Writing Placement Exam (Summer 2008)

English 101-E
Fall 2008
Dr. Rich Miler
Midterm Essay Exam Assignment Sheet
*Friday, October 17
For the midterm exam, I want you to think critically and clearly express your position regarding
the essays by Barbara Lazaer Ascher (“On Compassion”, pages 193-198) and Anna Quindlen
(“Homeless”, pages 198-202). Much like with Essay #2 (Argument), these are paired readings,
on the topic of homelessness in the US, but I think you will find them a bit different. Ascher’s
and Quindlen’s arguments are not black and white or as antagonistic as the paired readings in
Essay #2. In other words, these authors may be seen sharing concerns on the topic, but offering
different reasons and positions on selected aspects of homelessness. I think you will find the
readings thoughtful and progressive, and, perhaps, a bit more sophisticated to write about due to
the common ground established.
Composing Advice
To make your midterm essay more focused, I am asking you to contemplate the solutions that
both Ascher and Quindlen offer. Are these solutions plausible and worthy of action, or do they
meander and offer no real result? I also expect you to offer your view on the topic using the
authors’ ideas as a stepping off point. I do not expect the same level of summary or citation or
paraphrase as in Essay #2. Also, you may use the first person “I” point of view if you desire. In
the end, compose a thoughtful response that engages the readings and offers your own view of
the ideas offered by the authors in a meaningful way to the reader.
Don’t forget this is an argument essay, so please discuss who you feel is more correct and why—
supply logic, detail and examples if you can.
This is a closed book exam; no notes, drafts, or outlines allowed. I will supply clean copies of
the readings and this assignment sheet.
Nuts and Bolts
 You have 50 minutes to write this essay.
 2-3 pages handwritten please; no laptops or computers without Dean of Students
 I do not expect the same level of stylistic or editorial polish here as a take home essay.
 Do the best you can with sentence structure and proofreading.
 I am more concerned with your ideas, close reading, and logic, than grammar/mechanics.
 This midterm essay exam is worth 5pts.max. and revision is not allowed.
 No makeup for this in class essay exam without prior arrangement.
*date subject to change per course calendar adjustments