Issue Date: 11/14/02 Revision 3 G&P Trucking Co. Inc. Payroll Batches and Transmission Page 1 of 5 Glenda Coleman Billy Lynch Prepared by Reviewed and Approved by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.0 PURPOSE & SCOPE 1.1 This work instruction outlines the process of generating driver payroll in AS400 and transferring this to ADP for the processing of payroll checks/vouchers. 1.2 This document applies to all company drivers and maintenance employees. 2.0 REFERENCES 2.1 Printers 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Batch - refers to a report, which is submitted after all driver logs have been entered. This report consists of two separate parts: one section shows driver codes and names in alphabetical order, ADP employee number, social security number, work hours for the current pay week, earnings (hours x hourly pay + mile bonus), fees (earnings-3), trip pay (earnings-4) and total earnings. The second portion of the report separates drivers by home department or terminal. All other information is the same as listed above. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The payroll department is responsible for overseeing this work instruction. 5.0 WORK INSTRUCTION 5.1 Batching driver payroll (beginning of payroll transmission process) and submitting to ADP 5.1.1 Sign onto the AS400. Click on “colg” icon on desktop. Sign on screen appears. Type in assigned user code and password and enter. Main menu appears; hit escape key. User menu box appears. Select log menu box appears. Select log menu and enter corresponding number. Hit enter. 5.1.2 Driver log menu screen appears. Select “Create ADP batches”. Create ADP files screen appears. Put in beginning pay date for the current pay week ( the previous Monday through Sunday)on “Pay from date” line, and ending paydate on “Pay to date” line and enter. Payroll batches are now generating. Printer job message appears at the bottom of screen after submitted batch has completed processing which indicates the report is now ready to print. 5.1.3 The assigned payroll department employee may check the batch while it is processing or when the processing has completed. Check for the following: Drivers who worked over 70 hours; fees (earnings 3) and total earnings for unusually high amounts of gross pay. If there are any errors found, then payroll dept. employee will pull up logs for current week and double check to make sure that all entries from the driver log were entered correctly. If no errors found, return to desktop. Issue Date: 11/14/02 Revision 3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 G&P Trucking Co. Inc. Payroll Batches and Transmission Page 2 of 5 Click transfer from AS400 icon; data transfer from as400 screen appears. Click on transfer data from as400 box. Transfer to file complete box appears. Click ok. Close box from right corner in “X” box. Click on “Glenda” icon from desktop. ADP circle appears. Click on utilities (in toolbar); arrow down to import/pay data. Import external pay data box appears. Highlight file name/click ok. You will see the file loading the external pay data information. When complete, it will reach 100%. Open log file box appears and pay data import should show success status. Close box. Click on “Open Pay data Batch” on menu bar. All batches, including Batch 55 should show in balance. Perform the following for all Texas Drivers: Go to ADP/PC Payroll for Windows. The ADP circle will then appear. Click on New Hires / Emp. Maint. The open employee screen appears. Click the cursor in front of the name that appears in the box and type the last name of the driver who did Texas runs for the current week. These names are obtained from the payroll department employee that enters Texas logs. The employee file opens. Click on the “Other” tab. In data control, click on the down arrow and the control number that corresponds with the GPJCTN home department. That number should now appear in the box. Click Save. If this driver does not perform Texas runs the next pay week, the data control numbers must be changed back to the original home department before the next transmission takes place. To create a batch 55 file do the following: Click on “new pay data batch” icon above circle to create a batch 55 file. New pay data batch screen appears. Go to batch id box and enter “55”, description box and enter the week ending date for current pay week. (It will always end on Sunday.) Go to grid box and click down arrow. Highlight “ADP basic pay data” and click okay. Select employee screen appears. Order by box should have “name” in it/leave as is/click ok. Selection criteria box appears. In “status” section, click arrows out of all boxes except active. In “rate type” section, click arrows out of all boxes except hourly. Click ok. Screen with active driver names will appear on screen again. Click on select all box and names will darken. Click ok and small hourglass appears on ADP circle screen. Batch 55 is now being created. After batch 55 has been created, the batch will appear on the screen, and the driver names will appear in alphabetical order. The names shown should only be the active hourly drivers, full and part time. Now you may begin entering pay information in batch 55 from payroll request forms that have been submitted, vacation request forms, time cards, faxed maintenance hours, etc. For vacation pay, you should have a vacation request form, and the pay type is #2. Tax frequency is 1 if the vacation hours taken are 50 hrs. or less; tax frequency is 2 if vacation hours taken are between 51-100 hours, and tax frequency is #3 is hours taken are over 100 hours. Late logs are pay type #3 and the tax frequency is always #1. Jury duty is pay type number one, tax frequency one. You should Issue Date: 11/14/02 Revision 3 G&P Trucking Co. Inc. Payroll Batches and Transmission Page 3 of 5 have a document that the driver has turned in showing how many days he/she attended court and the amount of dollars that he/she received. To calculate dollar amount that driver should be compensated multiply 10 hours for each day missed times the driver’s hourly rate. Then subtract from that total the amount that driver was paid by the court. This is the amount that you enter in jury duty column in batch 55. To put in any owner-operator hours for maintenance employees, find the name in the