IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Part I Version 1.0 IRENIE Deliverable Programme name Telematics Applications Programme Sector Environment Project acronym IRENIE Contract number EN4002 Project title Improved Reporting of Environmental Information using the EIONET Deliverable number D04.01A Deliverable title Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module Deliverable version number Version 1.0 Work package contributing to deliverable 04 Nature of the deliverable (PR/RE/SP/TO/OT) RE/SP Dissemination level (PU/LI/RP) RP Type of deliverable (PD/X) X Contractual date of delivery 1998-03-01 Actual date of delivery 1998-12-08 Author(s) C.M. van Nimwegen (PSB), M.P. Verdonk (PSB), Rob Sluyter (RIVM) Project coordinator Svein Haagenrud (NILU) Nature: PR - prototype (demonstrator), RE - report, SP - specification, TO - tool, OT - other Dissemination level: PU - public usage, LI - limited to programme participants, RP - restricted to project participants Type: PD - project deliverable, X - submitted on request Important Note: Although all components of the DEM application are described in detail, the ETC/AQ and its associated partner (PSB) reserve the right to make changes to the DEM specifications without any prior notice. 1 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 List of contents Page Part I IRENIE Deliverable......................................................................................... 1 Part II ........................................................................................................................ 5 Technical Abstract ...................................................................................................... 5 Executive Summary .................................................................................................... 6 Authorisation ............................................................................................................... 7 Amendment List .......................................................................................................... 7 Part III Full Deliverable Content Description ........................................................... 1 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of the Document .............................................................................. 1 1.2 History ........................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Outline of the DEM ........................................................................................ 2 1.4 Constraints .................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Future Extensions ......................................................................................... 4 1.6 Document Outline.......................................................................................... 4 2. DEM Architecture ................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Overview ....................................................................................................... 5 2.3 DEM Application: Visual Basic ....................................................................... 6 2.4 Database: JET .............................................................................................. 7 2.5 Future Extensions ......................................................................................... 7 2.6 Installation DEM PC ...................................................................................... 8 3. DEM Process Cycle .............................................................................................. 9 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 9 3.2 DEM data flow cycle ...................................................................................... 9 3.3 DEM Application Layout .............................................................................. 11 4. User Interface ..................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 12 4.1.1 Guidelines ............................................................................................... 12 4.1.2 Multiple Document Interface ................................................................... 13 4.1.3 Wizards .................................................................................................. 13 4.1.4 Picklists................................................................................................... 13 4.1.5 Saving Changes ..................................................................................... 13 4.1.6 Time sensitive Properties ........................................................................ 13 4.2 DEM Main Form .......................................................................................... 14 4.2.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 14 4.2.2 Description .............................................................................................. 14 4.2.3 Options ................................................................................................... 15 4.2.4 Constraints ............................................................................................. 16 4.2.5 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 16 4.3 Network Maintenance .................................................................................. 16 4.3.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 16 4.3.2 Description .............................................................................................. 16 4.3.3 Inserting Organisations and Persons ...................................................... 17 2 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 4.3.4 Form Layout, including the General Tab ................................................. 18 4.4 Options ........................................................................................................ 19 4.5 Data Definitions ........................................................................................... 19 4.6 Station Maintenance .................................................................................... 20 4.6.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 20 4.6.2 Description .............................................................................................. 20 4.7 Form Layout, including General Tab ........................................................... 21 4.7.1 Options ................................................................................................... 22 4.7.2 Constraints ............................................................................................. 22 4.7.3 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 23 4.8 Measurement Configuration Maintenance ................................................... 24 4.8.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 24 4.8.2 Description .............................................................................................. 24 4.8.3 Form Layout, including the General Tab ................................................. 25 4.9 Options ........................................................................................................ 26 4.9.1 Constraints ............................................................................................. 27 4.9.2 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 27 4.10 Measurement Configuration Bulk Add /Remove .......................................... 28 4.10.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 28 4.10.2 Description .............................................................................................. 28 4.11 Form Layout ................................................................................................ 29 4.12 Options ........................................................................................................ 30 4.13 Constraints .................................................................................................. 30 4.14 Prepare for Import ....................................................................................... 30 4.14.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 30 4.14.2 Description .............................................................................................. 30 4.15 Form Layout ................................................................................................ 34 4.16 Options ........................................................................................................ 35 4.17 Constraints .................................................................................................. 35 4.18 Manual Data Entry: Statistics....................................................................... 35 4.18.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 35 4.19 Description .................................................................................................. 36 4.20 Form Layout ................................................................................................ 37 4.20.1 Options ................................................................................................... 37 4.20.2 Constraints ............................................................................................. 37 4.20.3 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 38 4.21 Manual Data Entry: Ozone Exceedances .................................................... 38 4.21.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 38 4.22 Description .................................................................................................. 38 4.23 Form Layout ................................................................................................ 39 4.23.1 Options ................................................................................................... 39 4.23.2 Constraints ............................................................................................. 39 4.23.3 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 40 4.24 Import Data from File................................................................................... 40 4.24.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 40 4.24.2 Description .............................................................................................. 40 4.24.3 Form Layout............................................................................................ 42 4.24.4 Options ................................................................................................... 42 4.24.5 Constraints ............................................................................................. 42 4.24.6 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 42 4.25 Report Meta Information .............................................................................. 42 4.25.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 42 4.26 Description .................................................................................................. 42 3 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 4.27 Form Layout ................................................................................................ 43 4.27.1 Options ................................................................................................... 43 4.27.2 Constraints ............................................................................................. 43 4.27.3 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 43 4.28 Report Data ................................................................................................. 44 4.28.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 44 4.29 Description .................................................................................................. 44 4.30 Form Layout ................................................................................................ 44 4.30.1 Options ................................................................................................... 45 4.30.2 Constraints ............................................................................................. 45 4.30.3 Data Definitions ...................................................................................... 45 4.31 Submit Database ......................................................................................... 45 4.31.1 Properties ............................................................................................... 45 4.32 Description .................................................................................................. 45 5. Reports ................................................................................................................ 46 5.1 Meta Information Network: overview / Detailed ............................................ 48 5.2 Meta Information Station: overview / Detailed .............................................. 49 5.3 Meta Information Measurement Configuration: overview / Detailed ............. 50 Data Report: Raw Air Quality Data ....................................................................... 51 5.5 Data Report: Statistics ................................................................................. 52 Data Report: Ozone Exceedances ....................................................................... 52 6. Data Import Routines ......................................................................................... 53 7. Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 86 7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 86 7.2 Download DEM from AIRBASE ................................................................... 86 7.3 Upload DEM to AIRBASE ............................................................................ 86 8. Domains .............................................................................................................. 91 Part IV ...................................................................................................................... 99 Appendix A Keyword List ....................................................................................... 99 Appendix B Bibliography...................................................................................... 100 Appendix C Glossary ............................................................................................ 101 Appendix D Distribution List ................................................................................ 102 Appendix E IRENIE Document Format ................................................................ 103 Appendix F IRENIE Quality Assurance Form ...................................................... 104 4 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Part II Technical Abstract Deliverable number D04.01A Title of deliverable Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module This report describes the technical specifications for the AIRBASE Data Exchange Module. The technical system architecture is presented and the DEM process cycle. All user interfaces are described including form layout, options, data definitions and constraints. 5 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Executive Summary Deliverable number D04.01A Title of deliverable Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module This report describes the specifications for the Data Exchange Module (DEM). DEM is a satellite PC-application which enables data suppliers to to add, modify and delete meta information on AQ networks, stations and measurement configurations; select station-component combinations for which AQ data is to be exchanged, link these combinations to AQ data files and import data files with extensive error checking; manually enter ozone exceedances and (ozone) statistics; generate reports giving an overview of information contained in application; transmit database on diskettes or through Eionet/Internet for incorporation in AIRBASE; download a new (refreshed) meta information from AIRBASE. Since the DEM application only exchanges validated data to AIRBASE including all meta information, the availability and quality of AIRBASE data will be strongly improved. Furthermore, the procedure to import data into AIRBASE can be fully automated. All data submitted will be made available through the existing but extended WWW AIRBASE application. The DEM will be used to exchange AQ information between countries and Commission/EEA in the framework of Directive 92/72 (Ozone), Decision 97/101 (EoI) and EEA-EUROAIRNET. 6 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Authorisation The Quality Assurance Board (QAB): Svein Haagenrud (Quality Assurance Manager), Phil Turton (SEM), Torstein Skancke, Trond Bøhler, Nicolas Moussioupolos (deputy: K. Karatzas), Roel van Aalst (deputy: R. Sluyter), Stefan Jensen, Gabriel Kielland. Amendment List This document has been drafted in February of 1998. It has been converted to meet IRENIE standards in December 1998. The review process has been performed according to the procedures described in the Contract. The respective partners responsible for the reviews (see Appendix F for each report) have corresponded their corrections and comments to the authors and project co-ordinator through e-mails. These have been adjusted and implemented by the authors and quality controlled by two of the members of the Quality Assurance Board. 7 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Part III 1. 1.1 Version 1.0 Full Deliverable Content Description Introduction Purpose of the Document This document describes the functional specifications of the Data Exchange Model (DEM) and is intended to inform the IRENIE project partners about the functionality supported by the first version of the DEM application. At this point it is important to emphasise the fact that the focus of the first version of DEM application is the data acquisition and validation process. By using a phased realisation scheme, the first version can be made generally available in the third quarter of 1998 so data suppliers are enabled to use the DEM application for the 1997 data acquisition. In the remainder of this document, ‘the version of the DEM application’ will be simply referred to as the ‘DEM application’. The specifications are based the AIRBADM application and a DEM prototype which is evaluated by the European Topic Centre for Air Quality (ETC/AQ). 1.2 History The ETC-AQ, under contract to the EEA, is responsible for updating, maintaining and further development of AIRBASE, which combines the old EC databases APIS and GIRAFE. In close co-operation with DGXI, a basic system has been set up which has been built in a Relation Database Management System (DBMS). All information transmitted by countries related to the EoI is stored in the database and the system can handle all requested information transmitted in the framework of the ozone Directive (92/72/EEC) and data transmitted under other AQ Directives. Countries have access to the database through a WWW application1. Software (pilot version) to store and exchange meta information on AQ networks and stations has already been provided to the Member States2. Data can be transmitted to the ETC-AQ server using FTP. Experiences with the 1995 and 1996 EoI updates and ozone data reporting have shown that: data suppliers need a lot of time for transfer because no tailor-made exchange software is available, resulting in; countries not using recommended data exchange formats (or use deviations from the formats). many errors are made in the data files and poor quality of meta information which in some cases is partly or completely missing. A substantial effort and budget was needed to process/convert all incoming data and exclude obvious mistakes. Moreover, it is foreseen that the number of countries and 1 2 AIRBADM module, can be downloaded: 1 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 amount of data exchanged per country will increase substantially in the coming years (new EoI Dec., Daughter Directives, accession countries) which might result in a rising effort for the yearly update of the database. Instead, effort should be devoted to making the data more accessible and presenting the data to Member States. Still, a number of problems could not be resolved and part of the data received could not be loaded because formats deviated to much from recommended formats. The effort needed for updating the information system will be reduced highly by using an Data Exchange Module (DEM) which: Checks data files against the Commission/ETC-AQ format specifications; Links imported data files to station descriptions (meta information). Submits files through the Eionet for inclusion in AIRBASE. The DEM will be used to exchange AQ information (ozone exceedances, raw data, statistics, meta information on operational networks and stations) in the framework of: Directive 92/72 (Ozone) Decision 97/101 (EoI) EEA EUROAIRNET (Other AQ Directives: in future implementation if different from ‘standard’ statistics) 1.3 Outline of the DEM The Data Exchange Module will enable: Adding, modifying and deleting (flagging) of meta information on AQ networks, stations and measurement configurations (includes all features previously offered by ETC-AQ AIRBADM application); Selections of station-component combinations for which AQ data is to be exchanged, linking of these combinations to AQ data files, importing of files with extensive error checking; Manual entry (in addition to file import) of ozone exceedances and (ozone) statistics; Generate reports giving an overview of information contained in application Transmit database on diskettes or through Eionet/Internet for incorporation in AIRBASE. The software will be available by download through Eionet/Internet. After incorporation in AIRBASE, data will be be available to all countries through the existing but extended WWW application. Data suppliers can upload data using FTP but also by diskette, tape or CD-ROM. A great advantage of the Data Exchange Module is that data import files can be very simple (identifier, date/time, values, Qflag) because all meta information is stored in, and handled by the software. In addition, the software will also be able to handle ozone exceedances files (according to the Commission specification), and the data sections of ISO-7168, NasaAmes 1001 and 1010. 