Honors Biology Test 1 Biochemistry/ Chemistry Review Sheet Vocabulary Elements Compound Activation Energy Cation Anion Review Questions 1. How many kinds of atoms, what kinds of atoms and what proportion of atoms are given in the formula for Carbon Dioxide? 2. What are the 6 elements that make up all living matter: 3. Where are protons, neutrons and electrons positioned in the drawing of an atom? 4. What makes one isotope different from another? 5. If the number of protons in an atom equal the number of electrons, that atom is considered: 6. Why are chemical reactions important in the body? 7. Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bonds 8. What type of ions do acids have more of? What type of ions do bases have more of? 9. What is the range of the pH scale? What represents acid and what represents base? 10. Name the 4 categories of organic compounds: 11. Which elements are contained in carbohydrates? 12. What are the monomers of proteins, polysaccharide and DNA? 13. Name examples of monosaccharide and polysaccharides 14. glycerol+fatty acid= ? 15. Draw the structure of a fatty acid 16. Which organic compound is primarily for energy? Which organic compound is used in the cell membrane? Which one is used for repair, defense and structure? 17. Draw the structure of a nucleotide: 18. What changes in the structure of a nucleotide? 19. What is the difference between RNA and DNA as far as structure? 20. Who is credited with discovering the shape of the DNA molecule? 21. Adenine always equals _____________________ and Thymine always equals __________. 22. DNA remains in the_________ of the cell, while ______________ ventures out into the cytoplasm. 23. How do the 2 sides of the double helix DNA, bond? 24. What is the purpose of DNA? 25. How do proteins relate to DNA, and RNA, and amino acids?