Minutes 08-14-14

GA AWMA Board of Directors Meeting - August 14, 2014
Present: Russell Kemp, Joan Sasine, Heather Ceron, Chris Hurst, Justine Harrision, Shira Glabman, Amy Addison,
Thomas Wideman, Katy Lusk
Absent: Brad Arnold, Mariel Frieberg , Chuck Doymo
- Chair Report
No formal report, discuss items for fall conference
- Treasurer Report
$13212.30 in account as of today
$518.34 withdraws ($150 for joint event)
Credit card processing fees are adding up, may want to remove AMEX from list of approved cards. Chris
will look into removing it from approved cards.
Chris will also run a couple of reports on membership renewals to compare to financial
Chris will add Heather to distribution for membership renewals
- Secretary Report
Ga Tech student chapter was made official by AWMA last week on August 7, 2014
The SS AWMA Scholarship Committee had a call earlier this week and results are favorable for GaTech
Would be interested in carpooling with anyone going to SS AWMA conference in a few weeks
Met with Ga Tech student Phillip Stratton on August 4th whom is working on software to automate database
communications between national and local. There are some bugs that are being worked on in order to
make this work properly.
- Scholarship Chair Report
Letter has been sent. Deadline is Sept 12. Have received a few emails from students with
questions. Also, received an email response from UGA professor. Therefore, we hope to have more
participants from UGA.
- Membership Chair Report
No Report
- Brown Bag Presentation Chair Report
October 3rd next brown bag, Steve Leffin, UPS Sustainability (in person board meeting that month)
December next brown bag, possible meeting in Macon, Mr. Norman local attorney helping coordinating
the effort.
- Young Professional Chair Report
Event for the late summer, potentially pool party on a Sunday afternoon
Another happy hour in the fall
- GaTech Student Chapter Report
Meeting on Monday with Student chapter board
Late afternoon meetings, but flexibility on time to allow speakers
8 meetings throughout year
Conference attendance
Yearly Budget of $3500 (include 4 persons to one conference, $10 per person for 30 persons at 8
SGA funding possible for conference attendance, transport, hotel, lodging
Motion made to provide initial funding of $1250 by Joan, seconded by Chris Hurst
One meeting will be integrated with AEES which will be a lunch meeting
First open student meeting in late August, student board will decide which professional to contact on
- Social Outreach Chair Report
- Fall conference: Environmental Strategies – Planning for the Future
Date - October 17, 20114
Catering/Food - Carlye's catering is reserved for October 17th, will provide morning coffee/tea/water
service and lunch hot buffet of chicken and salmon, potatoes, vegetable, desert, and ice tea for 50
persons plus tables/linens. Cost is $289.17 for morning service and $1855.15 for lunch.
Corporate Sponsors
- Tabletop Materials
Pricing has been re-quoted from AWMA vendor Tradeshow direct, Table top trifold is $400 and a pull down
banner display is $295. Motion to purchase one of each was made by Chris Hurst. Postpone purchase
until after fall conference? Motion made by Chris, seconded by Joan, passed unanimously.
- Swag for Brown Bag Speakers
- Other new business
Our September Board Meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am September 18, 2014 via conference call.
Our October Board Meeting is scheduled for 10:30 am October 3, 2014 at the Bryan Cave offices.