2 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The menu structure of the DEM will be a close copy of the data exchange procedures to ensure the clearness of the process. It is expected that this will result in less errors and the minimisation of effort needed for ad-hoc support. Apart from the standard help files, ‘Cue cards’ will be included which will guide the data suppliers through the process of data transmission. To increase the quality of the database contents, extensive checks will be performed on imported data. Entry of meta data will be ‘guided’ as much as possible by the use of pick lists. The DEM application also supports browsing the meta information for all participating countries. This will enable participating countries for example to extract monitoring practices reports of other countries. The DEM will be the first module of a future PC-AIRBASE application. The future fully implemented application will be ‘Internet aware’ (loads updates automatically) and will include a Data Visualisation module (at least offering all previous APIS features). 1.4 Constraints Important Notice: This document is only to inform all participant about the global intentions regarding the DEM application. Although all components of the DEM application are described in detail, the ETC/AQ and its associated partner (PSB) reserve the right to make changes to the DEM specifications or application without prior notice. The specifications of the DEM application are based on the following assumptions and decisions: General / DEM application The DEM application runs on a 32 bits Microsoft platform (Windows95 or WindowsNT) The DEM application is designed for a display with a 1024x768 resolution with large fonts. A resolution of 600x800 using small fonts might be used but is not supported. The DEM application uses the same data model (database layout) as AIRBASE. Some data (e.g. components) are maintained by AIRBASE (ETC/AQ) exclusively and are therefore included in the DEM application as read-only data. No meta information may be deleted from the DEM database. Instead, meta information will be logically deleted by entering a date/time to applicable Shut Down On fields. Shutting down a network will shut down all underlying stations, unless a station is still part of an (other) active network. A shut down of a station will in turn shut down all underlying measurement configurations (Cascading Shut Down) The submittance of data to AIRBASE is done on a yearly basis in this version. Users can retrieve meta information of other countries in read only mode using the same interface 3 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 City names are registered in capitals The DEM application does not prohibit any changes in existing stations. Even the co-ordinates of a station can be changed. However, it is the responsibility of every DEM user to create a new station (and shut down the old station) if the coordinates or other important station properties are significantly changed. Data Files and Data Import The emphasis of the DEM application is the controlled data exchange. All meta information must be entered using the DEM application, so the meta information in the data files can be ignored. When importing data, users must fully describe the contents of the data files by relating to a Mark File (see Chapter 2) and by entering global data specifications like starting year and period. Data files may not contain multiple components or multiple measurement configurations per station. In data files, stations and components must be identified by their (alphanumerical) names. Measurement configurations are identified by their (numerical) code. Exception: in EoI formatted data files use numerical identification for stations and components. All data records in the data files are sorted on measurement date/time. The date/time sequence does not have to be contiguous. Before the date files are imported into the DEM database, the data files are checked extensively, resulting in an complete overview of all errors encountered. When a total of 20 errors have been found, the check process is aborted Only when the data is fully checked and no errors have been found, the data files will be imported into the DEM database. 1.5 Future Extensions Future versions of the DEM application will contain a visualisation module and possibly multi lingual support. Currently, the following options might be taken into consideration: forms for the maintenance of meta information of data files and mark files reload and remove options for already loaded data files report extensions using MS-Excel 1.6 Document Outline This document consists of the following chapters: Chapter 2 DEM Architecture The DEM Architecture gives an overview of DEM hardware and software, their relationships and individual specifications. Chapter 3 DEM Process Model The DEM Process Model describes a step by step approach for AIRBASE data exchange. These steps make up the DEM data cycle which forms the basis principle for the DEM application. 4 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 2. 2.1 Version 1.0 Chapter 4 User Interface This chapter contains detailed descriptions of all forms that make up the DEM user interface. Chapter 5 Reports This chapter contains detailed descriptions of all reports for meta information, raw AQ data, statistics and ozone exceedances. Chapter 6 Data Import Routines The DEM application supports a number of data file formats. This chapter contains the specifications of each supported data file format in relation to the DEM database, including pseudo code for the importing routines. Chapter 7 Interfaces This chapter describes the interfaces with the AIRBASE database for the upload and download of the DEM database, including the usage of FTP and EIONet. DEM Architecture Prerequisites In order to make a valid and conscious choice of software products to be used for de development of the DEM applications, the following prerequisites are defined: Platform : Microsoft 32-bits: Windows95 or WindowsNT 4.0 Software : Widely used development tools License : No Runtime licence fees Performance : High: Compiled application, fast DB Engine Characteristics : Single User Scalability 2.2 : DB-growth, Application enhancements Overview The following figure shows a simplified diagram of the DEM architecture. 5 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A DEM Client PC DEM Application Visual Basic (VB 5.0) Version 1.0 ETC/AQ DB Server MS-Access (Optional) AIRBASE (Ingres) Data Access Objects (DAO) ODBC JET (MDB File) Meta Data AQ Data JET EoINet / Diskettes All Data ETC/AQ PC The DEM application stores all data in the DEM database using Microsoft’s Data Access Objects (DAO). The yearly export to AIRBASE is achieved by sending a copy of the MDB file (JET database) to the ETC/AQ. This copy then is installed on a PC (at the ETC/AQ) where the data is copied to special import tables in the AIRBASE database before they are processed into the regular AIRBASE tables. 2.3 DEM Application: Visual Basic One of the most eminent prerequisites for the DEM is the scalability of the application and the database. As far as the application is concerned it is stated that the system architecture must enable future application enhancements, such as graphing and mapping. For the Windows platform this can be achieved by using the Common Object Model and ActiveX Controls. Therefore the choice is made to use a product from the Microsoft suite as development tool for DEM. Taking into account other prerequisites (regarding licenses and performance) the tool ‘Visual Basic’ (VB) is chosen. VB is the ultimate tool when it comes to ActiveX support while its compiled applications can be used on DEM PC’s without any license-fee. Visual Basic is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool with the following characteristics: VB is the ultimate tool when it comes to ActiveX support. This can be used to embed new conversion routines and visualisation tools in the DEM application VB supports object oriented programming, allowing reusability of code. VB applications offer more or less the same performance like C++ applications. In VB version 5 complex VB4 components have been rewritten resulting in major performance improvements VB 5 supports version control (MS SourceSafe, included in VB5) All components comply to industry standards (COM/ActiveX, SQL, etc.) while distribution of these components can easily be prepared using the Install Shield utility. In addition to the DEM application, MS-Access offers extra, ready-to-use functionality for browsing the database and making (complex) reports. 6 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 2.4 Version 1.0 Database: JET The DB-Engine is also a Microsoft product: the Joint Engine Technology (JET). JET is a workstation based DB-engine that can be accessed via Data Access Objects (DAO) using SQL statements. JET stores its data (including its own meta-data) in one single file (MDB-file) making distribution a lot easier. Furthermore, JET is a simple and therefore fast DB-engine (little overhead) which requires no runtime license fee. The DEM database contains all meta information of all countries and validated raw data, statistics and ozone exceedances of the data suppliers country of the DEM application. Because all data is stored in the DEM database which consists of one single MDB-file, the export of data to the ETC/AQ database is a straightforward process with little overhead. Furthermore, because all validated data is stored in a database users can make simple and complex reports using tools such as MS-Access. Note: 2.5 At this point it is important to clear possible misconceptions about MS-Access and Jet. Jet is a database engine which provides programmable objects (DAO) representing the database, while MS-Access is an end-user tool which can be used to build databases (and applications). Future Extensions Because Jet is a simple DB-engine with little overhead, it is very well suited to support fast single user applications. If extra features like on-line recovery/backup are wanted or a multi-user DEM application (locking and performance demands), the Jet database engine can be used to access other database management systems like Oracle, SQLServer and OpenIngres via ODBC. This can be achieved using the same Data Access Objects (DAO) (provided certain DAO features are not used). This implies transparent scalability to a full-grown RDBMS. 7 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A ETC/AQ DB Server DEM Client PC DEM Application Visual Basic (VB 5.0) Version 1.0 MS-Access (Optional) AIRBASE (Ingres) Data Access Objects (DAO) ODBC ODBC Direct JET (MDB File) Meta Data AQ Data JET EoINet / Diskettes All Data ETC/AQ PC ODBC OpenIngres/Oracle/ SQL Server LOCAL OpenIngres/Oracle/ SQL Server REMOTE WinTCP Remote Server(s) Data Supplier The usage of a (remote) RBMD other than the JET engine requires additional data transport routines. 2.6 Installation DEM PC The DEM application and database will be installed on client PC’s by user friendly setup procedures. These setup procedures contains wizard dialogues which will prompt the user for the all necessary specifications like the directory in which the DEM will be installed: 8 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Apart from the hardware requirements for every 32-bit Microsoft platform, the DEM application requires preferably a network connection to the EoINet approximately 100 Mb for the DEM application and meta information additional disk space twice the total size of data files to be imported (this disk space might be located on the local network) The installation will have the following directory structure: …\DEM\ 3. 3.1 BIN program files, dll’s DB Location for database DEM.MDB MARK default directory for mark files REPORT default directory for report DEM Process Cycle Introduction The collection of data by making use of DEM will in principle be a once-yearly process. However, in the future it is foreseen that the update frequency will be higher, perhaps even once per month. In this chapter the yearly process is described. 3.2 DEM data flow cycle The DEM data flow cycle can be presented as follows: AIRBASE 6a 6b 6 DEM raw data raw data files 5 4 meta-data 9 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The following steps have to be carried out sequentially (steps 1 up to and including 5 are carried out by the data-supplier, while step 6 is carried out by ETC/AQ): 1. The process always starts with downloading of the meta-data from AIRBASE to DEM. After the DEM is installed (meta-data and application) the data-supplier selects his country. All meta-data as registered in AIRBASE is being downloaded to DEM. The datamodels of AIRBASE and DEM are identical. The old version of the application and database are completely being overwritten. 2. The data-supplier checks the meta-data. For example, if new stations are created, the data-supplier will register those new stations in DEM. If a station is shutdown, the data-supplier will shutdown that station in DEM. All new data in DEM requires a key. Normally the value of this key is defined in AIRBASE. However, when a data-supplier inserts a new station in DEM, the key (stationcode) has to be generated by DEM. For example, a new station gets the key (stationcode) 4913 in DEM. This number is unique in DEM. Also the tuple in the table station will be flagged with the letter ‘A’ to indicate an Add (insert). If a station is updated, it will be flagged ‘M’(Modified). In case a station was earlier inserted in DEM (so that it already had the flag ‘A’), it will keep the flag ‘A’, because it still has to be inserted in AIRBASE. If a station is deleted, it will not be shutdown in the DEMdatabase, but it will get an enddate. The station will be flagged ‘S’ (Shut down). Only in the situation where the station had the flag ‘A’ (in other words, a new entry), the station will be deleted in the DEM-database. In the datamodel of AIRBASE several startdates and enddates are registered. In most cases, the startdates and enddates in DEM will be filled with the systemdate when the user inserts or deletes meta-data. 3. The data-supplier will generate a mark file. The mark file will contain the names of stations (as registered in DEM) which the data-supplier ‘marks’ as the stations for which data (raw data, statistics and/or exceedances) will be imported. The data-supplier will select a component and one or more stations (in one or more networks) as the link to the raw data files. The stationname is registered in the markfile. 4. The data-supplier will import raw data files. In this process the raw data-files are checked (see chapter 6). Because the stationname is also registered in the mark file, the data-supplier must make use of the stationname in the raw data files. Of course, the spelling of the 10 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 stationnames in the mark files and in the raw data files has to be precisely the same. DEM will not import data from components or stations that are not in the mark file. 5. After the raw data files (raw data, statistics, exceedances) have been imported successfully, the data-supplier will be able to run a report on data imported or a report on meta data of networks and stations. The data-supplier will also submit the DEM-database to ETC/AQ. By submitting the DEM-database to ETC/AQ, it is possible to update the AIRBASE-database with the meta-data and rawdata of the local DEM-database. 6. In AIRBASE, first the updated meta-data are imported, so that the meta-data in AIRBASE is up to date. After the meta-data have been imported, the raw data will be imported in AIRBASE. All the meta-data and raw data are being imported in AIRBASE and are registered in import-tables. After import, two major substeps are carried out. First, the meta-data in AIRBASE is being updated with data that has just been imported from DEM and that was flagged ‘A’, ‘M’ and ‘S’. In our example, stationcode (key) 4913 has to be inserted in the table ‘station’ of AIRBASE. The number 4913 is maybe already in use; if so, a new unique stationcode number will be generated by AIRBASE, for example 5077. The new station is then inserted into the table station in AIRBASE with the stationcode 5077. After all meta-data has been inserted or updated in AIRBASE, the raw data import-tables are being copied to the raw data tables of AIRBASE. If key-values have been changed (for example stationcode 4913 was changed into 5077), these new values will be stored in AIRBASE for those raw data. After step 1 up to and including step 6 the ‘circle is round’. At a later time the process can be started completely again. It is important that this version of DEM may not be used anymore after meta-data and raw data files are exported. Otherwise the situation may occur that -for examplestationcodes are used that are belonging to another station in AIRBASE. For this reason, the data-supplier must always download a new version of DEM after the exported files have been imported in AIRBASE. 3.3 DEM Application Layout The DEM application layout reflects the DEM Process Cycle. The DEM application consists of of a Main DEM form in which the DEM client forms are displayed. The DEM Main form is the only form which has a menu bar: the DEM Menu bar. 11 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 For every step in the DEM Process Cycle (except step 1) there is a button in the DEM Menu bar: Step Menu Option 2 Meta Info 3 Prepare 4 Import 5a Report 5b Submit Pull Down Menu Description The Meta Info button can be used to start the maintenance forms for networks, stations and measurement configurations. This option start up a dialogue (wizard) to setup the maintenance form for Mark Files The Import of data is subject to many checks and double checks. Every data file to be imported must be accompanied by a Mark file. Furthermore some additional meta information is required to do the double checks. A Wizard dialogue will guide users through all necessary steps. The reports on meta information and data are requested through a selection form in which users can enter restrictions and the layout of the report. Submitting data to the ETC/AQ (AIRBASE) can be done using the EIONET(Ftp) to a writing the data to one or more diskettes. In Chapter 4 these forms are explained in detail. 4. 