The DNA, the DNA, the DNA makes protein
The DNA, the DNA, the DNA makes protein
DNA, the DNA, the DNA, the DNA, the DNA
The DNA, the DNA makes protein
DNA, the DNA, the DNA, the DNA, the DNA
The DNA, the DNA makes protein
The nucleus dissolves when its time to divide
Nitrogenous bases line up side by side
Sugar phosphate backbone goes along for the ride
String them all together, make a nucleotide
A pairs with T and G pairs with C
It works cause the codes complimentary
It lets you be you and me be me
From Coach Jim Trussell to President B
Transcription takes the bases that are found in one gene
Converts them into RNA if you know what I mean
The bases pair up just like they did before
But U subs for T, which isn’t needed anymore
RNA leaves the nucleus but the job isn’t done
Ribosomes roll in to join in all the fun
3 bases made a codon, count them 1,2,3
An amino acid for each codon in the growing protein
DNA makes protein never-ending
Poly polypeptides ever ending
Say for random chance mutation
Precisely copies each creation
DNA is the star of this fanciful tale
In the smallest mouse, in the largest whale
Determining your features to the last detail
From this cellular obsession life on earth shall prevail