NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Health & Human Services Division NUR 133 FAMILY NURSING THEORY FAMILY NURSING CLINICAL Revised JANUARY 2007 NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Health & Human Services Division Family Nursing Theory 4th Quarter Course Outline & Expectations Instructor: Office: Office Phone: Email: Office Hours: Sandra Liming, R.N., M.N. 2304B 206-528-4560 posted on door (by appointment only) Course Description: In conjunction with NUR 134, this course is a study of the care of families: obstetrical clients and their partners, infants and children. The focus of nursing care for children will center on health promotion and wellness maintenance as well as parenting. Course Goals: Appreciate the role of the LPN in caring for obstetrical clients, infants, and children. NSCC General Education Learning Outcomes and/or Related Instructional Outcomes (for technical courses) Met by Course: Outcome 1: Think critically in reading and writing. Outcome 4: Access, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources and a variety of contexts. Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Identify principles of human reproduction Identify components of prenatal care. Discuss nursing care implemented during childbirth and postpartum. Discuss special situations in childbearing. Discuss newborn assessment. Discuss nursing care related to neonatal loss. Discuss principles of parenting. Discuss growth and development of children. Discuss wellness promotion and health maintenance in children Discuss play as therapy. Discuss hospitalization of children. Discuss principles of medicating children. Topical Outline and/or Major Divisions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Human Reproduction Prenatal Care Childbirth and Postpartum Special Situations in Childbearing Newborn Assessment and Care 2 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Neonatal Loss Parenting Growth and Development of Children Assessment of Children Wellness Promotion and Health Maintenance in Children Play as Therapy Hospitalization of Children Medicating Children Course Requirements (Expectations of Students) 1. Students will be expected to participate in class discussion. 2. Students will be expected to complete all assignments and exams as indicated by the instructor. 3. Students will be expected to exhibit professional behavior in the classroom. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to perform specific competencies listed under “Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives.” Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Final grades are assigned according to published grading standards for course. Methods of assessment will include: Written Exams/Assignments Required Text(s) and/or Materials: As determined by instructor. Supplemental Text(s) and/or Materials: As required by instructor. 3 Class Policies and Assignments Participation 1. 2. 3. A sign-in sheet will be available in each class. Read assigned material BEFORE class. Be prepared to participate in class discussion. Assignments 1. Vocabulary Work Sheets: Provide short definitions for terms that are related to Maternity/Newborn care. care. 2. Medication Work Sheets: Short summary of the drug's use in Family Nursing care. 3. Case Studies: Groups of 4, prepare to present to class (10 min.) using overhead projector. You will need to purchase transparencies and pen. 4. Teaching Presentations: a. group project (3-4) b. 10 minute role play presentation to class 5. Pediatric Dosage Calculations 6. Toy Project (see grading sheet included in syllabus) Assignments #3 and #4 will be graded based on the following criteria: Group Presentation will be graded as follows: Category Pts. Category Contribution Overall 4 Contributed Ideas Cooperation & Teamwork 4 Attended Planning Meetings Listened to Others 4 Total * Each group member to evaluate one another and self. Pts. 4 4 20 Category Pts. Category Clear Presentation 4 Coordination of Presentation Informative 4 Information Useful Research Evident 4 Total * Each group will be evaluated by the other groups and the instructor. Pts. 4 4 20 4 3. Term Paper Criteria and Grading: a. Paper must be typewritten, 3-4 pp. in length (excluding bibliography and title page) and double-spaced. b. Paper topic must relate to information covered this quarter. c. APA format must be used. d. The paper should include discussion of how you, the nurse, will be involved in the care of the client. d. When you resubmit the paper after making final revisions, the original paper, and grade sheet must be included. Also, any revisions must be highlighted with a marker on the new paper. If you don’t include the grade sheet I will deduct 1 pt. c. If you need help, this is available in the writing lab. d. Grading will be