4.1 4.1.1 User Interface Introduction Guidelines The main goal designing the DEM interface was to create a simple, intuitive user interface. Future DEM users must be able to find their way in the DEM application without having to read any manual or other form of documentation. Furthermore, the interface should reflect the steps users follow when acquiring Raw AQ data, statistics and ozone exceedances. In order to improve the intuitiveness, the user interface is kept as simple as possible while complying to the Windows95 / WindowsNT "look and feel". Therefore the DEM application has only one Main Form with a menu and a buttonbar, and simple forms offering wanted DEM functionality. Wizards are implemented to guide users through complex tasks. In addition, the user is offered an extensive set of selection lists (picklists) simplifying data maintenance and data entry. 12 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Whenever a user is prompted for information or confirmation, he will be issued with a descriptive remark/question and a set of semantic buttons offered in a dialogue box. This way, the dialogue boxes can be considered as simple wizards instead of hard to answer disturbances. Finally, a series of pragmatic cue cards are added to the DEM offering compact guidelines how to fulfil certain tasks. These cue cards will explain the outline of the DEM application and which functions to use to perform certain tasks. 4.1.2 Multiple Document Interface As stated, the DEM application consists of one DEM Main form containing the DEM Menu bar and the DEM Button bar. As start up, the DEM Main form is shown enabling users to start any of the DEM client forms which offer actual DEM functions. This is called a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) which is also used by major Microsoft Applications like MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-Access. 4.1.3 Wizards Wizards are simple dialogue boxes added to the application in order to guide users through complex tasks. Some wizards consist of one single dialogue box, other contain multiple dialogue boxes and selection forms. These wizards not act as assistants but also guarantee a structural approach for complex tasks and thus improving the quality of the quality of AQ Data, statistics and exceedances 4.1.4 Picklists In order to support users and to minimise usage of illegal values, all fields with a set domain values are presented as a picklist: Some picklist have a fixed list of values (Fixed Picklist) whereas other picklists allow users to enter new values (Free Picklist). 4.1.5 Saving Changes Changes in data (network, station, raw AQ data etc.) are not automatically applied to the database. Data maintenance forms are therefore issued with Cancel and Save buttons. By clicking a Cancel button, all changes are ignored while clicking a Save button will cause all applicable changes to be written to the database. Whenever a user forgets to click a Save or Cancel button, he will be prompted whether he wants to ignore changes made using an elegant dialogue box. 4.1.6 Time sensitive Properties Some property values of networks, stations and measurement configurations are only valid for a certain period of time. By defining a start date and an end date for each value, 13 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 the complete history of a property value is registered. An (simplified) example of such a time sensitive property is the type property of a network: Network Id 12 12 Network Type industrial zone agglomeration Start Date 01.02.1996 09:23:10 31.05.1996 10:21:03 End Date 31.05.1996 10:21:03 Network 12 was of type “industrial zone” from the first of February until the end of may 1996. From the first of June 1996 on, the networkl is of type “agglomeration”. This example also shows an important characteristic of time sensitive properties. Changing the value of a time sensitive property causes 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 1. an update of the old value: enddate = <current date and time> 2. insertion of a new value with start date = <current data and time> DEM Main Form Properties Id. frmDEMMain Label IRENIE - Data Exchange Module (DEM) Type MDI Main Form Description The DEM Main Form is the start up form of the DEM application and acts as the DEM desktop for all other DEM forms. Apart form the wizard dialogues, all forms exists within the boundaries of the DEM Main Form. The DEM Main Form contains the DEM Menu Bar and the DEM Button Bar. The DEM Menu Bar contains buttons to start individual DEM functions and reflects the predefined steps for (meta) data preparation, import and export (see Options Section). The DEM Button Bar can be used to start generic functions such as inserting a new record. Using the DEM Main Form users can start one or more DEM client forms which can only exist within the boundaries of the DEM Main Form: minimised forms are shown at the the bottom of the DEM Main Form maximised occupy the complete workspace of DEM Main Form, not the complete Windows Desktop All open client forms are listed in the Window option of the DEM Menu bar: 14 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 As this example shows, the active windows is marked with a sign. 4.2.3 Options DEM Menu Bar File Exit Close all Forms and exit Data Exchange Module. Meta Info Networks… Stations.. Measurement Configuration… Prepare Prepare for Import… Start Network Maintenance Form Start Station Maintenance Form Start Measurement Configuration Maintenance Form Start the Import Wizard Import Manual Data Entry Statistics… Ozone Exceedances… Import from Data File Raw AQ Data… Statistics… Ozone Exceedances Start the Statistics D/E Wizard Start the Ozone Exceedances D/E Wizard Start the Import Raw AQ Data Wizard Start the Import StatisticsWizard Start the Ozone Exceedances Wizard Report Meta Info… Data Raw AQ Data… Statistics… Ozone Exceedances… Start Meta Information Report Form Start Raw AQ Data Report Form Start Statistics Report Form Start Ozone Exceedances Report Form 15 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Submit Submit to ETC/AQ Version 1.0 Start Submit Wizard Windows Shows open Forms, active Form marked with a sign Help Help on DEM… Help Index… Search for Help On… Cue Cards… Start DEM Help - Main form Start DEM Help - Index Start DEM Help - Search engine Start DEM Cur Card Form DEM Button Bar Insert a record (Network, Station, Meas. Conf.) Shut Down a record (Network, Station, Meas. Conf.) Cut selected text from Form and put into the Windows Clipboard Copy selected text to the Winidows Clipboard Paste text from Windows Clipboard and put it into Selected Field 4.2.4 Constraints N.A. 4.2.5 Data Definitions N.A. 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 Network Maintenance Properties Id. FrmNetwork Label Network Maintenance Type MDI Client Description The highest level of meta information is the Network information, which is maintained in this frame. This frame also includes information about the Network manager and the data supplier. The upper part of this frame shows all existing networks for the active nation (selected in Dem Main). All networks have a status indicating its history with regards its definitions in AIRBASE. New networks are marked with status ‘A’, modified networks with ‘M’ and networks which are shutdown are marked with an ‘S’. Note that networks can not be deleted; they are logically deleted by entering a shut down date/time stamp. From the 16 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 overview on the upper part of this form, the user can select an individual network which is shown in detail on the General tab (the lower part of the form). The two other tabs contain the network’s Manager and the network’s Data Supplier. Both the Manager and the Data Supplier consist of an organisation and a person. New networks can be inserted using the button from DEM Main while existing networks can be shutdown (logical delete) using the Dem Main button. 4.3.3 Inserting Organisations and Persons Special rules apply for the organisation name field and the last name field. These fields identify an organisation and a person respectively. These rules will be explained by example using the organisation name. All existing organisations, located in the active nation (DEM Main Form), are listed in the Organisation Name picklist. Users can change the managing or data supplying organisation simply by selecting a new value from the picklist. Every new selection refreshes the applicable Tab (Manager/Data Supplier) reflection the newly selected organisation’s properties. The picklist field for organisation name can also be used to enter values manually. Whenever an users enters a new, non-existing name, he is asked whether he wants to add a new organisation to the database. Whenever a user enters a new organisation name, he will be asked (dialogue box) whether he wants to insert a new organisation; enters an existing name, he will be asked (dialogue box) whether he wants to select the existing organisation or wants to insert a new organisation with the same name: 17 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.3.4 Form Layout, including the General Tab Manager Tab: Data SupplierTab: 18 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.4 Version 1.0 Options Buttons on Form Cancel Ignore all changes and restore old values Save Save all changes in the database Stations Start the form “Station Maintenance” for selected network. DEM Main buttons (New) This option blanks all Tabs enabling users to enter a new network (Shut Down) Normally the Shut Down On field is displayed in read only mode and can not be changed. By clicking the Shut Down Button the form behaviour will be inverted: all the fields on the Tabs will be shown display only mode except the Shut Down On field which gets the inputfocus. The Shut Down On field is filled with a default being the current date and time. If a shutdown network is saved, all underlying stations and measurement configurations will be shut down, using the same date and time. Constraints Mandatory Fields: see data definitions matrix All rules regarding the referential database integrity apply to this form Domains for Network Type: see Appendix A Network can not be deleted, Instead, a network is logically deleted by entering a date/time in the Shut Down On field. This logical delete is cascaded to all underlying stations and measurement configurations, providing the station is not part on another active network. The Operational Since date and Shut Down On date of a network can not be a future date and do not have a time part Once filled, values of Shut Down On dates can not be changed. The Shut Down On date must be later in time than the Operational Since date. City must be entered in capitals. 4.5 Data Definitions Tables: Table network organisation person network_function network_type type_of_network Mod IU IU IU IU IU - Type/Description Changeable Table Changeable Table for Manager/Data Supplier Organisation Changeable Table for Manager/Data Supplier Person Time Sensitive Relation: network - person Time Sensitive Relation: network - type_of_network Static System Table 19 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Fields: Form Part General Field Name Name Abbreviation Operational Since Shut Down On Manager/ Data Supplier Note: 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 Remarks Network Type Network Type Description Name Mailing address and postal code Phone Number Fax Number City Last Name First Name Title Email Address Mandatory Field Type Changeable Changeable Changeable Table network network network Attribute nw_name nw_short_name nw_startdate network nw_enddate N.A. Read Only / Changeable Changeable Picklist Read Display Only network type_of_network type_of_network nw_remarks tn_name tn_description Picklist Update organisation Changeable organisation og_name og_address Changeable Changeable Changeable Picklist Update Changeable Changeable Changeable og_phone_number og_fax_number og_city ps_last_name ps_first_name ps_title ps_email_address organisation organisation organisation person person person person all applicable data selections are restricted to the country code selected in the DEM Main buttonbar. Station Maintenance Properties Id. FrmStation Label Station Maintenance Type MDI Client Description With this form all stations of a particular network can be maintained. This form can be started either from the DEM Main Menubar or from the Network Maintenance form. In this latter case, the applicable network is already selected in the Network picklist. The upper part of this frame shows all existing stations of a particular network. It is stated that a station can be part of more than one network. From this overview an individual station can be selected to be shown in detail on the multiple tabs (the lower part of the form): General Classification Environment All Stations have a status indicating its history with regards its definitions in AIRBASE. New stations are marked with status ‘A’, modified stations with ‘M’ and stations which are shut down are marked with an ‘S’. New stations can be inserted using the button from DEM Main while existing stations can be shut down (logical delete) using the Dem Main button. 20 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.7 Form Layout, including General Tab Classification Tab: Environment Tab: 21 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Meteo Parameters Tab: 4.7.1 Options Buttons on Form Check Present a small map with a DOT marking the coordinates entered. Coordinates Cancel Ignore all changes and restore old values Save Save all changes in the database Meas. Configurations Start the form “Measurement Configurations Maintenance” for selected station. DEM Main buttons 4.7.2 (New) This option blanks all Tabs enabling users to enter a new station (Shut Down) Normally the Shut Down On field is displayed in read only mode and can not be changed. By clicking the Shut Down Button the form behaviour will be inverted: all the fields on the Tabs will be shown display only mode except the Shut Down On field which gets the inputfocus. The Shut Down On field is filled with a default being the current date and time. If a shutdown station is saved, all underlying measurement configurations will be shut down, using the same date and time. Constraints Mandatory Fields: see data definitions matrix All rules regarding the referential database integrity apply to this form Domains for Station Type/Type of Zone/Char. Of Zone, Inhabitants Class, Traffic Volume and Main Emissions..: see Appendix A Stations can not be deleted, Instead, a station is logically deleted by entering a date/time in the Shut Down On field. This logical delete is cascaded to all underlying measurement configurations. The Operational Since date and Shut Down On date of a station can not be a future date and do not have a time part Once filled, values of Shut Down On dates can not be changed. 22 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The Shut Down On date must be later in time than the Operational Since date. The City fields are disabled if Type of Zone = 'Rural'. The Street fields are disabled if Station Type = 'Background' and Type of Zone = 'Rural' and Char. of Zone = 'Agricultural' or 'Natural'. The values of Inhabitants Class and #Inhabitants must logically coincide. The values of Traffic Volume and Vehicles/24h must logically coincide. 4.7.3 Data Definitions Tables: Table station station_profile network_station station_type type_of_station station_environment characteristics_of_zone char_of_zone_combinations type_of_zone characteristic_of_street station_emission_source emission_source station_meteo meteorological_parameters city Mod IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU Type/Description Changeable Table Changeable Table Relation: network - station Time Sensitive Relation: station - type_of_station Static System Table Time Sensitive Relation: station - environment Static System Table Static System Table Static System Table Static System Table Time Sensitive Relation: station - emission_source Static System Table Time Sensitive Relation: station - meteorological_parameters Static System Table Changeable Table 23 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Fields: Form Part General Classification Field Name Station Code Station Name Description Operational Since Shut Down On Mandatory Latitude Deg-Min-Sec Longitude Deg-Min-Sec Altitude a.s.l. (m) Station Type Type of Zone Char. Of zone Station Type Description Name of City Inhabitants Class # Inhabitants Street Name Traffic Volume Environment Meteo. Parameters 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 Field Type Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Read Only / Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Picklist Read Picklist Read Picklist ReadTo Be Defined Display Only Table station_profile station_profile station station station Attribute sp_code sp_name sn_description sn_startdate sn_enddate station station station type_of_station type_of_zone Char_of_zone_ combination sn_latitude_dms sn_longitude_dms sn_altitude ts_name tz_name cb_name type_of_station ts_description Picklist Read Picklist Read Changeable Changeable Picklist Read city Te Be Defined station_profile station characteristic_o f_street station_profile station_ environment emission_sourc e station_emissio n_source station_ environment ct_english_name To be Defined sp_number_inhabit_zone sn_street cs_traffic_volume meteorlogical_ parameter meteorological_ parameter meteorological_ parameter meteorological_ mp_name parameter meteorological_ parameter meteorological_ mp_name parameter meteorological_ parameter mp_name # Vehicles/24 h Description/Comments Station Environment Main emissions in station Environment Description/Comments Main Emissions Description of Prevailing Meteorological Conditions Ambient temperature Changeable Changeable Atmospheric pressure Changeable Precipitation Changeable Relative humidity Changeable Solar radiation Changeable Wind direction Changeable Wind speed Changeable Picklist Read Changebale Changebale Changeable sp_number_vehicles sv_description es_name se_description sv_meteo_description mp_name mp_name mp_name mp_name Measurement Configuration Maintenance Properties Id. FmMeasConfiguration Label Measuerement Configuration Maintenance Type MDI Client Description The measurement configuration is the most detailed level of meta information in the DEM. With this form all measurement configurations of a particular station can be maintained. This form can be started either from the DEM Main Menubar or from the 24 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Station Maintenance form. In the latter case, the applicable network and station are already selected in the Network and Station picklists. The upper part of this frame shows all existing measurement configurations of a particular station. From this overview individual stations can be selected which is shown in detail on the multiple tabs (the lower part of the form): General / Equipment Sampling / Analysis Calibration The Automatic (Yes/NO) field on the General Tab indicates wether the Meas Configuration is based on a measuring technique using a monitoring equipment (Automatic = No) or on a analytical Principle using a sampling equipment (Automatic = Yes) The applicable fields will be enabled after the Automatic field is set to Yes or No. All measurement configurations have a status indicating its history with regards its definitions in AIRBASE. New configurations are marked with status ‘A’, modified configurations with ‘M’ and measurement configurations which are shut down are marked with an ‘S’. New configurations can be inserted using the button from DEM Main while existing configurations can be shutdown (logical delete) using the Dem Main button. 