Each Monday you will receive a vocabulary packet

Wordly Wise Vocabulary
Each Friday, you will receive a vocabulary packet. A short homework assignment or inclass activity is due each day of the week.
Flash Cards
Game (in class)
Quiz (in class)
However, what you are required to do each week depends on your grade on the previous
If your most recent vocabulary quiz grade is 100% or better (20/20) you do not have
to do anything for the next vocabulary list if you don’t want to. You can prepare for
Friday’s quiz any way you find most effective.
If your most recent vocabulary quiz grade is between 90-99% (18-19/20), you are
responsible for completing the packet by Tuesday, and taking the quiz on Friday.
If your most recent vocabulary quiz grade is between 75-89% (15-17/20) you are
responsible for making flash cards by Monday, completing the packet by Tuesday, and
taking the quiz on Friday.
If your most recent vocabulary quiz grade is lower than 75%, (0-14/20) you are
responsible for making flash cards by Monday, completing the packet by Tuesday,
writing an original sentence for each word by Wednesday, and taking the quiz on
Everyone is, of course, welcome to do all of the work. Each responsibility is a 10 point
homework grade, and if you do work that you are not required to do, you will get up
to 6 bonus points on the next quiz (2 for each assignment). Additional bonus points
can be earned though performance in the vocabulary game. If you get in the habit of
completing your vocabulary assignment every night, you will be successful; the
vocabulary unit will help your grade significantly. If you slack off on this unit, your
grade will suffer.
“Winning is a habit.” – Vince Lombardi
“Good grades result from good habits.” – Mr. Siedlecki’s less eloquent version.