Copy the questions below and answer them based on the materials

Name: ________________________
Global History and Geography
Mr. DiRé
Unit IV: Imperialism
A Review of Japan (Geography, History, and Culture)
Geographical features and their importance
- A mountainous terrain led to this type of agriculture
- Japan is a chain of 4 main islands and many small
ones. This type of geographic features is called an
- Being located so close to mainland Asia led to
cultural influence from this Asian nation
- Two cultural features of Japan that diffused from this
Asian nation are _______________ and
- Japan’s lack of natural resources led Japan to engage
in these two activities in order to gain natural
resources ______________ and ________________
Traditional Japan
- This religion emphasizes nature and ancestor worship _______________
- The Japanese warrior code is called _____________ European knights’ code of conduct was called
Detailed Japanese Feudal Class System
- Many political/social similarities exist between Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe
What does this type of social class system tell us about the strength of the central government? Why?
How is nature viewed in traditional Japanese culture?
Based on these two Japanese paintings, what type of
relationship does humanity have with nature?
What details from the paintings illustrate the Japanese view of nature?
What nature worshipping religion developed because of Japan’s earthquakes, tsunamis, and difficult
mountainous terrain? ____________________________
How did the Japanese traditionally view foreigners?
Edict of 1635: Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1854)
 Japanese ships are strictly forbidden to leave for foreign countries
 No Japanese is permitted to go abroad. If there is anyone who attempts to do so secretly, he must be
 If any Japanese returns from overseas after residing there, he must be put to death…
 Any informer revealing the whereabouts of the Christians must be rewarded accordingly.
Based on the Edict of 1635, what was the purpose of Japanese foreign policy in 1635? What is this
type of foreign policy called?
Why do you think Japan established this policy towards foreign countries?