4.8.3 Form Layout, including the General Tab 25 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Sampling / Analysis Tab: Calibration Tab Implementation Tab 4.9 Options Buttons on Form Cancel Ignore all changes and restore old values Save Save all changes in the database 26 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Bulk Add/Delete Version 1.0 This will call a DEM explorer frame (FrmMeasConfigurationBulk, see 4.4) in which the user can select one or more stations from which the measurement configuration will be removed to which the configuration will be added. DEM Main buttons 4.9.1 (New) This option blanks all Tabs enabling users to enter a new measurement configuration (Shut Down) Normally the Shut Down On field is displayed in read only mode and can not be changed. By clicking the Shut Down Button the form behaviour will be inverted: all the fields on the Tabs will be shown display only mode except the Shutdown on field which gets the inputfocus. The Shut Down On field is filled with a default being the current date and time Constraints Mandatory Fields: see data definitions matrix All rules regarding the referential database integrity apply to this form Domains for Calibration Frequency: see Appendix A Stations can not be deleted, Instead, a station is logically deleted by entering a date/time in the Shut Down On field. This logical delete is cascaded to all underlying measurement configurations. The Operational Since date and Shut Down On date of a station can not be a future date and do not have a time part Once filled, values of Shut Down On dates can not be changed. The Shut Down On date must be later in time than the Operational Since date. 4.9.2 Data Definitions Tables: Table measurement_configutation component monitoring_equipment meas_technique sampling_analysis sampling equipment analytical_principle data_configuration calibration_method Mod IU I I I I I I Type/Description Changeable Table Static System Table Changeable Table Changeable Table Changeable Table Changeable Table Changeable Table Static System Table Changeable Table 27 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Fields: Form Part General Field Name Component Operational Since Shut Down On Mand Automatic (yes/no) Technique/Principle Name Technique/Principle Description Equipment Name Calibration Implementation 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 Result int. Time / sampling..(1) Result int. Time / sampling..(2) Height sampl. Point (m) Length Sampl.Line (m) Location Sampl. Point Calibration Frequency(1) Calibration Frequency(2) Calibration Method Comments/Descr. Calib... EU Dir EoI Euro Airnet Latest year... Table component meas_configuration meas_configuration Attribute cp_name mc_startdate mc_enddate meas_configuration meas_technique / analytical_principle mc_automatic mt_name / ap_name mt_description / ap_description Changeable meas_technique / analytical_principle monitoring_ equipment / sampling_equipment monitoring_ equipment / sampling_equipment meas_configuration Changeable meas_configuration mc_integr_results_unit Changeable meas_configuration mc_height_sampl_point Changeable Changeable Changeable meas_configuration meas_configuration meas_configuration mc_length_sampl_line mc_location_sampl_point mc_calibr_frequency Changeable meas_configuration mc_calibr_frequency_unit Picklist Read Display Only calibration_method calibration_method cm_name cm_description Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Display Only meas_configuration meas_configuration meas_configuration data_configuration mc_implementation mc_implementation mc_implementation dc_enddate Equipment Description Sampling/Analysis Field Type Picklist Read Changeable Read Only / Changeable Yes/No Picklist Read INSERT ALLOWED Display Only Picklist Read INSERT ALLOWED Display Only me_name / sq_name me_description / sq_description mc_integr_results Measurement Configuration Bulk Add /Remove Properties Id. FrmMeasConfigurationBulk Label Measurement Configuration Bulk Add/Remove Type MDI Client Description This form is added to the DEM application in order to enable users to add a particular measurement configuration to a large number of stations or to remove them from a large number of stations. This form is started by the Measurement Configuration Maintenance form for the selected measurement configuration which is shown on the upper part of this form. 28 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The DEM explorer (for a detailed description: see 4.7) on the lower part of this form shows all networks and station including the following icons: Measurement Configuration is not applicable for this station Measurement Configuration is applicable for this station This Network has no stations for this measurement configuration At least one station but not all stations in this network use this measurement configuration All stations in this network use this measurement configuration Root Node By clicking on the Select button and Deselect buttons, Measurement Configurations are added and removed from the selected Station. Newly selected stations are connected to the measurement configuration, including all characteristics as shown on the Measurement Configuration Maintenance Form. Existing measurement configuration/stations combinations which are selected are not changed in the DEM database. 4.11 Form Layout 29 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.12 Version 1.0 Options Buttons on Form Cancel Ignore all changes and close Form Select If the selected item is a station, it is marked to be connected to the measure configuration network, every underlying station is marked to be connected to the measure configuration Deselect If the selected item is a station, it is marked to be disconnected to the measure configuration network, every underlying station is marked to be disconnected to the measure configuration Save Add / Shut Down the measurement configurations according to the (de)selected stations in the DEM Explorer. DEM Main buttons None 4.13 Constraints All rules regarding the referential database integrity apply to this form 4.14 4.14.1 4.14.2 Prepare for Import Properties Id. FrmPrep FrmPrepWiz1..2 Label Mark File Maintenance Mark File Dialogue Type MDI Client Dialogue Boxes Description Part of the DEM validation principles are secured through the usage of Mark Files. After meta information is actualised, an excerpt from this meta information has to written to a special file, the Mark File, before applicable data can be imported. The Mark File can be used by data suppliers to generate data files with a correct references to the meta information (see Chapter 3). When the data files are actually imported, the meta information in the data files are ignored, only the references to meta information in the Mark File are read. A Mark File contains stations and measurement configurations for one component (and one component only). Furthermore, only one measurement configuration per station can be included in the Mark File. Making more than one Mark File per component is optional. 30 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A The ‘Prepare to import’ menu option (DEM Main menu) starts a dialogue box in which the user can specify whether he wants to create a new Mark File, modify an existing Mark File or delete an existing Mark File. Furthermore, this dialogue box shows a selection of ‘least recently used’ Mark Files for the user to modify or delete. Other Mark Files can be accessed by used the ‘More Mark Files…’ entry. Whenever a users wants to create a new Mark File, another dialogue box is shown containing a list of components: 31 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The process of populating a new Mark File and modifying an existing Mark File are similar. Depending the selected component, all applicable Networks. Stations and Measurement Configurations in a so-called Tree View. This Tree View acts as the DEM explorer and enables users to open or close any network or station by clicking on the and the buttons. By clicking on the Add button and Remove, Measurement Configurations are added and removed from the Mark File. If a Station or Network is selected, the measurement configuration of all underlying stations will be added/removed. Special rules apply when adding measurement configurations for a complete network or station: Of every selected station(s) only the first measurement configuration is added to the Mark File because the Mark File can only contain one measurement configuration per station. 33 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The following icons are used in the DEM explorer: Added Measurement Configuration Added Measurement Configuration Station without any added Measurement Configurations Station, of which at least one but not all Measurement Configurations are added Station of which all Measurement Configurations are added Network without any added Stations Network , of which at least one but not all Stations are added Network of which all Stations are added Root Node 4.15 Form Layout 34 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The Mark File has the following format: Line 1 Component Code, Country Name Line 2..n Station Name, Measurement Configuration Code 4.16 Options Buttons on Form Cancel Ignore all changes and close Form Add If the selected item is a measurement configurations , it is added to the Mark File station, the (first) underlying measurement configuration is added to the Mark File network, of every underlying station the (first) measurement configuration is removed from the Mark File Remove If the selected item is a measurement configurations are removed from the Mark File station, all underlying measurement configuration are removed from the Mark File network, of every underlying station the configuration is removed from the Mark File Save Write the Mark File to disk (File Popup) and close Form. The Mark File will by default be stored in the MARK subdirectory of the DEM installation. Standard File Name will be <Comp.Code><sequence>.MRK Example: CO2-001.MRK DEM Main buttons None 4.17 Constraints Only one Measurement Configuration per Station can be selected. 4.18 4.18.1 measurement Manual Data Entry: Statistics Properties Id. FrmStats FrmStatsWiz1..3 Label Manual Data Entry: Statistics Statistics Setup Dialogue Type MDI Client DialogBoxes 35 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.19 Version 1.0 Description In order to enable users to enter statistics into the DEM database, a special Data Entry Form for statistics is added to the DEM application. The user will be guided in the through process of generation of statistics records via three wizard forms: The first wizard Form is to determine the component for the statistics. All components are presented in a picklist. Only after a component is selected, the button becomes available. Next wizard form shows the DEM explorer for the selection of measurement configurations. Only the measurement configurations that support the measurement of the previously selected component are shown. Every selected measurement configuration will result in a record (see Form Layout) for which statistics can be defined. For a operating instructions for this DEM explorer, see section 4.7. The final Setup Wizard form shows some fields to enter generic values which will apply for all statistics records to be added to the DEM database. Only after having selected values for Averaging Time, Start Year and Period, the actual Data Entry Form can be started using the button. 36 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A The Start Year and the Period are combined to determine the actual period: Period Calendar Winter Summer Tropical 4.20 4.20.1 Start Year (e.g.) 1997 1997 1997 1997 Actual Period 01.01.1997 - 31.12.1997 01.10.1997 - 31.03.1998 01.04.1997 - 30.09.1997 01.04.1997 - 31.03.1998 Form Layout Options Buttons on Form Cancel Ignore all changes and close Form Save Write all statistics to the DEM database and close this Form DEM Main buttons None 4.20.2 Constraints All rules regarding the referential database integrity apply to this form Mandatory Fields: see data definitions matrix Domains for Calibration Frequency: see Appendix A Start Year must be 1991 or later and can not exceed the current year The Measurement Configuration must be applicable for the Start Year Average must be greater then 0 The following dependencies apply for statistic values: 0 < P50 <= P95 <= P98 <= P99.9 <= Maximum 37 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 P99.9 only enabled if Averaging Time = 1 hour The Perc Valid must be greater than 0 and less or equal to 100 The #Valid must be greater than 0 4.20.3 Data Definitions Fields: Field/Column Name Component Averaging Time Start Year Period Station Name Mandatory Average Max P50 P95 P98 P99.9 % Valid # Valid 4.21 4.21.1 4.22 Field Type Picklist Read Picklist Read Picklist Read Picklist Read Dem Explorer Selectable Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Changeable Table component statistic statistic statistic station_profile Attribute cp_name rd_type ss_startyear pd_number sp_name statistic statistic statistic statistic statistic statistic statistic statistic ss_average ss_max ss_p50 ss_p95 ss_p98 ss_p99_9 ss_perc_valid ss_nmbr_valid Manual Data Entry: Ozone Exceedances Properties Id. FrmExc FrmExcWiz1..3 Label Manual Data Entry: Exceedances Exceedances Setup Dialogue Type MDI Client DialogBoxes Description In order to enable users to enter ozone exceedances into the DEM database, a special Data Entry Form for ozone exceedances is added to the DEM application. The form show the DEM explorer in the upperpart of the form. By selecting a network a record is generated for all station and (first) measurement configurations station a record for the first measurement configuration is generated measurement configuration a record for the selected configuration is generated For a description of the Dem explorer: see section 4.7 Note that measurement configurations can be selected multiple times. Each selection will result in a record in lower part of the form The user can enter specific data for the generated records and then write them to the DEM database using the save button. 38 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.23 4.23.1 Version 1.0 Form Layout Options Buttons on Form (De)Select Selecting/deselecting of measurement configurations, see section 4.7 Cancel Ignore changes and close this form Save Write all exceedances to the DEM database and close this Form DEM Main buttons None 4.23.2 Constraints All rules regarding the referential database integrity apply to this form Mandatory Fields: see data definitions matrix Domains for Averaging Time, Threshold, : see Appendix A Start date must be in 1991 or later and can not exceed the current date Duration must be a number between 0 and 24, depending the value for averaging time Averaging Time 1 Hour 8 Hours (8-16) 8 Hours (4-12) 24 Hours threshold Domain 180, 360, 200 110 110 65 Duration Domain 1..24 1..3 1 1 Maximum must be greater or equal to the Threshold 39 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.23.3 Version 1.0 Data Definitions Fields: Field/Column Name Station Averaging Time Threshold Start Date Duration Maximum 4.24 4.24.1 4.24.2 Mandatory Field Type Selected Picklist Read Picklist Read Changeable Picklist Read Changeable Table station_profile exceedance exceedance exceedance exceedance exceedance Attribute sp_code lv_averaging_period lv_value lv_startdate ex_duration ex_maximum_value Import Data from File Properties Id. FrmImp FrmImpData1..2 / FrmImpStat1.2/FrmImpExc1..2 Label Data Import … Data Import Setup Type MDI Client DialogBoxes Description As stated, the main goal of the DEM application is to assure the quality of data. It is with this goal in mind that the import processes for Raw AQ Data, Statistics and Ozone Exceedances extensively check the data in the data files to be imported. The first check is the usage of Mark Files. All data in the import files must reference to existing entries in the Mark File. Furthermore, during the import processes for Raw AQ Data and Statistics, the user has to enter certain characteristics of the data in order to double check the data files. The final check is done when database of a DEM user is submitted to the ETC/AQ and read into the AIRBASE. Database. In this section the wizard forms for importing data into the DEM database are described. The actual import routines are described in Chapter 6. Only the import files for Raw AQ data and statistics require user input regarding values to double check the data. So, the import processes for Raw AQ Data and Statistics have dedicated wizard forms to collect these characteristics: The Start Year and the Period are combined to determine the actual period: 40 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The Start Year and the Period are combined to determine the actual period: Period Name Calendar Winter Summer Tropical Start Year (e.g.) 1997 1997 1997 1997 Actual Period 01.01.1997 - 31.12.1997 01.10.1997 - 31.03.1998 01.04.1997 - 30.09.1997 01.04.1997 - 31.03.1998 The Next buttons on the wizard forms above are disabled until all values are entered. These fields are mandatory because they will be used to double check the data. Next Step for all data import is to identify the Mark File and the Data File and to select the File Format. The picklist for the File Format only shows applicable values. The buttons next to the Mark File and Data File fields can be used to select a files using the Windows File Popup. The Next button remains disabled until all values are entered. The next wizard form visualises a very important step for the data import processes: the Data Check. This step, activated by the Check button, extensively checks the data file (see Chapter 5) and generated a complete error report (LogFile). If a total of 20 errors have been detected, the Check process is aborted. Only when all data is checked and no errors occurred, the Finish button becomes available. The LogFile buttons will show the statistics of the check process, including an overview of all detected errors. Last step, activated by the Finish button on the Check wizard, is the actual data import process. The Data Import process can be started using the Load button. This form offers a regular DEM functionality but is not a MDI Client. Instead it is implemented as a Popup form so no other DEM functions can be accessed during the Data Import process. The LogFile buttons will show the statistics of the import process, including an overview of all detected errors. Note that errors are unlikely to occur because the check process has been successfully completed. However, in a concurrent environment (multiple users), the meta information in the database might have been changed after the check process is completed. 41 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.24.3 Version 1.0 Form Layout See Descriptions 4.24.4 Options See Descriptions 4.24.5 Constraints See Chapter 5 4.24.6 Data Definitions See Chapter 5. 