Career Exploration – Cycle six Career Exploration – Cycle Six Unit Three- Career Planning: (Working, 4E Edition, Bailey Textbook) Chapter: 12 …..Career Decision making… Pages-156-169 Chapter: 13……Information about yourself … Pages-170-183 Chapter: 14……Career Information……… Pages-184-201 Activities: (Chapter 12- Working, 4E Edition, Bailey (Workbook) Career Decision making: 12.1 The Decision-Making Process (Career/College/Self-Assessment) 12.2 Decision-Making Styles (Critical Thinking) 12.3 Influence Decision Making (Problem Solving) Activities: (Chapter 13- Working, 4E Edition, Bailey (Workbook) Information about yourself: 13.1 Learning about Yourself (Career/College/Self-Assessment) 13.2 Surveying Employees 13.3 Rating Interest (Self-Assessment) 13.4 Rating Aptitudes (Self-Assessment) 13.5 Rating Work Values (Personal & Work Ethics) Activities: (Chapter 14- Working, 4E Edition, Bailey (Workbook) Career Information: 14.1 Reading Tables and Charts (Excel) 14.2 Exploring Occupational Groups (Research) 14.3 Using the Occupational Handbook (Contextual Learning) 14.4 Conducting Occupational Search (Research) Performance Based DWTA: Oral/Visual Presentation based on Career Exploration/Career Choice. Vocabulary: (Chapter 12) a. alternatives b. decision making c. decision-making styles Career Exploration – Cycle six d. environment e. experiences f. intuition g. problem h. reality factors e. self f. self-information g. work values (Chapter 13) a. goods-producing industries b. industries c. occupational description d. Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) a. aptitudes b. interests c. life roles d. lifestyle (Chapter 14) e. occupational search f. service-providing industries g. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) h. Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system i. world of work Links: (from (Chapter Twelve) student web-page activities: 1. Chapter review and test prep 2. Interactive game-like review of chapter a. The Decision Making Process b. Individuals and Decision Making 3. Key terms crossword puzzle 4. Flashcard review Additional Resources: Career decision making tools (Chapter Thirteen) student web-page activities: 1. Chapter review and test prep 2. Interactive game-like review of chapter a. Getting Self-Information b. Working with Self-Information 3. Key terms crossword puzzle 4. Flashcard review Additional Resources: Learning about yourself Transferrable skills survey Rating aptitudes Career Exploration – Cycle six (Chapter Fourteen) student web-page activities: 1. Chapter review and test prep 2. Interactive game-like review of chapter a. Career Information 3. Key terms crossword puzzle 4. Flashcard review Additional Resources: America’s Career Info net US Bureau of Labor Statistics CBIA VOCATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER Career Exploration – Cycle six Cycle Seven: Career Exploration – Students will be exposed to different Career Exploration opportunities and allowed the opportunity to research career paths and employment opportunities. Goal(s): Communication (1), Organizational (2), Thinking (3), & Working Skills (4) Big Idea (s): Communication Skills 1: These skills are necessary in order to function and survive in society. Organizational Skills 2: These skills will help reduce problems and stress in many areas of your life. Thinking Skills 3: These skills will allow you to consider and break down ideas into parts and give your viewpoint and consider other possibilities to resolve differences of opinion. Working Skills 4: It is not only important to obtain a job, you also need to know where to find a job, how to get a job and keep the job. In addition, you will learn how to qualify and/or request a promotion and/or pay increase. Essential Question (s): How do you find out what jobs are available in your trade? What are the necessary skills to succeed in your trade? How will a college education enhance your trade skills? How will you use your trade skills to help you succeed in the workplace? Learning Outcomes Students will: As evidenced by: Learn: How to research a job within your trade How to interview a career professional How to plan strategies for Gather relative information, if possible speak to a professional, create, prepare and give a presentation representing their trade research (1.1 - 1.7, 2.1 - 2.5, 3.2 - 3.5, 4.1 - 4.6, 5.1 – 5.4) Develop questions generating professional knowledge and experience in the workplace (1.1 – 1.7, 2.1 - 2.5, 3.1 - 3.5, 4.1 - 4.6, 5.1 – 5.4) Create a personal chart pinpointing steps Career Exploration – Cycle six future success chronologically demonstrating future achievements leading to success (1.1 – 1.7, 2.1 - 2.5, 3.1 - 3.6, 4.1 – 4.6, 5.1 – 5.4) Resources: Unit Three- Career Planning: (Working, 4E Edition, Bailey Textbook) Chapter: 12 …..Career Decision making… Pages-156-169 Chapter: 13……Information about yourself … Pages-170-183 Chapter: 14……Career Information……… Pages-184-201 Extension Activity: Guest Speaker, Mock Skits, Lecture and Group Discussion Common Formative Assessment(s) Chapter Assessment(s) and/or Cycle Exam Summative District Assessment(s) Mandatory- DWTA