Spanish 102 - Elementary Spanish II Spring Hill College, Spring 2014 Section 02 – MWF 9:15-10:05 Section 03 – MWF 10:15-11:05 Section 04 – MWF 11:15-12:05 Instructor: G. Cory Duclos E-mail: Office: LAC 253 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 2:00-5:00 Tuesday and Thursday: 10:30-12:30 Course Description: SPA 102 is the second term of the two-semester sequence in Introductory Spanish. The goal of the sequence is to achieve a basic proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish and to acquire basic knowledge of the cultures of the Hispanic world. There are no prerequisites. Texts/Required Materials: 1. Heining-Boyton, Audrey L. and Glynis S. Cowell. ¡Anda! Curso elemental. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson, 2013. 2. My Spanish Lab (Online Component) Course ID: Students must make sure to register for the correct online section. Section 02 – MWF 9:15-10:05 CRSKL1A-2032958 Section 03 – MWF 10:15-11:05 CRSKLN5-2032959 Section 04 – MWF 11:15-12:05 CRSKLPZ-2032960 Course Goals/Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course the students in this course will be able to: 1. Introduce themselves and converse about their food, clothing, health, means of transportation and travel. 2. Converse about things that happened in the past. 3. Express likes, dislikes and needs. 4. Form informal and formal commands. 5. Compose sentences and formulate questions. 6. Compare people, places and things. 7. Gain an appreciation of Spanish music and cinema. 8. As a core course, SPA 102 furthers education for the common good in urging students to demonstrate critical reflection on the personal and social dimensions of their faith in the area of intercultural knowledge. Policies and Requirements: 1. Attendance: There are three hours of instruction per week and approximately one to two hours lab work (online) per week. Since this is an interactive course that develops skills, attendance is very important. There will be no make-up examinations due to unexcused absences. Please see the withdrawal policy detailed on pages 57-58 of the Spring Hill College Bulletin of Information. 2. Homework is important and will be detailed online at MySpanishLab. Daily review of learned material is essential for internalizing the language. Please note that each hour of lecture usually requires two hours of outside preparation. After the first class meeting, written and/or listening exercises are to be completed as detailed online at MySpanishLab. The course calendar lists the dates by which each activity should be completed. You can expect to be asked questions on any assigned material at any time. Be sure to talk to your instructor as soon as you feel that you are encountering difficulties with the material. 3. Study Methods: Students should work to acquire and improve all four language skills: comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. A new language is learned most effectively by using it. Therefore it is necessary to attend class regularly to take advantage of the opportunities for practicing it. Classes will be conducted predominantly in Spanish, and even though you will not understand every word, especially at first, regular participation will ensure progress in listening skills. In the formal and informal speaking activities you should not be afraid to make mistakes -- your goal is to communicate with native speakers of Spanish, and it is understandable that you will make errors at first. As your study continues, however, your mistakes should become less and less frequent. Read the grammar explanations at home so that as much class time as possible can be spent on oral practice. Do not be afraid to ask questions about matters that you do not understand, however. Your participation grade is based on an assessment of your active and daily preparation for class and your willingness to participate in class activities. Since people learn at different paces it is important that everyone feel comfortable speaking Spanish in class. Please be respectful of your fellow students! 4. Spring Hill Policy on Disability Accommodations: Students who want to receive disabilities accommodations should contact Mrs. Dunklin, Coordinator for Student Support Services at 380-3470 as soon as possible so that warranted accommodations can be arranged. Her office is located in Student Academic Services, 1st floor, Administration Building. 