4.25 4.25.1 4.26 Report Meta Information Properties Id. FrmReportMeta Label Report Meta Information Type MDI Client Description This form can be used to request for report about the meta information. Restrictions are defined through usage of the DEM with which the user can select networks, stations and./or measurement configurations. Because users might want to select all stations of a particular network, without the underlying measurement configurations the DEM explorer has been issued with picklist to define the scope of the Select and Deselect operations: The available values of this picklist depend on the selected item in the DEM Object Tree Selected Item Network Station Meas.Conf. Available Values Network Network + Stations Network + Stations + Meas. Conf. Stations Stations + Meas. Conf. Meas. Conf. The available values represent the object that will be selected. Furthermore a component filter has been added to the DEM explorer to enable users to view only stations that support the selected component. In the upper part of the form, the user can specify what kind of information is to be included in the report. The choices presented correspond with the Tabs on the meta information maintenance forms. The layout of reports is specified in Chapter 5. After all selections and other specifications are entered, the report button will generate the report which will be shown in a separate form which enables report printing and 42 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 saving to file. The layout and other specifications of this form are to be defined at a later stage of this project. Possible all reports will be displayed using Ms-Word’s OLE objects. Note: 4.27 4.27.1 The Report Meta Information form is also available when another country is selected in the DEM Button Bar. Form Layout Options Buttons on Form Cancel Close Form Select Select network, stations and/or meas.configurations depending the value of the Scope picklist (see description) Deselect Deselect network, stations and/or meas.configurations depending the value of the Scope picklist (see description) Report Generate the report and show results DEM Main buttons None 4.27.2 Constraints N.A. 4.27.3 Data Definitions N.A. 43 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.28 4.28.1 4.29 Version 1.0 Report Data Properties Id. FrmReportData Label Report Data Type MDI Client Description This form can be used to request for report of Raw AQ Data, Ozone Exceedances and Statistics.about the meta information. This form is started from the DEM Main Menu where the appropriate data source is selected (Raw AQ/Exceedances/Statistics). In this form he user can enter restrictions for the selection of data by entering a component, Start Year and or Period The DEM explorer supports the user in selecting networks, stations and./or measurement configurations. Selecting a network or a Station automatically selects all underlying measurement configurations. After all selections and other specifications are entered, the report button will generate the report which will be shown in a separate form which enables report printing and saving to file. The layout and other specifications of this form are to be defined at a later stage of this project. Possible all reports will be displayed using Ms-Word’s OLE objects. Note: 4.30 The Report Data form is also available when an other country is selected in the DEM Button Bar. Form Layout 44 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 4.30.1 Version 1.0 Options Buttons on Form Cancel Close Form Select Select network, stations and/or meas.configurations depending the value of the Scope picklist (see description) Deselect Deselect network, stations and/or meas.configurations depending the value of the Scope picklist (see description) Report Generate the report and show results DEM Main buttons None 4.30.2 Constraints N.A. 4.30.3 Data Definitions N.A. 4.31 Submit Database 4.31.1 Properties 4.32 Id. FrmSubmitFtp FrmSubmitDisc Label Submit Data (FTP) Submit Data (diskettes) Type Popup Description The final step of data acquisition and data exchange is the submittance of the DEM database to the ETC/AQ. The DEM application support submittance using the EIONET (FTP) and diskettes as media. The following specifications are included in order to show future submittances might look like. Note that the DEM application will be disconnected from the DEM database. Then the database is compressed and transferred after which the application is reconnected to the database. FTP Sending data using FTP on the EIONET will prompt the user for the proper URL (default value will be specified): 45 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The actual submittance will look like this: Diskettes: Sending the DEM database on diskettes will start with the compression of the database file on diskettes: The actual submittance will look like this: Note that every completed step is marked with a while a progress bar shows the progress of the next step. 5. Reports Most of the report on meta information are look-alikes of the DEM application maintenance forms. Therefore, the reports generated by the DEM application will be specified as report by example: 46 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A All report pages are included in a Fat Box like this: Report Page 1 Header Body ….. Report Page 2 Header Body …. The following pages show reports of 5.1 Meta Information Network: overview / Detailed 5.2 Meta Information Station: overview / Detailed 5.3 Meta Information Measurement Configuration: overview / Detailed 5.4 Data Report: Raw Air Quality Data 5.5 Data Report: Statistics 5.6 Data Report: Ozone Exceedances 47 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 5.1 Version 1.0 Meta Information Network: overview / Detailed DEM Report. Country: Date: 1998/02/25 FINLAND Networks, General information. Short name Full name YTV FMI OULU NESTE HELSINKI METROPOLITAN AREA AIR QUALITY MONITORING NETWORK Background Air Quality Monitoring Network in Finland OULU Neste Oy, Air Quality Monitoring Network DEM Report. Country: Date: 1998/02/25 FINLAND Networks, Detailed information. Short name: YTV Operational since: Shut down on: Remarks: Network EOI type: EOI type description: Network management. Organisation: Mailing address: City: Phone: Fax: Manager. Network data supplier. Organisation: Mailing address: City: Phone: Fax: Data supplier:. 01/01/1976 Urban/Conurbation Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council Opastinsilta 6 A FIN-00520 Helsinki,Finland Helsinki +358 9 15611 +358 9 1561334 Last name: First name: Title: Email address: Aarnio Päivi Finnish Meteorological Institute, Air Quality Research Sahaajankatu 20 E FIN-00810 Helsinki, Finland Helsinki +358 9 19295455 +358 9 19295403 Last name: First name: Title: Email address: 48 Salmi Timo IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 5.2 Version 1.0 Meta Information Station: overview / Detailed DEM Report. Date: 1998/02/25 Country: FINLAND Network: FMY Stations, General information. Station code Station name Luukki Töölö Vallila 5 5 2 Number of Pollutants measured pollutants measured SO2,O3,TSP,NO2,NOx SO2,O3,TSP,NO2,NOx TSP,Pb DEM Report. Date: 1998/02/25 Country: FINLAND Network: FMY Stations, Detailed information. Station name: Luukki Station code: General description: Operational since: Shut down on: Latitude: Longitude: Altitude a.s.l. (m): Pollutants measured: Station is used to monitoring background for Helsinki Metropolitan area 01/01/1987 60.18.48 24.41.58 55 SO2,O3,TSP,NO2,NOx Station classification. Station type: Description of station type: Type of zone: Characterization of zone: Name of city: Number of inhabitants: Background Regional background Unknown Natural Espoo 180000 Station environment. Description/comments station environment: Main emissions in station environment: Description/comments main emission sources: Meteorological parameters measured: Description of prevailing meteorological Conditions: 49 Road transport A road some 700m from the station, traffic volume 3800 vehicles/24h TMP PRC IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 5.3 Version 1.0 Meta Information Measurement Configuration: overview / Detailed DEM Report. Date: 1998/02/25 Country: FINLAND Network: FMY Station: Luukki SO2,O3,TSP,NO2,NOx Measurement configuration, General information. MC code Pollutant Measurement technique 100 101 100 100 100 101 SO2 (Sulphur dioxide) O3 (Ozone) TSP (Total suspended p.) NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) Nox (Nitrogen oxides) Nox (Nitrogen oxides) UV fluorescence UV absorption hi-vol sampl. gravimetric anal. chemiluminescence chemiluminescence Laser reflection Analytical principle DEM Report. Date: 1998/02/25 Country: FINLAND Network: FMY Station: Luukki Measurement configuration: 100 SO2 (Sulphur dioxide) Measurement configuration, Detailed information. Operational since: Shutdown on: Equipment name: Further description of equipment: Meas./Analysis technique: Further description of m/a technique: Result in.time/sampling time: Calibration frequency Calibration method: Comments/descr. Calibration method: Height sampling point (m): Length sampling line (m): Sampling line heated: EU directive station: EOI station: 01/01/1988 Thermo Electron 43A The raw data are available in two minute averages UV fluorescence 1 hour 2 months permeation calibrator 4 2 no no yes 50 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 5.4 Version 1.0 Data Report: Raw Air Quality Data DEM REPORT: RAW AIR QUALITY DATA DATE: 1998/02/27 Component: SO2 Summary of data Network LML OMEGAM LML Period: calendar year Station Afferden Wiboutstraat Bilthoven LML, Afferden, UV fluorescence Date value 1997/01/01/01 2 1997/01/01/02 12 .... 1997/31/12/23 6 Integration time hourly daily hourly Startdate 1997/01/01/01 1997/01/01 none Year: 1997 Enddate 1997/12/31/24 1997/12/31 none Q-flag 781 hourly values: 8760 lines daily values: 365 lines Note: -Quality flag as will be used in AIRBASE (see help for further information) 51 min 2 4 - max 128 155 - Nr.values(%) 8700 (99) 330 (90.1) -(0) Nr.blank (%) 60 (1) 35 (9.6) -(0) IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 5.5 Version 1.0 Data Report: Statistics EM REPORT: STATISTICS DATE: 1998/02/27 Component: SO2 Summary of data Network Station LML Afferden ... 5.6 Period: calendar year Int.time hourly average 12 P50 24 Year: 1997 P98 77 P99.9 99 MAX 101 Nr valid 8700 % valid 99 Data Report: Ozone Exceedances DEM REPORT: OZONE EXCEEDANCES DATE: 1998/02/27 During the period 1/1/96-31/12/96 no exceedances were reported for the stations belonging to the network(s): LML, OMEGAM During the period 1/196-31/12/96 exceedances were reported for the stations belonging to the network(s): DCMR Ozone exceedances reported, period 1/1/96-31/12/96 Station Averaging time threshold year Rotterdam-c 1 180 96 Sliedrecht 1 360 96 Sliedrecht 1 180 96 month 06 06 06 day 12 12 12 52 hour 15 16 14 duration 2 4 7 maximum 189 365 365 Comments IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 6. Version 1.0 Data Import Routines DEM will support the following formats for import of raw data: Air quality data ISO 7168 EoI format NASA-Ames 1001 NASA Ames 1010 DEM Statistics 97/72/EEC DEM Exceedance 97/72/EEC On the following pages the different import-formats are described in detail. 53 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Exceedances Council Directive 92/72/EEC on air pollution by ozone The annual statistics of exceedances, that are in the 92/72/EEC format, can be imported in DEM automatically. The file with the exceedances contains in each record meta-data (for example countryand station-data) and the exceedances-data. Most of the meta-data can be ignored. In the table below each field in the file is specified with -if relevant- the corresponding field in DEM. The different fields are separated by comma’s. If a value is not an integer, then the decimal point is used. 92/72/EEC Fieldname CODCOU STANAME INCOD UNITCG LONGD LONGM LONGS CARD LATD LATM LATS VILLE AVTIME TRESHOLD EXCYEAR EXCMONTH EXCDAY EXCHOUR EXCDUR EXCMAX Description DEM Fieldname Description station name sp_name sn_code averaging time: 1 = 1 hour 8a = 8 hours: 0-8, 8-16, 16-24 8b = 8 hours: 12-20 24 = 24 hours 180, 360, 200 (1hour) 110 (8 hours) 65 (24 hours) year YY month MM day DD starting hour of exceedance duration of exceedance in number of avtime periods: AVTIME 1 (any number between 1 and 24) AVTIME 8a (1, 2, 3) AVTIME 8b (1) AVTIME 24 (1) maximum concentration recorded during the reported exceedance lv_average_period averaging time: 1 8a 8b 24 lv_value 180, 360, 200 110 65 The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. ex_startdate ex_duration ex_maximum_value 54 Remarks date-field any number between 1 and 24 1, 2, 3 1 1 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 92/72/EEC Fieldname COMM Description Version 1.0 DEM Fieldname Description Remarks cp_number 7 sn_db_identifier mc_code ‘A’ Only ozone-data are imported. The number of ozone is 7. AIRBASE The mc_code is registered in the markfile. The last three mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field sp_name ex_duration lv_value Check The stationname has to be registered in the markfile. If lv_average_period = 1 then ex_duration in [1, 2, 3, .., 24]; else if lv_average_period = 8a then ex_duration in [1, 2, 3]; else if lv_average_period = 8b then ex_duration in [1]; else if lv_average_period = 24 then ex_duration in [1]; else /* lv_average_period is unvalid */; endif; if lv_average_period = 1 then lv_value in [180, 360, 200]; else if lv_average_period = 8a then lv_value in [110]; else if lv_average_period = 8b then lv_value in [110]; else if lv_average_period = 24 then lv_value in [65]; endif; ex_maximum_value ex_maximum_value >= lv_value ex_startdate year >= 90 or year <= current_year 1 <= month <= 12 55 Error-message Record <record#>: STANAME is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: EXCDUR has to be any number between 1 and 24 if AVTIME is 1. Record <record#>: EXCDUR has to be 1, 2 or 3 if AVTIME is 8a. Record <record#>: EXCDUR has to be 1 if AVTIME is 8b. Record <record#>: EXCDUR has to be 1 if AVTIME is 24. Record <record#>: AVTIME has to be 1, 8a, 8b or 24. Record <record#>: TRESHOLD has to be 180, 360 or 200 if AVTIME is 1. Record <record#>: TRESHOLD has to be 110 if AVTIME is 8a. Record <record#>: TRESHOLD has to be 110 if AVTIME is 8b. Record <record#>: TRESHOLD has to be 65 if AVTIME is 24. Record <record#>: EXCMAX has to be greater than or equal to TRESHOLD. Record <record#>: EXCYEAR has to be greater than or equal to 0 or less then or equal to the current year (YY). Record <record#>: EXCMONTH has to be any number between 1 and 12. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Field Check 1 <= day <= [28, 29, 30, 31 depending on number of days in that specific month] Version 1.0 Error-message Record <record#>: EXCDAY has to be any number between 1 and 28. Record <record#>: EXCDAY has to be any number between 1 and 29. Record <record#>: EXCDAY has to be any number between 1 and 30. cp_number lv_average_period ex_startdate lv_value cp_number sn_code mc_code ex_startdate Record <record#>: EXCDAY has to be any number between 1 and 31. 0 <= hour <= 23 Record <record#>: EXCHOUR has to be any number between 0 and 23. The following SELECT must be successful: Record <record#>: the combination of AVTIME and TRESHOLD is unvalid. SELECT 1 FROM level lv WHERE lv.cp_number = 7 AND lv.lv_average_period = lv_average_period AND lv.value = lv_value; The following SELECT must be succesful: Record <record#>: the combination of AVTIME, TRESHOLD and SELECT 1 EXCYEAR/EXCMONTH/EXCDAY/EXCHOU FROM level lv R is unvalid. WHERE lv.cp_number = 7 AND lv.lv_average_period = lv_laverage_period AND lv.startdate <= ex_startdate AND lv.enddate >= ex_startdate AND lv.value = lv_value; The following SELECT must be succesful: Record <record#>: EXCYEAR/EXCMONTH/EXCDAY/EXCHOU SELECT 1 R is unvalid for the measurementFROM meas_configuration mc configuration. WHERE mc.sn_db_identifier = ‘A’ AND mc.sn_code = sn_code AND mc.cp_number = cp_number AND mc.mc_code = mc_code AND mc.mc_startdate <= ex_startdate AND mc.mc_enddate >= ex_startdate The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; WHILE NOT AT END OF FILE read next record; ex_startdate = excyear + excmonth + excday + exchour; INSERT INTO exceedance (cp_number=7, lv_average_period, lv_value, sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, mc_code, ex_startdate, ex_duration, ex_maximum_value); CLOSE FILE; 56 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Statistics Council Directive 92/72/EEC on air pollution by ozone The annual statistics of ozone, that are in the 92/72/EEC format, can be imported in DEM automatically. The file with the annual statistics contains in each record meta-data (for example country- and station-data) and the statistical data. Most of the meta-data can be ignored. In the table below each field in the file is specified with -if relevant- the corresponding field in DEM. The different fields are separated by comma’s. If a value is not an integer, then the decimal point is used. 92/72/EEC Fieldname CODCOU STANAME INCOD UNITCG LONGD LONGM LONGS CARD LATD LATM LATS VILLE AVTIME PARYEAR PARP50 PARP98 PARP999 PARMAX NVAL Description DEM Fieldname station name sp_name sn_code averaging time: 1 = 1 hour 8 = 8 hours calendar year (YY) median 98 percentile 99.9 percentile (optional) maximum number of valid values (optional) rd_type Description Remarks The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. hour = 1 hour 8hour = 8 hours ss_startyear ss_p50_value ss_p98_value ss_p99.9_value ss_maximum ss_nmbr_valid COMM sn_db_identifier cp_number ‘A’ 7 mc_code pd_number ss_source (was ss_eoi) AIRBASE. Only ozone-data are imported. The number of ozone is 7. The mc_code is registered in the markfile. 1 ‘O’ The last five mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found 57 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field sp_name rd_type Check The stationname has to be registered in the markfile. If averaging_time != 1 and != 8 then /* incorrect averaging_time */ endif; rd_type = averaging time ss_p50_value ss_p50_value > 0 ss_p98_value ss_p98_value >= ss_p50_value ss_p99.9_value If ss_99.9_value != NULL then ss_p99.9_value >= ss_p98_value endif; If ss_99.9_value != NULL then ss_maximum >= ss_99.9_value; else ss_maximum >= ss_p98_value; endif; If ss_nmbr_valid != NULL then ss_nmbr_valid > 0; endif; ss_startyear >= 90 or ss_startyear <= current_year rd_type ss_maximum ss_nmbr_valid ss_startyear cp_number sn_code mc_code ss_startyear The following SELECT must be succesful: ss_startyear SELECT 1 FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.sn_db_identifier = ‘A’ AND mc.sn_code = sn_code AND mc.cp_number = cp_number AND mc.mc_code = mc_code AND mc.mc_startdate <= ss_startyear AND mc.mc_enddate >= ss_startyear ss_startyear = startyear pd_number pd_number = 1 Error-message Record <record#>: STANAME is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: AVTIME has to be 1 or 8. Record <record#>: AVTIME has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: PARP50 has to be greater than 0. Record <record#>: PARP98 has to be greater than or equal to PARP50. Record <record#>: PARP999 has to be greater than or equal to PARP98. Record <record#>: PARMAX has to be greater than or equal to PARP999. Record <record#>: PARMAX has to be greater than or equal to PARP98. Record <record#>: NVAL has to be greater than 0. Record <record#>: PARYEAR has to be greater than or equal to 90 or less then or equal to the current year (YY). Record <record#>: PARYEAR is unvalid for the measurement-configuration. Record <record#>: PARYEAR has to be equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. The period you entered on the screen must be Calendar Year. The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; WHILE NOT AT END OF FILE read next record; IF avtime = ‘1’ THEN rd_type = ‘hour’ ELSEIF avtime = ‘8’ THEN rd_type = ‘8hour’ ENDIF; INSERT INTO statistic (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number=7, mc_code, rd_type, pd_number=1, ss_startyear, ss_source=‘O’, ss_maximum, ss_p50_value, ss_p98_value, ss_p99.9_value, ss_nmbr_valid); CLOSE FILE; 58 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Statistics DEM-format It is possible to enter manually statistics in DEM. These statistics are registered in a ASCII-file. It is also possible to import a ASCII-file, which confirms to the DEM-format for statistics. Below the DEM-format for statistics is specified: COMPONENT <component name>,<averaging time>,<startyear>,<pd_number> <sp_name>,<average>,<p50>,<p95>,<p98>,<p99.9>,<max>,<%valid>,<#valid> <sp_name>,<average>,<p50>,<p95>,<p98>,<p99.9>,<max>,<%valid>,<#valid> <sp_name>,<average>,<p50>,<p95>,<p98>,<p99.9>,<max>,<%valid>,<#valid> In a file precisely one component can be specified in the first record. The records two up to and including the last record contain the statistics-data. In the first record the text “COMPONENT” is placed in front of the component code. The field p99.9 is optional and can only be filled in case the averaging time is 1 hour. The fields %valid and #valid are also optional. Fields that are optional may be empty, but they do have to be part of the record (for example, if the fields p99.9 and %valid are not available, then the record layout shall be: <sp_name>,<average>,<p50>,<p95>,<p98>,,<max>,,<#valid>). In the table below each field in the file is specified with -if relevant- the corresponding field in DEM. The different fields are separated by comma’s. If a value is not an integer, then the decimal point is used. DEM-format Fieldname component name averaging time Description component name DEM-database Fieldname cp_name cp_number rd_type startyear averaging time: hour (= 1 hour) 8hour (= 8 hours) 24hour (= 24 hrs) calendar year (YY) pd_number statistic period pd_number sp_name station name sp_name sn_code average p50 p95 p98 average median 95 percentile 98 percentile ss_average ss_p50_value ss_p95_value ss_p98_value Description hour 8hour 24hour ss_startyear 59 Remarks Only the first records contain a component name after the string “COMPONENT”. The component number can be selected in DEM by making use of the component name. Only the first record contains the averaging time. Only the first record contains the startyear. The range of valid pd_numbers is registered in the DEMtable statistic_period. The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A DEM-format Fieldname p99.9 max %valid #valid Description 99.9 percentile maximum percentage of valid values number of valid values DEM-database Fieldname ss_p99.9_value Description Version 1.0 Remarks Optional field. This field may only be filled in case the averaging time is 1hour. ss_maximum ss_perc_valid Optional field. ss_nmbr_valid Optional field. sn_db_identifier mc_code ‘A’ ss_source (was ss_eoi) ‘S’ AIRBASE. The mc_code is registered in the markfile. The last three mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field cp_name rd_type rd_type ss_startyear pd_number Check The component name has to be registered in the markfile. If rd_type != “hour” and != “8hour” and != “24hour” then /* unvalid averaging time */ endif; rd_type = averaging time If ss_startyear <1990 then /* unvalid startyear */ else if ss_startyear > current_year then /* unvalid startyear */ endif; The following SELECT must be succesful: ss_average SELECT 1 FROM statistic_period sp WHERE sp.pd_number = pd_number; The stationname has to be registered in the markfile. ss_average > 0 ss_p50_value ss_p50_value > 0 ss_p95_value ss_p95_value >= ss_p50_value ss_p98_value ss_p98_value >= ss_p95_value sp_name 60 Error-message Record <record#>: the component name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the averaging time has to be “hour”, “8hour” or “24hour”. Record <record#>: the averaging time has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: startyear can not be before 1990. Record <record#>: startyear can not be later then the current year. Record <record#>: the statistic period is unknown. Record <record#>: the station name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the average has to be greater than 0. Record <record#>: the 50-percentile has to be greater than 0. Record <record#>: the 95-percentile has to be greater than or equal to the 50percentile. Record <record#>: the 98-percentile has to be greater than or equal to the 95percentile. