AP Gov Ch 15 Studyguide

Study Guide Ch 15—AP Course
1) Dual Court System
2) Civil Law System vs Common Law System
a) Difference btw the two above systems
3) What Article III of the US Constitution establishes
4) Stare Decisis
5) When the US SC gets involved in a case
6) How (and who) do you remove a federal judge
7) What federal court hears a case in which you want to sue the Federal Govt
8) What qualifications does an executive look for in a nominee for the bench?
9) Marbury v Madison & Fletcher v Peck
10) Which US SC CJ ruled in the above cases
11) Who is considered the most Judicial Activist Judge and CJ
12) Who is the current US SC CJ
13) Who was the 1st female SC justice and who appointed her to the bench
14) Who was/is the 1st & 2nd African-American SC justice
15) Senatorial Courtesy
16) Class Action
17) Affirm
18) Reverse
19) Remand
20) Opinion
a) Unanimous
b) Concurring
c) Dissenting
d) Majority
e) Minority
21) Precedent
22) Rule of Four
23) Writ of Cert(iorari) and Writ of Mandamus and Writ of Habeas Corpus
24) Amicus Curiae brief
25) Justiciable Dispute
26) Purpose of Grand Jury
27) Contempt
28) What influences a judges decision the most
29) Original Jurisdiction
30) Which committee in which chamber reviews nominees for the bench
31) How does the US Congress check the power of the SC
32) How does the Executive check the power of the SC
33) How does the US SC enforce its decisions
34) Litigate
35) Oral Argument
36) Statutes
37) Diversity of Citizenship
38) Subpoenas
39) According to the US Constitution, how many SC justices must there be
40) According to the US Constitution, what is length of term of a SC justice
41) Judicial Activist v Judicial Restraint
42) Be able to explain the factors the US executive considers when nominating
someone to the US SC
43) Be able to explain the factors the US Senate considers when accepting/rejecting a
nominee to the US SC