5. Extra Credit: There is no extra credit offered in this course. There is, however, plenty of regular credit. Course Assignments and Grading: Grading Scale: A=100-94% A-=93-90% B+=89-87% B=86-84% B-=83-80% C+-79-77% C=76-74% C-=73-70% No Credit (NC) = Below 70% Evaluation: Exams (5) Final Exam MySpanishLab Pop Quizzes Participation 60% 15% 10% 5% 10% Exams: Tests will be given throughout the semester as they appear on the syllabus. The final exam will be given according to the time/date on the SHC Final Examination Schedule. The final exam will be comprehensive. MySpanishLab: Assignments on MySpanishLab are due before class begins as outlined on the course schedule found below. Students should complete the MySpanishLab assignments before coming to class, however, full credit will be given for these assignments until the day before each chapter exam. Students will receive no credit for assignments completed after that date, no matter the reason. These assignments can be taken as many times as necessary for students to earn the highest grade. Pop Quizzes: Pop quizzes will be given throughout the semester on a random basis. These quizzes will come directly from the MySpanishLab homework due each day. These quizzes cannot be made up for any reason, but at the end of the semester the lowest four grades will be disregarded for each student, providing a certain allowance for students who miss the quizzes due to excused absences. Participation: The grade for participation is calculated based on a daily selfevaluation. The evaluation sheet carries a description of the requirements to receive full credit each day in class. The instructor reserves the right to adjust points as needed. While there is no attendance requirement for the course, participation is dependent on students attending class. Participation points cannot be made up under any circumstances, but a certain amount of points can be lost without affecting the final grade. Note that the syllabus is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. Students will be notified of any changes in advance.* Course Schedule Semana 1 2 3 4 Fecha En clase MySpanishLab Due before class 13 de enero ¡Bienvenidos! 15 de enero Preliminar B: 228-235 PB 1-13, 15-23, 25 17 de enero Preliminar B: 236-240 PB 28, 31-35, 38-39 20 de enero MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY: NO CLASS 22 de enero Preliminar B: 241-245 PB 40, 42-44, 46, 51 24 de enero Preliminar B: 246-250 PB 53-57 27 de enero Preliminar B: 250-253 PB 58, 61-62 29 de enero ¡Nieve! 31 de enero Examen Pre B 3 de febrero Capítulo 7: 256-262 07 1-5, 8-9, 12-16, pronunciación 07 5 6 5 de febrero Capítulo 7: 263-264 07 18-22 7 de febrero Capítulo 7: 265-268 07 23, 26 10 de febrero Capítulo 7: 269-271 07 27-29 12 de febrero Capítulo 7: 272-277 07 32-35, 37 14 de febrero Capítulo 7: 277-280 07 38-40, 47-50, 53-54, 56 17 de febrero EXAMEN: Capítulo 7 19 de febrero Capítulo 8: 294-298 08 1-3, 5, 8-9, 11, pronunciación 8 7 8 9 21 de febrero Capítulo 8: 299-301 08 13-17 24 de febrero Capítulo 8: 302-305 08 18-20 26 de febrero Capítulo 8: 305-308 08 22-25 28 de febrero Capítulo 8: 309-311 08 27-28 3 de marzo MARDI GRAS: NO CLASS 5 de marzo SPRING BREAK: NO CLASS 7 de marzo SPRING BREAK: NO CLASS 10 de marzo Capítulo 8: 312-316 08 30-33, 36 10 11 12 12 de marzo Capítulo 8: 317-320 14 de marzo EXAMEN: Capítulo 8 17 de marzo Capítulo 9: 334-336 09-1-10, pronunciación 09 19 de marzo Capítulo 9: 337-340 09 12-13, 15-17 21 de marzo Capítulo 9: 341-348 09 18-22, 24, 26-27, 29 24 de marzo Capítulo 9: 349-352 09-30-32 26 de marzo Capítulo 9: 353-356 09 33, 35-36 28 de marzo Capítulo 9: 356-359 09 37-38, 42 31 de marzo Capítulo 9: Repaso pretérito/imperfecto 09 46-49, 53 2 de abril EXAMEN: Capítulo 9 4 de abril Capítulo 10: 374-378 08 37-40, 43, 46-49 10 1-6, 9-10, pronunciación 10 13 14 15 16 7 de abril Capítulo 10: 379-382 10 13-18 9 de abril Capítulo 10: 383-387 10 19-23 11de abril Capítulo 10: 388-391 10 24-27, 30 14 de abril Capítulo 10: 392-394 10 31-33 16 de abril Capítulo 10: 394-398 10 34-37, 41, 44 18 de abril GOOD FRIDAY: NO CLASS 21 de abril EASTER MONDAY: NO CLASS 23 de abril Capítulo 10: Repaso 25 de abril EXAMEN: Capítulo 10 28 de abril Repaso 30 de abril Repaso Section 02 – MWF 9:15-10:05 Section 03 – MWF 10:15-11:05 Section 04 – MWF 11:15-12:05 10 46-47, 50-53 Final Exam: Monday, May 5, 8:00-10:00am Final Exam: Tuesday, May 6, 8:00-10:00am Final Exam: Wednesday, May 7, 9:00-11:00am