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Field ss_p99.9_value ss_maximum ss_perc_valid ss_nmbr_valid cp_number sn_code mc_code ss_startyear Check If ss_p99.9_value != NULL then if rd_type = “hour” then ss_p99.9_value >= ss_p98_value else ss_p99.9_value may not be filled; endif; endif; ss_maximum >= ss_99.9_value If ss_perc_valid != NULL then 0 < ss_perc_valid <= 100; endif; If ss_nmbr_valid != NULL then ss_nmbr_valid > 0; endif; The following SELECT must be succesful: ss_startyear SELECT 1 FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.sn_db_identifier = ‘A’ AND mc.sn_code = sn_code AND mc.cp_number = cp_number AND mc.mc_code = mc_code AND mc.mc_startdate <= ss_startyear AND mc.mc_enddate >= ss_startyear ss_startyear = startyear pd_number pd_number = actual period Version 1.0 Error-message Record <record#>: the 99.9-percentile has to be greater than or equal to the 98percentile. Record <record#>: the 99.9-percentile may not be filled in case the averaging time is 8hour or 24hour. Record <record#>: the maximum has to be greater than or equal to the 99.9 percentile. Record <record#>: the percentage valid has to be greater than 0 and less then or equal to 100. Record <record#>: the number valid has to be greater than 0. Record <record#>: startyear is unvalid for the measurement-configuration. Record <record#>: startyear has to be equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: the period must be the same as the actual period you entered on the screen. The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; read first record; GET cp_number, rd_type and ss_startyear out of first record; WHILE NOT AT END OF FILE read next record; INSERT INTO statistic (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number, mc_code, rd_type, pd_number, ss_startyear, ss_source=‘S’, ss_maximum, ss_average, ss_p50_value, ss_p95_value, ss_p98_value, ss_p99.9_value, ss_perc_valid, ss_nmbr_valid); CLOSE FILE; 61 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Raw air quality data DEM-format A special DEM-format has been specified for registering of raw air quality data. Below the DEM-format for raw air quality data is specified: COMPONENT <component name>, <averaging time> STATION <station name> <Date_time1>,<value1>(,<quality flag1>) <Date_time2>,<value2>(,<quality flag2>) ... <Date_timeN>,<valueN>(,<quality flagN>) STATION <station name> <Date_time1>,<value1>(,<quality flag1>) <Date_time2>,<value2>(,<quality flag2>) ... <Date_timeN>,<valueN>(,<quality flagN>) STATION <station name> <Date_time1>,<value1>(,<quality flag1>) <Date_time2>,<value2>(,<quality flag2>) ... <Date_timeN>,<valueN>(,<quality flagN>) In a file precisely one component can be specified in the first record. The records two up to and including the last record do not contain component-data. The second record, and possibly other records, do contain the station code and information about the averaging time. The different fields are separated by commas. In the first record the text “COMPONENT” is placed in front of the component code. In the records where a station-code is registered, the text “STATION” is placed in front of the station code. A quality flag is not obliged. The format of Date_time is ‘YYYYMMDD HH:MM’. In the table below each field in the file is specified with -if relevant- the corresponding field in DEM. The different fields are separated by comma’s. If a value is not an integer, then the decimal point is used. 62 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A DEM-format Fieldname component name averaging time station name date_time1 value1 quality flag1 date_time2 value2 quality flag2 ... date_timeN valueN quality flagN Description component name DEM-database Fieldname cp_name cp_number averaging time: hour 3hour 8hour day week station name rd_type date and time of measurement value of measurement quality of data date and time of measurement rd_startdate value of measurement quality of data rd_value2 Description hour 3hour 8hour day week sp_name cn_code Remarks Only the first records contains a component name after the string “COMPONENT”. The component code can be selected in DEM by making use of the component name. Only the first records contains the averaging time. The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. rd_value1 rd_quality1 Optional field. As long as the date_time[2..N] is the same as date_time1, the data is registered in the same record, because rd_startdate is the same. rd_qualityN Optional field. date and time of measurement value of measurement quality of data Version 1.0 As long as the date_time[2..N] is the same as date_time1, the data is registered in the same record, because rd_startdate is the same. rd_valueN rd_qualityN sn_db_identifier mc_code rd_number_values ‘A’ Optional field. AIRBASE. The mc_code is registered in the markfile. depending on rd_type: hour: 24 3hour: 8 8hour: 3 day: number of days in that month week: 1 The last three mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found 63 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field cp_name rd_type rd_type sp_name date_timeN cp_number sn_code mc_code rd_startdate Check The component name has to be registered in the markfile. If rd_type != “hour” and != “3hour” and != “8hour” and != “day” and != “week” then /* unvalid averaging time */ endif; rd_type = averaging time The stationname has to be registered in the markfile. Date_timeN has to be in the following format: YYYYMMDD HH:MM The following SELECT must be succesful: rd_startdate SELECT 1 FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.sn_db_identifier = ‘A’ AND mc.sn_code = sn_code AND mc.cp_number = cp_number AND mc.mc_code = mc_code AND mc.mc_startdate <= rd_startdate AND mc.mc_enddate >= rd_startdate rd_startdate >= startyear rd_startdate rd_startdate belongs to actual period Error-message Record <record#>: the component name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the averaging time has to be “hour”, “3hour”, “8hour”, “day” or “week”. Record <record#>: the averaging time has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: the station name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the date_time is unvalid. Record <record#>: date_time is unvalid for the measurement-configuration. Record <record#>: the startdate has to be greater than or equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: the startdate has to be in the actual period you entered on the screen. The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; n=1; read first record; GET cp_number out of first record; WHILE NOT AT END OF FILE read next record; IF first field contains string “STATION” THEN GET sn_code and rd_type out of record; ELSE IF date_timeN = date_timeN-1 THEN value[n] = valueN; quality_flag[n] = quality_flagN; n = n+1; ELSE /* New rd_startdate, so first the data in memory have to be inserted into the database. */ IF rd_type = ‘hour’ THEN INSERT INTO raw_data_hour (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number, rd_startdate, rd_number_values=24, rd_value1=value[1], rd_quality1=quality_flag[1], rd_value2=value[2], rd_quality2=quality_flag[2], ... rd_valueN=value[n], 64 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A rd_qualityN=quality_flag[n]); ELSEIF rd_type = ‘3hour’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘8hour’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘day’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘week’ THEN ... ENDIF; ENDIF; n = 1; rd_startdate = date_timeM; value[n] = valueM; quality_flag[n] = quality_flagM; n = n+1; ENDIF; CLOSE FILE; 65 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Raw air quality data EoI-format Raw air quality data can be registered conform the EoI-format. This is a ASCII-file with a fixed record-length. The different fields are not separated by comma’s, because each field has its own field-length. In the table below each field in the file is specified with -if relevant- the corresponding field in DEM. Fieldname EoI Description year Position in file 1-2 month country class town specials station 3-4 5-6 7 8-9 10-11 12-14 pollutant technique periodicity 15-16 17-18 19-22 number decimals expressed in minutes: 0060 hours, 0180 3hours, 0480 8hours, 1440 daily week week number of the 23-26 measurement in sequence: hourly samples run from 0001 to 0024 and daily samples have only the number 0001 a number from 0 27 to 5 indicating the implicit decimal place in the values Fieldname DEM Description Remarks rd_startdate The field rd_startdate is composed of the EoI-fields year, month and the different values. sn_code In AIRBASE and in DEM there is a special conversiontable to convert the stationcode used in EoI-format to an DEM/AIRBASE-stationcode. By making use of the country, class, town and station of EoI the sn_code can be selected in the table AA_STATION. cp_number rd_type 66 hour 3hour 8hour day week IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Fieldname values EoI Description A maximum dependant of the days in the monthof 31 values each of 5 characters. Note that 12 must be entered as 00012 with decimal set to 0; a value of 0.0175 would be entered as 00175 with the decimal set to 4. Values of ‘NOVAL’, ‘BLANK’, ‘REP ‘, ‘ REP ‘ and ‘ REP’ are accepted irrespective of the number of decimals. NDV NVM movement filler Position in file 28-182 Fieldname Version 1.0 DEM Description Remarks rd_value1 rd_value2 ... rd_valueN rd_value = values / (10decimals) rd_quality1 rd_quality2 ... rd_qualityN If value is ‘REP’ then rd_valueM is rd_valueM-1. If value is ‘BLANK’ or ‘NOVAL’ then rd_value is 0. 183-184 185-186 187 188-200 sn_db_identifier rd_number_values ‘A’ AIRBASE depending on rd_type: hour: 24 3hour: 8 8hour: 3 day: number of days in that month week: 1 The last two mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field cp_number sn_code country, class, town, station Check The component name has to be registered in the markfile. The component name can be selected in DEM by making use of the component number. The station name has to be registered in the markfile. The station name can be selected in DEM by making use of the station code. The combination of country, class, town and station has to exist in the DEM-table AA_STATION. 67 Error-message Record <record#>: the component name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the station is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the combination of country, class, town and station is unknown in DEM. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Field rd_type rd_type Check If periodicity != 0030 and != 0060 and != 0180 and != 0480 and != 1440 and != “week” then /* unvalid averaging time */ endif; rd_type = averaging time year year >= 90 or year <= current_year month 1 <= month <= 12 cp_number sn_code mc_code rd_startdate The following SELECT must be succesful: rd_startdate SELECT 1 FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.sn_db_identifier = ‘A’ AND mc.sn_code = sn_code AND mc.cp_number = cp_number AND mc.mc_code = mc_code AND mc.mc_startdate <= rd_startdate AND mc.mc_enddate >= rd_startdate rd_startdate >= startyear rd_startdate rd_startdate belongs to actual period Version 1.0 Error-message Record <record#>: the averaging time has to be 0030, 0060, 0180, 0480, 1440.or “week”. Record <record#>: the averaging time has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: year has to be less then or equal to the current year (YY) or greater than or equal to 90. Record <record#>: month has to be any number between 1 and 12. Record <record#>: year/month is unvalid for the measurement-configuration. Record <record#>: the year has to be greater than or equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: the startdate has to be in the actual period you entered on the screen. The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; WHILE NOT AT END OF FILE read next record; IF rd_type = ‘day’ THEN FOR (n=1; n<= 31; n++) { IF valuesN = ‘BLANK’ OR valuesN = ‘NOVAL’ THEN rd_value[n] = 0; rd_quality[n] = ........; ELSEIF valuesN = ‘REP ‘ OR valuesN = ‘ REP ‘ OR valuesN = ‘ REP’ THEN rd_value[n] = rd_value[n-1]; ELSE rd_value[n] = valuesN / (10decimals); ENDIF; } IF month IN [01,03,05,07,08,10,12] THEN rd_number_values = 31; ELSEIF month IN [04, 06, 09, 11] THEN rd_number_values = 30; ELSEIF (year % 4 = 0) THEN rd_number_values = 29; ELSE rd_number_values = 28; ENDIF; INSERT INTO raw_data_day (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number, rd_startdate, rd_number_values, rd_value1=rd_value[1], rd_quality1=rd_quality[1], rd_value2=rd_value[2], 68 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A rd_quality2=rd_quality[2], ... rd_valueN=rd_value[n], rd_qualityN=rd_quality[n]); ELSEIF rd_type = ‘hour’ THEN h = number; FOR (n=1; n<= 31; n++) { IF valuesN = ‘BLANK’ OR valuesN = ‘NOVAL’ THEN rd_value[n, h] = 0; rd_quality[n, h] = ........; ELSEIF valuesN = ‘REP ‘ OR valuesN = ‘ REP ‘ OR valuesN = ‘ REP’ THEN rd_value[n, h] = rd_value[n-1, h]; ELSE rd_value[n, h] = valuesN / (10decimals); ENDIF; } IF h = 24 /* all measurements of that day are in memory */ IF month IN [01,03,05,07,08,10,12] THEN days = 31; ELSEIF month IN [04, 06, 09, 11] THEN days = 30; ELSEIF (year % 4 = 0) THEN days = 29; ELSE days = 28; ENDIF; FOR (d=1; d<=days; d++) { INSERT INTO raw_data_hour (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number, rd_startdate, rd_number_values=24, rd_value1=rd_value[d, 1], rd_quality1=rd_quality[d, 1], rd_value2=rd_value[d, 2], rd_quality2=rd_quality[d, 2], ... rd_value24=rd_value[d, 24], rd_quality24=rd_quality[d, 24]); } ENDIF; ELSEIF rd_type = ‘3hour’ ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘8hour’ ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘week’ ... ENDIF; CLOSE FILE; 69 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Raw air quality data ISO 7168 Raw air quality data can be registered conform the ISO 7168 format. This is a ASCII-file which consists of different kinds of records. The different fields in a record have a fixed field-length and there is no separator between the different fields. The main file-layout can be specified as follows: Group Blocks Identification group Constituent group Example (as far as relevant) Constituent block 1 Data block 1 Institution record 2 Institution record 3 Institution record 4 Header record 2 8 Constituent record 1 3 7 Sampling site record 1 Sampling site record 2 Sampling site record 3 Constituent record 2 5 6 Sampling site record 1 Sampling site record 2 Sampling site record 3 Sampling site record 4 Sampling site record 5 Data control record 1 Data block 2 Data block ... Data block 8 Data control record 2 Data record(s) ... Data control record 8 Data record(s) Comment control record Comment record(s) 70 This means that in this file there are 2 constituent blocks and 8 data blocks. This means that there are 3 sampling sites (stations) for component number 7. This means that there are 5 sampling sites (stations) for component number 6. In the data control the number of data is registered. In a data record 12 measurements can be specified. For more measurements, a second, third, etc. data record is defined. For example: if in the data control record is specified that there are 31 measurements, there will be 3 datarecords after the data control record. Data record(s) Comment group Remarks Institution record 1 Constituent block 2 Data group Records 5 This means that there will follow 5 comment records. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The record-layout is as follows: Record type Institution record Header record Constituent record ISO 7168 Fieldname number of constituent blocks number of data blocks constituent code int(5) constituent name unit of measurement method height in metres identification of “no value available” char(16) char(10) upper limit of measurement and lower detection limit Sampling site sampling site record number Data control record Fieldtype Fieldname DEM Description Remarks These records can be skipped by DEM. int(5) int(3) cp_number component number This has to be “UG/M3”. char(18) int(5) int(5) For example, if this field has the value “-88”; in case a value in the data record is 88, then there is no value available. int(6) int(6) int(5) sampling site identification char(20) time deviation from UTC latitude altitude part of network constituent code int(4) sampling site number int(5) type of data int(5) char(2) int(5) int(5) int(3) sp_name sn_code This number is for example 101 for the station called “AFFERDEN”, 102 for station called “AMSTERDAM” and 105 for station called “THE HAGUE”. This is the name of the station, for example “AMSTERDAM”. In this file AMSTERDAM has the station number 102, but in DEM it may be for example station number 9735. The station name “AMSTERDAM” is selected by the data-supplier and is placed by DEM in the markfile. The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. cp_number The sampling site number shall always be greater than 0. Although 0 is also in theory possible (meaning that the following data block is listed in spatial order, according to the sequence specified by the preceding sampling site records for this constituent block), it will not be allowed by DEM. 71 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Record type ISO 7168 Fieldname start time length of period covered by all data interval of time covered by each date Fieldtype YY: int(2) MM: int(2) DD: int(2) HH: int(2) MM: int(2) YY: int(2) MM: int(2) DD: int(2) HH: int(2) MM: int(2) YY: int(2) MM: int(2) DD: int(2) HH: int(2) MM: int(2) Fieldname rd_startdate rd_type Version 1.0 DEM Description Remarks For example, the starttime “97 1 3 1 0” has to be read as January 3rd, 1997 at 1 am. In rd_startdate only the date (not the time) will be registered. For example, “ 0 0 0 480” means that the length covered by the data is 48 hours. hour 3hour 8hour day week For example, “ 0 0 0 1 0” means that the interval between two measurements is one hour. For example, “ 0 0 7 0 0” means that the interval between two measurements is 7 days, so 1 week. Data record interval of time of a YY: int(2) single measurement MM: int(2) DD: int(2) HH: int(2) MM: int(2) number of int(4) measurements factor of int(4) multiplication as a power of 10 number of data in int(5) the data record value int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) int(6) rd_value = value * (10factor of multiplication) rd_value1 rd_value2 ... rdvalueN Comment control record Comment records This record can be skipped by DEM. sn_db_identifier mc_code ‘A’ rd_number_values depending on rd_type: hour: 24 3hour: 8 8hour: 3 day: number of days in that month week: 1 72 These records can be skipped by DEM. AIRBASE The mc_code is registered in the markfile. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The last three mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field cp_number unit of measurement sp_name Check The component name has to be registered in the markfile. The component name can be selected in DEM by making use of the component number. unit of measurement = “UG/M3”. sampling site number The station name has to be registered in the markfile. sampling site number = 0 rd_startdate year >= 90 or year <= current_year 1 <= month <= 12 1 <= day <= [28, 29, 30, 31 depending on number of days in that specific month] Error-message Record <record#>: the component name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the unit of measurement must be UG/M3. Record <record#>: the station name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the sampling site number has to be 0. Record <record#>: year has to be less then or equal to the current year (YY) or greater than or equal to 90. Record <record#>: month has to be any number between 1 and 12. Record <record#>: day has to be any number between 1 and 28. Record <record#>: day has to be any number between 1 and 29. Record <record#>: day has to be any number between 1 and 30. Record <record#>: day has to be any number between 1 and 31. Record <record#>: hour has to be any number between 0 and 24. Record <record#>: minute has to be any number between 0 and 59. Record <record#>: the year in length of period has to be greater than or equal to 0. Record <record#>: the month in length of period has to be greater than or equal to 0. Record <record#>: the day in length of period has to be greater than or equal to 0. Record <record#>: the hour in length of period has to be greater than or equal to 0. Record <record#>: the minute in length of period has to be greater than or equal to 0. Record <record#>: the year has to be 0. Record <record#>: the month has to be 0. Record <record#>: the day has to be 0, 1 or 7. Record <record#>: the hour has to be 0, 3 or 8. 0 <= hour <= 24 0 <= minute <= 59 length of period covered by all data year >= 0 month >= 0 day >= 0 hour >= 0 minute >= 0 rd_type year = 0 month = 0 day in [0, 1, 7] hour in [0, 3, 8] rd_type if day != 0 then hour = 0; endif; minute = 0 rd_type = averaging time Record <record#>: the hour has to be 0, because day is specified. Record <record#>: the minute has to be 0. Record <record#>: the interval of time has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. 73 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Field cp_number sn_code mc_code rd_startdate Check The following SELECT must be succesful: rd_startdate SELECT 1 FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.sn_db_identifier = ‘A’ AND mc.sn_code = sn_code AND mc.cp_number = cp_number AND mc.mc_code = mc_code AND mc.mc_startdate <= rd_startdate AND mc.mc_enddate >= rd_startdate rd_startdate >= startyear rd_startdate rd_startdate belongs to actual period Version 1.0 Error-message Record <record#>: year/month is unvalid for the measurement-configuration. Record <record#>: the start time has to be greater than or equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: the startdate has to be in the actual period you entered on the screen. The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; skip the first four records; read next record; GET constblock_number and datablock_number out of record; FOR (i=1; i<=constblock_number; i++) { read next record; GET sampl_sites_number, constituent_code and no_value out of record; missing_value[constituent_code] = no_value; FOR (j=1; j<=sampl_sites_number; j++) { read next record; GET sampl_site_nr and sampl_site_name out of record; station[constituent_code, 1] = sampl_site_nr; station[constituent_code, 2] = sampl_site_name; /* The sn_code can be defined by the lookup in the mark file of the sn_code where the sampl_site_name equals the sp_name. */ station[constituent_code, 3] = sn_code; } } FOR (i=1; i<=datablock_number; i++) { read next record; GET constituent_code, sampl_site_nr, start_time, interval_of_time, multiplication_factor and number_of_data out of record; rd_startdate = start_time; rd_type = interval_of_time; value_count = 0; WHILE (value_count < number_of_data) { /* If for example the number of data is 31, then there have to be read three records. The first record has to be read at the beginning, the second record after 12 values have been read and the third record after 24 values have been read. So, everytime the value_count modulo 12 equals zero, then a new record must be read. */ IF (value_count%12 = 0) THEN read next record; GET next value out of record; value_count=value_count+1; 74 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A IF value = missing_value[constituent_code] THEN rd_value[value_count] = 0; rd_quality[value_count] = .....; ELSE rd_value[value_count] = value * 10multiplication_factor; ENDIF; } /* It is possible that several records have to be inserted into the database, for example if more then 24 hour-values are read. */ GET sn_code out of memory-table WHERE station[constituent_code, 1] = sampl_site_nr; IF rd_type = ‘hour’ THEN INSERT INTO raw_data_hour (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number=constituent_code, rd_startdate, rd_number_values=24, rd_value1=rd_value[1], rd_quality1=rd_quality[1], rd_value2=rd_value[2], rd_quality2=rd_quality[2], ... rd_value24=rd_value[24], rd_quality24=rd_quality[24]); ELSEIF rd_type = ‘3hour’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘8hour’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘day’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘week’ THEN ... ENDIF; } 75 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Raw air quality data NASA Ames 1001 Raw air quality data can be registered conform the NASA Ames 1001 format. This is a ASCII-file which consists of different kinds of records. The different fields in a record have a variable fieldlength and blanks are the separator between the different fields. The main file-layout can be specified as follows: Group Record number Field(s) in record Description Header 1 NLHEAD 1001 Number of header-records 2 ONAME Originator 3 ORG Organization 4 SNAME Station name 5 MNAME Mission name 6 IVOL NVOL 7 DATE RDATE 8 DX(s) Volume number and Total number of volumes Date at which the data start (YYYY MM DD) and Date of data reduction Interval between values in sequence 9 XNAME(s) 10 NV 11 VSCAL(s) 12 VMISS(s) 13 VNAME(1) 14 VNAME(2) 15 VNAME(3) Character string giving the name of the sth variable Number of primary variables Scale factor by which the values have to be multiplied A quantity indicating missing or erroneous data First character string giving the name of the data First character string giving the name of the data First character string giving the name of the data 76 Example (as far as relevant) 11 1997 03 16 1: 1hour 3: 3hour 8: 8hour 24: day 168: week 3 111 999 9999.99 9.999 Remarks This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. IVOL and NVOL have to be set to 1. RDATE can be ignored. This has to be in hours. This record can be skipped. This has always to be three. This means that only enddate, value and numflag columns are allowed. The scale-factors must all three be set to 1. If the enddate has the value 999, this means that the enddate is missing. If a value of 9999.99 is registered, this means that no value is available. If the numflag is set to 9.999, this means that the numflag is missing. First character string: “end_time”. Second character string: “value”. Third character string: “numflag”. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Group Data Record number Field(s) in record Description 16 NSCOML Number of special comment lines 17 SCOM(1) First comment record 18 SCOM(2) Second comment record 22 ... SCOM(6) Sixth comment record 23 NNCOML Number of normal comment lines 24 NCOM(1) First comment record 25 NCOM(2) Second comment record 28 ... NCOM(5) Fifth comment record 29 X(1, i) First value-record 30 X(2, i) ... X(q, i) Second value-record Example (as far as relevant) 6 5 7 8 2.00 0.781 Version 1.0 Remarks This means that six records will follow with comments. NSCOML is greater than or equal to zero. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This means that five records will follow with comments. NNCOML is greater than or equal to zero. All normal comment records can be skipped except one: if the comment record contains the string “Station code” then the string after the colon must be equal to the station name specified in the markfile. This record can be skipped with the exception described above. This record can be skipped with the exception described above. Each record contains four fields (separated by blanks): startdate enddate value numflag The enddate can be ignored. Qth value-record In the table below is specified which records in NASA Ames 1001 do correspond to fields in DEM. The different fields in a record are separated by blanks. NASA Ames 1001 format Fieldname Description Fieldname cp_name cp_number Description 77 DEM-database Remarks The component name is not registered in the datafile, so the component name has to be selected out of the markfile. The component code can be selected in DEM by making use of the component name. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A NASA Ames 1001 format Fieldname Description Fieldname DX interval between rd_type values in sequence Description hour 3hour 8hour day week station name sp_name cn_code date and time of measurement value of measurement rd_startdate X(1,3) X(2,1) quality of data date and time of measurement rd_quality1 X(2,2) VSCAL(2,2) VMISS(2,2) value of measurement rd_value2 X(2,3) ... X(n,1) quality of data rd_qualityN X(n,2) VSCAL(n,2) VMISS(n,2) value of measurement rd_valueN X(n,3) quality of data rd_qualityN sn_db_identifier mc_code rd_number_values X(1,1) X(1,2) VSCAL(1,2) VMISS(1,2) Version 1.0 DEM-database Remarks Depending of DX the rd_type can be defined: 1: 1hour 3: 3hour 8: 8hour 24: day 168: week One of the normal comment records contains the string “Station code”. The text string after the colon must be equal to the station name specified in the markfile. The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. rd_value1 If X(1,2) != VMISS(1,2) then rd_value1 = X(1,2) * VSCAL(1,2) else rd_value1 = NULL; endif; Optional field. As long as the date_time[2..N] is the same as date_time1, the data is registered in the same record, because rd_startdate is the same. If X(2,2) != VMISS(2,2) then rd_value1 = X(2,2) * VSCAL(2,2) else rd_value1 = NULL; endif; Optional field. date and time of measurement ‘A’ As long as the date_time[2..N] is the same as date_time1, the data is registered in the same record, because rd_startdate is the same. If X(n,2) != VMISS(n,2) then rd_value1 = X(n,2) * VSCAL(n,2) else rd_value1 = NULL; endif; Optional field. AIRBASE. The mc_code is registered in the markfile. depending on rd_type: hour: 24 3hour: 8 8hour: 3 day: number of days in that month week: 1 The last three mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: 78 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Field IVOL NVOL DATE Check IVOL = 1 NVOL = 1 DATE >= startyear DATE DATE belongs to actual period DX DX If DX != “hour” and != “3hour” and != “8hour” and != “day” and != “week” then incorrect DX; endif; DX = averaging time NV VSCAL NV = 3 VSCAL = “1 1 1” VMISS Three values have to be specified VNAME(1) VNAME(1) = “end_time” VNAME(2) VNAME(2) = “value” VNAME(3) VNAME(3) = “numflag” NCOM(x) The station name has to be registered in the markfile. Error-message Record <record#>: IVOL and NVOL have to be 1. Record <record#>: DATE has to be greater than or equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: DATE has to be in the actual period you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: DX has to be one of the following values: 1 (1hour), 3 (3hour), 8 (8hour), 24 (24hour) or 168 (week). Record <record#>: DX has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: NV has to be 3. Record <record#>: VSCAL has to be 1 for the three scale factors (1 1 1). Record <record#>: VMISS has to have three values (for example: 999 9999.99 9.999). Record <record#>: VNAME(1) has to be “end_time”. Record <record#>: VNAME(2) has to be “value”. Record <record#>: VNAME(3) has to be “numflag”. Record <record#>: the station name is not registered in the markfile. The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; skip the first five records; GET IVOL and NVOL out of record; GET DATE out of record; GET DX(s) out of record; skip next record; GET NV out of record; GET VSCAL(s) out of record; GET VMISS(s) out of record; GET VNAME(1) out of record; GET VNAME(2) out of record; GET VNAME(3) out of record; GET NSCOML out of record; skip next NSCOML records; GET NNCOML out of record; skip next NNCOML records with one exception: if the comment-record contains the string “Station code” then the string after the colon must be equal to the station name specified in the markfile; WHILE next record { IF rd_type = ‘hour’ AND last value of that date is read THEN INSERT INTO raw_data_hour (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number, rd_startdate, rd_number_values=24, rd_value1=X(1,3), rd_quality1=X(1,4), rd_value2=X(2,3), rd_quality=X(2,4), .. rd_value24=.., rd_quality24=..); 79 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A ELSEIF ... ELSEIF ... ELSEIF ... ELSEIF ... ENDIF; rd_type = ‘3hour’ THEN rd_type = ‘8hour’ THEN rd_type = ‘day’ THEN rd_type = ‘week’ THEN } CLOSE FILE; 80 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Type of data File format Version 1.0 Raw air quality data NASA Ames 1010 Raw air quality data can be registered conform the NASA Ames 1010 format. This is a ASCII-file which consists of different kinds of records. The different fields in a record have a variable fieldlength and blanks are the separator between the different fields. The main file-layout can be specified as follows: Group Record number Field(s) in record Description Header 1 NLHEAD 1010 Number of header-records 2 ONAME Originator 3 ORG Organization 4 SNAME Station name 5 MNAME Mission name 6 IVOL NVOL 11 7 DATE RDATE 8 DX(s) 9 XNAME(s) Volume number and Total number of volumes Date at which the data start (YYYY MM DD) and Date of data reduction Time interval in XNAME units Character string giving the name of the sth variable 10 NV 2 11 VSCAL(s) 12 VMISS(s) 13 VNAME(1) 14 VNAME(2) 15 NAUXV 16 ASCAL(a) 17 AMISS(a) Number of primary variables Scale factor by which the values have to be multiplied A quantity indicating missing or erroneous data First character string giving the name of the data Second character string giving the name of the data Number of auxiliary variables. If NAUXV equals 0 then no auxiliary variables are recorded and there are no ASCAL, AMISS and ANAME’s Scale factor by which the values have to be multiplied A quantity indicating missing or erroneous data 81 Example (as far as relevant) Remarks 1997 3 16 This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. The first two strings with country and network can be ignored. The last string contains the station name. This string must be “AIRBASE”. IVOL and NVOL have to be set to 1. RDATE can be ignored. 1 DX has to be 1. 3 XNAME is coded: 1: hour 2: 3hour 3: 8hour 4: day 5: week This has always to be set to 2. The two scale factors must be 1.0. CH; NABEL; BaselBinningen AIRBASE 1.0 1.0 999999.9 99 6 NAUXV must be set to 6. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 The six scale factors must all be set to 1.0. 9999 99 99 99 99 99 The missing values must be set to respectively 9999 99 99 99 99 99. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Group Data Record number Field(s) in record Description 18 ANAME(1) 19 ANAME(2) 20 ANAME(3) 21 ANAME(4) 22 ANAME(5) 23 ANAME(6) 24 NSCOML First character string giving the name of the data Second character string giving the name of the data Third character string giving the name of the data Fourth character string giving the name of the data Fifth character string giving the name of the data Sixth character string giving the name of the data Number of special comment lines 25 SCOM(1) First comment record 26 SCOM(2) Second comment record 30 ... SCOM(6) Sixth comment record 31 NNCOML Number of normal comment lines 32 NCOM(1) First comment record 33 NCOM(2) Second comment record 36 ... NCOM(5) Fifth comment record 37 X(1, i) First date-record 38 V(1,i) First value-record 39 X(2,i) Second date-record 40 V(2,i) ... X(n,i) V(n,i) Second value-record Nth date-record Nth value-record 82 Version 1.0 Example (as far as relevant) yyyy Remarks mo ANAME(2) must be set to “mo”. dd ANAME(3) must be set to “dd”. hh ANAME(4) must be set to “hh”. mm ANAME(5) must be set to “mm”. ss ANAME(6) must be set to “ss”. 6 This means that six records will follow with comments. NSCOML is greater than or equal to zero. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. 5 ANAME(1) must be set to “yyyy”. This record can be skipped. This means that five records will follow with comments. NNCOML is greater than or equal to zero. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. This record can be skipped. 1 1997 3 16 1 Sequence number, 00 followed by year, month, day, hour, minute, second. The sequence number must start with 1. 145.9 0 Value and quality-flag. The quality-flag may be: 0=valid date 1=erroneous or suspect date 2=date which is not or no longer valid. 