based on content, style and form. The grading scale will be 1-20 pts. based on the following: Content Topic clearly stated Accuracy of information Creativity Nursing Process Pts. 2 3 3 5 Style and Form Grammar, punctuation, & spelling Appropriate documentation of references Neatness & organization Total Pts. 3 2 2 20 All assignments except the term paper may be handwritten. However, they must be neat and legible or they will not be graded. Please just STAPLE pages together. NO NOTEBOOKS OR FOLDERS or you will lose 1 pt. 5 TERM PAPER GRADING SHEET (Turn this in with your draft and final paper.) Category Earned Self check-List Pts. Possible Topic clearly stated ___________ 2 _________ Accuracy of information ___________ 3 _________ Nursing process ___________ 5 _________ Creativity ___________ 3 _________ Grammar, punctuation, spelling ___________ 3 _________ Appropriate documentation ___________ 2 _________ Neatness & organization 2 --------------__________ 20 -------------- TOTAL ___ __________ -------------------___ __________ 6 Pts. TOY PROJECT Choose an age group for which you wish to design a toy and complete the reading necessary to address the grading criteria listed below. A typewritten paper is to be submitted with the toy. The paper should include the rationale for the design, age group appropriateness based on growth & development, safety, how the toy is supposed to work, and donation information. Finally, complete the necessary steps for donating the toy (i.e. daycare, hospital, developmental center, school group) by listing the agency, a contact person, a telephone number, and delivering the toy to the agency. TOY PROJECT GRADING Group Members: 1. 2. 3. Criteria Written Explanation (10 pts) Check List _______ Grade ______ Creativity (5 pts) _______ ____ __ Safety (10 pts) _______ ______ Growth & Development (10 pts) Donation (5 pts) _______ _______ 7 ______ ______ GRADING 1. Students must maintain a 2.0 or better in ALL subjects in order to progress to the next quarter. A 2.0 cumulative grade point must be maintained to be eligible for a Certificate of Achievement. (Note: 2.0 = 77%) 3. If unforseen circumstances prevent you from taking an exam at the scheduled, you must contact me to arrange a make-up exam. GRADING FOR NUR 133: ASSIGNMENTS Vocabulary Sheets Case Studies Presentation Pediatric Dosage Calculations Toy Project Teaching Presentation Term Paper Exam Mid-Term Final Exam PTS. 5% 10% 5% 10% 35% 35% **NOTE: A total of 77% is necessary for a passing grade. (In addition, you must have a total of 77% in N133 before you can participate in N134 clinical rotation.) ATTENDANCE AT FAMILY NURSING LAB IS MANDATORY. 8 NAME: VOCABULARY WORKSHEET: Be sure you know these vocabulary words. 1. Maternal Mortality Rate 2. Infant mortality rate 3. Obstetrics 4. Pediatrics 5. Neonatal period 6. Fundus 7. Cervix 8. Gynecoid pelvis 9. Android pelvis 10. True pelvis 11. False pelvis 12. Conception 13. Amniotic Sac 14 Zygote 15. Embryo 16. Fetus 17. Placenta 18. Implantation 19. Gravida 20. Para 21. Trimester 22. Braxton Hicks Contractions 23. Nagele's rule 24. Amniocentesis 9 25. Dilation 26. Effacement 27. Station 28. Position 29. Presentation 30. Episiotomy 31. Crowning 32. Colostrum 33. Lanugo 34. Vernix Caseosa 35. Meconium 36. Fundal massage 37. L/S ratio 38. Involution 39. Acrocyanosis 40. Phototherapy 41. PKU 42. Physiologic jaundice 43. Circumcision 44. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) 45. Small for gestational age (SGA) 46. Down syndrome 47. Erythroblastosis fetalis 48. Hyaline Membrane Disease 49. Cephalopelvic Disproportion 50. Infertility 10 NAME:_________________________________ DRUG WORKSHEET: Be sure you know the use of these medications in the Family Nursing field of nursing. 1. Ergotrate 23. Immune gamma globulin 2. Pitocin 24. Ritodrine 3. Methergine 25. Tylenol with codeine 4. Terbutaline 26. Doss 5. Surfactant 27. Narcan 6. Erythromycin Oint. 28. Vistaril 7. Fentanyl 29. Tylox 8. Morphine 9. Phenergan 10. Estrogen 11. Magnesium Sulfate 12. Calcium Gluconate 13. Tucks 14. Phenobarbital 15. Progesterone 16. Rho-gam 17. Pergonal 18. Clomid 19. Aqua-Mephyton 20. Toradol 21. Marcaine 22. Xylocaine 11 FAMILY NURSING THEORY CASE STUDIES 1. Mary Jo is a 24 year-old primipara who has come to the clinic for her second prenatal visit and has been calculated to be at approximately 11 weeks gestation. She complains of frequent nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, slight constipation and flatulence and frequent urination associated with urgency and burning. She brings in a specimen of her first voided urine this A.M. Her husband has accompanied her today and both talk animatedly about the expected pregnancy and baby. A. What nursing procedures/tests will be performed on Mary Jo and her urine specimen today? B