batch and click. Name will be highlighted. Click on folders tab. NBD folder screen will appear. It will show any hours that have already been entered, as well as a temporary rate. Right click on mouse and click on “new entry.” Screen will now be clear. Go to amount section in box and type in hours listed under owner operator column on the maintenance hour’s sheet that has been faxed by the Maintenance Supervisor. Go to temporary rate box and put in applicable temporary rate for incentive pay. Click save. Then click on grid box and screen will go back to original batch. It should now have two entries for the name in which you entered regular maintenance hours and owner operator hours. Repeat procedure as necessary. After all pay information has been entered, scan the entire batch by using your up/down arrows on the right side of screen. This is to make sure that all information has been entered correctly. If not then the error will be researched and corrected. If there are no errors, then click save. Saving batch information box will appear and all information that was entered will process and save. Click close. ADP circle screen will appear. Look in pay register and find the page that is labeled “Unused Deduction Report”. Any names that do not have “Account pre noted, or loan deduction amount met, you will have to double the dollar amount of the deductions under the Voluntary Deductions Column. This report reflects the name, rate, deduction, status, and explanation of any drivers who did not work for that pay date. If the explanation column shows “Goal deduction has been met.”, then it will be necessary to double check any loan deduction or charity deduction, such as United Way, etc., to make sure that their remaining balance is zero. 5.1.10 Click on open batch icon above ADP circle. Open pay data batch screen appears/batch 55 will be highlighted/click open. Screen will appear that shows all batches transferred from as400 as well as batch 55. They should all show in balance, which means that all pay information has been entered and calculated correctly. To further check that correct pay data file has been created click open batch 01. Pay data-NBD folder box appears. Click on grid. Select grid box appears. Click on down arrow to “ADP BASIC PAY DATA” and click ok. Look at first name and totals and compare to green bar report labeled “ADP BATCH SUMMARY REPORT.” The first name and totals should match the first names and totals in the ADP batch. Click save and close. Click “Auto Balance” in pay data batch box that appears. Batch status should show In-balance. Click ok and return to the ADP circle. 5.1.11 Click on create payroll files. Create Payroll File box appears. Click in box labeled “Send Payroll File to ADP.” Click ok. Payroll file box appears, and you will see the file advance to 100 percent. Open log file box appears and the status should show success. Click close. The start send Payroll box appears in which Issue Date: 11/14/02 Revision 3 5.1.12 5.1.13 5.1.14 5.1.15 5.1.16 5.1.17 G&P Trucking Co. Inc. Payroll Batches and Transmission Page 4 of 5 you will now enter an assigned password. Click ok. ADP Communications box appears. Modem is silently dialing. This begins the process of transmitting all the pay information that has been entered from driver logs and batch 55, along with any changes made to driver files in employee maintenance section of the ADP circle. This information is now being sent via computer to the automatic data processing center in Charlotte, NC to be processed for direct deposit. This process usually occurs on Tuesday in order to have a Friday pay date. Once information has been sent to ADP, open log file box will show success. Close box. Screen will return to ADP circle. All boxes will be cleared out except box labeled “Start New Cycle.” To exit ADP, click “x” in top right corner. Box will appear that asks “Are you sure you want to exit?” Click Yes. Screen will now return to desktop. An ADP download is done on the day after payroll is transmitted. Go to ADP circle and click on utilities/receive files. NBD-G&P TRUCKING CO. will be highlighted. Click ok/select files type box appears. Click to highlight EMPLOYEE CUMULATIVE DATA, PAY DETAIL, GL INTERFACE DATA, and GL INTERFACE REPORT. Click on boxes at bottom of screen labeled Load Employee Cumulative Data Files and Load Pay Detail Files. Click ok. Start receive files box appears to enter assigned password/click ok. ADP communications box appears, and modem silently dials in to ADP. After the download process has been completed, open log file box appears, and status screen should show success. Click close and screen returns to ADP circle. Next click on “Start Payroll Cycle”. Click ok and new payweek information will be highlighted. All information from previous payweek is cleared in start new cycle box. Success status will appear in open log file box when completed. Click close, and #2,3, and 4 will now be highlighted on ADP circle. Now new information can be entered for the new pay cycle. For general ledger purposes, click on Utilities from toolbar on ADP circle. Arrow down to Export data/over to MR/GLI data. Export management reports box appears that will display the payweek that was downloaded. Highlight that week/click ok. After export process has completed, success status will appear in open log file box. Click close to return to ADP circle. To print payroll reports for General Ledger (after downloading), click on utilities/on-site printing /print reports. ADP reports on demand-main menu screen appears. ADP print box to overwrite appears. Click yes to overwrite. File filter box appears. Click on week number box for week that was downloaded/click ok. ADP reports on demand box reappears with downloaded week information. Click on line with GRNBD Week # P.GLI. Click open. Box appears with desired week number-report view. Click file/print. Print box appears. Click ok. Report will begin printing. It is usually17-19 pages. Click file/close. Screen returns to ADP reports on demand-main menu. Click exit. Screen returns to ADP circle. Issue Date: 11/14/02 Revision 3 6.0 G&P Trucking Co. Inc. Payroll Batches and Transmission Page 5 of 5 RECORDS 6.1 Payroll batch reports and payroll batch electronic data are to be generated and maintained in accordance with quality procedure, Control of Quality Records.