1 1997 3 16 2 00 128.7 0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 In the table below is specified which records in NASA Ames 1001 do correspond to fields in DEM. The different fields in a record are separated by blanks. NASA Ames 1010 format Fieldname Description SNAME station name XNAME Fieldname cp_name cp_number sp_name cn_code rd_type X(1,i) AMISS date and time of measurement rd_startdate V(1,1) VMISS(1) value of measurement rd_value1 V(1,2) VMISS(2) quality of data rd_quality1 V(2,1) VMISS(1) value of measurement rd_value2 V(2,2) VMISS(2) quality of data rd_quality2 value of measurement quality of data rd_valueN ... V(n,1) VMISS(1) V(n,2) VMISS(2) Description hour 3hour 8hour day week DEM-database Remarks The component name is not registered in the datafile, so the component name has to be selected out of the markfile. The component code can be selected in DEM by making use of the component name. The station code can be selected in DEM by making use of the station name. Depending on the value of XNAME rd_type can be defined: XNAME=1: hour XNAME=2: 3hour XNAME=3: 8hour XNAME=4: day XNAME=5: week If yyyy=9999 or mo=99 or dd=99 or hh=99 or mm=99 or ss=99 then rd_startdate = NULL; endif; If V(1,1) != VMISS(1) then rd_value1 = X(1,1); else rd_value1 = NULL; endif; if V(1,2) != VMISS(2) then rd_quality1 = V(1,2); else rd_quality1 = NULL; endif; If V(2,1) != VMISS(1) then rd_value2 = X(2,1); else rd_value2 = NULL; endif; if V(2,2) != VMISS(2) then rd_quality2 = V(2,2); else rd_quality2 = NULL; endif; rd_qualityN sn_db_identifier mc_code rd_number_values ‘A’ AIRBASE. The mc_code is registered in the markfile. depending on rd_type: hour: 24 3hour: 8 8hour: 3 day: number of days in that month week: 1 The last three mentioned DEM-fields are not registered in the import-file. 83 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 The data will only be imported into DEM if there are no errors in the import-file. Before inserting the data in the DEM-database, the import-file will be completely checked. If one or more errors are found in the import-file, then the data-supplier will get a list of the error(s) (including the recordnumbers in which the errors do exist) and no records will be imported. The following checks are carried out: Field SNAME MNAME IVOL NVOL Check The station name has to be registered in the markfile. MNAME = “AIRBASE” DATE IVOL = 1 NVOL = 1 DATE >= startyear DATE rd_startdate belongs to actual period DX XNAME DX = 1 1 <= XNAME <= 7 XNAME NV VSCAL XNAME = 1 : averaging time has to be hour XNAME = 2 : averaging time has to be 3hour XNAME = 3 : averaging time has to be 8hour XNAME = 4 : averaging time has to be day XNAME = 5 : averaging time has to be week NV = 2 VSCAL = “1.0 1.0” VMISS Two values have to be specified NAUXV NAUXV = 6 ANAME(1) VNAME(1) = “yyyy” ANAME(2) VNAME(2) = “mo” ANAME(3) VNAME(3) = “dd” ANAME(4) VNAME(3) = “hh” ANAME(5) VNAME(3) = “mm” ANAME(6) VNAME(3) = “ss X(1,1) X(1,1) = 1 V(i,2) 0 <= V(i,2) <= 2 The pseudo-code for the import is specified below. OPEN FILE; skip first free records; GET SNAME out of record; GET MNAME out of record; GET IVOL and NVOL out of record; GET DATE out of record; GET DX(s) out of record; 84 Error-message Record <record#>: the station name is not registered in the markfile. Record <record#>: the MNAME has to be AIRBASE. Record <record#>: IVOL and NVOL have to be 1. Record <record#>: DATE has to be greater than or equal to the startyear you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: DATE has to be in the actual period you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: DX has to be set to 1. Record <record#>: XNAME has to be any value between 1 and 7. Record <record#>: XNAME (1-5) has to be the same as the averaging time you entered on the screen. Record <record#>: NV has to be 2. Record <record#>: VSCAL has to be 1.0 for the two scale factors (1.0 1.0). Record <record#>: VMISS has to have two values (for example: 999999.9 99). Record <record#>: NAUXV has to be set to 6. Record <record#>: VNAME(1) has to be “yyyy”. Record <record#>: VNAME(2) has to be “mo”. Record <record#>: VNAME(3) has to be “dd”. Record <record#>: VNAME(4) has to be “hh”. Record <record#>: VNAME(5) has to be “mm”. Record <record#>: VNAME(6) has to be “ss”. Record <record#>: the first sequence number must be set to 1. Record <record#>: the quality flag has to be 0, 1 or 2. IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A GET XNAME(s) out of record; GET NV out of record; GET VSCAL(s) out of record; GET VMISS(s) out of record; GET VNAME(1) out of record; GET VNAME(2) out of record; GET NAUXV out of record; GET ASCAL(a) out of record; GET AMISS(a) out of record; GET ANAME(1) out of record; GET ANAME(2) out of record; GET ANAME(3) out of record; GET ANAME(4) out of record; GET ANAME(5) out of record; GET ANAME(6) out of record; GET NSCOML out of record; skip next NSCOML records; GET NNCOML out of record; skip next NNCOML records; WHILE next record { GET X(n,i) out of record; GET V(n,i) out of record; IF rd_type = ‘hour’ AND last value of that date is read THEN INSERT INTO raw_data_hour (sn_db_identifier=‘A’, sn_code, cp_number, rd_startdate, rd_number_values=24, rd_value1=V(1,1), rd_quality1=V(1,2), rd_value2=V(2,1), rd_quality=V(2,2), .. rd_value24=.., rd_quality24=..); ELSEIF rd_type = ‘3hour’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘8hour’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘day’ THEN ... ELSEIF rd_type = ‘week’ THEN ... ENDIF; } CLOSE FILE; 85 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 7. 7.1 Version 1.0 Interfaces Introduction In this chapter two interfaces are described: 1. 2. The yearly process of downloading the DEM from ETC/AQ. The yearly process of uploading the DEM-database to ETC/AQ. The downloading and uploading will be done by -usually- making use of the EIONET. 7.2 Download DEM from AIRBASE When a data-supplier downloads the DEM from AIRBASE (ETC/AQ), he will get the latest version of the DEM-application and a complete download of all meta-data (for example, stations and measurement-configurations) from AIRBASE. As stated earlier, the datamodel of AIRBASE and DEM are exactly the same. 7.3 Upload DEM to AIRBASE The data-supplier can sent his DEM to ETC/AQ for importing-purposes in AIRBASE. After the DEM has been sent to ETC/AQ, the data in DEM have to be imported into AIRBASE. The procedure for importing DEM-data into AIRBASE is described below. First, the DEM database is imported into a Microsoft-Access environment. The Accessdatabase contains all the tables that are part of the AIRBASE-datamodel. These tables are linked to import-tables in AIRBASE (in the Ingres-database). The connection between Access and Ingres will be by ODBC. The import-tables in Ingres do all have the prefix ‘dem_’. In a logical view, the data are imported from DEM into the Access-database. However, in a technical view, the data are immediately imported from DEM by ODBC via Access into the Ingres-database. For example, the DEM-table ‘meas_configuration’ does also exist in the Accessdatabase and has the name ‘station’. However, in the Ingres-database the equivalent is ‘dem_meas_configuration’. Second, all meta data that is not flagged A(dded), M(odified) or S(hut down) can be deleted from the dem_tables. These records do not lead to updates in the AIRBASEdatabase. Third, a check has to be done if all the station codes in the table ‘dem_station’ do not already exist in the table ‘station’. In that case, a new station code has to be generated. If so, all the data in the import-tables with the same sn_code have to be updated for the new generated sn_code. If a new station code is generated, then the following tables will be updated: 86 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Tables station station_environment station_meteo station_type station_emission_source station_profile network_station meas_configuration raw_data_hour raw_data_3hour raw_data_8hour raw_data_day raw_data_week statistic exceedance Fourth, the meta-data of DEM that are already registered in the import-tables (‘dem_’tables) in AIRBASE (Ingres) will be read into the base-tables of AIRBASE. For example, the data in the table ‘dem_meas_configuration’ will be inserted or updated into the table ‘meas_configuration’ for those records that are flagged A(dded), M(odified) or S(hut down). The following tables are updated: Tables station station_environment station_meteo station_type station_emission_source station_profile network network_station network_function network_type person organization city meas_configuration Fifth, the raw data of DEM that are already registered in the import-tables (‘dem_’-tables) in AIRBASE (Ingres) will be read into the base-tables of AIRBASE. For example, the data in the table ‘dem_raw_data_hour’ will be inserted into the table ‘raw_data_hour’. Before raw data are inserted into the tables, a check is performed to see if there exists a record in the table meas_configuration with a start date before the date of the raw data and an enddate after the date of the raw data. The following tables are updated: 87 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Tables raw_data_hour raw_data_3hour raw_data_8hour raw_data_day raw_data_week statistic exceedance Sixth and finally, all the import-tables are completely emptied (all records will be deleted). Below the pseudo-code for the import-procedure is specified: /* 1. Import DEM-database into MS-Access environment. */ IMPORT DEM-DATABASE; /* 2. Delete from dem_-tables the data that are not flagged. */ DELETE FROM dem_station WHERE flag = ‘’; DELETE FROM dem_meas_configuration WHERE flag = ‘’; ... /* 3. Check if station codes are unique. If not, a new station code is generated. */ INSERT INTO temp_station_codes (old_sn_code, new_sn_code) SELECT ds.sn_code, ‘’ FROM dem_station ds, station st WHERE ds.sn_code = st.sn_code; SELECT free_sn_code = MAX(sn_code) + 1 FROM station; SELECT ta.old_sn_code FROM temp_station_codes ta { UPDATE temp_station_codes tb SET new_sn_code = free_sn_code WHERE tb.old_sn_code = ta.old_sn_code; free_sn_code = free_sn_code + 1; } UPDATE FROM SET WHERE dem_station ds temp_station_codes ts ds.sn_code = new_sn_code ds.sn_code = ts.old_sn_code; UPDATE FROM SET WHERE dem_meas_configuration ds temp_station_codes ts ds.sn_code = new_sn_code ds.sn_code = ts.old_sn_code; ... UPDATE FROM SET WHERE dem_raw_data_hour ds temp_station_codes ts ds.sn_code = new_sn_code ds.sn_code = ts.old_sn_code; ... 88 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 /* 4. The meta-data are read into the base-tables of AIRBASE. */ INSERT INTO station SELECT *, flag = ‘’ FROM dem_station WHERE flag = ‘A’; UPDATE station st FROM dem_station ds SET st.* = ds.*, st.flag = ‘’ WHERE ds.flag = ‘M’ OR ds.flag = ‘S’; INSERT INTO SELECT FROM WHERE meas_configuration *, flag = ‘’ dem_meas_configuration flag = ‘A’; UPDATE meas_configuration st FROM dem_meas_configuration ds SET st.* = ds.*, st.flag = ‘’ WHERE ds.flag = ‘M’ OR ds.flag = ‘S’; ... /* 5. The raw-data are read into the base-tables of AIRBASE. */ SELECT rd.* FROM raw_data_hour rd WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.db_identifier = rd.db_identifier AND mc.sn_code = rd.sn_code AND mc.cp_number = rd.cp_number AND mc.code = rd.mc_code; IF rows found THEN /* errormessage will be given that there are rows in raw data tables, that do not have a corresponding record in meas_configuration. */ ENDIF; SELECT rd.* FROM raw_data_hour rd WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM meas_configuration mc WHERE mc.db_identifier = rd.db_identifier AND mc.sn_code = rd.sn_code AND mc.cp_number = rd.cp_number AND mc.code = rd.mc_code AND mc.startdate <= rd.rd_startdate AND mc.enddate >= rd.rd_enddate; IF rows found THEN /* errormessage will be given that there are rows in raw data tables, that do have a corresponding record in meas_configuration with a startdate after the raw data startdate or an enddate before the raw data startdate. */ ENDIF; INSERT INTO raw_data_hour SELECT * FROM dem_raw_data_hour; ... 89 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A /* 6. Import-tables are emptied. */ MODIFY dem_station TO TRUNCATED; MODIFY dem_meas_configuration TO TRUNCATED; ... MODIFY dem_raw_data_hour TO TRUNCATED; ... 90 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A 8. Domains CB_Code cb_code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 cb_name residential commercial residential/commercial industrial residential/industrial commercial/industrial residential/commercial/industrial agricultural residential/agricultural commercial/agricultural residential/commercial/agricultural industrial/agricultural residential/industrial/agricultural commercial/industrial/agricultural natural residential/natural commercial/natural residential/commercial/natural industrial/natural residential/industrial/natural commercial/industrial/natural agricultural/natural residential/agricultural/natural commercial/agricultura/natural industrial/agricultural/natural Cm_type Domain: A(utomatic) M(anual) B(oth) 91 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Components: EoI list pollutants cp_number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 cp_name(v40) Sulphur dioxide Acid deposition Strong acidity Total suspended particulates Suspended particulates < 10 um Black smoke Ozone Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen oxides Carbon monoxide Hydrogen sulphide Lead Mercury Cadmium Nickel Chromium Manganese Arsenic Carbon disulphide Benzene Toluene Styrene Acrylonitrile 1,3 Butadien Formaldehyde Trichloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene Dichloromethane Benzo(a)pyrene Polyaromatic hydrocarbons Vinyl chloride Total non-methane viotile organic compounds Total viotile organic compounds Peroxyacetyl nitrate Ammoniak Wet nitrogen deposition Wet sulphur deposition cs_street_type W C H U Wide street:L/H > 1.5 Canyon street: L/H < 1.5 Highway: average speed vehicles > 80 km/h Unknown 92 Caption(v30) SO2 Aciddeposition Strongacidity TSP PM10 Blacksmoke O3 NO2 NOX CO H2S Pb Hg Cd Ni Cr Mn As CS2 C6H6 C6H5-CH3 C6H5.CH=CH2 CH2=CH-CN CH2=CH-CH=CH2 HCHO C2HCl3 C2Cl4 CH2Cl2 BaP PAH VC NM-VOC T-VOC PAN NH3 N-DEP S-DEP IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A cs_traffic_volume 1 2 3 Low volume: <2000 vehicles/24h within circle of 50 mtr Medium volume: 2000-10.000 vehicles/24h within circle of 50 mtr High volume: > 10.000 vehicles/24h within circle of 50 mtr ct_number_class 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 > 2 million inhabitants 1-2 million inhabitants 0.5-1 million inhabitants 0.1-0.5 million inhabitants 1000-100.000 inhabitants < 1000 inhabitants ("background") Unknown CZ_Code: cz_code 1 2 4 8 16 cz_name residential commercial industrial agricultural natural es_code PCDH CIRC IDCB PDPC EDFF SUSE RTPT OMSM WTDP AGCT NTRE OTHR Public power, Co-generation and District Heating Commercial, Institutional an Residential Combustion Industrial Combustion Production Processes Extraction and Distribution of Fossil Fuels Solvent Use Road Transport Other Mobiles Sources and Machinery (to be specified) Waste Treatment and Disposal Agriculture Nature Other 93 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A EV_Owner EOI ETC-AQ LV_Average_period Allowed values: 1 1 hour 8a 8 hours (00:00 - 08:00, 08:00 - 16:00, 16:00 - 24:00) 8b 8 hours (12:00 - 20:00) 24 1 day LV_type In the case of ozone we distuingish the following types: health protection vegetation protection population information population warning MC_Implementation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EU Dir EoI EU Dir/EoI Euro Airnet EU Dir/Euro Airnet EoI/Euro Airnet EU Dir/EoI/Euro Airnet MC_Calibr_frequency 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 More times a day Daily More times a week Weekly More times a month Monthly More times a year Yearly Other Never TZ_Name tz_code 1 2 3 tz_name urban suburban rural 94 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 MC_Location_sampl_point Facade of building, Pavement, Courtyard, etcetera MC_Quality_code Code T Code N corresponds to data not (or not yet) subjected to the validation procedure as specified in Annex 3.1 corresponds to data characterized as erroneous or doubtful, during the validation procedure as specified in Annex 3.1 NF_Role_type Classification: NM Network management ND Network data contact NN_Code_ISO2 English name ALBANIA ANDORRA ARMENIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BELARUS BELGIUM BOSNIA AND HERZEGOWINA BULGARIA CROATIA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK ESTONIA FINLAND FRANCE GEORGIA GERMANY GREECE HUNGARY ICELAND IRELAND ITALY KAZAKHSTAN KYRGYZSTAN LATVIA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA A2 AL AD AM AT AZ BY BE BA BG HR CY CZ DK EE FI FR GE DE GR HU IS IE IT KZ KG LV LI LT 95 A3 ALB AND ARM AUT AZE BLR BEL BIH BGR HRV CYP CZE DNK EST FIN FRA GEO DEU GRC HUN ISL IRL ITA KAZ KGZ LVA LIE LTU N3 8 20 51 40 31 112 56 70 100 191 196 203 208 233 246 250 268 276 300 348 352 372 380 398 417 428 438 440 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A English name LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA MALTA MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF MONACO NETHERLANDS NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION SAN MARINO SLOVAKIA (Slovak Rep.) SLOVENIA SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAJIKISTAN TURKEY TURKMENISTAN UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM UZBEKISTAN VATICAN CITY STATE YUGOSLAVIA A2 LU MK MT MD MC NL NO PL PT RO RU SM SK SI ES SE CH TJ TR TM UA GB UZ VA YU NW_code 001-999 NW_Enddate 09031965 .. 31122099 NW_Shortname not relevant NW_Startdate 09-03-65 .. 31-12-99 PD_Number 1 2 3 4 Calender year Tropical year Summer season Winter season RD_Calculated 0 1 transmitted calculated by ETC-AQ 96 A3 LUX MKD MLT MDA MCO NLD NOR POL PRT ROM RUS SMR SVK SVN ESP SWE CHE TJK TUR TKM UKR GBR UZB VAT YUG Version 1.0 N3 442 807 470 498 492 528 578 616 620 642 643 674 703 705 724 752 756 762 792 795 804 826 860 336 891 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A RD_Duration 44640 43200 41760 40320 01440 00480 00060 00010 744 hours (1 month, 31 days) 720 hours (1 month, 30 days) 696 hours (1 month, 29 days) 672 hours (1 month, 28 days) 24 hours (1 day) 8 hours 1 hour 10 minutes RD_EOI Y (yes) or N (no) RD_Type 'hour ' '3hour’ 'hour8' 'day ' 'month' hourly values 3 hourly block mean values 8 hourly moving averages 24 hourly values montly values SN_DB_Identifier A E Airbase EBAS SP_EOI Y(es) or N(o) SP_Pollution_level 0 1 2 3 not defined high average low SS_EOI 1 2 Y(es) N(o) SS_Startyear 1900, 9999 97 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A TN_Code (eoI) lid toc con cot reg cnt unk local industry town/city urban area/conurbation county region country unknown TN_Name EoI local industry town/city urban area/conurbation county region country unknown TN_Owner Airbase version 1 Choice between: EoI or ETC/AQ TS_Code EoI TFC IDY BGD Traffic station Industrial station Background station 98 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Version 1.0 Part IV Appendix A Keyword List AIRBASE, Euroairnet, Ozone Directive, Exchange of Information, air quality data, Data Exchange Module, environment, Telematics Applications Programme 99 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Appendix B Version 1.0 Bibliography Visit the European Environment Agency, Topic Centre on Air Quality web site ( for latest information on AIRBASE and Data Exchange Module developments and reference bibliography. Decision 97/101/EC Establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the Member States. 100 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Appendix C Glossary IRENIE Improved Reporting of Environmental information using the EIONET EEA European Environment Agency ETC-AQ European Topic Centre on Air Quality EoI Exchange of Information (Decision 97/101/EC) AIRBASE Pan-European air quality information system operated by EEA DEM Data Exchange Module 101 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Appendix D Version 1.0 Distribution List Project Management Board Chairman Project Manager System Architecture Manager (SAM) System Evaluation Manager (SEM) Partner Representative Partner Representative Partner Representative ETC/CDS Representative ETC/AEM Representative EEA Tim Lack, WRc and ETC/IW Leader Prof. Svein Haagenrud, NILU (T. Bøhler from 1999.1.1) Torstein Skancke, NORGIT Phil Turton, WRc Steinar Larssen, NILU Nicolas Moussiopoulos, AUT, Dep. K. Karatzas Rob Sluyter, RIVM, ETC-AQ Stefan Jensen, ETC/CDS Dietmar Koch, UBA and ETC/AEM Leader Roel van Aalst, EEA The Quality Assurance Board: Svein Haagenrud (Quality Assurance Manager), Phil Turton (SEM), Torstein Skancke, Trond Bøhler, Nicolas Moussiopoulos (deputy: K. Karatzas), Roel van Aalst (deputy: R. Sluyter), Stefan Jensen, Gabriel Kielland. 102 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Appendix E IRENIE Document Format Template to be used for IRENIE Deliverables: Content: Part I IRENIE Deliverable Part II Technical abstract Executive summary Authorisation Amendment list Part III Full deliverable content description 1. Introduction 1.1 General Part IV Appendix A Keyword list Appendix B Bibliography Appendix C Glossary Appendix D Distribution list Appendix E IRENIE Document Format Appendix F IRENIE Quality Assurance Form 103 Version 1.0 IRENIE EN4002 / Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module / D04.01A Appendix F Version 1.0 IRENIE Quality Assurance Form IRENIE Quality Assurance Form Deliverable ID D04.01A Title IRENIE Specification of AIRBASE Data Exchange Module Deliverable type Project deliverable (PD) X Submitted on request deliverable (X) Author of deliverable (Name and organisation) IRENIE reviewer (Name and organisation) Review comments Conclusions (Tick one box) C.M. van Nimwegen (PSB), M.P. Verdonk (PSB) Rob Sluyter, RIVM Terje Krognes, NILU Kostas Karatzas, AUT Review comments are in attached document Deliverable is acceptable Deliverable will be acceptable after above actions are completed Deliverable requires further review after above actions are completed Approved by reviewer (Reviewer’s name and date) Sign.: ………………………. Sign.: ……………………… Date: ……………………….. Date: ……………………… Sign.: ………………………. Sign.: ……………………… Date: ……………………….. Date: ……………………… Approved for release (Two members of QAB and date) 104