What can the nurse teach Mary Jo regarding care of herself during this stage of her pregnancy? (List at least 4 different categories of instruction and what you would instruct) C. What other teaching/encouragement might now be appropriate for Mary Jo and her husband? (List at least 5 things) 12 2. Anna is entering her 7th month of pregnancy and has had a relatively easy 1st and 2nd trimester, without complications. Since last month she has gained 12 lbs. and her rings no longer fit. This morning she awoke with slight "puffiness" around her eyes. Her blood pressure has been running 110/70 and today is 140/85. She had ham and eggs for breakfast with a glass of orange juice but was in a hurry for lunch so grabbed a pack of potato chips and a soda-pop. She also states she has noticed an increased vaginal discharge without odor or itching and is experiencing occasional "excruciating" leg cramps. A. What kind of test, measurements would be needed on Anna today? (List at least 8 things) B. What kind of precautions and doctor's visits can Anna probably anticipate in the remaining weeks of her pregnancy? C. What teaching is necessary for Anna at this point in her pregnancy? (List at least 4 categories with appropriate, very brief, instruction) 13 3. Your client was admitted to the hospital early this morning with the diagnosis of "Severe PIH." You are instructed to care for the client, meeting her needs, under R.N. supervision. You know her name is Sue and she is a 25 year old primipara. Her BP on admission was 190/100, pulse 72, Respirations 20 and temp. 98.6o. Her orders are the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bedrest VS q 1 hr., including reflexes Clear liquids Magnesium Sulfate per I.V. drip at 2 mg/min and regulate with reflexes Limit visitors to husband only Amniocentesis @ 11 A.M. today Seizure precautions A. What kind of equipment, medication and safety precautions would you check for in Anna's room? B. What nursing measures and environmental controls are necessary to consider in Anna's case? C. What kind of instructions does Anna need prior to her Amniocentesis test? 14 NUR 133 - Case Studies 4. MaryLou is 14 weeks pregnant, primi gravida, and is at her doctor's office complaining of spotting and mild cramping. Her doctor tells her she wants to do a pelvic exam to determine if she is experiencing preterm labor. A. What kind of information/teaching should the doctor and/or nurse give MaryLou at this time? B. Why would the doctor want to do a pelvic exam at this time and what would she be observing for during the exam? C. MaryLou has been placed on bedrest at home. What information/teaching should the nurse give MaryLou at this time? 15 5. MaryLou has now been admitted into the hospital, accompanied by her husband. The nurse has taken her history, obtained a copy of her prenatal record and oriented the couple to the labor, delivery unit. MaryLou's contractions began about 5 hours ago and are now fairly regular at 4-5 minutes apart, lasting 45-60 seconds. She is laughing and joking. She continues to normally interact even during contractions. Vaginal exam on admission reveals her cervix to be 3 cm. dilated, 95% effaced and presenting part at -1 station. Membranes are intact. A. During this latent part of this stage of labor, what might be some logical nursing goals? B. It is 3 hours later and MaryLou has become uncomfortable with her contractions but remains in good control using modified pace breathing techniques. Suddenly, during one contraction, MaryLou feels a big gush of warm fluid between her legs and it frightens her. C. What nursing observations are necessary at this time? D. What nursing care is indicated? Soon after this MaryLou starts crying and complaining that nobody is helping her and her husband may as well leave because his attentions are just distracting her. She is very uncomfortable during her contractions and has difficulty maintaining control. In addition, the nurse notices that her BP has dropped from 110/60 to 90/40, her pulse has risen to 120, and FHT have dropped to a baseline of 80. MaryLou is lying on her back and is not relaxing between contractions. A. What are some appropriate nursing actions? 16 6. 7. Four hours after being admitted to labor and delivery the nurse checks MaryLou and finds she is 9 cm dilated and the presenting part at +1 station. She has indicated she would like an epidural anesthetic for delivery and the anesthesiologist is summoned. A. What preparations will be made for the anesthesia? B. What post-anesthesia observations must be made by the nursing staff? At 2:37 PM MaryLou and her husband become parents of a 9 lb. 6 oz. baby girl. She gave birth vaginally with a midline episiotomy and a 3rd degree laceration. She has nursed the baby and is resting comfortably, accompanied by her partner. Her orders include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 amp (10mg), Pitocin to be added to present I.V. May DC I.V. when completed. Tylox 1 tablet po prn pain. Ice-glove to perineum. General diet. You are assisting the L&D nurse. Fill out the info. below for recovery care. List at least 5 different categories for observation/assessment. Normal Observations Possible Abnormal Findings 17 Nursing Actions 8. 