Welcome to Suber-Marshall Memorial UMC

Suber-Marshall Memorial UMC
November 16, 2014
* Processional Hymn (2079 FWS)
Mr. Adam Cullum
“Jesus Be Praised”
Words of Welcome
Mr. Ed Hynson
Responsive Reading (799 UMH)
* Hymn of Praise (67 UMH)
Mr. Hynson
Psalm 76
Mr. Hynson
“We, Thy People, Praise Thee”
* Affirmation of Faith (881 UMH)
led by: Mr. Hynson
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
and the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
* Gloria Patri (70 UMH)
Pastoral Prayer
The Reverend Dr. Robert Walker
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the
power and the glory, forever. Amen
Old Testament Lesson
Judges 4:1-7
Mr. Adam Cullum
“Like A Flowing River”
The Chancel Choir
New Testament Lesson
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Mr. Cullum
Children’s Moment
* Hymn (413 UMH)
* Gospel Lesson
* Hymn of Dedication (2176 FWS)
Offertory Prayer
Offering of Our Gifts
Dr. Walker
“A Charge to Keep I Have”
Matthew 25:14-30
Dr. Walker
“Opportunity Cost”
Dr. Walker
“Make Me a Servant”
Dr. Walker
* Doxology
Praise, God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A-men
Passing of the Peace
* Recessional Hymn(2184 FWS)
Mrs. Sandie Stillinger
“Sent Out in Jesus’ Name”
* Benediction
Dr. Walker
* Choral Amen
Please stand if able
Upcoming Meetings/Events
Bible Study this Wednesday, November 19th - 6pm
United Methodist Women – Wednesday, November 19th – 7pm
November 29th – 10am – Noon – We will be decking the church halls for Advent. We hope many of you will be
able to be here.
The flowers on the altar were placed by Olive Wilson in loving memory Jack C. Wilson.
Happy Birthday this week to Nancy Gail Ballentine(18th), Wanda Prince(20th), Rebecca Hollingsworth(21st).
Remember we are collecting change to help offset the budget deficit. A bucket is located in the narthex for
your donations which will be tallied at the end of each month. Please see Frankie Funchess if you have questions.
Sunday, November 23rd – Thanksgiving Worship Service – 6pm
December 3rd – “Ladies Night Out” –Main Street UMC (Contact: Ed Hynson)
December 5th and 6th – First Annual Nativity Festival – (Contacts: Robert Walker and Laura Davis)
Saturday, December 13th – Ladies Brunch with our sister churches – (Contact: Laura Davis)
December 24th – Christmas Eve Service – 5pm
Prayer Requests
For all those battling cancer: Sheila Gallagher(Laura Davis), Tiffany Greer(Brandy Pomeroy), Susan
Waites (Joan Proffitt), June McLean
The Davis and Wilson family.
Dante Tomasini, son in-law of Joan Gotch, is undergoing dialysis. Please be in prayer for the entire
Frankie Funchess who is being treated for bronchitis but is feeling much better.
Judy Hynson is on a new medication and her A-fib seems to be under control.
Brandy Pomeroy who need healing prayers for headaches and prayers for difficulty in dealing with coworkers.
Jerry Pomeroy, brother of Mark Pomeroy is recovering from a stroke.
Wanda Prince as she undergoes eye treatment.
Joan Gotch
Our D.E.A.P. prayer this week is for those who hunger for love and acceptance but feel loved by no
one. Be on guard this week for someone who needs you to tell them or show them that God loves them.
Continued prayers for:
Jerry Pomeroy, , Hannah Laird, Jolene Harbridge, Tesa Griffin, Jenny Snider, Alex & Heather Long,
Susan & Sam Long, Robert Proffitt, Shane Gardner, Sky Dior Mitchell, Mammy Atkinson, Barbara
Laird, Bobby Petty, Mike LeBase, Dea Lifseyis, Sarah Adams, Monica Davis, Bernice Rivers, Levi
Randall, Angie Gould, Jayden Watts & family, Joel & Sandra Griffith, Joe Guild, Sr., Tami Dukes, Tia
Smith, Andrew Proffitt, Carolyn McCartha & family, Ann McGuinn, Mary Katherine Constant, Corine
& Elmer Shealy, Michael Morales, Mike Mills, Evelyn Morales, John Hornsby, Wanda Posey, Margie
Eleazer, Dan Prince, Margaret Smith
The Church at Worship on Sunday November 9, 2014
Church Budget....................................................................................................... $
Needed for Monthly Budget ................................................................................... $
Received for November ....................................................................................... $
Sunday School Offering ......................................................................................... $
Youth Calendar Sales ............................................................................................ $
Flowers .................................................................................................................. $
Poinsettias ............................................................................................................. $
Remember our budget deficit of $2,532.70. If we get out of the red and
into the black, Dr. Walker has agreed to take the ice-bucket challenge.
Reverend Dr. Robert Walker, Pastor
Cell – 719-0868
email: - rhw1621@gmail.com
Office Hours: by appointment
Follow us on:
Suber-Marshall Memorial United Methodist Church
3900 Live Oak Street
Columbia, SC 29205