of death and the life expectancies at birth. Finally, we conclude our study with possible extensions on the valuations of life annuities and the probabilistic distribution of the highest attained age, incorporating the effect of mortality improvement portrayed by the revised model. Speech 11:Reforming Chinese Healthcare through Public-private Partnership Speaker: Wil Chong, Head of Life & Health, Swiss Reinsurance Company Beijing Branch Abstract This presentation looks at an efficient and viable model for health financing in China. We review the global development of medical insurance from the perspective of national healthcare financing. The extraordinary growth of the Chinese health insurance market is also scrutinized. Through surveys and active discussion with insurance companies and health and social security officials both at the policy and local levels, we identify the opportunities and challenges if China wishes to advance its health protection system. Our research findings have been validated with the industry and experts in this field. A high-level future vision is also offered for policymakers’ consideration. Speech 12:Determine the Required Solvency Capital Requirement for P&C Insurers in China Market Speaker: Xie Zhigang, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics (SUFE) Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the regulatory solvency capital requirement related to the solvency risks of P&C insurers in China market. The core issue is to decide reserving and underwriting risk factors, based on the specific market structure, available data records and a series of assumptions for the P&C insurers. The results of calculation are implemented to several sample P&C companies and compared to the current standards of calculating solvency margin. Finally the study provides recommendations for establishing a risk-oriented approach of solvency supervision and capital requirement model for P&C in China market. - 57 -