9. Mrs. Brown is gravida 2, para 2 who delivered a 9lb 10oz boy after 3 hours of labor. Her vital signs when she arrives in postpartum 2 hours after birth are 98.9-110-20-90/60. Her fundus is slightly boggy and she has saturated her peripad and the wheelchair pad. She is pale and light-headed. She came into the Family Maternity Center completely dilated, so she does not have an i.v. A. Identify the abnormal assessment findings. B. Based on your assessment findings, what do you think might be going on with Mrs. Brown? C. What factors contributed to Mrs. Brown current condition? D. Identify appropriate nursing interventions/client teaching. Ms. Jones had a cesarean birth at 37 weeks gestation for third trimester bleeding and fetal distress. She has been on bedrest for the past 8 weeks for a partial previa. She had a normal postoperative course, free of complications. This is her third postoperative day and she calls you into her room because when she got out of bed this morning she felt a sharp pain down her right calf. You notice her right foot and ankle are slightly swollen and cool to the touch. Her vital signs are: 102-100-18-116/68. A. Identify the abnormal assessment findings. 18 10. B. Based on your assessment findings, what do you think might be going on with Mrs. Brown? C. What factors contributed to Mrs. Brown's current condition? D. Identify appropriate nursing interventions/client teaching. Ms. White is a primipara who gave birth to a 8lb 8oz baby girl after pushing for 3 hours. The physician finally had to use forceps to help her give birth. She had a lot of perineal swelling, which you have been treating with ice packs. She had a regional anesthesia that is beginning to ear off. She is complaining of severe perineal pain. Her vital signs are 99.8-112/20-88/56. A. Identify the abnormal assessment findings. B. Based on your assessment findings, what do you think might be going on with Ms. White? C. What factors contributed to Ms. White's current condition? D. Identify appropriate nursing interventions/client teaching. 19 Post-Partum Assessment for NUR 133 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Done early in shift to determine care and teaching needs. Follow logical order. "3 B's" Assessment Meaningful and instructional for mother and informative to staff members. Promotes concise, accurate charting. Insures early detection of post-partum abnormalities. Opportunities to teach self and baby care during assessment. Head to Toe Assessment A. Preparation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. empty bladder ct. in supine position on flat bed explain each procedure and inform her of findings nurse wash hands! Emotional status/pain/comfort Breasts - palpate each breast gently, assessing: a. contour b. full, tender, firm, shiny c. veins distended d. skin temp. e. sore and/or requirement f. pain med. requirement g. nursing or bottle (how is it going?) h. explain process of milk production, taking care of engorgement, self breast exams, questions regarding breastfeeding, hygiene Uterus - palpate and assess a. firmness b. location compared to umbilicus c. have ct. feel own fundus, explain need for firmness and process of involution Bladder - inspect and palpate a. note emptying or retaining of urine b. any signs of infection c. instruct regarding perineal care Lochia - assess amount and type a. amount b. clots c. color d. odor e. instruct mother regarding what to expect Episiotomy a. infection b. discomfort c. clots, swelling d. explain sitz bathes and local anesthesia meds e. answer questions regarding care at home, bowel function, etc. Bowel function a. last B.M.; avoid constipation b. instruct regarding fluid and diet Homan's sign - press down on knee and have pt. flex foot; pain or tenderness in calf is positive. 20 Postpartum Maternal Physical Assessment "The 3 B's" I. "Breasts" a. (soft, filling, engorged) b. nipples (tender/nontender; cracked or bleeding) II. "Belly" a. bowel tones (present/absent) b. fundus (firm/soft; at, above or below umbulicus) c. apply fundal pressure; observe for freeflow of lochia on pad III. "Bottom" a. perineum (swollen/nl; tender/nontender) b. espisiotomy lacerations (repair intact/not repaired; bleeding or discharge) c. hemorrhoids (present/not present) d. lochia-check pad for color (ruba, serous, albans), amount (light, moderate, heavy), odor (fleshy, foul) 21 22